True Teachings R Of Love & Light ...


1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: True Teachings Are of Love and Light
3.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
4.)  Solstice Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 2010: The Heart of Darkness
5.)  Like the Mighty Sun
6.)  The Council of Light: In Between

Isis' Message of the Day -
A verse from the Veda says, "What you see, you become." In  other words, just the experience of perceiving the world makes you what you are.  This is a quite literal statement.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~
Holiday cards:  If you wish to send me Holiday cards (please no E-cards as I don't have time to retrieve them). Please NO Checks I can't cash them no way to the bank. Mailing Address: Lady Isis - 80 NE 19th Street Gresham, Oregon 97030 U.S.A.

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones,

It is your holiday season, the time of year filled with friends and laughter, family appreciation, and generosity.  It is the season dedicated to Love.
Let your hearts and minds be filled with this truth: this is the season dedicated to Love.  Bering it in mind, then, let your words and actions also be dedicated
to Love.
As you focus on love, the child’s stumbling attempts to help are no longer frustrating but touching.  They are received with genuine thanks and appreciation and the child’s heart is warmed. The slower person’s steps are occasions for understanding and a greeting instead of impatience.  The beggar’s  hat calls forth a coin rather than a quick glance away.  The preparations for your friends’ gathering become less important than the pleasure of relaxing together in the pleasure of each  other’s company.  And so the days pass, each made softer by the presence of Love.
Focus on Love, dear Ones, and let is transform your experience of the season.  Know that you are loved, too, with a depth far beyond our telling or your comprehension.
Blessings for a happy holiday!
Till next time…
Deb and Jean
Copyright 2010 The Daily Angel Thought, Jean Porche, Deborah Vaughan * Angel Ladies Cottage, Box 1856, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario L0S1J0  *  905-468-8448  *  1-877-778-7755  * To keep up with everything Angel Ladies, please join us on Facebook.  We are more than 150 members strong!  *       

