Today's Angel Messages: Isis

Lady Isis

Isis' Message of the Day -

"I will judge my success by how well I live my truth, not by how well my truth is received."
~Jan Denise, "Naked Relationships"~


I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, Life is a journey. Sometimes the journey goes in a straight line, sometimes crooked, and sometimes backward. As you go on this journey, do you find yourself trying to see what is around the bend, so that you miss what is right in front of you? Be present in your life. Be present in your conversations, be present in your fun, and be present in your prayer time. This moment is now gone. The next moment is now gone. Capture them by your awareness. Bless your hearts.

Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *     
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when you begin to realize how powerful you are, there is a freedom that comes, a freedom that the world does not know, a freedom that says, “I do not have to worry what this day is going to bring me, because I know it is going to be all good. I know that the world may present it in a certain way, but what does the world know?” The world only knows that which has already been completed. So when you come to that place of freedom and you say, “This day is a gift. This day is mine. I have made this day for myself,” then there is the freedom to live in a new paradigm of joy, to be able to understand that you have never truly left Home.
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8:8 Solar Lion Stargate
by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
July 21, 2012
As the energies of 2012 grow in speed and propulsion, we are escorted to a conjunction of inter-dimensional possibilities and opportunities. We are asked to expand our horizons and expectations and our ability to receive. We are asked to become more, to do more, to see more, and to be more. Our gifts that come on the winds of change escort us into new understandings of how we are to enhance our innate abilities and DNA contracts. You are commander and chief of your cellular content; you are a directional for all biological functions. As this energy adjusts itself to your body Ask for enhanced sight, hearing, healing and cooperation of all cells in your body. Your body seeks your direction and wisdom. If your cells are holding karma thank the cells and ask that the karma now be released and cleared from the DNA structure. If you have extra fat cells on your body ask that the powerful emotion that created them, as you stuffed your feelings, be released, redirected.  Place this newly freed power/energy/light/ into any section of your life that needs and extra boost. It is pure energy,  spend it well.
As we round the corner into the lair of the Lion in the month of Leo, we find ourselves face to face with our ancient future and our ancient past.  Reflections in our world mirror our inner needs on all levels bringing to the surface all that has been buried alive.  Emanations from the light behind the sun rearrange our brain waves, readjusting the thinking patterns that have kept us hostage in an elliptical orbit of humanness.
The giant sunspots and coronal mass ejections we are presently seeing are but a glimpse into the life force of this Superior Sun that extends her super magnetic vibration into all parts of our known and unknown solar system.  Lifting us to a point of open eyes within all the seeing cells of our natural state.  Just like celestial acupuncture we receive injections of knowing that cannot be explained away.  We finally find the passion to do, to be, to believe to create without a shadow of doubt.
The solar system lines up celestial body by celestial body, stopping only for a moment to pay homage to earth and her inhabitants observing the shifts and changes within the evolving species that calls earth there home.  All buried land-masses within our consciousness come to a place of buoyancy, circumnavigating our linear flat world thinking. Exposing on a stellar level that which lies beneath all of our longings and choices. We finally stand up for what we believe and what believes in us.
The blue light from the star Sirius shines down onto all of our choices Stellar gateways open via earthen conduits allowing us to be lifted to a place of innate knowing.  Everything we do or do not do will be felt in all sectors of heaven and earth.
It is time for the Solar Lion via the Sphinx to rise from her enigmatic posture of guardian and unleash what has been subjugated to human restriction.  A full positioning of this event transpires within the secret chamber of the left hemisphere of the brain for females and the right hemisphere of the brain for males.  Like an unexpected tsunami the ocean floor parts to release a surge that will clear the mental shorelines of non-belief.  Fractions of self and soul that had once been fluid through time and choice come running home with open arms and an open heart.  Settling into all of the cracks of our personal universe filling them with what needs to be seen.
