Tribes of Ratta - Channeled


Illawarra District, Australia, March 10, 2013.
Primary Midwayer Andrea.
Subject: “Northern Andites and the Tribes of Ratta” (shortened transmit).

Received by George Barnard.

Andrea: “Consider now that if you needed to read all the news of the world during each day, there would need to be many of you, each reading a part of the total. You would soon lose ‘your famous storyline’ if you were doing it all by yourself. It would be too much, for too much is happening. So, what makes you think that a few pages in your text (the Urantia book) explain the life of Van and his trusted brother, Amadon? Their prolonged stay (some 150,000 years) is an enormous chapter in the annals of our troubled world.

“Their days are all recorded. The minutes of their meetings will all be available to you, written up by Jerusem administrators, and you will be able to acquaint yourself with either the long version, or just the highlights, or any version of varied length in between. Beyond what you learn about resolve on this world, Van and Amadon will teach you absolute determination. They persisted for 150 millennia by the grace of the fruits and leaves of the tree of life. And they did so despite frequent physical dangers of many kinds surrounding them.

“Consider here the adventures of Adamson, Ratta, and their offspring. It is easy to forget that there were fifty-one normal children as well as the sixteen supernatural ones which gave birth to the 1984 Urantia Secondary Midwayers. The fifty-one and their descendants for countless generations played an important part in the emancipation of tribes into nations to the north near the Caspian Sea and beyond, to the west – directly west and down to Egypt – and to the south-east as far away as India and the mostly fertile lands of the Punjab.

“Where these individual Andite troops and tribes chose to move, very much depended on how they saw and described their selves. Those who related more to their Adamic ancestor in both looks and behavior tended to move north or west. They were long-lived, so consider this, and their mission to populate the earth. Improving the races with their superior bloodline was hardly a secret to anyone. They had many offspring, and the tale of their ancestors, Adam and Eve, and the Garden of Eden was kept alive all throughout, until modern times.

“Those Andite tribes who tended to be somewhat darker of skin and hair related more to the Nodite side of the family. Their grandmother, Ratta, was seen as royalty, a descendant of those who were ‘the gift from the sky of long ago’. These southern Andites found their homes more often among those living in the Punjab and did much to up-step the races there. Even today it is a matter of great pride for some to claim to be a descendant of a tribe of Ratta, and this continues to be seen as more important than being of the Adamic connection.

“This is Andrea. I thank my gracious hosts, and leave them my love.”

George: “Thank you Andrea.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22. 

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4542 The Heights of Love, May 2, 2013 

God said: 

Let Me be like the Statue of Liberty. All the weary, come to Me. All the persecuted, come to Me. All the hungry, all the poor, all the wayward and all the lost. All the happy, come to Me. All who give, come to Me. All who take, come to Me. All the seekers in the world, come to Me. Come to Me for My sake because it gives Me joy to know that you are aware of where you are and Whom you are with every moment of the day or night and on into Eternity. You have never left. You are on a Continuum which you have always been on and which you are incapable of leaving. I know this.

If you want to know where you are, it is Eternity. You don’t really think that you are off somewhere in a desert or frozen reef? My heart is the Heart of Eternity, and that is where you are. No exceptions. None.

While you are on Earth, you play a game of Hide-Go-Seek with yourself. You play Peek-a-Boo. You play Old Man’s Bluff. You play Bad guy and Good Guy. And you are, each and every one of you, the whole ball of wax. You are everything, and you, the you that you play at, act like, believe you are, the bumpy individual you think is the be-all end-all of you does not exist. Your personality is a composite, a composite of pretense. The whole world is a pretense, as it were. It is a story of Let’s Pretend.

It is a daydream that everyone on Earth plays in. It is a Story Game. Sometimes it is a game of Ruthless Pursuit. Sometimes it is a Flower Garden. To you it is a big game of Life and Death. In truth, long life or short life, it is a blink of an eye. It is nothing at all. It is a lapse. It is a falling-out you have with yourself. Of course, you believe that others players are involved, yet, it is you who plays all the parts. You rush from one side of the screen to the other. You dash around and slip into roles and fight yourself in the mirror.

You play hero. You play villain. You play mercenary, and you play the unlucky, the foolish, the genius, the friend, the stranger. Often you are displeased with yourself and attribute your displeasure to others when, all the while, there are no others. You are the whole troupe.

You are the audience as well.

You roll around on the bed of life having a good dream or a bad dream while you have blanked out the True Reality of Your Existence.

Just the same, your presumed Life on Earth is a riot of Beauty and Wonder and Fun. You are an audience of One watching it all from a distance. You are yourself within yourself within yourself, and you lead yourself on a merry chase.

In this case, do you think that I am naïve to try to interrupt your dream and invite you to come to Me? The last laugh is Mine, beloveds, because you have never once been anywhere else. I know what you have thought and what you have led yourself to believe. Which of Us is naïve, I ask.

Would you bet on the world as you see it or on Eternity any day? Would you bet on Individuality or would you bet on Unity? Would you bet on you or would you bet on Me?

Wherein is your Being? And wherein is your Activity? Where are you really? At the Whim of a Real-Seeming Made-up Life or at the Depth of the Ocean and the Heights of Love?
