Today's Angel Message {Channeled}


1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Lest  We Forget Again To Remember!
3.)  All I see is me . . . .
4.)  Mastery of Light and Our Choice to Evolve
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Mining Yourself for Gold

Isis' Message of the Day -
"You see everything depends upon the psychological headquarters from which we live. 'Where am I living from?' Ask yourself that question. If you don't like your headquarters, you can move any time you like. Break away.  Don't tell anyone about it. Others will either smile tolerantly or mouth  sanctimonious babble. Make your escape plans in secret. Never mind if you lose certain friends, you will find others who also have dared. They will be ten-thousand times more valuable to you." ~ Vernon Howard ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, Blessings, blessings, blessings. You are shining lights. Keep sending Light out into the world. There is much afoot. We wish to encourage each of you to continue being the beacons of light you are. Be the peace. Be the light.
Dear Ones, We are here to assist. It is our true desire to be of help. We are here as reminders of the greatness of who you are. You are all Great Beings of Light. You are all part of God/Creator/All That Is. You are a vehicle for God’s Expression. As you open to receiving the love of God/Creator/All That Is, you are then able to become fully a part of the greater plan. Allow God/Creator/All That Is love for you to flow forth, so you can be the divine presence in action. Be the peace. Be the love. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *       

Lest  We Forget Again To Remember!
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
August 4.2011
Rapid changes issuing forth in these ensuing months will keep your twinkling toes dancing through the ethers and skipping o'er the hill sides of the planet. For Mother Earth prepares her directives for the releasing of yet still more unavoidable amendments to her earthly body which graces all and sundry in a love unconditional and a love unsullied by the tests of time or the stresses of a re-awakening  Hu-mankind. Great pangs of pain does the Lady Gaia feel as she readies herself, yet again, to allow thus mal aligned energies freedom of release and further realignments to be measured upon the lands and sea. 
Poseidon and Pan, Penelope and Sophia, Sekhmet and Thoth, Uriel with the Mary's and Ruth, with all the lords and ladies within the off planet spheres, or Space Commands on board those mighty shining 'mother ships,' always near to hand when ever an energy injection, or ejection, is being realized, for their expertise and technological assistance is ever an undoubted ally to behold. The masters of alchemy, the auspices of Lord Merlin/St. Germaine, the sacred geometries of Metatron with Melchizedek, the power filled realms of angelics ever in close attention to share their finesse, love, communication in many a guise and manner so to do. So many lighter lights whom engrace the skies or merge as a oneness with the many Lightworkers walking the sacred soil of Mother Earth. 
The universal heavens are buzzing with such grand opportunities that are of a magnitude quite grand and beautiful, so to espy. The tapestry of life is ever in a fluid momentum as the continual ebbs and flows embrace All That Is in an ever immaculate concept in divine orchestration for all to 'feel' and be part of. The Oneness of Being becomes ever more predominant as one ventures to the upper echelons that oversee the mighty expansive kaleidoscope of multi- faceted and multi-dimensional life force in all its many expressions. How truly perfect and wondrous are the workings of a Supreme Creator as the flow of sacred divinity becomes so indelibly etched in surrounding contours to all and  everyone, and thing. How simply beautiful, how wonder filled it surely is! 
We speak as a Oneness this evening tide and we embrace the totality of your beings as we merge and marry into your delectable contours of multi-light that invite and invoke our presence, and joyous then to share and dance within our divinity with one and all. There is within the universal structures a great uplift of anticipation, and indeed an expectation, with all that we might perceive as to be the most likely futuristic eventualities to readily occur within your world. Where there is a truly significant or spiritual uplift that is to befall the planet and all upon and within her, then it follows that all basic divine laws will be brought into play or manifestation. Where there is an energy interplay and a finer vibration of life pre-empted and presented, then also will be required an adjustment to the density of third physicality into a higher vibration. This of course can be assisted by the multi-energies of the Starseeds and of the said Lightworkers to embrace and most ably assist. Further, of course, will there be a need of releasing from the planet's body the 'spoiled energies' that are in need of ejecting, and it is this which beloved Lady Gaia with the aid of her many able consorts, has a need so to sanction when there is no other choice. 
When so called tragedies or catastrophe occur there is a need to be in your  'own sacred space,' for in so doing will the transitioning or expression be one of greater administrative flow; lessening the pain threshold and heightening  the shift to a more acceptable or tolerable level. These are the 'difficult' and sad times that are, to some degree unavoidable, and of needs to be actioned. Always stay in your 'center' and hold fast the light that flows through your so splendid  beings, affording the process indeed greater support and sanction as you so do. Be those lights unto the world and hold high your heads as these times test your inner balance and your outer durabilities. Be still and know that you are God! 
Famines, quakes of lesser duration, weather changes and global warming are being heightened in these ensuing climes as this mighty planet moves slowly and so surely toward her fifth physicality of being, inviting all and sundry who seek also that directive, to stand tall and hold fast the sway with your hands firmly on the tiller of this worldly ship, upon these choppy seas of illusory life. Many have you seen leaving the planet in these times of disrepair, in these drought ridden lands that have been foreseen for an age, yet still dis-repaired. The 'erring ways of some human-kind' will best be healed as these dear ones transition into other realms to loving care and succour, for here shall they be loved and blessed and caressed by those angels of light that embrace all with tenderness and love personified. Their gift to 'erring humankind' is taking away those sites of abandonment and despair, releasing also the adverse energies that have atrophied over these ages of persecution and pitiable contempt!
There came a time in all our lives when we perceive through clearer vistas of heightened presentation and seek the golden chalice that each and everyone has within their hearts; this precious mighty atom that is indeed the precious spark of divinity, where all we ever needed to search was/ is within! That most precious realization rare which vindicates all acts and incidentals when all is brought into a context that is not a million light years away..go simply within! So now we have that inner knowing, that inner grace that was indeed truly never lost, but simply 'forgotten to be remembered,' and so it is, for now we reach the point in our lives when greater decisions are we to make, and thus will it so to be!

