Thoughts Channeled



Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Thoughts and the Adjuster of Thoughts.”

Received by Valdir Soares.

Teacher Prolotheos: “There is an immense array of useful concepts about thoughts that simply cannot be explored in this lesson. Thoughts are made possible in us through the mind-ministry of the Infinite Spirit. As personal beings, humans have the ability of being aware of their thoughts, even as they think them. Some call this ‘consciousness’. Many are the factors that produce thoughts in your mind, but regardless of their origin, they are very important when they become the basis for your decisions and actions. So, it is right to say that ‘by your thoughts you may live or die’.

“There is a specific ministry related to thoughts. Our Father has sent to the worlds of time and space marvelous fragments of Himself, called Thought Adjusters. It is their specific mission to help you with your thoughts. What they do is what their name implies: They endeavor to ‘adjust’ your thoughts to the will of God. As valuable as it is, the ministry of the Adjutant Spirits, by itself, is not enough to securely lead you to the ‘way of the Father’, because of the constant debased inputs coming from your animal urges. The Spirit Fragment from the Creator that indwells you is capable of impressing powerful ideas upon your mind, although in a gentle way, to convince you to choose to do the will of God.

“Your Thought Adjuster, patiently and continually brings to your consciousness those higher and purer thoughts, giving you spiritual wisdom to conduct yourself well, and leading you to act with unselfish love and service towards your fellow human beings. Only if every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart is continuously evil, and the human’s soul potentials are completely bankrupt, then, your Thought Adjuster leaves you. Otherwise, He stays with you through every situation in life, even if occasionally your slothful thoughts grieves this divine presence in you – for He loves with so great a love, striving in each minor opportunity to change your thoughts towards doing the will of the Father.

“Look back on your own past, my pupil, and see how many changes your Adjuster has produced in your way of thinking. Be assured that these changes are only the beginning of many more to come, until the day you become perfectly synchronized with your Thought Adjuster and fuse to become one with Him. Your thoughts can lead you to live or die, to find truth or continue in error, to love or hate, to harmony or disruption – trust the thoughts you receive from your Thought Adjuster, and base your actions and decisions on them, so the path to God will be signposted before you to walk on. I am Prolotheos, your teacher, glad to enlighten your thoughts on this subject. All is well.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“Don’t throw ‘bread’ to the multitudes, but give it to them one by one,
for a grown man will need more than does a child, and some won’t need any at all.”
– Teacher Prolotheos.


This Equinox is Your First Gossamer Layer

by lifetapestrycreations

Life Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photocart_header

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for


Dear Ones,

Much will happen in the next several days but few of you will notice. For the happenings are within you. This shift is like a gossamer layer that is difficult to discern.

You have cleared and cleansed for months - perhaps even years. Yet there are people, places and things that upset you. The mention of someone's name makes you uncomfortable. The thought of a particular place sends you scurrying for emotional cover. And anger or even rage continues when faced with certain concepts such as those of a political party or a heinous crime.

The Universes are addressing those fears this week and throughout the coming year. For there are pieces you cannot release in the time you wish to. It is difficult, as many of you are discovering, to radiate or even feel love when you are experiencing hurt, anger or fear. Feelings generated by people, places and things so deeply embedded within you that you cannot move beyond them - no matter what exercise you try.

You have requested assistance in progressing more rapidly than your physical being seems able. This equinox is our first response in a salvo of many energy bursts. Not to clear you of those feelings - only you can do that. But to place the first filter on those deeply felt fears and angers. As each new filter is added, you will feel less and less about those issues.

After this week, you are likely to still feel anger or fear given the right trigger, but it will be a bit less than was true a week ago. And by the end of 2013, you will not be concerned about those pieces.

Again, we are not removing those pieces from your being - only you can do that. We are providing you with Novocaine or a similar deadening agent in small doses so the pain is less each time you re-visit that fear.

Some are worried that we are turning you into zombies. Such is not the case for you do not need to accept the filters, anymore than you need to accept the new earth/New Age. This is not a forced transition. It is a transition of joy and love. Force is never part of either joy or love.

Now you are concerned that you cannot be separated from your physical, emotional or spiritual pain with mere filters, that the Novocaine will wear off and you will be as you were before. Such is not true. For once you separate your being from the pain, that pain drifts into the ethers.

Think of something you found extremely shameful or fearful in elementary school.Perhaps you did not learn your alphabet as assigned by your teacher or you wet yourself in a classroom. Both shattering incidents then. Now that you are an adult you retain the memories, but fewer feelings are attached. So it will be for you. You will remember that someone or some place made you fearful, but you will no longer feel fear. Instead, you will know you are a spiritual adult who moved beyond those pieces.

Perhaps you are wondering why we are expediting your clearing of fears. A key reason is for you to transition to a life of love and joy. But of greater importance now - for you are moving more rapidly than we thought possible - is your ongoing request for assistance in moving into the new earth/New Age.

You are an impatient lot - which we marvel at - even chuckle about. You long ago negated the phrase we provided just a few years ago: "Baby Boomers will build a bridge to the New Age. Their children will cross that bridge. And their grandchildren will blow it up."

For us, three generations is a mere blink of an eye. But for those of you on earth at this time, it seems forever. As usual, Baby Boomers want it NOW.

