
1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Archangel Gabriel: A Beacon of Light
3.)  SaLuSa: This is the year your eyes will be opened to the truth
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Pick Out the Gold
6.)  The Path to Oneness

Isis' Message of the Day -
Love God . . . for to love God is to love your self. Hold malice against anyone is to hold malice against God . . . against Self. For God is All That Is. You are God experiencing being in Human form. All that emanates from the Godhead is in a state of love.  Love just is.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Each one of you is a treasure to us, so special, so amazing that if you were to witness yourself through our eyes you would be driven to tears. The courage it took each and every one of you to come to this school called earth is hard to describe in human language. For a soul to leave it's home in heaven, there is commitment, dedication, a sense of adventure, a desire to learn more about love, and a great love of God. Each one of you wants others to see this light within you. Each one of you truly longs to see this light within other souls.
When you find yourself in times of challenge, sit quietly and ask the light of God within you to rise to the surface. Imagine a very great light in your heart, radiating outward in all directions. This light goes beyond your body, out into the universe, reaching out for solutions, touching those of like mind and like heart, seeking helpful individuals, and creating meaningful connections. This light is the truth of your being. Like sonar, this light will touch all those who can assist you and all those whom you can assist. In this light, you will find that you are never alone or without guidance. In this light you will discover that you are all truly one in God's love. In this space of truth, you will hear your own answers more clearly.
When you don't know what to do next in your lives dear friends, sit in this space of light radiating from your hearts and allow yourselves to feel God flowing into your heart and radiating outward towards all creation. Think of the solutions you desire, or the help you require and sit quietly for awhile, expectant like children. Allow the light time to work, to reach out, and to connect you with answers. Then get up, breathe deeply and go about your day trusting the help, answers, and connections you need will be made. Wait patiently and allow these to manifest in your physical world.
You are never without help, guidance, love, or direction when you allow yourself to sit in the truth of your being. The tools we share with you dear ones are simple. We are aware of your busy lives. And yet how much more productive it is to sit in this space of love and truth and wait for answers, than to frantically devise your own solutions. God is with you. God flows to you, in you, and through you. In this space, you are never, ever alone.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at: *
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Archangel Gabriel: A Beacon of Light
Channeled by Shanta Gabriel
May 21, 2010
Dear Ones,
A theme has been developing through the messages we have transmitted over recent times. The purpose behind this theme is to provide maximum inner stability during times of outward instability. It is obvious that the prevailing awareness of many people is on the tremendous change occurring in myriad situations and places all over the planet. Many are focused on the date of December 21, 2012 as an action point that is dually seen as the end of the world as you know it, as well as a new world of Peace, Harmony and Cooperation.
In order to create this miraculous new world, it requires inner shifts of consciousness and healing of all that is not in harmony with this higher energy frequency. The need for a shift can be seen in every area of the world around you as the old ways destabilize, crumble and fall away. This can create great fear on a personal level, as change is wont to do. When facing a clearly unknown future, the first emotion a human feels is fear. This fear is contagious and can create even more disharmony in the midst of chaos.
Those reading these messages from the Angelic Dimensions have for many years known they are here to hold the Light for a new way of being on this earthly plane. This requires an inner stability and above all, emotional balance. Not only will you feel happier, you are then able to reassure others with a smile and your peaceful presence. As you radiate your clear faith in a more harmonious future, people around you are affected in positive ways. More importantly, the Earth itself will sense your energy and can use it to create a higher, more harmonious, energy frequency.  The human emotional state is a key element in the upheaval that is so apparent in the earth’s changes. More than ever before, it is essential for you to remember, “Be at peace, Little Lambs.” Take the steps necessary for your inner healing so you can be a blessing to others as well as to the earth.
The Violet Light of Transmutation
Scientists use violet rays to kill bacteria.  You can use this same spectrum of light energy for your healing as well. So much has been written about the ancient use of the Violet Light of Transmutation. The reason there is a vast awareness of this information is because it is a powerful, effective tool that has been used for centuries. This Violet Ray is a viable, clear and simple option to use as a healing energy in this time you now live. The frequency of Violet Light can clear away the rampant fear within a human body, as well as the fear involved in any situation or area of turmoil on earth.
Consider working with others to see the Violet Ray transmuting the fear filled upheaval in places such as the Middle East, the Gulf of Mexico, your government headquarters, as well as in hearts that see no alternative to violence. The power of your beautiful actions will focus this intense energy and channel it in positive directions. This is what transmutation does. It can take any situation that appears hopeless and create a new place of balance by uplifting the energy frequencies. There are so many people who believe in this scenario of peaceful evolution that the spark of their combined intentions will bring about great change, inside and out.
