Time Of Great Remembrance

Let us restore prayer to the true experience of Love that it is ... that you are the Word that is now being said, the expression of pure and perfect resonance, restoring the perception of life to its perfection. It is fueled by joyous waves of gratitude and experience as this communion, in which you know the Will of Love as the prayer that you are being...rather than saying.

From The Messages from God
2011-08-25 | Circle of Light


The Beloved: The Time of Great Remembrance
Received by Kenton David Bell
Look deep within your heart.  Feel where this is true.  Feel deep within yourself through the heart where you begin to access the truth of your nature; where separation does not exist.  And allow yourself to dwell here.  Allow yourself to spend some time here.  And allow yourself to take in these words and the energy from this Reunion, this event we are sharing with you at this moment. Let go of the mind, now and then, allow youself to be in your heart.
As you begin to bring awareness from the non-physical perspective into this experience, something new begins to show up. You begin to see that you are consciously the Creator of the experience, you see. As you begin to have awareness that you are the Creator, you become conscious Creator. And as you become conscious Creator of this experience, you begin to have an opportunity to pick, choose love; choose joy. Set your intention to "see" what is real for today and everyday.
You see, it's always there but we're just bringing your attention to that frequency; the frequency that is you, the frequency that is Source, the part of you that is Source, and that is what the Great Remembrance is about. Really about just tuning in to our frequency that reminds you of your true nature, your divinity, you see; just tuning in to a frequency, not much different than turning a radio dial, not much different at all. Turn your dial to Source 101 today and everyday, tune into You.
There truly is no difference between the energies here that are calling themselves the Beloved and you. We stem from the same place. We're cut from the same cloth. We are the same family. We just have a slightly different perspective at this moment than you. And we are here to share that perspective so that you may find something in there about yourself, so you may have an experience about yourself, about your true nature, about who  you are in this time of Great Remembrance. You are an Individual, and yet you are  part of  The All . . . Go have a Heaven on Earth Day!