Time Is Running Out


Sincerity is being in touch with your depth.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Seraphin Message 137: TIME IS RUNNING OUT
By Seraphin through Rosie
Aug 30, 2013 - 10:31:14 AM


Seraphin Message 137: TIME IS RUNNING OUT
Through Rosie 19th May 2013-05-21

Dear Children on Earth: you are our children in the fullest sense of the word. We of the celestial hierarchy in its very fullness and completeness and oneness compositely form the FATHER who looks after and encourages you to go into action and carry out your choices, and simultaneously we form the body of the MOTHER in the sense that we nurture you and further your intuition. Eternal and unconditional love is what we have to offer you. We follow you with an observing and unjudging eye from your first inception to your first breath to your first steps to your first teenage dilemmas to your development into adulthood and beyond, until your task on this planet is complete. And then we prepare you for the next.

For some, this is an arduous journey (for we are not heard or recognised) which exhausts you mentally and thus physically at every turn. For others, it is a constant adventure which is created by their every thought, word, visualisation and acts. The latter is how YOU will review this life (as every life) when you have arrived at the final destination. You will see that you were the cause of ALL EFFECT.

When you are in infancy, crying whenever confronted with discomfort, then your view is still limited to physical sensation. Those who have got BEYOND the physical and have started to use their minds to question and to search for the true roots of happiness, the journey becomes more exciting. Those who travel further on will realise that THEIR CONCEPT OF HAPPINESS CHANGES UNTIL IT CULMINATES IN THE WORD “SERVICE”, no longer lying in the clothes they wear, the perfumes they possess, the riches they hoard, the servants they hire, the possessions they acquire and the level of power or reputation they have achieved. They will realise that THEIR HAPPINESS IS DEPENDENT ON THE HAPPINESS OF OTHERS BECAUSE THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME, AFFECTING ONE AND THE SAME, CHOOSING TO UPLIFT ONE AND THE SAME OR ALLOWING ONE AND THE SAME TO DEGENERATE THROUGH NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS.

The result of your collective choices lies all around you: broken homes, diseased trees, adulterated skies, poisoned food and poisoned minds, and violence in all its forms. And it is not possible to sit passively and patiently and resigned in your chair, pretending that your needs are met, congratulating yourself on your endeavours, as YOU ARE NOT YOU as an individual; YOU ARE PART OF ALL THAT IT AND AFFECTED ON ALL LEVELS AS SUCH.

On this journey we watch you: the way you wait, the way you fall back, the way you tremble, the way you look away, the way you cry in private desperation, the way you condemn others (who mirror yourself) for their wayward actions. It is not enough that you put your mental and physical rubbish in the bins provided, because the presence of the bins and of the cleaning personnel reinforce your habits of throwing away, of lack of awareness, of leaving messes behind you. We say, STAND UP AND LOOK BEHIND YOU.

It is not enough to smile sweetly or parade bombastically through the streets of cheering onlookers, for you conceal your violence, and your onlookers conceal the dullness and the drudgery of their lives. It is not enough to play the role of king or pauper, any more than it is not enough to continue in the role of small child. See that your internal growth is parallel to your physical progress. Adulthood is not a physical state, but true sovereignty in sincere service.

You will notice that we have said all this before. This is, actually, what we (your unseen guides) are whispering to you CONTINUOUSLY. We never cease to try. We are eternal and will spend eternity in an attempt to reach you. There is, in fact, no way that you can avoid our ceaseless offers of help. Also these messages are merely a momentary fleeting physical imprint of the wave of thought-forms we continuously place within your conscience for contemplation and review.


Time is running out, dear children. Those who never look behind, who never reflect, who never call their own behaviour into question, who refuse to learn (on this which is primarily a learning journey, with the additional task of teaching others) will not be able to continue here. 

May you tread in awareness and love, Seraphin

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
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Heavenletter #4664 Your Very Self , September 1, 2013 

God said: 

What you want of Me is what you want of yourself. What did I just say? What did I mean? I mean for you to be self-sufficient. All answers are within you. If the Kingdom of God is within, it is within. The worshipper and the worshipped are the same. That which you seek is within you. You are your own answers to your prayers. You are the solver and the solution. Find Me within you then. There is a tendency to think power lies outside you.
Greater than the individual you is the glory and power that shines in the hearts of all. Yes, I say all. Not just a chosen few.
Let’s look at it this way. All are chosen. I chose, and you chose. We could call it a team effort, yet it was no effort at all.
What do you think it means when I say We are One, and there is no We, there is only I and the Oneness of I AM? Who is talking, and Who is listening? Who is speaking, and Who is hearing? Who is writing, and Who is written? If I exist within one human being, I exist within all. The many is a fractured picture of One. Optical illusion, shall We say? Here is that word We again. Well, it is better than the words you and I as though separation were real.
Can there be Oneness and multitudes? I suppose there can be that concept, and you do have that concept. The all that you see is a pictograph of Oneness. A clear photo isn’t taken. It has so many pixels when only Oneness is. Another name for Oneness is Wholeness, only, in Truth, there are no separate parts to make whole. Wholeness is the same as Oneness. One and One and One and One add up to One.
Why is this important to realize? Because this is Our One Self I speak of. I speak to Whom? Why, to Myself, of course. My Self is none other than that which you refer to as your Self. This Self is not a selfish self nor is it propelled by ego. Ego does not flourish in Oneness. Naturally Oneness leaves the imagined ego behind. Ego cannot preside in Oneness. Ego is done in in Oneness. Ego stays out. It has no choice. Just as a hippopotamus cannot fit through a door, nor can ego enter the portal of Oneness. Ego wears a big hat and cannot walk in, sneak in, or even exist in Oneness. If ego tried to sneak in, ego would be neutralized. So say I.
When you hear Me, when you read between the lines, you and I are consistently the One that ever was. And, yet, despite your disavowal of life on Earth, you love it. You can grumble and shout, and yet you like it so much that you dwell in it, not only physically, but in every other way. You certainly think about world life a lot. You are immersed in it, as if world life is all there is.
The Earth is your dance floor. Let’s face it, you love the multiplicity of life. Where else is there so much to wonder at and be amazed at? Nevertheless, life on Earth is not the extent of your existence, My existence.
I am going to tell you that, despite all your complaints and shenanigans, there is more to life than what “Now you see and now you don’t.” There is a Presence, and that Presence is within you. The Presence is the Vastness of Oneness Itself. You are never without the God within the so-called you Who art your very Self, and, therefore, Mine.