SaLuSa: True Teachings Are of Love and Light
December22, 2010
As those who celebrate at this festive season look forward to gathering with family and friends, the feeling of happiness and joy is growing. Humans are remarkable at finding the ability to do so, whilst at the same time experiencing difficulties arising from the more mundane problems of life on Earth. It is no wonder to us that you can do so, as your natural state of being is one of desiring to live in peace and create happiness around you. It is fortunate that although the significance of Christmas celebrations is lost upon many people, the idea of creating goodwill and coming together in celebration brings out the best in you. It is a reminder of the Light of your true selves that can emerge and lift you up. The concerns and worries that you usually carry around with you, are set aside and love abounds that touches the hearts of so many of you. 
In one sense the traditional reason for your celebration is unimportant, but it does nevertheless remind you of the birth of a World Teacher. Jesus came to show by example, that it was possible to live a life dedicated to the most complete showing of Unconditional Love. He illustrated that when you can find it within your heart to love all life including those who oppose you, it is possible to create balance and harmony. Jesus came not to create Christianity, and his teachings were for all people regardless of their personal beliefs. That his powerful energy of love still remains on Earth, is a credit to his ability to manifest such a high level of vibration when there was so much darkness around. He spoke of the One God that every soul is connected to and conveyed the idea that all were One within that energy. 
Of necessity when we can openly speak with you, matters such as religious understanding will have to be addressed. It is so important that you shed those beliefs that have infiltrated the true teachings that are of Love and Light. There can only be the One Truth even although it can be expressed in a number of different ways. In the past the Priesthood have jealously guarded their power, and tried to make their followers captive to their own teachings and interpretations of the scriptures. To counteract such ways there have been further teachings that have promoted the idea of finding the true self within. Each of you carries the truth with you, but because of the struggle to make headway in situations where you are continually facing duality, you are more often than not confused and unable to progress. That Dear Ones is the challenge you have undertaken to enhance your understanding, and still evolve through discovering the Light within. Many paths have led you to your present level of understanding, and with the benefit of being able to incarnate into the different cultures, you have experienced their beliefs first hand. What you have learnt still remains with you at a subconsciousness level, even although you cannot recall it in detail. 
You have come a long way to arrive at such an important time as the conclusion of this cycle. You should be fairly well equipped to deal with the final challenges involved, and Ascension should settle quite easily within your mind. Certainly much effort is being put in to help you raise your levels of consciousness, and no one will truly be able to claim that they were denied the opportunity to ascend. There is no intent to force the issue upon you, but once you are interested there is so much information available if you take the responsibility to look around. Your Internet is still a source of vast pools of information, even though it is also open to abuse from those who deliberately set out to mislead and confuse you. This is where your ability comes in to be discerning, and if something does not resonate with you set it aside or let it go. 
Life is abundant everywhere and exists on many levels, and you are just beginning to accept that possibility. Since all life originates from the Source it follows that apart from its outer appearance, it has the same capability to evolve, You should expect to find Beings with very much the same levels of consciousness and understanding, albeit that some have evolved much further than you have at present. We of the Galactic Federation and similar organisations such as the various councils are one such example, and having long ago found our godselves are offering ourselves in service to you. Normally we would refrain from direct contact, as it is essential to allow developing civilisations to find their own path to understanding and experience as they choose. It would be quite incorrect if in desiring to assist you we altered your course of evolution, and that is why we often explain to you that we cannot be seen to interfere. It is different when the Lords of Creation give us the authorisation to do so, as it is they who plan your cycles. 
Everything that happens on a Universal level is set to carry all life towards the higher levels of Light and Love. That is part of your experience as you journey back to the Source, as nothing stands still and all constantly moves forward and upwards in this way. The dark Ones also evolve, and like most souls in duality move from one side to another as part of their journey to gain from their experiences. Remember that you are living out an illusion, and that it is holographic in nature and it is more like a grand game of life. You may come and go as one life after another passes by, but as you have infinite life you will always survive whatever the challenge. All of these matters will be further explained, but we avoid going as you might say, over the top. Your understanding is best served by the release of a steady flow of information. However, with time speeding up and running out where your present cycle is concerned, we have to open you up to the levels of truth that will enable you to shed all of those beliefs, that would most likely hold up your progress. 
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and just one of a vast team of souls just like you, dedicated to ensuring you have every opportunity to ascend. Our plan has reached a point of manifestation that very soon we will be called into action. Our allies are ready and as your levels of consciousness continue rising, so the time to go full speed ahead is approaching. You sense it to be so and your intuition will let you know, when it is time to be ready for the changes to commence that will start a new era in your lives. Know that we draw closer each day, and we look forward to making ourselves known to you. 
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, be consciously aware of who you are talking to and how you are speaking and what you are speaking from the heart. It truly will not matter what you are saying with words. What matters is the feeling. When there is great vibration of love, it is very healing.
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Solstice Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 2010: The Heart of Darkness
Polaris Channeled by Karen Murphy
20 Dec 2010
You’d have to be almost living under a rock not to be aware of the once-in-400-years event taking place right now around the world as we experience a total lunar eclipse on the solstice. Not surprisingly, there is a lot of collective energy surrounding this event that is available to you now.
Old patterns have come out to play this past week, and it’s not uncommon to have had the sense of being hit over the head with a hammer, one that perhaps you thought you had dispensed with long ago. Even people accustomed to self-work and introspection can find themselves faced with long-familiar sensations dredged up from the buried past.
If this is you, remember that the energy is fleeting, at least in the grand scheme of things, and that you are in control of how you feel. In other words, what you are experiencing will change into something else (the Law of Impermanence), and regardless of what you are feeling, you can determine where that takes you. Perhaps, more than any other “lesson” available to you now, this concept is the most profound and life-changing.
Let’s examine this further. It is true that there are energies and influences “out there,” floating around in the ethers, that are likely to affect you. Understanding that your interaction with the universe, i.e. you vs. not-you, is a give-and-take or at least a two-way street is helpful. You are not subject to the whims of the universe; you are a contributing part OF the universe and therefore can determine how that interaction takes place. But this may require a paradigm shift of sorts, especially if you’re accustomed to allowing yourself to feel disempowered or disconnected from your own process.
You decide how you feel.
Getting there isn’t always easy. When you’re sensitive to energies around you, whether they are from people, people’s emotions, your community, or the world, it can be difficult to discern what is you and what is not-you, especially since on some level there is always the understanding of our constant underlying connection and oneness. The intensity and retro nature of this week’s Solstice Full Moon Eclipse is a prime example. You are likely feeling the effects of this through being presented with patterns, dynamics and feelings that are either exquisitely familiar (and perhaps in a not-so-good way) or that you thought were long put away.
Welcome to the opportunity that you give yourself to finally release these patterns.
Self work is not a linear process. When you think you are finished with something, it nearly always comes up again in some other way. This isn’t a test but an opportunity to see a familiar thing differently. Imagine peeling an apple, beginning from the stem end, in one long spiral that reaches around and around the globular shape of the apple. Stretched out, the peel is long, reaching perhaps the distance from one outstretched hand to another if held taut. Looped loosely in a pile, the apple peel’s edges touch other edges, giving birth to new interactions. What was once part of one side of the apple now can touch an area that had been around the other side of the apple, two parts that never would have met except through the wholeness of the apple itself. Self work is like the spiral peel of the apple. What was once now comes around again, but in different form. It looks and feels the same but you can choose to view it differently.
Now is the time we ease more firmly into our true heartspace, whether for ourselves or for humanity or for all awareness. This Solstice Full Moon Lunar Eclipse holds a container for an energetic shift, if we should so choose to walk through that doorway. The slow shift into heart-centered awareness takes place regardless of how we approach our spiral apple peels individually, but understand that conscious awareness of movement nearly always feels better than a stab in the dark.
You choose what to do with the energies available to you this week. Do you look backward and heal old wounds? Do you look forward into the brightness of what you create? Do you expand laterally into the Now of your every breath? All choices are valid, and all lead to growth. All choices help support the overall tapestry of creation that unfolds in every moment.
What will you choose? Whatever you choose to do with what is available to you in THIS moment, choose with your whole heart and your whole being. Choose what supports you most in this moment. And then step through that doorway into your What Comes Next.
Polaris is a being of energy  *  *   

