Today's Angel Message

Make the Universal personal and you become richer, wiser and stronger. Make the personal Universal and you will find freedom, compassion and love.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Today's Angel Message

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

So many of you are disenchanted with your world and yet there is such beauty coming to the surface in human hearts. There is such love infilatrating your planet. There are angels helping and assisting in the rebirthing of so many human lives. It is a time of intense change, evolution, and growth, and we in the heavens celebrate those of you who can see beyond the so-called chaos and find the emerging love that is rising, like the Phoenix rises from its own ashes. It is the springtime of your souls! It is a time of new life, new ideas, new desires, and a renewed resolution to experience God's love in so many of your hearts.

Whether it is a volcano in Iceland, a flower bursting forth through the hard desert soil into bloom, or all the emotions you have held under the surface for a lifetime - ALL is coming to the surface. God is asking you to bring ALL that you are up, and out of hiding, and into the light of His love. God is saying, "Dear ones, it is time to grow. It is time to bring your truth into the light. It is time to be honest with life, to respect yourself enough to ask for kindness, to love yourself enough to admit your dreams, and to realize I love you so much I want to help." To receive God's love dear ones, you must believe in God's love. Faith is not believing in what you have seen but rather believing so that you CAN see.

Give God a try. Dig deep into your own hearts and ask yourself, "Where do I not believe in Love? Where am I afraid to receive love? Where am I afraid to let go of control?" If you wish to truly feel God's hand in your life, you will have to let go of a bit of control. God has dreams for you that are better for you than anything you could imagine. Let us give you an example.

So many of you want a relationship. You say you want someone in your life and yet deep down, you are disillusioned with relationships, doubtful there is anyone out there for you, fearful of being hurt once again, and sometimes, not sure you really want one after all! In order to 'protect' yourself from pain you either avoid people or you go on a search for the perfect mate, evaluating human beings as if you were buying a new car! This is a no-win situation because your mind is saying "yes I want this" but your fears are saying "I better watch out. I don't believe God will bring this to me." And so, the universe, which was designed to lovingly allow all that is in you to be fulfilled says, "I must wait until you are clear."

Better to dig deep inside yourself and say, "God I want a relationship but I am afraid. I am not confident I can have one. Help me live and abide in your heart. Prevent what is not good for me, and make what is so enticing I cannot miss." Then live your lives dear friends! Be happy now. Be the kind of person you would want in your lives and your faith and your radiant being will be so filled with love that you will attract love. And whatever you do, dear ones, as you dig through your heart and soul, be gentle with yourselves. Have a sense of humor - for the human condition is truly a mixture of dark and light and you can lighten up just a little bit even in the most difficult times of growth.

You, dear ones, can allow for or block God's love in your life. God is waiting with angels by His side to assist you in all that you want and design for your life - not always in the exact ways you request; often better. God is waiting to pour His Love in your lives. But you must do the inner work. You must dig inside of yourselves and bring your hopes, dreams, desires, frustrations, unbelief, etc. to the surface, admit them to yourselves and ask for assistance in healing that which blocks your dreams. In this fashion, dear friends, you do the work you came to do here upon your planet earth. You bring everything within you into the light of God's love. And from this new level of honesty and willingness to receive, new life springs forth in great glory.

We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: 11:11 Progress Group 
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 7:00 AM

Illawarra District, Australia, June 14, 2013.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Sincerity and Commitment.” 

Received by George Barnard.

Spokesperson: “I belong to a group of five Mentori with whom some 11:11 members had conversations. I am known as, and you may refer to me as, the Spokesperson, although this is hardly because I am more well-spoken than are others. I am not. My expertise lies in my ability to ascertain what is expressed in myriad languages, and held in mind, thus retrieving from this the deeper meanings and sentiments. And yes, here you may rightfully conclude there to be better understanding in the morontia spheres, absolute clarity in the spiritual realms. 

“This lesson is about sincerity and commitment, commitment and sincerity– two important virtues that go together and are vital to you in your progress in life on this planet and on the morontia worlds. It is correct to claim that the Creator knows your heart in the now, in the past, but in the future as well. By extension, your Thought Adjuster knows your past, present and future. However, a great number of other celestial personalities may be involved in your life, and they might well require reassurance in aiding you on your path. 