Montague Keen - August 18, 2013

What was shown to you this week proves conclusively that the Light of Truth will triumph. Preparations are well under way. Be prepared for the unexpected. The element of surprise is important. You have seen the evidence of this. There are people in key positions around your world who are aware of what is expected of them. They will not be found wanting.

My dear, all is in Divine Order. Our time has come to rescue humanity from the evil influences that took control of it, and from their plans to destroy all that was not required by them. We needed to place some of the greatest minds who ever walked the Earth in position, in order to lead humanity. They will be revealed when the timing is right. Some are now learning who they really are and why they are on Earth at this time. Their real identity had to be kept strictly secret, even from themselves. They have lived ordinary lives up until now, though occasionally, they were given hints as to the important roles they were expected to play in the Transition. Now they are having to take on board the enormity of the task they agreed to carry out before returning to Earth. They are finding each other and everything is falling into place. All the pieces of the puzzle are coming together, just as was planned.

My dear, it was no accident that Rupert Sheldrake could not accept the invitation to your dinner party discussion, suggesting instead that you invite me in his place, all those years ago. Spirit used Rupert so that I could get to you.

A problem was created with RYANAIR at Dublin Airport. This was used to bring another one to your attention. You are now realising the importance of that event. The World of Spirit will use whatever is necessary to get the right people together. Leave the worrying to us. We will get the right people in the right place at the right time.

I know, my dear, you sometimes look at the people who are around you and wonder how these people ever managed to get to you. Now, you know, nothing happens by chance! Our team on Earth is ready and willing to follow instructions at the appropriate time and that is something we will decide.

I know it is very distressing for you to see what is happening in Egypt and Iraq, etc. So many innocent people are being caught up in this mayhem. The take-over of these countries was planned by the Cabal many years ago and they are desperately clinging to that plan, even though they are now beginning to see that they will never be allowed to succeed. Their killing spree will be stopped. They are using individuals who are totally brainwashed, to go into these countries in order to divide and conquer, and to carry out orders without thought of the consequences.

People are waking up to the lies they are being told. You can see this for yourselves as the evidence of what is being done is clear. Ask yourselves why the "ruling countries" are preparing for WAR. What are they planning? Is this a last gasp attempt to hold on? Look at their eyes as they try to convince you that they really must "invade to protect" or that "there are weapons of mass destruction" etc. How can they possibly believe that they can deceive the people anymore? The TRUTH is out there. It can no longer be hidden.

Humanity will be helped to recover. The right help has been organised to step in and provide all that is necessary to recover from this onslaught. There are ships surrounding Planet Earth with everything that you could possibly need to rebuild and restore everything that was destroyed by the Cabal. This does not require money. All will be given and peace will be restored. You are in a war between good and evil: but good will win. Planet Earth will soon resume its rightful place in the universe and all channels of communication will be restored once again. It needed enough of you to wake up, in order to bring this about. Do continue to wake people up, so that they can enjoy the experience of taking part in the most important enterprise in the history of your world. It does not matter which country you belong to. You are all important, so do not accept what you are told about certain countries. Veronica has had contact with people in countries which you were told were closed to such information, such as China, Korea, and Russia, etc. They, too, are waking up and are most welcome to join this great family that knows no bounds or restrictions. All one, in the pursuit of truth and justice for all.

Do not allow anger or mistrust to colour your thoughts. Look on everything with a loving heart as this changes everything. You have all been imprisoned in the lower dimensions where fear is your jailer: fear of religion, fear of the law, no matter how unjust it is. Fear is instilled from birth. It is only when you see it for what it is, that you become free.

Send love to everyone, everywhere. You will be amazed at the results it will bring. LOVE can destroy the power of the Cabal. Love is pure and good. It enhances the lives of those who love and are loved. Write the word LOVE in big letters and hold it aloft. Come together in the name of love, and let love be your guiding light as you progress on the road to the Transition.

My dear, all is as it should be. Always, your adoring, Monty.