Emanations from the stars reach down to work there healing magic upon all of us. The light behind our Sun lifts her skirt of light exposing her Nubian body of light for all to see. The dance of the seven veils of time eternal cleverly keeps most of her concealed.  Finally the children of earth have earned the right to see the truth of the Cosmos.
On August 8, Solar power will move into material form.  Birthing a level of light that even the blind will be able to see.  Uniting the two hemispheres of the brain in a cosmic fusion.  So powerful is this solar vibration we will have but one choice as it enters our energy field. The choice is to just allow it to pass through us like a solar wind, not holding on to any part of it. Like a cool breeze on a hot day just allow the solar emanations to encircle and embrace you without trying to corral them and tie them to the fence of humanness.  Just this minute action will shift the future into a place that can been seen and felt.
The 8:8 Stargate Vibration is symbolic of the human DNA kept separate purposefully.  The symbiotic relationship that humanity has had with earth life will shift into direct alignment with time passages.  This time passage is allowing a new beginning to occur that increases mental capacities, IQ and the ability to remember (near and far).  For some time now the human brain has been in the shop being repaired.  Too much information has been painful and not properly.  The brain has been resistant, seeming to have Teflon coating not wanting anything to stick to it.  Each new set of thoughts triggered dormant fears that needed to be released and replaced with new strands of awareness.
The star Sirius rises every midsummer this rising is associated with new thought, new light, and new beginnings.  It rises before the sun purposefully after being in stellar hiding for about 70 days.  Sirius houses the Great White Brotherhood, the Lemurian Elders as well as the Christ Consciousness. It is now time to come from a point of high solar vibrations and allow this new light to shine on places within the psyche and history of earth that needs cleansed.
We stand at the base of the mountain of Creational maturity on our sojourn home to the Light.  Everything in the universe opens its cupboards to show what has been hidden on all of its shelves. It is a personal choice as to how to wear this energy and wisdom. It has been laid at your anointed feet with a great love by those that have taken all of your evolutionary possibilities to heart.
The Invisible Light of the 8:8 Stargate
As the sun sends forth her rays of clarity a personal and planetary sonic boom is heard throughout the land.  Explosions of the old are nuclear (new clear) as they are cast off like dust in a dirt devil.  Truth unfolds itself to be seen in the long and short of it.  Narrating an internal bedtime story that can only be learned by heart.  Sleep beckons but the energy shouts so loud and is so demanding that sleep is short and not so sweet.
As the vibrations of the 8:8 Stargate come forth into materialization the human body bucks at the thought of housing more light, downloading more encodings, or receiving any more truths. If the truth be known the energies of the 8:8 Stargate are being birthed to smooth out the static cling of the personality.  The tiredness comes to slow down the ancient angers that stir in the emotional layer of humanity.
The gravitational pull has increased not lessened as earth begins a new evolutionary spin. Centrifugal force fails as all that was within the spinning bucket falls changing scientific truths to a point beyond confusion.
The sun behind the sun (at the center of our galactic nucleus) is seen with a new eye. As the invisible light from the superior sun is felt and not seen our humanness explodes with untapped potential.  Pathways of cortical transmissions (from the core projections) intersect with all of earth, challenging even those of devout faith.  The invisible light from the sun behind the sun at galactic center spreads itself over our lives like softened galactic butter soaking into every pore and membrane of our person.
What was once hidden is seen, what was once seen is changed.  The eyes of the soul see with a new clarity redefining what was once considered dark.  The overlapping of the two suns creates a portal (vesica pisces) for all to enter or exit depending upon choice.  Liposuction of the soul moves what had been weighty and dense into a placement of understandability. Deleting the need for repercussions or judgements.  What is, just is, until you shift it.  The 8:8 Stargate assists us in this knowing and portal preparation.