“As much as your Teachers declare that for each of you there is a Teacher waiting in the wings, and you all to request regular lessons, you are not without care prior to making such a request. Indeed, further to your Destiny Guardians and Cherubim there are others with vested interests in your progress, because your development is also part of the progress of their lengthy pilgrimage to higher spheres. Do not underestimate the planning by many diverse sons and daughters of God in the nurture and education of all your (human) kind. 

“Such minor teachers or student teachers, if you so prefer, are often passed-on relatives of mortals still living on the evolutionary planets. They may be unrelated, but always in need of knowing how committed and sincere their charges will be before they put their minds, energy, prayers and healing to the task of assisting their entrusted in their endeavors. Do you see the use for those evaluating the real commitment of a mortal’s future undertakings from their spoken words, body language, and general behaviors? 

“Rather is it a waste of time for you to pray for those who have passed on, but it does not represent squandered energy for those on high to plan ahead for you. Of importance is it for you to grasp from this lesson that whatever you attempt in truth, beauty and goodness, you do so in the Creator’s name with all sincerity and commitment. In this fashion you will receive all manner of assistance from on high. Even more important will be the strong character that you will build. Our evaluations are meant to advance human progress, and they do.” 

George: “Very well, I would see you as profilers at those tasks.” 

Spokesperson: “Indeed! Not all education is initiated by the Thought Adjusters. Countless others ‘gain their stripes’ by instigating their well-thought-out programs and considered applications. We go now, our brother, and we leave you our love.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. 

We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – 
ABC-22, January 1972.

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Heavenletter #4684 Receiving God's Love , September 21, 2013 

God said: 

Love from Me is not accidental, nor is it occasional. It is a given. At every moment, I am sending you love. At every moment you receive it, whatever you are aware of or not.
Close your beautiful eyes, and feel your receiving love from Me, God, the One and Only. Of course, I am within you, and that makes us One, One of Love, One of All. Oneness is Totality, Wholeness, All That Is. Oneness is All, All as One.
Reach out to Me, and you are reaching out to yourself.
What more is there to say? Why clutter up simplicity?
Let’s be simple instead. Why complicate? Complexity is not greater than simplicity. Oneness is the simplest of all. It is All-Embracing.
Simplicity is richer than complexity. Simplicity is smarter. Simplicity is without end. Complexity gives you a good send-off and does not deliver.
Everything is simple to those who grasp it. Complexity goes to the outskirts.
The Moon is simple. Here it is up in the sky for you to look at. Nothing fancy is needed. What is fancy about the Moon? It reflects the Sun. And you reflect Me. Perfectly simple. You are I, and you are the Moon. The Sun, Moon, and Stars and you and I are all One. Differences are superficial. They are not much at all. One Heart beats in the Whole of the Universe. However We might slice it, the One Heart is Mine, and it is yours, and it belongs to everyone even as One is All, and All is One.
I, God, AM everywhere. I AM up in the sky, and I AM in your heart. I AM. I AM the Truth, and the Truth is All. I AM Oneness, and I AM included in you as you are included in Me.
You have been waylaid on Earth. You are like the country cousin who has gone to visit in the big city. Your eyes get big in the big city. I compare you, My One Beautiful Child, to the country cousin who has been dazzled by the City Lights and the fast cars. The world is your Big City, and it has swept you up.
Don’t misunderstand Me. The Big City is BEAUTIFUL. I love it. I also remember Who I AM, and I AM you, and you are I.
Remember where you come from. Don’t sell yourself out to razzle-dazzle. Don’t give away your inheritance. Don’t give Me away. I am enough for all, and I am really not too much for you. I am just right for you. You can have all of Me. I give All of Me to you. You are in My embrace, and My embrace is spectacular. My embrace is phenomenal. My embrace is Infinite, as Infinite as I, as Infinite as you, and that is to say, very very Infinite, very Vast, as Vast as My One Beating Heart with all the Love in the World combined.
Hark, I feel the beat of your heart. It is like a birdsong. I hear your heart singing My song. You have found My heart, and you have heard My song, a vacuum within your heart brings you to Me. You are enveloped with love, and I am irresistible as your next step. Here you come. You are on your way to Me. You have been fattened up with love. I count the beat of your heart. It is mighty. It is the mightiest of the Mighty. I appoint you a blessing to the world, and so shall you be. In blessing the world, you bless Me, and Oneness is blessed.