Be still and remember whom we are, be still and listen within!
Be still and know that I Am God, be God and know that I Am still! For so it is! Lest we forget, lest we forget again to remember....
Namaste. Selemat Ja.
(c)2011by Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. Please copy and share, giving full credit to the source of these messages *  * Also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine)  *                  

All I see is me . . . .
by Jessica Burnham
August 4, 2011
One of my favorite children’s books is titled, “All I See is Part of Me” by Chara Curtis.  The book is a beautiful story about a young boy learning that everything in the world is a part of him.  As a life coach working in Jungian psychology, I work with people regularly on their projections.  Jung taught that what causes an emotional reaction within us from others is often triggered by a self judgment.  The point being, what we judge in others is something that we judge within ourselves.  To elaborate on that, The Course in Miracles teaches that what we see in others exists within ourselves.  If it did not exist within our own mind, then we would not be able to see it in other people. 
Seeing goes beyond our physical eyes.  When we connect with someone we are constantly processing information that we perceive about them.  Our thoughts create an image of someone whenever we interact with one another.  What exists in our mind exists in anyone we are talking with because they are merely reflecting you, as their mind is a part of your mind.  If we try to formulate what the “mind” is we have to look at our own experiences with other people and our thoughts. 
If you ask several people what they see and feel about one person, you will get several different summaries.  Each summary is based on the “sum” of their experiences with others in this life.  Each person would not be able to observe qualities in others if these qualities didn’t already exist within their own mind.  This includes both our judgments and our projections of light.  Many of us focus on our negative perceptions, but I feel it may be important at this juncture to also address our light projections- those perceptions of others that feel profound and exhilarating, what gives cause for admiration and love. 
One of the exercises that I love to do with people is to ask them who they admire most in the world.  Who would they want to be if they had the choice, and why?  What is it they admire about that person?  Whatever qualities the client comes up with are the qualities that they also contain, but may choose to not exhibit due to disbelief in our selves.  We admire them and see them because they are available in our selves.  But whatever we see in others, whether they are judgments or light projections, we must own them as our own thoughts.  To do so brings us into wholeness and releases us from the stress and anger that result from giving our power away to our ego. 
If we see ourselves with a pure mind, a holy spirit, and an ego- we begin to dissect where all of our thoughts come from and how much power our thoughts contain only because we give them power.  There is a lesson to be learned in every experience, no matter how general and campy that may sound.  But the root of every experience begins within our mind and which part of us is doing the projecting.  Our thoughts about others are gifts because they are our freedom.  There are many avenues for dealing with our thoughts, and it is up to us to discover what works best for us.  But if you are gifted with the awareness to see your thoughts as they arise as clouds in the sky passing by on this journey called life, then you are on the road to liberation.  It is the meaning that we place on our thoughts and the belief we have in the meaning that leads down a road to nowhere but the same old cycles that disrupt our connection to what is real, our holy spirit, our divinity. 
Liberation from what?  Liberation from the self inflicted prison of the ego. 