What is a Light Worker?
Nothing can be healed while one is embroiled in the problematic energy that appears to be prevalent in your personal life. Only by creating higher frequencies of energy will positive change occur. The action of increasing the frequencies of light energy is what is meant by the term “Light Worker.” That is what is being asked of you now, and is why you volunteered to be present at this time in history. A peaceful heart can quench the tide of violence and create widespread change, as your great teacher, Gandhi, demonstrated so beautifully.
When you use this peace filled heart with your faith in the abundant, healthy, harmonious evolution of the earth, you become a Beacon of Light that radiates great distances. You become a part of the great cosmic magnet that is attracting Divine energy to the planet, while you create a positive future for yourself and others. This inner activity can also become outer positive action as well. You are so powerful that you can work what may seem like magic, using all the tools you know. Your education has been lengthy. The information available is vast. It is time for groups of people to work together in the action of Joined Vision, in order to bring about the harmonious evolution within your beings and within the earth.
A Calm Heart is like a Light House on a Stormy Night
When your emotions are calm and balanced, you are much happier. It is your inner turmoil that causes the illusion that you cannot see your way. When the emotions are calmer, you will see synchronicities that allow you to know that you are on the right path. You will hear your own inner guidance and know what actions to take as you move into the unknown. With a peaceful heart, a step will be revealed each moment. Before you know it, you will be across that yawning chasm you faced in your life; the same one that scared you so thoroughly before. 
Transmute any unhealed areas within yourself using the Violet Ray coupled with the power of loving forgiveness. See how beautiful are the lessons you learned from those experiences. Feel your heart being uplifted as this healing energy clears your emotional fields. Remember that this same process of healing light can uplift all areas of unhealed energy on a global level when you join with others to do this work.
You are the Way Showers. Please notice the many miracles unfolding in this amazing time. Let your inner peace heal others and bless the planet. A calm heart can be like a Light House standing on a rocky point in the turbulent winds of a stormy night. Your balanced emotional fields can offer this Beacon of Light the world needs now.
Breathe in the Violet Light and let it spark every cell of your being to a higher frequency. As you become the calm peaceful spirit you know you are within, you will be a shining light united with other Beacons of Divine Light to radiate Peace into the world, and all is well.
So it is.
Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: May 21, 2010
(c)2010 Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher, healer and the author of "The Gabriel Messages." This volume of compassionate wisdom for the 21st Century from Archangel Gabriel, is personal as well as practical, and provides clear suggestions for emotional and spiritual balance. Shanta's new book, Messages from Archangel Gabriel on Divine Light is now being offered as a free E-Book download on her website. *  Shanta posts regular messages on her blog, * Shanta also leads an experiential seven month Archangel Study Program. For more information about this powerful soul's journey, her private sessions or workshops, visit   *   

SaLuSa: This is the year your eyes will be opened to the truth
May 24, 2010
This year is undoubtedly going to become one that will be looked back upon as having been very historic where your evolution is concerned. It is a time when your eyes will be opened to the truth, and when you begin to claim back your powers. What has been taken away from you will be returned, so that you may commence a new period of self-empowerment. It will take time to achieve a full restitution by lawful means, but already the ground has been prepared. Those who have ruled unjustly will move aside, to allow a more spiritually based government to take over. It will be of an interim nature until a reformation has taken place to set up one that has the approval of the people.
Successive governments have been the puppets of the Illuminati, even if there was not complete awareness amongst the representatives. Their power has influenced policies world wide, and if necessary bribery and corruption has been used. However, the truth about their activities is being revealed, and their illegal institutions are being prepared for closure. So much is now surfacing and will continue to do so, until any facet of the dark forces presence has been removed.
All of the time your attention is attracted by world events, the Light is continuing to grow and is creating the protection that is necessary for your safety. In the past the scales have swung one way and then the other, but now the Light holds sway. In the future the path will become smoother and easier for you but allow for some disturbances, as there is a lot more clearing up to do. These are all positive moves with Ascension in mind, and within the remaining period before it takes place momentous changes will occur. These are unavoidable, having regard to the extent of the damage done to you and your Earth over millennia of time. It is not just a matter of restoring what you had previously, but replacing and advancing it to new levels that will lift everything up. It is all calculated to hasten the rise in your levels of consciousness, necessary for you to ascend.
