Today's Angel Message - Channeled

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Cosmic Hierarchy: The Dharma of Light
3.)  Pleiadian Council of Light: Floating Between Matter and Anti-Matter
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  The Story of Love
6.)  Nocturnal Adventures
Isis' Message of the Day -
Your DNA is the circuitry that "wires" you the physical, to you the non-physical. This is your circuitry in which Divine Source Energy flows. Your DNA "generates" the Dreams and Desires that flow through your Being. When you begin to understand and follow these clues, you begin to move in new and powerful ways.
~ Team Beloved ~
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How everything and everyone is connected. See this!
* *
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, You are an amazing being. Your soul decided to be here. Your soul’s spark fueled the biological process. Without the spark. Your Divine Spark is your connection to All That Is/God. (They showed me a picture of when the angels “contact” our Divine Spark, it radiates to every cell in our body. So our beingness is an important part of this process or communication). So you strengthen your connection by “going within” and seeing the Divine Spark grow. This allows you to “hear” your guidance more clearly. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *     
Cosmic Hierarchy: The Dharma of Light
Recieved by Malika
May 22, 2012
What is The New Age of Light?  It is the New Cosmic Cycle of unity and the Light being in charge throughout the Cosmos of the manifest and unmanifest world.  There is physicality and non-physicality.  The physical manifest reality is the Flower and Tree of Life.  It is the manifest physical presence of God.  It is the dimensions or the physical planes of varying vibrational frequencies, in which the unmanifest world gets to incarnate and experience itself.
The New Age of Light is where the Light has been consciously realized and made manifest in physicality and is in charge in critical mass and moving forward in the establishment of eternal peace, love, joy, freedom, sovereignty, prosperity, blissful twin flame unions, beauty, unlimited evolution and camaraderie,  and abundance for all.  Light is the fabric of existence, and the Form component of our Mother/Father Source.  It is the Tree of Life.  The Flower of Life is the manifest universe and the spiritual, mental and emotional planes of the totality of the Flower of Life, and the Tree of Life, which is the platonic solids, is the structural foundation of the manifest world.  The manifest world needs to be cared for and always protected, and the Sacred Cross of Governance is the protection of Sacred Heart Consciousness, which is the conscious union of the Divine Feminine or Flower of Life, and the Divine Masculine or the Tree of Life.  They merge in oneness, love, respect, protection, sharing and mutual exchange, to create the third aspect of the Divine Trinity.  The Child is the Wisdom and the Divine Power aspect of the Divine Trinity.  When aligned with the Light in all dimensions, consciously, you have Sacred Heart Consciousness.  When the Sacred Heart Consciousness is protected, you have the Sacred Cross of Governance.  The Sacred Heart Consciousness needs to be nurtured.  It can be nurtured through rest, proper nourishment, exercise, play and assimilation.
The Ways of the Light
They are receiving the Light of God through the soul complex and anchoring the light into physicality.  It is imperative that each chooses the path of the Light over the path of the dark.  There is the life-long commitment, to the light or dark.  There are also infinite decisions we make each lifetime in how we respond to each situation.  We can choose divine wisdom, light and love, over the path that leads to bitterness and contrived rage, which leads to destruction of oneself, others and the whole.
When the light illuminates the darkness and one has had sufficient time to remake their past choices, and one chooses darkness over light, war over peace, illusion over truth, the light builds around the blockage and forces a manifestation to occur that reflects either the unresolved blockage, or if the light was chosen , the light will flow.  It is no fun to be in the path of unresolved blockages.  It takes a lot of will power and fiery resolve to free oneself of the path of least resistance.