I recently was in a teaching by a Buddhist nun named Ven. Robina.  Ven. Robina made a statement that profoundly affected me.  She said that anger is simply a reaction by our ego when something does not go the way the ego wanted it to go.  In other words, our ego: that power hungry, stubborn part of us we have bought into for so long, acts like a child not getting his/her way.  Surprise?  Yet how often do we allow that tantrum throwing ego to use our body to freak out and cause us more trouble when something happens that was not in its plan? 
In a discussion with some friends recently I sensed some frustration about our thoughts and the ego.  I’ll call my friend “N.”  “N” said that he basically didn’t understand what we as humans are really supposed to do.  We have thoughts, and they don’t cease.  Are we supposed to become mindless beings wandering around the planet, empty of any way to relate to the world?  A lot of people have presented this idea to me in the past, including myself. 
The thing is- we are human beings.  We are here on this planet and so we must utilize the tools we were given to function and live.  The mind is that operating system which allows us to relate to one another and take care of ourselves.  It is the ego that tends to create all the problems.  The ego is our self-created source of separation and the reason we are here, again.  It believes it is a creator and creates division within our hearts that leads to suffering.  It is the source of attachment, control issues and the anger or fear that often results from our attachments. 
If we are not feeling the joy of being then we have chosen the ego.  Developing a system of consciousness indicators will help us maintain a state of contemplation and reflection.  We can empower ourselves to make better choices with our minds.  But first we also have to define in some way how we know we are choosing our divinity rather than our ego which thinks it is the divine sole creator. 
Our divine, holy connection is a place of no words.  If you connect with your breath and focus on your heart center, and as Candace O’Denver says- just relax, then we allow that conscious connection to the divine to become conscious rather than unconscious.  We really don’t have to do anything else, because our true nature is this divine love.  Our ego-based thinking is disruptive and makes our mind unaware of our holy spirit. 
So it is about coming back to center and acknowledging our unity, our true nature as connected to divine spirit that is undivided by perception and projections.  You are surrounded by gifts every day, those gifts being one another; you just need to shake off the heaviness and clouded spectacles of fear.  Simply feeling your holy divine self in all that you love and express is the beginning of a new love affair with yourself.  To not acknowledge your gifts of awareness and what it is telling you in every moment of living is to give away your power and become powerless only to repeat it over and over again in frustration because in there, in your true heart is the knowledge of the Christ awakening energy.  This light is flickering within you and you can’t truly ignore what you are.  The frustration is a sense of deprivation to your soul that is on a path no matter how you might choose to disrupt its journey by housing the ego’s empty promises. 
The flickering flame in your heart will always guide you and to embrace the choice of following its light will only yield results of pure unabated consciousness.  Pure light and love are you and nothing can change or alter its existence, only delay its joy.  Why would we want to delay any longer? 
Look around you and acknowledge your gifts in all of your brothers and sisters.  That is their purpose and in honoring what they show to you, you honor your divine self and habitation on this planet.  We all need one another because our evolution is dependent on one another.  You cannot alter oneness.  The ego may try to show you differently, but that is all it can do- attempt through divergence from your truth.  We buy into this divergence from our truth and all we feel is a lack of joyousness when we do.  Amidst all of the changes in our world that may seem so threatening, the only power we have is the power to be fully accountable and responsible people reflecting on our thoughts and letting go of our attachment to the dividing perceptions the ego uses to make you feel so alone.  Everywhere around you is life, and this life is your reminder of your connection to your divinity.