88, 888 or 88:88  . . . As Above So Below and Within
This configuration gives to you the infinity portal escorting you past all pervious limitations. It is a number of going beyond what you know to be your normal boundaries. It asks you to fly to the moon and stop by the Milky Way on your way back. It is pure spiritual atomic energy, a pure power source. It is success, prosperity and big business with the added flavor of universal blessings. It is finally remembering about your divine inheritance promised to you by your Holy Creator. It is turning you nose up at earthly limitation and walking forward and upward into a place of opulence and bounty.
August 8, 2012 is composed of the marriage of matter and antimatter. It was a place were the polarities meet and heaven and earth sipped from each other's glass. It was a celebration beyond time that escorted us home through the Sphinx Lions Gate to the Stars. This was an unprecedented event that Took place last year. The very ends of our DNA opened as their telemere endings were unwrapped to expose a NU possibility.  What comes to be has not unwrapped fully in time. August 8 (8:8) has always been experienced as the Lions Gate doorway opening up a time portal to ancient Egyptian encodings that are precariously balanced between the sphinx and the great pyramid of Giza.  This center point of decision commands undivided attention and energy.
On August 8, we are given an opportunity to walk through a Doorway of Accelerated Awakening. That acceleration will occur within the cellular records of our innate trinity (Body, Mind, Spirit). These time coded records are held within a crystalline code in the form of a tetrahedron (3 sided pyramid) which exists within the codex and codon of each strand of DNA, within each cell of the body, as well as each cell in the Universe.
In ancient times Records of Remembrance were hidden deep within the earth physically within sacred sites. The Mother Matrix of these encodings lives within the great Pyramid of Egypt and the Sphinx. When the ancient skies were aligned in a stellar configuration that opened a doorway the sacred sites with these encodings would then be used to download to earth and humans new levels of truth and wisdom. In this day and time we cannot all get up and zip across the ocean in moment's notice to align with the incoming energies, nor do we need to. We all carry within us every iota of every universal sacred site ever issued to existence. It is just a matter of tuning into these cellular records of truth to receive these energies.
The only way earth can move forward is through the heart (earth). Every toy, tool, meditation and OM is a fruitless tree unless one moves into direct contact with the heart. Since the Universe knows we are a hardheaded stubborn bunch it has aligned some stars to shoot that cosmic cupid arrow our way. Not like a valentine's type of love but a doorway of love so vast one is automatically included within, without one actually knowing. Set your intention as you set you watch on August 8.  Allow the floods of the ancient Nile to fertilize your soul with nutrients that are needed for your growth. See behind the curtains to the new (NU) you that exists beyond all space and time and body.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan| PO box 217| Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217|  | |   
Archangel Michael: The Lion’s Gate
channeled by Ron Head
July 22, 2012
You are rapidly approaching the time known as The Lion’s Gate.  Once again the energy flowing to and through you is about to be raised to another level.  By now, those who follow these messages know that we will advise you to open yourselves fully to whatever this brings to each of you.
Because you are becoming accustomed to these stair step-like increases, you are assimilating them with more ease.  This will be a large change, but it should not cause you undue discomfort.  The increases are necessary in order to prepare you for what lies ahead.  We can say, however, that you who have chosen to make this journey awake and aware are handling it very well indeed.  Were we to advise anything further at this time, it would be for you to focus more on your own transformation of self and less on the mayhem surrounding you.
You know that all must change.  You know that there will be many efforts made to distract you.  Give no attention to these beyond sending love and healing to those adversely affected.  They are fallen comrades in the fray.  They shall be honored for all they have chosen to experience.  Surround them in light and carry on, that their loss shall not have been in vain.
Those who are striking out blindly now in their attempts to avert the inevitable victory of the Divine Will are discovering that fewer and fewer of you are being fooled by their repeated patterns of conscienceless carnage.  Their past criminal behavior is being exposed for what it is.  They are finding it impossible to hide.  Those behind whom they have always been able to remain hidden are turning against them.  When you have lived forever solely in self-interest, you will now find that you have no allies that you can trust.
Those who have always seemed, at least to themselves, to have no power at all are beginning to sense the immense power that they truly possess.  Now you will begin to see the new world of humanity begin to rise from the old.  Very little more exposure of the corrupt will be necessary to tip the balance.  Denial will no longer be possible.
Meanwhile, as those who are able to best carry these things out continue to press on, it is important for you to maintain your single-minded determination to clear all the negativity from your lives.  Whatever arises for you to deal with at this time is merely one last chance for you to prove to yourselves that you have indeed learned what you have come to learn.  Thank it for the lessons and allow it to move on.  You will soon find yourselves beyond the reach of these things.  In fact you may marvel that they could have affected you at all.
Your new world approaches now.  Where there were lies and subterfuge, there will be openness and truth.  Where there was lack, plenty.  Where there was sorrow, joy.  Where there was hate, love.  And you shall know, my dearest brothers and sisters, that all of this shall have been done by you.  When that has become the obvious truth, there shall be much, much help and healing made available to you.  Your beautiful world, which takes your breath away even now, will bloom as it has not for many thousands of years.
During these next few weeks, you will feel us about you if you try.  Do not be shy in asking for our help if you should need it.  We are here in each of your moments for that purpose.  Nothing delights us more than your communication with us.  We love you as family.  Soon we will speak again.  Good day.
Ron Head

