1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) Reincarnation Choices of the Future
3.) God Has Spoken Today
4.) Are You Catching Other Peoples Emotions?
5.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.) Like the Budding of Crocus in Spring
Isis' Message of the Day -
God said: "Look deeper and see the One Point of All. Love,
Love, Love. Real Love. Divine Love. Not 'in love.' Being Love. The Love of our Being, of all Beings. Love is all there is
and is expressed in creation in all its various ways. Love, Love, Love." ~ Laura Weinberg, Artist, Writer ~ * www.lauraweinberg.com *
From "God Writting" classes taught by Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter
* Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts The Godwriting™ International
Society of Heaven * P.O Box 2064, Fairfield, IA 52556 * Contact: www.heavenletters.org/contact *
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
You have heard that for a very long time there was a quarantine
around the Earth, this solar system and even your galaxy which has now been dissolved so that you may receive galactic, cosmic
and Omniversal information. We now tell you that there was also a filter placed around this universe. This universe in which
we all are playing an integral part is one of the most recent universes to be created from the Essence of the Supreme Creator,
and therefore it is a universe that is situated at the farthest edge of Creation. We too have been limited in our knowledge
of the workings of the Omniverse, as well as the amount of higher frequency vibrational energy that we have had access to.
You see, the first universes that were created were the most powerful and the closest to perfection for they surrounded the
Great Central Sun of the Supreme Creator and contained the pure Essence of Creation. As more and more universes, galaxies,
star systems were created, ever-expanding and pushing Creation further and further out into the Great Void (and further away
from the Supreme Creator), each refraction into density meant each new creation had less of the perfection of the All That
Is. You must realize that we are ALL much stepped down energetic fragments, but still an integral facet of the magnificence
of the Supreme Creator. And if we were sent forth with the command to create in the Creator’s name, for it was the Creator’s
desire to experience more of itself, why would the Creator tell us what we were to create? We were given a blessed Divine
gift as co-creators and so were each of you. You are a co-creator god in your own right, and that is not sacrilegious;
it is a universal truth. You must understand that is why you are here on Earth; that is who you are. Don’t let
anyone tell you any different. Remember, you are also responsible for your own creations through the laws of cause
and effect.
~ I AM Archangel Michael ~
Reincarnation Choices of the Future
by Owen Waters
Between now and the year 2100 AD, people will find themselves
in an increasing variety of environments:
1. Today’s 3D Earth
When The Shift occurs, those who are ready will move up
into fourth density. Those who choose to be left behind will exist in third density (3D) until they pass on from that life.
Reincarnation into 3D Earth will wind down and stop as the new planet will be the new host for 3D humans. The 3D Earth will
wind down as a place for human residence and, after centuries of being unpopulated, that version of the Earth will be withdrawn
from existence.
2. The ascended physical 4D Earth
The finer senses and finer matter of physical life in
fourth density (4D) will usher in a new golden age of human creativity, peace and freedom. The age of 3D limitation will have
become history. Living an ecological lifestyle in harmony with the Earth will be just the first step in the flowering of human
potential in this less-dense, 4D environment.
3. The ascended afterlife
Just as physical people will move up with The Shift, so
will the so-called ‘dead’ – people in the afterlife – who are ready to be risen from their current
sub-realm of fourth-density existence to the mid-to-upper regions of 4D. Those in the afterlife who are ready to shift will
exist in a higher part of 4D than those in ascended physical bodies. Because the focus of the higher realms of 4D is spirituality,
they will begin to experience an unprecedented renaissance of spiritual thought and action.
4. The unascended afterlife
Just as in 3D physicality, there will be those in the
afterlife who do not wish to ascend into a higher realm. 4D consists of 12 sub-realms, which we can term 4:1 through 4:12.
In the afterlife, people live in the sub-realm which most suits their chosen frequency of consciousness. Those who are not
interested in higher consciousness are currently in the basic afterlife realm of 4:3, or in the lower astral realms of 4:1
and 4:2. As a general rule, most of those ready for The Shift in the afterlife currently live in 4:4. In The Shift, they will
ascend initially to 4:6, vacating 4:4 for use by the incoming physical ascendees from 3D.