Jessica Burnham is an Intuitive Life Coach, trained by Debbie Ford, in Jungian psychology techniques and a writer.  Her coaching goes deep into the root aspects of self sabotage and also includes intuitive reading.  When she is not coaching she is writing her upcoming book.  She can be reached at 202-236-3472 or  *                 

Mastery of Light and Our Choice to Evolve
by Joe Weaver
August 2011

Here is a topic that came up in last weekends Shamballa 13D workshop that I felt drawn to share.
Mastery of Light or Self, both go hand in hand and I see as being the backbone of Shamballa. Through the empowerment of our own Self we expand our awareness, knowingness and connection with Being All One.
Many words have been shared throughout time that talk about the choice of being love and Light. Many speak about “being” the Light but most only relate this to being one shade of Light. This duality view of Light and Dark relates to consciousness that sees itself separate from something else instead of seeing from the eyes of Unity consciousness. Many have lost sight or remembrance about being/mastering “the Light of all One”, which includes many radiations of Light. It’s not just about being the Light for which most only think about as a bright Light of white, but mastering “all” shades and colors of Light. We have been conditioned in many ways to only see ourselves as being one shade of Light and that we are separate from other things within reality/Creation. However this has limited our view of other parts of our own Self. The other levels that make up all the colors and shades of Light that exist as All One. There is no separation! All consciousness radiates from One Source. So limiting or separating ourselves from another spectrum of Light, be it another shade or color. Only separates us from our Divine encompassing Light of all One. By embracing/loving all the shades of Light that exist within our reality, means we have Mastered these levels of Light. It does not mean that when we embrace or love the darkness we become darkness. This is the illusion! Living in illusion and not knowing your connection to being All One IS living in darkness. Releasing the fear and separation means you now have the choice to move beyond it and be another color or shade within the spectrum of All One. So being a Master of Light means mastering the Dark and all shades of it. For when we Master the Darkness of our own Self we can “make the choice” to walk into the other shades and colors of Light of our own Self of All One.
Making the conscious “choice” to embrace/love darkness or anything that we used to see as separate from us, means we are moving into our Mastery. We have integrated our Mastery beyond the illusion of seeing ourselves as separate from another level of our own Self. We remember that we are a whole Light Being that encompasses and is One with all levels within Creation. Not just one form within Creation but all physical forms that exist within Creation (I am referring to what most call ET’s). Mastery of Light without barriers and without conditions to all radiations and embodiments of Light. The feelings and thoughts of wanting to shield or protect ourselves from something else or another shade of Light only means we see ourselves as being separate from another level of our own Self/Creation. This is why when a part of ourself has not integrated this knowingness or Mastery, we send ourselves back into this shade or color of Light “until” this part of ourselves masters this level within Creation.
Once we see/remember that we are the Light that encompasses all shades and colors of Light. We step into our Mastery of these Rays of Light. Then we can move beyond them “if we wish.”
Feelings of not being worthy, not holy or good enough are all part of the illusion. No repentance is needed in order to become One. It only takes the willingness and action of making the choice to no longer see yourself as separate from another part of Creation. We do not have to give up all our possessions, live as a monk and walk around in white robes to do this! Simply live your life as you are One with it and continually release all that stands in the way of this knowingness.
The time period for which we are living on Earth is all about remembering who we are. Making the “choice” to learn and experience more levels within Creation or going through the cycle of remembrance again. “Until” we have mastered it! There is no one to blame or say to a higher power “how could you do this to me?" We are the Creators of our existence! If we choose to live more lives in a reality with more wars, starvation, hunger, and more separation. All that has to be done is keep acting and living as though we are separate from one another.
Balance will come on Earth when the struggle ceases. The struggle within Self and within the Collective. The separation has to be let go of in order for balance and harmony to exist. The more people that live consciously awakened to how their life choices effects the balance of the Whole. The sooner balance will come.
Live the choice of Unity or allow the separation to continue. Everyone has a voice and everyone at this point still has free will. The time is now, to speak and live as One if Oneness is desired.
I hear the doubt radiating from some of you and how these words are reflecting off of your inner beliefs, and this is fine. I am not asking you to believe a word I have said. What I am proposing does not have to do with beliefs, it has to do with “living” and “knowing.” It is the beliefs and fears that creates the separation from your everlasting Light. So I am not saying “please believe me.” I am saying live your life “beyond” all belief and what you have been told to beleive. The world of illusion still exists because so many are “still” holding onto the belief that they are separate from All One. This is the “choice” for which I am speaking about. By holding onto the beliefs and fears you are making your choice. The choice to live and experience more illusion or live in expanded knowingness of your connection to life beyond physical life. This is the choice we are living in today, and I ask you to please take the time to evaluate the choices you are making and allowing to exist. Each persons choice matters. One effects the whole for we are One. By radiating your choice and love in your daily life in all ways and manners you are releasing the illusion and embracing the love and knowingness of your own Self beyond the illusion of being separate. Master the Light that stands before you and move “beyond” it! Together we will bring forth a New Age of Unity and Love.
All is choiceAll is love…It’s our choice if we wish to live it. Share your love! Assist others in need throughout the world. Give and share love without conditions. It is our choice to live as One or be separate! Love without conditions is the energy of freedom beyond illusion. It is the Light of Unity. The more people that choose to live in this Light the sooner balance will come for all.
“Through our own expansion of love we assist all! There is nothing to believe, open your heart and experience the truth for yourself.”
Shamballa On to all that wish it.....
Love to all,
Joe Weaver facilitates events that assist in Self realization, awareness, empowerment and mastery as we move through this transforming period of time on Earth. He also provides information and assistance through private and monthly group teleconferencing events. Sign up to his email list through *           

