This Is The Era Of Change - Channeled



Michigan, US of A, December, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Era of Change.”

Received by Chris.

Teacher Ophelius: “Today we would like to speak to you about the Era of Change. Old things are passing away and new things are coming into reality. You see this in every facet of your life – the environment and weather patterns; social movements and popular culture; political ideologies and governments; economics and world trade; science and technology; even your own personal beliefs are changing as your awareness expands and you come one day closer to your transition into eternity. All these changes are evidence of the providence of God – spirit moving in the lives of men and women to create opportunities for change. Why is this so? Because CHANGE = EXPERIENCE. Experience leads to wisdom and wisdom leads to progress – progress leads to perfection. Perfection by experience is the reason for your being.

“All humans on your world are experiencing change in their lives, and in this era of change, the rate of change is growing as the spiritual pressure is increasing creating more opportunities for change – it becomes exponential. What you are all experiencing is the transition from one state of awareness into another. You are being ‘moved along’, like it or not, up the evolutionary ladder and because of the rebellious past on your world, which retarded normal rates of change, things and events are being accelerated to bring your world into balance.

“There are varying degrees of resistance to change – those who resist the most will find difficulty, whereas those who embrace change will transform their lives and discover opportunities that will enrich their souls. There are those small minorities of men and women on your world who work very hard to prevent change, mostly they are those of great power and wealth who believe they must stifle progress as a way to stay in power and maintain wealth. This of course cannot happen without imposing their will over the will of their fellows – creating an imbalance of opportunity, which prevents growth, and slows down planetary evolution. It is like the building of a dam, and at some point, the pressure of the water behind the dam will overcome the blockade set by the builders allowing the river to once again follow its natural course.

“Those that resist change are really resisting God’s Will and it shall be for those individuals imposing their will over others for the benefit of self who will find it most difficult to transition into eternity. Only those things that enrich the soul are of value in eternity. Material wealth and power are temporal scaffoldings and have no place in ascendant life. If therefore you only have experience with these temporal things and have resisted the soul building experiences in life – love, trust, authentic relationships, spiritual development, and brotherhood, then will you find yourself deprived of the tools that will propel you into service and joy in the ascendant life, and you will have to learn again all those things which you failed to achieve while given the opportunity on Earth.

“Let go of fear, my friends, and embrace the brave new world which is upon you now, for all these experiences, good and not so good, are preparing you for your next adventure in eternity where love is the currency of passage and service is the key to all joy. Perfection hunger will be the driving force that moves you inward to ever higher levels where the discovery of the God of all creation awaits your homecoming.

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.

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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
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Heavenletter #4418 It's Love's Turn, December 29, 2012

God said:

Lovely is the light I shine on you. Lovely are you to receive it and to reflect it. The only thing to reflect is light, beloveds. What else matters a whit? Yes, it is for you to shine the light of love. All else fades. All else is for naught. The light of love lasts. What else do you imagine fills Eternity? What else is worth the salt of Eternity?

Your soul is worth Eternity. What else would you want to keep? The little disturbances that you bump into? The big arguments you have with yourself? The trials and hurts of the world seen from the outside?

Beloveds, put down your squabbles. Squabbles aren't worth your while. Disagreements, phooey. What are disagreements worth that you would want to keep them in your heart or anywhere?

If you must harbor things in your heart, harbor love and engagement of love and light and all the beauty that is yours right now. What are beauty and elegance for if not for you? Who is worth all the beauty and goodness conceived in the world if not you?

You were made for wondrousness. You were not made for anything else. Don't two-time yourself with folly. Let go of the folly of aggravations and choose the light of love. What else is attractive? Anyway, haven't you had enough of all that which does a number on you?

Come along. I will take you the wonders to see. And, you, My beloveds, are the greatest wonder of all. Isn't it a wonder that you can displease yourself when you live in a world where flowers grow, where snow falls and sun lights the world, trees blossom, and leaves change color, where there are mountains to climb and oceans to swim in and gaze at? What can possibly be missing from the world? The only thing I can think of is your happiness. You have laid it down somewhere, forsaking it for minor matters. Confess.

Confess, and lay aside whatever remnants of hurt and distaste you may harbor. Lay down your thoughts of enmity and think of friendliness and the love in your heart that begs to be ignited. Come. Come to the shores of My heart and dive in. I am here for you, and you for Me. Let it be so. Let there be no strangers in any heart. Now We start with your heart. We empty it of foolishness, and We fill it to overflowing with the light of love that burnishes there.

There has been enough of discontent. Have you not had enough of it? Drop it then. Drop off discontent. Throw it off the edge of the world. Dissatisfaction has had its day. Boot it out. It is love's turn now. This is the year of the fulmination of love. Welcome it. There is nothing but love to keep in your heart. There is nothing else that truly wants to be in your heart but love. I say your heart is Mine, and that hearts are to be filled with love and nothing but love from this day forth.

What makes you think that this is something hard to do? Bail out from your heart anything that is not love. Get a dump truck if you have to and empty your heart of the past and fill it with the light of love. No longer cover up the light of love. No longer sully your heart with less than love. Everything is less than love. Jewels are less than love. Nothing equals love. Nothing but love is to occupy your mind and heart. Nothing but love deserves your heart. You deserve love, and you are to fill your heart with it. Do not hold your heart for ransom. Do not hold your heart in waiting for some day. Some day is now. Now is the Year of Heart. Make My dreams come true.

John - Cleveland Ohio USA