5. The new planet
The new planet, as viewed in the Mass Dreams of the Future
project, has dome-covered cities for 3D physical humans while the atmosphere of this younger planet is being transformed for
general habitation and development. Those who choose to move to the new planet will begin a new cycle of incarnations. A complete
set of Earth-type human experience involves a time frame equivalent to a cosmic cycle of 26,000 Earth years. The full package
involves experiencing 12 different astrological ages of 2,160 years each. Within each of these, all 12 personal birth signs
are experienced in both roles as male and female. 12 times 12 times 2 is 288 – one complete set of 3D physical incarnations.
After that, it’s time for another ‘harvest of souls,’ where they once again choose whether to ascend into
heart-centered consciousness or repeat another cycle of 3D human experience.
6. Space explorers from 4D Earth
Many participants in the Mass Dreams of the Future project
saw themselves exploring space travel and other planets. The space age has begun and such explorations will accompany the
development of gravitational control and new propulsion systems.
The main difference in the above environments is that they
all hinge on your decision to ascend with The Shift or stay behind in a world of conflict. The pressure is rising every year
for us to resolve inner conflicts and rise in consciousness through unconditional love and forgiveness. The Shift may be a
sudden transformation into a higher physical environment, but the decision to join it is being made every day as we prepare
ourselves for spiritual transformation.
Daily spiritual practices are important, whether you practice
meditation, world healing, or just focus on becoming centered within before the start of each new day.
These are the days of the harvest of souls. Spiritual connection
and the healing and release of conflicts are vital to your spiritual health and your future happiness. These are the days
when a kind heart is the gateway to the next stage of human development. Everything you do to help others make it through
The Shift will be forever remembered in the records of life on Earth.
Now Available: Love, Light, Laughter * by Owen Waters
About the author:
Owen Waters is an international spiritual teacher who has
presented his insights into the New Reality to hundreds of thousands of seekers. In 1963, while growing up in a mystical part
of Britain, he encountered his first spiritual awakening. The surprise of this mystical experience was such that his life
became focused upon a continuous search for spiritual answers.
Almost forty years of study and research followed, along with
the development of his inner vision. By the year 2002, like many of the spiritual teachers who are coming forward for The
Shift, his realizations began to unfold rapidly. Today, as Editor and cofounder of Infinite Being LLC, he helps people find
inspiration, love and creativity through heart-powered consciousness. http://www.infinitebeing.com/ *
God Has Spoken Today
by Barbara Dutcher
Did you hear a bird sing after the rain stopped this afternoon?
Did you notice the uplifting lyrics playing on the coffee shop radio as you picked up your morning coffee? Perhaps you overheard
a mother’s farewell call to a child running off to play. Or, you yourself said “I love you” as you said
goodbye to a friend or family member.
In these ways, God has spoken today. Do not dismiss any loving
word, any helpful comment, or any natural sound, such as water splashing or an animal call. God is always speaking. His voice
cannot be silenced. Can you hear the drops of rain, the crash of thunder, the splash of waves, the chatter of a squirrel?
God has spoken. Did you hear the teacher, the friend, the lover, the colleague, the neighbor, the singer, poet or author?
Did any words touch your heart? Was anyone kind to you? Has anyone been polite, courteous, helpful, humorous, or encouraging
to you? God has spoken today.
Even in the silence of your own heart, God has spoken today.
Listen. Believe. Trust. Did he say “forgive,” or “be brave,” or “I’ll show the way,”
or “rest in me?" Perhaps you heard, not words, but a feeling, a sense or knowingness. You got a message. God has spoken
His voice is not difficult to identify. It is the one that
uplifts, that speaks kindly, lovingly and wisely. He speaks everywhere, all the time, and in any way possible. His message
warms the heart, quickens the pulse, raises the thoughts to a higher level. If you are not noticing his words in the outside
world, attend to them on the inside. There you will surely find them, if you are willing to listen with an open heart and
a peaceful mind. Into every open heart and peaceful mind, he enters. It cannot be otherwise, for those are his dwelling places.