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Sometimes there are ones who lay down the body before you have a chance to say to them how much you care about them, and you feel an emptiness, an incompleteness. You feel, “Oh, I just wish they were here for one more hour so that I could tell them how much I love them.” Well, in that moment, they are feeling your love. They know how much you love them. And they are giving back to you their love at the same time.
Visit our website:  *    

HEAVEN #3907
Mining Yourself for Gold
August 6, 2011
God said:
If you did not rely on dignity so much, your life would be easier.
When you have true dignity, you don’t have to rely on it. You don’t have to worry that someone is going to topple over your dignity. Dignity isn’t something the world gives you. It is a reliance on yourself, and it is a reliance on Me. Don’t stand on dignity. Dignity from the outside isn’t much.
Dignity from the inside is not your concern. Have a good laugh at yourself. Laughter is better than dignity.
Dignity is ceremonious.
Just don’t take yourself and life so seriously. Life is the backdrop upon which you act in a play. Consider that you are in a rehearsal. You can relax. You are not really on stage. There is no audience. There is you and I. What is the big fuss about?
Early on, you needed approbation, and you need it still even when it is no longer needed. You have outgrown your need for it. Now it is a habit you have kept.
Now it is for you to approve and uphold others. The shoe is on the other foot.
You need nothing at all but to give. Your life depends on you now. Your life depends on how much you take focus off yourself and put it on others. This does not mean to efface yourself. It just means you get beyond yourself. Too much attention on yourself holds you back. It is like shifting gears in a car. You can’t go in first gear on the whole trip.
I am talking about speeding up your evolution. Vroom.
There is no haste, and yet you don’t want to hold back. There is no reason to. What you might call racing is your normal speed. That is, that is your evolution without delay.
Yet, you can’t spend time thinking of your evolution. It is not for you to think about at all. It is for you to simply move forward without further delay. And the way to do that is to stop thinking about yourself and your evolution. Your evolution is not a product. It is a by-product. It is a by-product of thinking of what you can do for others. Of course, I am not speaking of undermining yourself. It is more like mining yourself for the gold you inherently are.
Focusing on your evolution can overtake your life and become a selfish act. It isn’t your path of evolution to be selfish. I would say not. Over-weaning attention on yourself is a good way not to evolve even when you are taking steps for your greater evolution.
Your greatest obstacle to evolution is focus on yourself.
The Great Ones got past themselves. Established in Me, they gave service. Evolution equals service. You are not here on Earth for yourself alone. You may not be here for yourself at all.
Look, the Great Ones ate and slept. They took care of themselves, and yet they, themselves, were not the main object of their lives. What dignity was Buddha looking for as he sat and laughed under the Banyan tree? Did he promote himself? Did he raise his rates? Did he look for Me to give him a promotion? He accepted that he was already Buddha.
We could say that he went about his Father’s business.
He was in Heaven, and the world came to him. He lived under the Banyan tree. What symbol might the Banyan tree be? What symbol do you live under? How much thought do you give beyond yourself? How much selfishness do you put behind you, and why not?
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  *          

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