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:  *  Ron Head can be contacted at:

The Power of "Yes"
Julie Redstone
July 20, 2012

Beloved Ones,

There are many times when it is impossible to know what is happening or why it is happening, especially during times of profound change and transformation. During such times, one can learn that the mind is not the place to turn to know how to navigate, but that the deeper heart connected with the soul offers a way through whose foundation is the power of "yes."

"Yes" indicates a willingness to trust God with the unfoldment of events, even when these events are unclear and even when the outcome is uncertain.

"Yes" allows the embodied self to reach for the higher self in an alignment that is based on surrender to the will of the higher self which is connected with God.

"Yes" transforms fear, doubt, and anxiety into willing surrender and hope that is based on trust in the Infinite whose only and sole purpose is the unfoldment of good.

The power of "yes" must often be reached for through the layers of fear that cloud the mind and that prevent the full knowing or experiencing of the heart's truth. Such reaching turns the conscious self away from fear and toward the source of Truth that lies within the eternal unfoldment of each soul and of the planetary body.

To get past fear, even when it is strong, the reaching for trust and the willingness to surrender to the unfolding life of love and to the greater Oneness that embraces all must be held firmly. Willingness does not need to be perfect or doubt-free. Yet it must be persevered in and it must be clung to as one clings to a life-raft in the midst of a storm. Clinging, one may not know the outcome of the clinging, but one knows that greater safety lies in holding on. So, too, can a path through fear and doubt be created, even when the outcome is not sure within one's own consciousness.

The power of "yes" negates and eliminates the power of darkness. It is in itself transformative. It carries the light of Divine intention in stronger measure into the heart, and brings Divine truth, light, and strength into the embodied self. It is not merely an idea. The power of "yes" is also an energetic pathway that draws to itself the greater light of the Universe.

There are many, today, who face circumstances and challenges that appear to have no positive resolution, and which bring forth fear that then gets amplified by forces that seek to contract the power of light and of light's purposes. Saying "yes" to the implicit longing of the heart to trust the invisible hand of God is the energetic pathway toward a positive resolution of whatever dilemma is being faced. It must be pursued. It must be clung to. It must be affirmed and anchored in as much as possible.

All who seek safety during difficult times, during times of great challenge and uncertainty, need to understand this power, born of trust and of willing surrender. Such trust and surrender are based in love for God, and in the assurance which the soul lives and which the heart knows, that God is love.
Awakening was Preordained
Received by John Smallman
July 22, 2012
The moment you entered the illusion your Awakening was preordained
The energy pressures are building up strongly as you, the Light-bearers and holders, intensify your efforts and more determinedly focus on your divine task of assisting in bringing humanity forward to the point at which it will awaken.  And many of you are finding that task extremely tiring, if not exhausting.  Know that you are greatly honored for what you are doing, that your rewards upon completion of this immense task will be astounding, and that you will be quite amazed when you discover once more the wonder of who you truly are.
The Love God has for His creation is utterly beyond your abilities to even conceive of, and His Will is for you to awaken and experience It directly, personally, and eternally.  You have spent far too long hiding in the illusion and missing out on the infinite wonder and joy that He holds out to you constantly. You need to wake up!  And you will wake up — to know and experience the sublime and eternal bliss of basking in your Father’s loving embrace for ever.
That awakening was preordained the moment you entered the illusion and started to dream the dream – although for many it is a ghastly nightmare – which you experience as life on Earth, because your Father could not and would not allow you to lose yourselves permanently in that unhappy state.  Remember, as the Son of God, you have enormous creative abilities when you work with His divine Will, because His Will is also yours.
However, building the illusion was something you did in order to hide from God — it was not in alignment with His Will — and your Father, while lovingly investing you with free will when He created you, would nevertheless not countenance you destroying yourselves, which is what would have occurred had He not intervened at that moment.  So, the illusion was born, but it was not and could not be like a divine creation, which has eternal existence; it was purely a very temporary state that was fated soon to fade away, unremembered and ungrieved.
Within the illusion you have been killing one another for eons, and some of you have even been attempting to destroy yourselves permanently by committing suicide.  The reason for this is that almost all of you have completely lost the memory of your divine state, at one in the Love that is God.  Without Love there is no motivation to stay alive, and the drive to destroy those with whom you disagree becomes intense.
Yes, you do have loving relationships – parents, children, spouses, good friends – but often those loving relationships break down when egoic agendas and differing desires lead you to believe that you are separate and individual beings who would be much happier if you were not tied into a relationship that has turned sour and unpalatable.  If this happens to someone enough times, a sense of cynicism arises to help him deal with the pain that the loss of love causes, while any trust that may have developed dissolves.
Love, as you experience it in the illusion, is a very fragile thing that needs constant nurturing if it is to survive the storms of emotions and disillusionments that so frequently occur and destabilize relationships.  Many have remained trapped for years in miserably unrewarding relationships as bitterness and resentment have grown, and others have broken out of similar situations and attempted to destroy their partners to punish them for the misery they have experienced.
However, over the last few decades, increasing numbers of you have come to realize the insanity of such behavior, and slowly laws have been changed and attitudes have matured to enable people to untie or dissolve agreements (and contracts which hitherto had been intractable) that had been entered into with contractual obligations that could be neither dissolved or modified.  As humans you have been evolving, because the Light implanted in you at the moment of your creation demands it, and consequently, there was no way that you could go on indefinitely treating each other so unforgivingly.  And the results of your evolving attitudes are showing up all over the world as people communicate and attempt to come to agreement through wisdom, understanding, and consensus.
There are, of course, many areas on the planet where violent disagreement and the resultant conflicts are causing enormous suffering.  But the tide has turned, and the enormous power and influence that the divine energies are providing will ensure that these areas of darkness and suffering will be flooded with Light, leading to major shifts in attitudes and behaviors.  Then those who choose to disengage from violence and conflict will be able to do so.
Many will find it difficult because so much suffering has been endured, and the emotional desire for restitution is still very strong.  Nevertheless, due to the constantly intensifying strength of the divine Love field enveloping the planet, anyone who truly seeks to find love and peace, instead of continuing to engage in hate and war, will encounter, often quite unexpectedly, the precise opportunities needed to enable them to disengage from those situations of conflict.  Eventually, only those who remain determined to fight on will be left, and for as long as they choose, that path it will be available.  But they will no longer be able to impose that path of despair and suffering on others.
Your awakening from the insanity of hate, disagreement, and war is inevitable. And that moment is drawing ever closer.  Focus on the Love and on the Light that so many are holding on high, release from their debts all on whom you have ever attempted to impose a sense of guilt – whatever the reason and however right it may seem to you – and forgive yourselves and all of humanity for the pain and suffering that all have endured.  The ages of suffering, of sin, of guilt, of condemnation, and punishment that you have endured for so long are to end, permanently.  There is a new age awaiting you, and as you enter into it your joy will be boundless.
Your loving brother,