Dear Ones, with your experience you should be able to ride through the coming period of turmoil, without being detracted from your goal. At all times see the end result rather than what is yet to come as part of the changes. Do not worry as to how it will be reached, and be assured that all will end as decreed. No forces on or off Earth can now make any difference, and we of the Galactic Federation are charged with ensuring your success. It will not be long now before you are introduced to some of our members, and that will take away a lot of apprehension and doubt where some people are fearful of our presence. Of course there are negative Space Beings, but they are prevented from interfering with your Ascension.
Many awakened souls seek ways of helping others find their path, and that is welcomed at a time when some are making their first tentative search for the truth. It is recommended that you help when asked, but in replying do not shock them by trying to feed them too much at the time. Slow progress is far better that allows for information to be carefully considered, and not in any way forced upon them. There will a continual stream of revelations once we can communicate with you through your media, and with those early changes you can expect a whole series of programs designed to awaken you.
We so dearly want you to look beyond the beliefs of Man that have stood largely unchallenged for hundreds of years. In so many subjects such as science and religion, you have been led by those learned academics that have professed to hold the truth. The fact is that you have never stopped widening your understanding, and even now quantum leaps are taking place. Some of your beliefs are the result of genuine attempts to relay the facts to you. However, in other instances they have been deliberately manipulated to satisfy the ego of those concerned, or you have been knowingly told outright falsities. You will find that much you have been taught will come under scrutiny, and much will be found wanting. The truth will allow you to re-appraise your beliefs, and it will be supported by undeniable evidence.
As time progresses you will change from one of limited knowledge to a Galactic Being of full consciousness. Then you will be the Master that you really are, and release your full potential. There will be little or no comparison to the Being you are now of limited consciousness. After thousands of years slowly finding your way back through enlightenment, you are about to launch yourselves on a journey of immense meaning and opportunity. It is as though you have only just left the kindergarten, and are seeing for the first time the world outside. There are wonders and amazing experiences awaiting you, and once you learn more about them we know that you will never look back at this time. Your experiences in duality will have proved beneficial, and you will never need to walk that path again.
It is only in relatively recent times, that your minds have allowed for the understanding that you are much more than you were previously led to believe. With the advent of the Space Age you have expanded your vistas, to contemplate a different life where you are able to travel beyond the Earth’s boundaries. It will seem quite natural to leave your beautiful world, and take your place alongside us. As a civilization you are proxy members of the Galactic Federation, and will be accorded all of the opportunities that will open you to a wonderfully exciting life. By comparison your Earth has been a self-imposed prison from which you are now being offered the keys of freedom.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and proud to be associated with the beautiful souls of Earth. The Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchies believe you are sufficiently awakened to accept the opportunity of Ascension that is being offered you. It requires little in return, and you will know if you are ready to take a quantum leap into the future, and whether you are on the path to Ascension. Many will have already made that decision, but those who are undecided will not be denied their chance to join you, but time is becoming short. A decision will have to made one way or the other very soon, as the alternative to Ascension is further experiences in a place of duality. We would wish for you all to ascend but your freewill to choose otherwise is paramount.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, get rid of judgment. Judge not, lest ye be judged; not judged by others, but judged by yourself, because when you are standing in a place of judgment, you are not standing in peace. When you are standing in judgment, what you are judging is yourself. Otherwise you would not know that which you were judging; you would not recognize it. You are judging yourself, or what you perceive to be yourself or a part of yourself.
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HEAVEN #3468
Pick Out the Gold
May 24, 2010
God said:
Perhaps you are having the time of your life, and you don't realize it until later on. Has this not happened? The life you reflect on today was so wonderful, only you missed out on it at the time.
You might say that, at the time, it wasn't all golden. And, yet, now you see the gold, and your face is lighted.
So pick out the gold from today. There is something sweet and golden in your life today. It is there. If you are in a bad mood, and you insist there is not, I tell you there is. And if you cannot see that today, then you may be being stubborn.
Even if you are bedridden, there is light shining in your window. There is someone who tends to your needs with a smile. There is a voice that you like to hear. There is something.
Even if you are bedridden and in pain, and you don't see any light, be a light to someone who enters your room.
How well I know that there are many excuses for feeling glum. You would say reasons. I will say excuses, and I will further say that there is no excuse for you to be grumpy and not shine light on everyone. There is every reason to shine light. Others need it, and the light you shine shines back on you. This is simple arithmetic, beloveds. 1+1=2.
We can also say this: 1 = 1,000.
When you light up one face, your face is lighted as well. Yes, We're agreed. And the face you light lights another, and so it goes on and on. There is no end to the golden light you can start in just one day.