The will of the Creator is for the Light to be in charge.  It is the natural flow of cosmic evolution.  The cosmos has exhausted its evolutionary lessons when it comes to the dark being in control.  It is the will of the Creator for the will of God to be carried out, and the will of God is for peace to be made manifest in the physical planes.  We are at a point of bridging the physical with the spiritual.  We want to anchor the light into the physical, so there can be full peace.  We want the manifestation of the material plane, to be married to the light, so that we can all enjoy permanent love, peace, joy, freedom and prosperity in the physical plane.  We know that the only reason why we are not enjoying our set of divine birthrights in the physical plane is because of the dark factions that wish to rule.  It takes a lot of organized effort and skill on the part of the forces of light to shut down the activities of the dark in the physical plane.  It starts with preparing the consciousness with unity awareness.
The consciousness is the link between the physical and unmanifest spiritual.  When the two come together as one team of co-creation with the angelic realm, in an organized fashion towards a common goal, in this case – shutting the dark’s activities down, we have a result that we can all enjoy, and we will have a New Reality where we all can enjoy eternal peace, bliss, prosperity and beauty in a kingdom of freedom and sovereignty, where all will be loved and all will be healed, and we will have Eden on Earth.   We all want free energy, and for the Earth and Her kingdoms to roam free.
The consciousness needs to be developed to hold unity awareness and Christ consciousness, in critical mass, on the planet.  It is about anchoring Christ consciousness as a group in critical mass.
Some people have Christ consciousness already, but it needs to be attained in critical mass on the planet, both individually and in the collective.  Unity and Christ awareness require an understanding of the ways of the Light in order to be able to hold and anchor the Light of Source in the human body.  The Light can come into the body, but it is our thoughts and belief systems that form the structure and the vessel to hold it in place.  It is all the harmonic interaction of light that can hold more and more light all the time.  Our thoughts create our reality.  Thoughts about the structure of Christ consciousness (Sacred Heart) allow the body to anchor the Christ light and to express it in the physical reality.  This is where we are at in this momentus time in cosmic history, is anchoring Christ consciousness in critical mass.  This is what needs to be shared and taught to prepare to receive Christ consciousness on a cosmic scale.  This is what the Children of Light Conference is about this year, and we need to be about unity consciousness to be the ones we have been waiting for, the Seventh Key, the Christ.
We need to do this on the planet.  The Children of Light Conference from June 20-23 in Denver will provide the perfect opportunity to shift global consciousness in preparation for the return of Eden.  We would like as many people to attend the conference as possible to accomplish the desired results of Christ consciousness on a global scale, and the Wholeness Blessing from the angels as given to Dr. Joseph Crane in physical angelic visitations will be given.
For information on the Children of Light, visit or email Malika at  *
Malika is an intuitive spiritual healer, minister, Reiki Master, animal communicator and advocate for the Animal Kingdom and Mother Earth.  She works with many Forces of Light from Mother Earth to the Galactic Federation and the Cosmic Hierarchy on a daily basis to accelerate global peace. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be made in Paypal to *      
 Pleiadian Council of Light: Floating Between Matter and Anti-Matter
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Welcome dear ones, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light, we come forth and wrap our arms of light around you. Yes, dear ones we know we have left you by the wayside, yes dear ones we hear the cries in your heart.  We stand back as we watch our dear children of the stars battle what is thick, dark, and chaotic.  We stand along side the battlefields of your life as great generals of light that seek to know they have taught their soldiers well.  The generals themselves do not walk onto the battlefield but stand aloft ready to lead and  instruct.  We are above in the crescents of light and you are down in the valley of the shadow of life.
We watch your hopes leap from the cliffs as we ourselves bear the brunt of what you are feeling – the pain and despair.  The engine of divine intervention has not set flight as of yet.  We ask you to hold tight Dear ones, to what you know is truth.  You hold a seed of hope and light that can never dim.  It is in this place that you must seek refuge from the daily regiments and entrapping of self-pity.  It is in this place that you will find peace.  It is in this tiny point of original light that we can align with you taking you to a new level of love.