HEAVEN #3680
Like the Mighty Sun
December 22, 2010
God said:
The magic is love. You have been looking for love everywhere. You have been looking for love in food, in bottles, in capsules, in spending money. You have been looking for salvation, cures, all proofs of love.
Love more, beloveds, and you will be cured of what ails you, and the only thing that ails you is the thought in two parts – that you are not loved and that you do not know how to love.
Love has been blocked, it’s true. It has been blocked from your awareness. There is an enormous amount of love in the world, and an enormous amount of love in you. The cure for everything lies in your heart.
Too often your heart has been nailed shut, and it bleeds. Open your heart, and you open love on the planet. Love is meant to transmigrate. It is meant to be rampant. Love is rampant, and you have been quick to be hurt by what the world and the people in it are saying to you or not saying to you. You have had tunnel vision.
So open your eyes, and, as you do, your heart will open. Your heart works in tandem with your eyes. In fact, there is more. The world works in tandem with your heart, with your awareness of love flowing in your heart. Flow means without cease. There is an eternal infinite flow of love without which there would be no creation.
You are not a blob of love. You are not a sponge of love. It is not that you have to love at every moment. It is that you are love at every moment. Loving at every moment doesn’t mean that you don’t have your wits about you. You have your wits about you, and you love enough not to be mushy. You love without being cavalier about it. You love as I love. You don’t lose your head. You are a wise genie of love. You don’t grant all wishes, and yet you love. You love freely without obligation. That you love doesn’t mean you are a jelly-fish all over the place. You cannot put your arms around everyone, yet you can put your heart the same way that the sun shines its light.
The sun shines on all. It never stops shining. It sheds its light on you. It provides you warmth. Yet the sun does not stop with you. The sun is constant, yet not sentimental. Even when out of sight, the sun is nevertheless shining its bright light and warming everyone on Earth.
The sun loves all and warms all. It encompasses all, gives itself to all, and yet it is not ostentatious. Well, yes, of course, sunrise and sunset are spectacular, but the sun makes no big thing of its rising and setting. The sun is too busy doing what the sun does do. Its light reaches everyone, yet the sun does not particularize. It loves. It does not play favorites, and yet it loves every spot and being on Earth or in Heaven or in galaxies.
You are like the mighty sun, and you bask in the light of the sun.
Bask in My love, and everyone will bask in yours. Don’t keep asking where love is. Love is in you. It is mandated that you love and that you will knowingly love all near and far.
Love flows from you and through you independent of anything else. When you are love and relax about it, you will be like the sun in the sky that shines on all because you cannot do anything less than love, the same way that the sun can only shine. The sun doesn’t know anything else to do. It is perfectly content to be the sun that goes about its business of lighting the world.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *   

