Time 4 The Truth - Channeled

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: The Time for Revealing the Truth Looms Large
3.)  Archangel Michael: Splendorous Dragon * The Path of the Initiate
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Prosper in Love
Isis' Message of the Day -
It is not the problems you face that defines you . . . it is how you handle them.
How everything and everyone is connected. See this series!
www.fox.com/Touch *
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Each season of the year and every month has its own special angel. These angels help us learn from nature the particular lessons and insights that every season imparts.
The Angel of May - brings the blush and promise of spring. May's angel rejoices with us as we take heart at the sight of trees ad shrubs in bloom and relish our anticipation of the fruits to come. This angel of spring reminds us that this is a time of awakening the seed within ourselves. Perhaps we have a deep longing, an artistic talent never explored or a friendship never quite attempted. This angel of May will help us discover this potential, nurturing our spirits as we can dare to fulfill this hidden promise and bring forth the fruit of a life fully lived.

Today's Angel Message

It is apparent in every facet of earthly existence that humanity is awakening from the illusional dream of past ages as the refreshing Light of God-consciousness permeates all Creation.  Each Soul has an unique consciousness code within their Diamond Core God Cell. This code contains the perfect resonance or harmonics for each lifetime.  One of the wonders of recalibrating your Energetic Signature with your Soul Song is that the attuned frequencies begin to resonate with the streams of Living Light which connect your Soul to many other fragments of your Higher Self.  At that time, your ascension process truly begins. You still cannot comprehend that you are strongly interconnected with all the facets of your Higher Self. One of the greatest, most astounding awakenings is when you become aware that you are a facet of a great, multidimensional Being of Light.
I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Star*Quest* 6005 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax:             775-856-3654       * Email:
RonnaStar@earthlink.net *  I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses given through this Channel please visit: www.RonnaStar.com  *    
SaLuSa: The Time for Revealing the Truth Looms Large
Through Mike Quinsey
May 2, 2012
We have often told you that you that there is nothing you cannot achieve, and we wish to thank you for supporting our allies who have done extremely well in such a short time, by bringing the truth into the public domain. Your acceptance of their revelations and intent to make them generally known, has sent the information far and wide. It has opened the eyes of many people who had no idea that covert operations existed on such a large scale. The truth needs to be spread to as many people as possible, and that will make disclosure and our coming much easier for them to accept. Fear still dwells within the minds of some people, and anything that can lessen the shock of our existence will help them to move on. The facts about our relationship to you cannot be held back much longer, and we are eager for disclosure to take place. It must precede our coming which has been planned for a long time.
Most of you are aware that there are whistleblowers amongst you who have put themselves forward, to reveal what is happening where both the military and financial activities are concerned. Their help is important to ensure that until the media can be freed from their restraints and truthfully report the news, that you know that we are very active in backing up our allies. Our presence and back up will ensure that any attempt to start another World War will be unsuccessful. We are also making sure that where the arrests for criminal acts involving financial matters are concerned, that those who are guilty do not escape justice. However, we ask you to leave such matters to the authorities, and when you learn the facts not to let your anger result in reprisals. All will answer at some stage for their actions against the people. Your energy is best spent spreading the Light and sending Love to all those that need it at this special time.
We would like to say once again that every soul that is on Earth at this time, is there for a special purpose, even if in some instances it is purely to be an observer. All stand to benefit from their experiences, and many have elected to ascend. In other words, all have a life plan including those who have no current knowledge or understanding of Ascension. Indeed many have incarnated knowing that they will not reach the level of consciousness necessary to do so. Yet all will have gained through their experiences, and particularly those who remain for the end time. All knowledge acquired moves each soul forward to reach their own time for Ascension. Duality is a fast track road to success, but often at the cost of experiencing the depths of darkness. There is always a way out of it, and as soon as the Light is responded to great Beings of Light will appear.
Dear Ones, the whole purpose of your life is to evolve, and your soul journey will eventually take all back to the Source of All That Is. Obviously a souls progress comparing one to another, can differ quite a lot according to how long is spent in the lower dimensions. At present you are moving towards the higher dimensions and once there, will no longer be bound by linear time. Everything will be in the "Now" and you will move at will between the past, present and future. However, for the time being you are still much involved with time, and we are aware that the apparent delay in starting our many projects concerns you. Yet in reality they are advancing very well, and we are poised to help make some major arrests of people that are high up within the dark forces. It will be the start of a long lasting cleansing of those in places of power, so that authority and responsibility for your wellbeing is passed on to others who care. Be assured that we know who is of the Light, and no one will be able to get past our scrutiny or deceive us. Matters are coming to a head, and you can expect some surprising developments very soon.
It is more important at this time to remain steadfast and resolved to maintain the Light that now abounds upon Earth, and it will continue to do so lifting the vibrations. The levels of your consciousness cannot remain stagnant, and must rise up as a result. Already it is transmuting areas of darkness, and we find that it is reaching into the hearts of those who have closed it off. As you quickly approach Ascension, so will those souls who cannot absorb such vibrations have to leave the Earth. Their path is destined to take them on to a time line that allows a continuation of their present experiences. There is no choice involved, as you cannot rise up unless you are already of the higher vibration. As we have already mentioned, all souls will have already decided their future.
We of the Galactic Federation are ready to meet you, and indeed in certain circumstances contact has been made in recent times on many occasions. Some would appear as random meetings, but others have been purposely arranged to give your leaders an opportunity to bring peace to the world. Many times we have offered to broker peace for you, but those who wield the power have preferred to carry on with their plan for your enslavement. However, you the people have called to God, asking for release from your dark masters and it has been answered in no uncertain way. As a result you face the end of the cycle with Ascension, instead of the collapse of your civilization. The prospect of it rising up with Mother Earth is a unique achievement, especially as you will do so whilst in your physical bodies. Many other civilizations are attracted to your Earth because of it, and it will be a spectacle that will make a lasting impression. We ourselves will get  a grandstand view and be present to ensure a happy and joyful conclusion. From thereon you will commence  a new stage in your evolution, one that will be quite different to what you are familiar with now. All the gifts of God will be bestowed upon you, as you take your place amongst the enlightened souls who are true beings of Light and Love.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to give you our assurance that all is well. Clearly the time for revealing the truth looms large, and we have a program that will cover your needs so that you understand why you have been oppressed for so long. You have come out of a period of darkness created by the destruction of Atlantis, and you have lifted yourselves up back into the Light by challenging the dark Ones and being successful. It has been a long and arduous journey, but you proved your worth to move into the higher dimensions and back into the Light, and we love you all for it.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Mike Quinsey