As your humanness grows more giant-like in all of its frailties, you will begin to cast a bigger shadow.  Every doubt, every fear, every point of escape within your consciousness casts a very long shadow. You feed what is dark by your fears allowing yourself to become a victim over and over again, reveling in that point.  You grow heavy as unleavened bread with each word of negativity.  It is you, dear one, that cast this shadow and it is you, dear ones, that must retract that darkness and not let it blind your light.
You stand at a threshold of molecular decomposition that announces to you that you no longer spin in the same direction that you have in the past.  You no longer spin in truth as you have and you no longer spin in belief as you once did.  As you stand in this entry casting a very long shadow of doubt you come to a point of decompression, like a balloon that spins out of control, you stand in between here and there.  You exist between  matter and anti-matter.
You try heartily to hold on to who you once were.  Your humanness is despondent for it feels as it has lost control of the good ship of lollipops that it once sailed upon.  You feel as if life tricks you into a corner painting yourself into a place that is triangular and fan like of shape.  Once you believed with all of your heart and soul that you could manifest and create whatever you desired. Once you believed so much deeper than the well-spring of your belief at this point of life.  You have given up, The sound of that giving up beckons its self.  A shot in the dark is what we ask of you. Just point and shoot toward the movement in the dark night of the soul. You must believe with all of your vibrations that nothing can destroy what you know yourself to be.
You have allowed the dark mistress of life to slap you into a place of compliance.  You have allowed matter to own you.  The very molecules of your light discuss your future. Every aspect of your being, both positive and negative, resembles a battery being charged.  Imagine that you are storing light like a solar device and you have a positive charge or you have a negative charge.  Imagine every thought of your 186,000 second day you are positively charging or negatively charging the solar battery of your life.  You are in a place in between here and there, a place of pretend, a place that sculpts itself from your positive or negative charge to every thought and situation.
The energy of time wraps around you in a ‘not.’  The feeling of life is an ever-changing  illusion.  They seem real to the touch and they seem real to the taste but they are not.  Your humanness is looking for a way out of present dilemmas.  We ask you to step outside of yourself and at the same time step into the very deep chasm of self.  See the beauty that you are, the master that you are, the being of light that you are deep within.
You must gather you if you are to walk into the creational fullness of your life.  Each and every day you wake up worrying about what the day bring.  Worrying about yesterdays backwash.  You are a pro-creator and activist in your life.  You are not standing by the sidelines cheering someone else on.  You are the person behind the curtain with ruby slippers on battling those flying monkeys. Yes, life beats at your door like a hungry wolf.  Yes, life breaks through your  protection. Yes, life is thick and  sticks to the bottom of your soul.
You are light and you can be nothing but light –  the layers of self you wear as winter clothing on the hottest day do not benefit you.  The misery of others that beckons you down the rabbit hole, dear Alice, is part of the release and karmic procedure you have signed up for while on Earth.  The people in your life that trip you up, that snare you, that trap you are those that you are karmically in-debt to, on multiple levels.
Many come upon the doorway of your heart scratching as a hungry bear in the night.  You stand in the center of this cabin feeling as if any minute you’ll be devoured by the very thing that comes to claim you.   It is at this point of complete desolation that you must breathe and enter your God Light, the original cell of God that lives within you.  It is only in this place that your star brethren, your light brethren, the masters can enter and assist you. When you are in a place of fear the door to you is barred and locked.  The star beings twinkle for you every night but you do not see it and feel it because the day has left you in a hardened place.
Please dear ones go to this place of light, this single entrance to the God within.  Just be there for a moment, feel all those that believe in you, feel all those that love you, feel all those that are part of you on every level of DNA.  You have never been forsaken, nor have never been abandoned.  We stand by you and believe in you even when you do not believe in yourself.    Everything has lent itself to the now - every incarnation, every word, every love, every hate.  You are at the Apex of your Light.  Instead of drowning in the sorrows of others,  stand united with all levels of your light and with all aspects of those that support you in light.  When you hear of another’s sadness, do not drown as you rescue them, but stand in a higher place to assist them.