The Council of Light: In Between
through Rebecca Couch
17 December 2010

Nearing solstice, what is it about the dark and the light?
There is one so that you can know the other. Your experience of contrasts in the plane of free will is the primary set up in which you exist. It’s the game board. You experience a basic choice, a constant juxtaposition in your daily rhythm, a syncopation of these opposites so that you are immersed in their terms. You think that they are inharmonious, that one is greater than the other and you get caught in the ping between the two. But this is the great illusion of your history, for all is the same. But it is extremely challenging to conceive of this notion within the duality. Your mission is to soften those edges. To free yourselves from the definitions and sorting to experience the moment of twilight and dawn – that moment when the two are undefined and suspended. But it all appears in contrast, so that is the illusion, and beyond that all is freed of resistance. This is why a primary spiritual practice is that of non-resistance. You do not need to push against in order to experience yourselves, for your definitions are greater than that. You do not need to judge in order to know that which you are. You do not need to be attached in order to feel your presence.
Imagine what you are when you are not pushing against, pointing or holding on. You just are. And that’s okay. It is like screaming to be saved from drowning when all you have to do is stand up and be…you were only lying in a puddle of your own mystery. It’s okay. Really. You don’t need that much. Really!
In this land of contrasts you have two basic choices: you can push against and point and hold on and scream to be seen and heard or you can just be okay. Imagine that no matter what, you are okay. It’s all good, it’s all beautiful, it’s all okay. Even if on the outside it totally sucks and hurts and feels like doom. Even the schizophrenic idiosyncratic unexplainable ridiculously beautiful contrasts. Live in the twilight and dawn in between them and feel yourself at peace there. Consider that neutrality is the highest state.
There is nothing in the darkness that isn’t there in the light and the same is for the light. You focus on the light because it is dynamic, changing and creative. And so you are, and then you rest. You are on fire and then you rest. The experience of the contrasts are a beautiful thing; it is important to be non-resistant of both. Don’t let them bug you, dictate you, lessen you. Another primary choice is to become more or less. This is the sorting that is happening now: those who aspire and those who don’t. That’s all. You already know which side you are on and can do whatever you can to reach through the in between to inspire. Of course, you use the dynamism of the light to create your new world, the doorway to which is in between. The feeling of that place is an expanded presence in the neutrality of now.
And so this time of the annual cycle is to remind you of this, and for you to experience the Great Presence within you that you are okay no matter what. This is the peace that surpasses understanding that requires nothing - even amidst the craziness. You require nothing because you have everything…found in the expanded, undetermined, unknowable trust of the in between.
Meet you there on solstice!
In abiding love and gratitude for the mysteries of the season,
we are The Council of Twilight that is Within You
©2010 Rebecca Couch and HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart *   *  Copies of this message may be made for non-commercial purposes through distribution in any media as long as nothing is changed, the author is credited and this copyright notice and web address is included. Publications and websites interested in carrying this information as monthly columns or special features are encouraged to do so. If the material must be shortened in length, please state that it is an edited version and refer the readers to the original full-length version on  *   

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