Your heart is his, and his heart is yours. Listen – God is speaking today.
Barbara Dutcher, MA, is a teacher, channel and certified
spiritual counselor. She teaches a method for reliable connection with inner guidance, and receives kind, loving and wise
messages from Spirit on behalf of her private clients. To learn about her Audio Lessons, Self-Study Course and Workshops,
please visit www.theguidewithin.org/classes.html * For information on her Spiritual Counseling services, please
go to: www.theguidewithin.org/counseling.html * For Articles, and Messages from Spirit, you may visit www.theguidewithin.org/guidance.html *
Are You Catching Other Peoples Emotions?
by Dr. Judith Orloff M.D
In my book “Emotional Freedom,” I emphasize the
importance of learning how to stay centered in a stressful, highly emotionally charged world. Since research has shown that
emotions can be contagious, you can potentially “catch” fear, anger, or joy from people without realizing it.
If you tend to be an emotional sponge, it’s vital to know how to avoid taking on an individual’s negative emotions
or the free-floating kind in crowds. Another twist is that chronic anxiety, depression, or stress can turn you into an emotional
sponge by wearing down your defenses. Suddenly, you become hyper-attuned to others, especially those with similar pain. That’s
how empathy works; we zero in on hot-button issues that are unresolved in ourselves. Negative emotions can originate from
several sources. What you’re feeling may be your own; it may be someone else’s; or it may be a combination. I’ll
explain how to tell the difference and strategically bolster positive emotions so you don’t shoulder negativity that
doesn’t belong to you.
This wasn’t something I always knew how to do. Growing
up, my girlfriends couldn't wait to hit the shopping malls and go to parties, the bigger the better--but I didn't share their
excitement. I always felt overwhelmed, exhausted around large groups of people, though I was clueless why. "What's the matter
with you?" friends would say, shooting me the weirdest looks. All I knew was that crowded places and I just didn't mix. I'd
go there feeling just fine but leave nervous, depressed, or with some horrible new ache or pain. Unsuspectingly, I was a sponge,
sensing the emotions of people around me.
With my patients, I’ve also seen how absorbing other
people’s emotions can trigger panic attacks, depression, food, sex and drug binges, and a plethora of physical symptoms
that defy traditional medical diagnosis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that more than two million
Americans suffer from chronic fatigue. It’s likely that many of them are emotional sponges.
Here are some strategies from “Emotional Freedom”
to practice. They will help you to stop taking on other people’s stress.
Emotional Action Step: 6 Tips To Stay Centered In A
Stressful World
To detach from other people’s negative emotions:
Tip #1: First, ask yourself: Is the feeling mine or someone
else’s? It could be both. If the emotion such as fear or anger is yours, gently confront what’s causing it on
your own or with professional help. If not, try to pinpoint the obvious generator. For instance, if you’ve just watched
a comedy, yet you came home from the movie theater feeling blue, you may have incorporated the depression of the people sitting
beside you; in close proximity, energy fields overlap. The same is true with going to a mall or packed concert.
Tip #2: When possible, distance yourself from the suspected
source. Move at least twenty feet away; see if you feel relief. Don’t err on the side of not wanting to offend strangers.
In a public place, don’t hesitate to change seats if you feel a sense of depression imposing on you.
Tip #3: For a few minutes, center yourself by concentrating
on your breath: This connects you to your essence. Keep exhaling stress inhaling calm. This helps to ground yourself and purify
fear or other difficult emotions. Visualize stress as gray fog lifting from your body, and hope as a clear light entering.
This can yield quick results.
Tip #4: Stressful emotions such as fear frequently lodge in
your gut. Place your palm there as you keep sending loving-kindness to that area to soothe stress. For longstanding
depression or anxiety, use this method daily to strengthen yourself. It’s comforting and builds a sense of safety
and optimism.
