Toss Your Worries Out the Window
God said:
Will you, once and for all, stop worrying? You
over-worry. Any worry is too much. Worry is pointless. It takes your energy and gives nothing back in return but more of itself.
Make a better bargain than this.
Worry is fretting. Worry is thinking of what
could go wrong. You even worry after something has gone wrong. Then you worry yourself to the bone over what you could have
done better if only you were able to go back in time. Beloveds, you can't go back in time. You cannot undo. Now, please, let
go of worry and remonstrance. Let go of worry before, during, and after. Just let it go.
Worry is carrying around a heavy sack. There
is no point to it. You don't have to carry it. It serves no good purpose. All it does is weigh you down.
What you can do is let go of worry. Let it fall
between the cracks. Get it out of sight. Kick it away. It is of no use to you. Worry is a habit. It is a habit you want to
break. Worry, in a perverse way, is like sucking your thumb.
Toss all your worries out the window and let
them fly away. Worries have no sustenance except when you agree to them. Disagree with them. There is no reason for you to
appease or placate worry. Worry is something you learned, beloveds. Unlearn it now. You took on worry, and now you will let
go of it.
Can you imagine the great energy there will be
in the world when worry takes a walk? Indeed, Earth would lift itself right up to Heaven. All the energy presently wasted
on worry would be transformed into love. Who wouldn't rather love than worry?
What a worthless thing is worry. And yet, what
a toehold it has! Worry has been good at hoodwinking you, making you believe that it will prevent misfortune. What a conman
worry is! Worry is not a safeguard. Worry is good at bringing misfortune to you. You are already unfortunate when you are
consumed with worry.
Come from the premise that there is nothing wrong,
and that nothing wrong will happen. Worry would convince you that there is danger around every corner. Worry is the danger,
beloveds. You cannot know that what you see as wrong is wrong. Something may well not be what you want. Everyone may say it
is wrong, and yet you can let go of the concept of wrongness. You must. Because you don't want something doesn't make it wrong.
Death, so feared, is not wrong.
Understandably, you want to keep your loved ones
firmly on Earth. To your worried heart, it is wrong for someone to die. Even when you know it's all right, you think it's
wrong. Even when someone's time to leave the planet has come, you protest that it is unfair. You object. Don't object, and
you won't worry. Worry is self-torment. If you must consider something wrong, consider worry wrong.
Now carry good will instead of worry. Good will
expands. Worry contracts. Worry keeps you bound. Good will frees you. How deeply you want to be free, and yet how stolidly
you grab onto worry and won't let it go.
Be a well-wisher and no longer a worrier.
Evict worry from your life. Worry has no business
staying with you. Cast it off. Cast off the anchor of worry. Set sail for a different shore where worry cannot go. Be worryless,
beloveds. Abandon worry. Leave worry on a deserted island. Leave it there.
QUESTION: My husband and I have always tried
to do our best to work for love, light, and life. Over many years, we’ve done many things (at least we had the impression
of doing so . . . ) but now we’ve lost our friends, and we seem to have come to a stop. Sometimes we think it’s
okay; perhaps the new tools we’ve asked for need a little time to manifest. . . . but sometimes we’re a little
afraid: Maybe we’ve mistaken something? Maybe the "old" in ourselves is still fighting against our quest for the "new"?
I’m certain you can help us, as usual, to understand and go further on the path of Light.
ANSWER: Dear ones, you’re right on schedule.
The friends have gone because what you’ve asked for is happening. They saw something in you that they didn’t understand
or they didn’t agree with. It’s truly a clash of consciousness, isn’t it? This is happening to many.
Yes, the duality will fight you all the way.
It will shout to you that you’ve messed up. It will cloak itself in righteousness and give you seemingly spiritual information
that says to "Please come back" and to "Stop this silly quest you have." All the while, you’re beginning to vibrate
higher, and this isn’t only different for others around you, but also for your own biology.
Check this out with your own Higher-Self: Regularly
go to a very quiet place and ask yourself, "Is this proper?" Ask for the love of God to be stronger than fear, but check what
you’re doing with your "divinity compass." This is the only proof that’s valid. It won’t be what Spirit
says, or what those around you say. It’s the old soul inside that you should listen to . . . always.
Blessed are those who hold fast to the purpose
they came here for, for they will have the rewards of peace in their lifetime . . . both in their own bodies and on the planet