Let Me tell you something else. Do not wait to feel love before you shine it. What you may feel is not who you are. I have told you that you are love. So be love even when you may not feel it.
Be love. Be it. Be love. This doesn't make you a fake. You ARE love. Be straightforward love with a smile. All it takes is a smile, a little welcoming. You don't have to let everyone know what irritation you may be feeling or what stray thought you may have. You are not putting on a show. You honestly do want to love.
Beloveds, why would you not welcome every child of Mine? You do not have to hang out with every one of them, and yet you can be a good sport and greet everyone. Don't think that you have to be so honest as to let everyone know they peeve you. Simply toss out a smile, a simple word, the way you would toss your hat into the ring.
Shed a little happiness around you. Is that too much for Me to ask?
What would it take for you to be a glimmer of light today?
What would it take for you to be to others what you want others to be for you?
Simply do not get hung up on your preferences.
All are My preferred. You are not letting go of your integrity to give a simple hello from Me. You might be letting go of petty resentments or whims or letting go of you-know-not-even-what.
Even when the sun is not out, you can shine.
What if today you have only happiness-bearing words and expressions on your face to give everyone. What would that cost you, beloveds, and what would be the reward for you, for the seeming others and for the world, and for Me?
Be a blessing to everyone, and, in so doing, bless yourself and All That Is.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

The Path to Oneness
by Owen Waters

Since the dawn of the mists of time, your immortal soul has had one great urge, and that is to reunite with the spiritual source from which you came. Along the way, you have realized that this means reaching out in spiritual service to humankind. Along the way, you have sensed that this giving of spiritual service is the very action which leads you along the pathway back to that from which you came.
By becoming your brother’s keeper in a spiritual way, you become more at one with all people and the source from which we all came. Through service to others, you also serve your own spiritual development. By loving and healing them through the use of spiritual energy, you help the spiritually blind to see the light within, you help the spiritually deaf to hear the whisperings of their souls, and you help the spiritually numb to revitalize their connection with God.
By sending them your love, by sending them your light, by helping them with this precious, spiritual energy of love and light, you heal their hearts, you heal their spirits, you heal their long-suffering souls, and you help them back onto the one great path back to Source, which we all yearn to tread.
That path is the road to reconnection to the Spirit within. That path is the one which brings you into conscious contact with the light within. That path is the reason you are here, the reason you chose to be born into a world where people feel disconnected from that very Source.
The details of how that path unfolds are unique for every individual. We all tread this path in our own way to reach the common goal of reconnection with the flame of the Spirit which shines within our hearts. It is this flame which silently beckons us on. It is this flame which lights the darkness in a world of great suffering. It is this flame which connects our souls to the one Source of all things.
When you go into the silence of meditation, even for a few moments, remember to end your session by helping the world. Dedicate your love and your light to world peace and freedom, then send this out from your heart into a world that desperately needs energy in a spiritual form.
Life energy is everywhere. Spiritually-conditioned life energy is in short supply because few people take the time to condition it with their intentions and send it out to heal the world. Once you condition the energy of life with love and light and send it out to the world, it reverberates within the global mind atmosphere of humanity, healing and uplifting many people. Its higher frequency imbues it with enormous power relative to the regular, everyday thoughts of humankind. The power of spiritual energy is such that it affects, not one, but hundreds of people at the same time.
Every time you send out love and light in dedication to world peace and freedom for all, you help hundreds of people to see life and its possibilities from a higher perspective.
When you intentionally heal the world in this way, you help many people who are not yet consciously aware of how to raise themselves up spiritually. These are people who are relying upon the enlightened vision of people like you, so that they may be helped in taking the next step into higher consciousness. So that they may be comforted and healed. So that they may gain their own conscious inner reconnection to the one Spirit from which they once came, so long ago, in the mists of time.
Now Available: Love, Light, Laughter * by Owen Waters  *
The New Spirituality is available now in paperback and as a downloadable e-book at:   *  Paper Back at: book link:   *   

About the author:
Owen Waters is an international spiritual teacher who has presented his insights into the New Reality to hundreds of thousands of seekers. In 1963, while growing up in a mystical part of Britain, he encountered his first spiritual awakening. The surprise of this mystical experience was such that his life became focused upon a continuous search for spiritual answers.
Almost forty years of study and research followed, along with the development of his inner vision. By the year 2002, like many of the spiritual teachers who are coming forward for The Shift, his realizations began to unfold rapidly. Today, as Editor and cofounder of Infinite Being LLC, he helps people find inspiration, love and creativity through heart-powered consciousness.  *  

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