You are so loved beyond time and beyond space. You have been well seeded for this time.  You will be the saving grace by your belief and so it is.  We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan| PO box 217| Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217|  | |     
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when you have released focus upon the body, you can be anywhere you want to be. So often times you will visit the loved ones. You will hang around to see what they are laughing at. You will hang around to see what they are being challenged by.
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Heavenletter #4197
The Story of Love
May 22, 2012
God said:
What shall We talk about today? Shall We talk about you? Or shall We talk about Me? Shall We talk about the weather or what you ate for breakfast? Does it matter what We talk about? Sometimes you have something urgent on your mind, and sometimes you whistle a happy tune. What matters anything when We are together, and together as One?
What do We need to be complete but Our One Self? What do We need but love? Love is the grist for the mill. Nothing else is.
Hooray for love. Nothing is more interesting. And there are so many ways to love and love again and think about love on Earth. If you must think, think about love. Unlimited is love and the shades of love. There is love for a child and love for a parent. Love for animals, nature, flowers, all the people We carry in Our hearts, near or far. And there is romantic love, simply a branch of love. There is love of words and stories and tales yet untold. There is love. And there is always more love ready to set out to deliver itself.
Love is always seeking new ways to express itself. Surely, We want more expression of Our love. Love does not want to stay within, dwelling on itself. Love wants to go out to the outer reaches of itself. Love wants to encompass everything, the whole world and beyond. Love is an eager traveler. Love wants to set sail into uncharted waters.
Love wants to be a deep-sea diver. It wants to be an ace pilot. It wants to alight on stars and carry starlight. Love wants to go to the center of the Earth and dig deeply into the heart of the Earth and leave itself there as well. Love wants to go everywhere, be everywhere, leave itself everywhere. It wants to forge new trails. Love wants to be a comet that speeds on its way. Love also wants to take its time and savor itself and sink its transmitted love into the very heart that gave it.
This is love, and love loves to relate itself and listen to its own stories. Love itself cannot get enough of giving love. Love digs deep into its pocket so that it can chip in more love and more love and more and more love.
Love wants to meet itself everywhere and in everything. It wants to dive into every heart, leave itself there, and leap into the next heart until it finds itself lively in every heart and can call each heart its own, its own parking place, its own hangar, its own taking-off place. Love settles, and love flies free, and this is the story of love.
This is the love story that has been told through the ages.
To some, it has been a dream. To the dippers into Reality, this is the only story there is. Love is a beautiful mustang who roams the range without any reins held on him.
Love is a beautiful mustang, and love is also the cowboy who rides him. The rider spurs the mustang of love on to further hearts on the range in order to deliver the love from his vast heart to another.
In the world, very often tales of love are tales of woe because the teller of the tale wanted love to be enclosed and held as a still frame and kept close to the teller of the tale of woe.
Love may stay. Love does stay. And yet love cannot be fettered. Love is no one's captive. However, love loves to capture all hearts. In that sense, it can be said that love is a stealer of hearts and keeps them all on an unfenced field of love.
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  *    

Nocturnal Adventures
by Owen K. Waters
May 22, 2012
A curtain of forgetfulness is drawn across our consciousness each time we awake from sleep. Because our night-time adventures typically occur in the fourth-density spirit world, which is a more subtle realm than our third-density physical world, our nocturnal activities are more vivid, more alive, and more real than anything that occurs during the day.
Because the spirit world is where the population of the after-life lives, you often meet friends and relatives there who have passed on from the physical world. Night-time can be a wonderful time of reunion with such dear friends, so it's well worth making the effort to increase your dream recall ability.