Tip #5: Visualize. A handy form of protection many people
use, including health care practitioners with trying patients, involves visualizing an envelope of white light around your
entire body. Think of it as a shield that blocks out negativity or physical discomfort but allows what's positive to filter
Tip #6: Look for positive people and situations. Call a friend
who sees the good in others. Spend time with a colleague who affirms the bright side of things. Listen to hopeful people.
Hear the faith they have in themselves and others. Also relish hopeful words, songs, and art forms. Hope is contagious and
it will lift your mood.
Keep practicing these strategies. You don’t have to
reinvent the wheel each time you’re on emotional overload. With strategies to cope, you can have quicker retorts to
stressful situations, feel safer, and your sensitivities can blossom.
Judith Orloff M.D. is a psychiatrist and author of Second
Sight, Emotional Freedom and Positive Energy. www.drjudithorloff.com *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, as you give, it is repaid in the flow ten
times, multiplied tenfold as you give it out to others; tenfold because you realize that you are living in an unlimited spirit
of the I Am-ness, the One being that you are.
HEAVEN #3877
Like the Budding of Crocus in Spring
July 7, 2011
God said:
If you were to come before Me today, what would you say? And
what would you not say? Would you say anything at all? What would there be to say?
Perhaps you would be silent
and just sit in the glow of My Presence. Perhaps you would just want to observe. Perhaps you would simply adore, and adoring
would be enough for you.
You will have some idea of the adoration I hold you in.
Of God you adore.
Of God I adore. You are of Me. We have mutual adoration. There is none other like it.
As you stand before Me,
it is like your heart is swept into Mine. Your presence is swept into Mine. You become One with Me which you ever were, only
you had previously dismissed that possibility as if it were a big come-on and not an absolute Truth. You do not sacrifice
yourself to Me. You do give away your worldly identity. This is not sacrifice. You absorb yourself into My Self. You recognize
Our Oneness. You merge with Me. You let go of the minnow and enjoin with the whale. The King and the Prince are One. You melt
into Our love. We are like a kiss that never ends. Our kiss is infinite. We are on the same page.
In our embrace,
there is no wandering. In Infinity, there is no place to wander. There is no place. We can poetize and say that no place is
Our Palace. We live in a palace of golden light. We have come to this.
You have abdicated the throne of ego.
You left the fancy clothes behind you, for now you have the True Gold, and need no finery. You have no need of gold embroidery
to adorn you. Now you are the True Golden Light. Anything else is imitation. It is a semblance. Beloveds, you have won the
pot of gold that is over the rainbow.
You are embedded in the Heart of God. You are stabilized here. In My heart
is where We hold court. My heart is the court of love where Silence stands tall and love is known in its essence and where
nothing else but love is known. My heart is full of love, and you are in My heart. Love is utterly still here. Our love encompasses
the world. Sunlight glitters on the leaves of love. All bows to Our love, and so all grows tall. Bowing to love is rising.
There is no lowering. Bowing is rising to Greatness. It is leaving the past behind, and so love rises like mist and overtakes
the Universe.
There is a Universe of Love. It rests in Our heart. It is content here in the Heart of Love. The
Universe is one-hearted.
How could anything so powerful as love ever have been submerged in pretense of awayness
from Oneness? When was love ever not joined with love? Only in a fantasy. And yet that fantasy was believed in. Anger even
arose amidst a field of flowers so vibrant and full of love that it was inexplicable that flowers so beautiful could bloom
and that anything else but flowers could be noted. Thorns were an impossibility, and yet the thorn of anger arose to storm
at itself.
What matters anything when We are love like the budding of a crocus in spring? What matters anything
when love is in bloom, and it blooms in all hearts. Let this be a secret no longer. We are infinite love. There are no exceptions.
There are stories of less than love. Such stories are fading. No one wants to read such stories any longer. Love has risen,
and love is risen, and We are wholly love, and so what else can there be?
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings
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proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria
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Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *
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