I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation.  *    
Archangel Michael: Splendorous Dragon * The Path of the Initiate
Transmitted Through Elanthra- April 29, 2012
May 2, 2012
Greetings fellow journeyers ~
This is Archangel Michael, beaming to you in this moment from amidst the latest dynamic Ascension energies.  Know dear Ones that the Divine ‘Fire Dragon,’ amongst other delights, has blessed the Crystalline Earth recently.  And with this has emerged ‘The Golden Path of the Initiate,’ which is a blessed path indeed, for all that is needed to be relearnt will pre ~ sent itself forth in an initiation for you to Master.
As always, I hope that you have become One and merged with your Highest Self.  Know dear Ones that for each initiation the path will miraculously present as needed, and what presents is often not what you expect.  Lo and behold, many a time we overlook what is right before our eyes.   Know that this is The Golden Path ~ The Path of Heart.
I would like to re~mind you now that your Higher Mind, Heart and Spirit are all equally important on The Ascension Path.  With your Sacred Mind you manifest divine thoughts, with your golden hearts you are made strong through Unconditional Love, and through your Spirit "You Are" infused with the I AM That I AM Presence ~ the Joie de Vivre.  You are strengthened through Unconditional Love; Love is the most powerful force in the Universe, and it will indeed heal all situations.
Recently it has come to my attention that some of you are anxious while waiting for the next round of Ascension energies.  Know dear Ones that this will lead to you missing the gloriousness of the moment ~ the Here And Now.  While we ask you to be Proactive Co-creators in manifesting the ascension energies, we also suggest that while envisioning the scenario you also trust and know that It Is Already So.  Why not take this as an opportune time to relax and play ~ Go With The Flow per se?  The Light will ever be victorious, and know that All Is Well.
I ask that you continue to support each other and come together in courage and strength to present as a Strong Force Of Light.  Know that all that you have endured is not for naught.  There is a purpose, time and season for everything under the sun.  There is a time for action and a time to sit back , rest and reflect.
With this ~ we present the benevolent Fire Dragon’s Golden Path of the Initiate.  May the golden sacred fires of splendorous Divine Love permeate every corner of the New Crystalline Earth ~ protecting ~ transmuting ~ renewing ~ replenishing ~ and healing.  Let you, The Championed Ones, rise up in celebration this moment and always.
The Divine Scenario:
Behold the timeless, blazing ‘Golden Tree of Life,’ that is imbued with such exquisite luminescence, and houses roots that gracefully entwine and twist and turn, before stemming down to anchor into Mother Gaia.
To the left of the Golden Tree of Life emerges the ‘Stamen Flowered Portal,’ which swirls, parts ~ stretches ~ outreaches and blossoms ~ even as the ‘Kundalini Fire’ sprouts forth out of the Seeded Portal, entwining into a splendorous coil as it begins it’s downward trek.
‘The Elohim’ hand down the beaming, flushed ‘Blanketed Babe’ (representing Divine newborn aspects of One and All), which cometh on Spiral Waves, delivering it into the womb of Mother Gaia.
Next, the breathtaking Fire Dragon Guardian soars forth as it emits Golden and Red Sacred Fire, which engulfs the Earth in a majestic whirlwind of a crescendo.  A Golden Swaying Path has now made itself known, and we invite all willing initiates to Step Up onto the Path.  The Fire Dragon Guardian spews the sacred fire straight ahead on ‘The Path of the Initiate,’ behind the initiate, and to the left and right of the initiate ~ blazing the way.   The dispersing has caused the air to be emblazoned with such spectacular technicolor and glorious, epic highlights!
One and All ~ we invite you to breathe in the gentle yet powerful Kundalini Fire, and allow it to traverse in counterclockwise swirls through your chakras, beginning with your Crown Chakra.  Feel the warm, soothing, tingling sensation.  Feel the rejuvenation.  Know that you are divinely protected.  Boost up the Trifold Flame within your Heart Chakra, and move the Kundalini Fire down through your back, hands, arms, legs and feet.
Anchor the energy into Mother Earth by envisioning tree roots stemming down from the soles of your feet.
Now, continue along your unique path, knowing that you are safe and well-guided.  Call upon myself, Archangel Michael or any Light Deity that you wish to.
What presents to you now is for your eyes only.  Ask for clarification at any time, if needed.  Know that each and every one of you will experience what Spirit would like to present to you in the way that is unique to you.  As always, we ask that you Trust Your Intuition and Believe.  Enjoy the creative process, stay as long as you like, and venture back here whenever you need to.
Initiates, when you are done, ground back into your bodies and rooms.
May many an enlightened and empowered moment and Pearls of Mystical Wisdom manifest for you now.  Know dear Ones that the power of my Blue Flame and Excalibur Sword are yours now and always.  Affirm that You Are I AM That I AM, and know that your moment is now.  May the glorious power of the Fire Dragon gently warm your hearts and blaze your path, and in it’s wake, easily and gracefully light your way home.
Blessed be.  Namaste.  As above, so below, and so it is.
Kodoish kodoish kodoish anonai tsebayoth
(Holy holy holy is the Lord God of Hosts in Hebrew)
I AM, Archangel Michael
I AM, The Fire Dragon Guardian