Love Now The Dominating Influence Enveloping The Planet

As you all know, your awakening is divinely guaranteed.  So when your issues come up for you to address and release, bringing with them a variety of unsettling feelings and emotions, just observe them and let them pass.  Engaging with them by thinking about them and wondering what they mean is unhelpful, because it holds them in your mind and intensifies the feelings, thus making it more difficult for you to release them.  You may feel sad, angry, depressed, anxious, guilty, hurt, betrayed, exploited – the selection is endless and none of it is enjoyable – but if you engage and attempt to justify or understand those feelings, it just takes a lot longer for them to clear.  Many of you will feel very tired or exhausted while this is going on, so take time out and sleep, and much of the necessary release can occur while you do so.
Rest assured that relaxing into those feelings and allowing them to flow will alleviate the unsettledness that arises when they come to mind, and you will find yourself at peace in spite of the discomfort.  And of course your daily periods of relaxation and meditation are times during which these issues are more easily released.
All who choose to awaken will do so, and if you want to awaken then you have already made that choice.  It is very helpful to remind yourselves frequently, at least once a day, that you are indeed going to awaken because it confirms and strengthens your intention to do so.  Humanity is consciously making this choice with increasing determination each day, and it is this collective and determined intent that is bringing it on.
God knew when He planted within you the inextinguishable flame of His Love that the moment for you to awaken would be the inevitable result of that action.  He has left you free to decide for yourselves precisely when that moment would occur, and over the eons the intensity of your desire to return to His loving embrace has been waxing or waning in line with your alternating choices to embrace attitudes of love or hate.  Collectively you have now made the unalterable choice for love, and the areas where hate is prevalent are losing their cohesiveness, and the power it has maintained over so many of you for so long is rapidly weakening.
Love is now the dominating influence enveloping the planet, and it is spreading inexorably into every arena of human activity to dissolve the conflicting agendas and disagreements that have plagued you for so long.  Its results are unmistakable as you observe the established orders of power and control disintegrating all across the world.  This disintegration will continue until all the old corrupt systems have completely collapsed, making way for one new and enlightened system, with the best interests of all on the planet at its heart, to replace them.
A new age of peace and abundance is about to be ushered in, and all on Earth will benefit enormously when it arrives.  Conflict and vehement disagreement will no longer stalk the Earth seeking opportunities to divide you into warring factions, because Love, which has been the source of your existence since the moment of your creation, embraces all without exception, leaving neither room nor reason for anything that is unlike Itself.
It is almost impossible for you to imagine a world without conflict, disagreement, and disharmony, because over the eons that you have spent in the illusion you have become inured to those states and the anxiety and fear that they manifest. Nevertheless, the age of peace and abundance for which all have always hoped, even though they were unable to find it, is inevitable.  Hold your Light on high, operate always from the Love you bear within you, and watch with enthusiasm and delight as it comes into being.
With so very much love,

About Me

I have been taking dictation from my friend Saul since 1995. He is a spiritual entity whose messages over the years have been inspiring and uplifting for me. In them he refers frequently to “Full Consciousness.” Now seems to be a very good time to start sharing these messages via a blog. I hope you find them of value. * *
Messages from an elder brother Jesus. I hope you find them of value. * *   
You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *  * 
*  * Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.