Your spirit body naturally resonates to the spirit world. Once freed from the physical shell each night as your physical body falls asleep, it will normally move upwards from the physical third-density world towards the light of the fourth-density spirit world. Upon arriving, you will notice extra light everywhere: It fills the air and it radiates outwards from solid objects. This is because material in the spirit realms is made of etheric energy, which is a higher energy than the electric energy that forms physical matter.
The air in the spirit world is filled with etheric energy, ready to be drawn into some useful form by the intent of any individual. People in the after-life can build a new home just as fast as they can visualize every part of it. It will stay in existence as long as they pay it occasional attention. If they want a little variety in the appearance of their new home, they can even redecorate it every day! If they leave and move elsewhere, the house will slowly dissolve, over a period of months, back into the atmosphere as etheric energy.
The fact that people who live in the spirit realms create homes does not exclude you, the temporary night-time visitor, from doing the same. In fact, having a private retreat somewhere in the spirit world is a wonderful help in recovering from the stresses of daytime physical living. There is plenty of space in the spirit world for you to find a quiet, private location for your retreat.
One of the curious properties of the spirit world is that you can actually create your own space, fill it with objects of your own design, and it will be something that no one else would perceive unless they tuned into your thought pattern as the creator of that scene. It can even be large enough to include your own idea of an ocean scene with a perfect, setting sun. It won't be the actual Sun; it'll just be your own, private, artistic creation built for your own enjoyment, and it will last for as long as you pay occasional attention to it.
The spirit or astral body is quasi-physical. This means that, while it is subtle and etheric compared to the physical body, it is still solid in its own environment. In the spirit realms of 4D, matter is composed of etheric energy and is solid to the touch. If you bump into another spirit or astral body on your travels, they will seem solid, just like bumping into another person in the physical world.
The fact that spirit matter is less dense than physical matter gives you a lot more freedom of movement. You can meet a friend halfway around the world in one or two seconds of travel time just by projecting your spirit body to that new location. You tune into that person and, wherever they are, mentally project, and you will appear at that location.
A simple intention is all it takes to decide what each night's adventure can be. Then, upon awakening, you're halfway to remembering what happened.
So far, we have examined the possibilities for nocturnal adventures where you can:
1. Go and see friends and relatives who have either passed on or, just like you, are temporarily out-of-body for the night.
2. Notice how the 4D air is full of energy and materialize solid objects either just for fun or for artistic development.
3. Find a piece of land away from it all and build a small retreat there.
4. Decide who or where to go and see in a distant location, gather your intent, and project there instantly.
The challenge is to remember such adventures. Intent is the key. Tell yourself, "Tonight, I intend to (have this adventure) and I will remember it upon awakening."
Keep a notebook and pen right beside your bed and some source of light (even a flashlight will do.) Get in the habit of recalling dreams as soon as you awake and writing down everything you can. You've just returned from another world to a brain that's had the night off, so those memories will begin to fade fast as soon as you wake up. Seconds count in writing down those dream details.
Realize that the immediate dreamstate is shallow compared to full immersion in the spirit world. The easiest dreams to recall are the ones that occur when you are almost ready to wake up. They are typically dramatic scenes filled with symbols that help you integrate the stresses that you have felt in previous days. The key to understanding them is to ask what each symbol means to you emotionally. Then, you'll understand the stress that was being worked out in the dream, or the message that your inner being was bringing to the surface for your attention.
As you become more practiced in dream recall, you will soon reach beyond the initial dreamstate and remember the deeper, real-life experiences that you have each night in the spirit world.
The good news is that today, due to ongoing effect of The Shift, the veil is thinning between the 3D physical world and the 4D spirit world. As each year passes, people are remembering more and more upon awakening. You may sometimes find yourself between wakefulness and sleep and you are really not sure which state you are in. Today, this is quite common due to the thinning of the veil. As The Shift continues, physical matter will move fully into 4D, there will be no veil and full recall will be easy.
Owen K Waters is the author of Love, Light Laughter: The New Spirituality, which is available both as a paperback and a downloadable e-book, at: *