You Baby Boomers have always been a belligerent group. A personality trait necessary for introducing new thoughts and actions.

Why did you Baby Boomers not continue your belligerent pose throughout your lifetime? Why did you feel the need to get married, have children and continue the traditions of your parents and grandparents?

Baby Boomers could have introduced the New Age decades ago. But as a group, you wanted to determine if your parents and grandparents were enjoying their life. For indeed, your memories of other lives on earth were not particularly wonderful. But your parents' generation and the media convinced you that they had discovered a life you wished to explore.

Your exploration ended abruptly a few years ago when you realized that all was an illusion. That the Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best life did occur - but most likely not for you or most of those you know. That all was a gloss of joy and harmony that did not exist. That even though your media and your relatives touted joy, they had not truly experienced it. That your belligerent activities of the 1960's and 1970's were indeed "right on."

That is when you began searching for your true New Age accompanied by Starseeds, Indigos, Crystal Children and so many other titles you have given to those who have joined forces with you to transition earth into joy.

Do you remember a few months ago when many were channeling that you and others had to decide whether you wished to be part of the New Age? That is when the New Age began. You were indeed willing and quite excited about bringing true joy to earth - rather than the illusion of joy touted by your family, society and media.

So you have. But during your Old Age exploration to discover if former generations had found joy, you picked up many physical and emotional fears. Fears that you are having difficulties ridding yourself of now. Some of those fears are generational - for how could you explore your parents' fears and joys without exploring generational issues? And some of those fears you created for a variety of reasons including the fears of those who have never before experienced life on dense 3D earth.

Those fears no longer serve you or help you hide your true being. It is time to claim you in all your glorious, radiant joy. And so you are - with "Just a little help from your friends." We are sending filters starting with this week's equinox to expedite your exploration of joy and love.

Know that you are glorious beings - far more glorious and mature than your fears now display. So be it. Amen.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4498 A Greater Horizon, March 19, 2013 

God said: 

At what point do you surrender to a Greater Horizon? The answer is: When you do. When you’re ripe on the vine, it happens to you. It comes over you. It’s where you are, and there is nothing that you can do about it. When you stand in a New York, you stand in New York. That is where you are. It is no big deal.

You stand on a higher step, you see what you see. It would seem you are changed. You were always the Truth of you, whatever the semblance of whatever else you may have appeared to be. The thing is that you see a grander view from where you stand. Anyone would see the same view as you from the step where you stand. You reflect the height from where you see. The higher you go, the greater the view. The higher you stand, the greater the view, the more you are revealed to the world and to yourself.

There is nothing new under the Sun, and yet you are new every day. You are new with every breath, yet you may not as yet take in your newness.

There never was a time when you were not rising. Now you are beginning to stand in your own two shoes. Well, you began long ago. Now you are making headway.

What a gift is the life I gave to you and continue to give to you. Right now I speak of the gift of life on Earth. What a spectacle! What a plot! What scenery! What scenes! What characters! What suspense! What developments! What a story your life is! The denouement is always the same. Full-blown, you come back to Me. You walk in the door, and you have arrived. Why, yes, you are the Prodigal Son who returns.

In this development, all welcome you. All are happy for you. All are happy for Me to have you back Home. I always knew you would come back, even as, in one perspective, you had never left. Your return was foretold long ago. It will come to pass that you and I shall fully reunite in that place in your heart called Heaven. In Truth, there is no place else. Meanwhile, the movie reel of your life rolls.

Meanwhile, you seek yourself, or you seek Me. Same difference. You have the idea for a while that you are someone else, this someone else that you identify with, someone you see in a mirror and that you do not quite recognize. You may not know what that person in your mirror is doing. You may also not grasp what that person is doing in your mirror at all.

You are aware and aware more and more that it is your Inner Being that exists and continues to exist when your fulsome body departs or when your fulsome body returns to the Earth from which it rose.

You have an open invitation to have your soul join Me today, or day or night as you like. Indeed, We have a destiny together. And We desire to be united once again, to be united in your conscious Reality and to be united in Our thinking right now. We are on the same page, beloveds. Never were We off the page.

And so your life, so full, so filled with all manner of things, is the same as everyone’s. Only the details vary. Only the stories vary, and yet all stories are the same.

Everyone’s story is your story. You are everyone. You are a voyager into inner space.

When John D Rockefeller ran the Standard Oil Company one of his senior executives made a mistake that cost over $2 million.
The other executives thought Rockefeller would come down heavy on him and probably fire him.  But he didn't.  Before he called the man in,
he sat down, took a notepad and wrote across the top of it: 'Points in favour of this man'.  Then he listed the man's strengths, including how he'd once helped the company make the right decision and earn them millions of dollars. 
One of the senior executives who witnessed it later said, 'Whenever I am tempted to rip into someone, I force myself to sit down and compile a list of the good qualities they have.  By the time I have finished, I have the right perspective.  And best of all, my anger is under control.  I can't tell you how many times this habit has prevented me from committing one of life's costliest mistakes-losing my temper.  I recommend it to anyone who must deal with people. 
So before you jump to conclusions about someone, stop and ask God for wisdom, then sit down and make a list of their best qualities.  If you do you may come to a different conclusion.  One thing is for sure, you'll approach them with the right attitude and you won't say things you'll later regret.