Universal Copyright ©2012 – Elanthra, Live with Light – Please feel free to duplicate and distribute, provided that this channeling is duplicated in it’s entirety, nothing is altered in any way, all links are included, and no money is exchanged.
Elanthra is an Indigo, Crystalline Walk-In Healer and Energy Anchorer from the Omniverse, dedicated to service in a creative and playful manner.  She is especially passionate about all the "New Children." *
* Website: 
www.livewithlight.com *  E-mail:  Elanthra@livewithlight.com   * 
 Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you do not need saving, but you do need to wake up from time to time and realize—make real in your awareness—who you are, what you are: the extension of the one Creator. I say this over and over and over to you until finally, perhaps, it sinks in deeply enough that you are the extension of the one Creator come into this reality to experience and express your divinity.
Visit our website:
www.Oakbridge.org  *   
Heavenletter #4177
Prosper in Love
May 2, 2012
God said:
Listen to the reverberation of My heart. Hear My heart beat in yours. Rum de dum, rum de dum, goes the beat of Our heart. Established in love, Our heart beats in love.
What will love look like today? What generosity will you proffer to the Universe and the souls within the Universe? What is yours to give, give. Let your heart circulate through the Universe. This is the greatest travel of all. Sight-seeing is good. Heart-giving is greater.
The heart travels fast. The heart is equivalent to the tom-toms that send messages far and wide. Listen to the beat of Our heart as it signals love throughout the Universe.
Instead of thinking, "Love, come to me," or, "Love, give yourself to me," think: "Love, go out and give the Universe love, so that all hearts may feel Great Love, so that love shall cover and permeate the Earth as it is meant to."
There is no gift to equal love. In fact, a gift without love is nothing. The only thing you have to give is love. If you give a million dollars without love, you have given nothing.
What does it mean then to give with love? It means to do as you and I truly want to be done. My Will is for you to prosper in love. There is nothing else to prosper in.
What makes the plants to grow? They grow to the sun in order to create beauty and sustenance to the world. Flowers grow in order to emanate their love. Vegetables grow the same. Corn grows tall and radishes grow short, and the world flourishes.
There is love, and there is more love, and there is a flood of love on Earth. Love is covering the Earth, and yet love gives plenty of breathing room. Love fills, and love frees. That is the thing about love. It doesn't suffocate. It flows. It reaches every crevice. Love goes faster than the speed of light. Love is light. Love is bright light.
No need for you to chase love. Need for you to give it. Let your love seep out. Let your love go out in torrents. Let love go. We say it is your love, and yet you know by now that all love is Mine, and all My love is for you to give away on My behalf, to make life good on Earth, good for one, and good for all.
Love is the multiplier. Love is the overtaker. Love is all, and you are love.
Become familiar with the love that soars within you, and bring it out where it can be seen, can be gloried in. It is intended that the world swim in love, that oohs and ahs of love spill onto the world and revitalize it. Enough has been taken from the world. Now it is time to give. Ultimately, it is to yourself that you give. Love is a magic trick wherein you bless all and find yourself the most blessed. Giving is your surprise party. You were invited to a birthday and, when you got there, you discovered the party was for you. Surprise! And your joy starts the party all over again, until you don't know who you are anymore. In any case, you are not what you thought.
Amazingly, you hosted the party, and you were the honored guest. This is how it is. All love is yours because you give it. The libation is for you. You are the adorer and the adored. There is no one else. There is only the One of Us, the One of All.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * 
www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click: 
www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * 
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