The World of GOD


When love matures, it becomes bliss.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4689 The World of God , September 26, 2013 

God said: 

Welcome to the World of God. It has a special name. It is called Heaven. It is a beautiful frictionless place to be. Its true location is in the Human Heart. Another name for Heaven could be Vastness. Certainly, there are no encumbrances in Heaven, nothing to get in the way of Purity of Heart. There are no arguments, no opposites, nothing extraneous, nothing to get in the way of rising to Heaven. Heaven is smooth-running all the way. No obstacles. Of course, how could there be obstacles to the smooth-running of Heaven?
Heaven is within everyone’s heart. Heaven is really not this distance that you allow it to be. It is so close that We can say that Heaven is no distance at all. It’s only a trick of perception that allows Heaven to be a somewhere sometime later. Heaven does not have to be transported to you. It is already within you. Much the same as when you can’t find your eyeglasses, and they are right on your head.
With Heaven, trouble does not exist. There is no concept of trouble, so how can trouble exist? Ease in operation exists. Love exists. Love is the oil that makes life smooth-running. You can’t beat love, beloveds. Hard work doesn’t beat it. Intelligence doesn’t beat it. Money doesn’t beat it. Long-suffering doesn’t beat it. Love is unbeatable. Your curriculum is love, love as it is, love wonderful, love full, love bountiful, love everything.
Love, left to its own devices, is the state of Heaven. Do not hold life responsible for keeping you away from Heaven. There is a clog in your own heart. There is only one cure for unblocking this clog or cog, and it is love.
Ah, if but only you put love in your guidance system. Love is at the helm.
What is as vast as love? What is vaster than the consciousness of the heart? What can be vaster than the Vast? You are Vastness Itself.
As vast as the ocean is, you are vaster.
As vast the sky is, you are vaster.
As vast as the human heart are you.
You are the whole range of existence.
You are not this temporary being that you have thought you are.
Of course, you have been a little blind, yet today We focus on your full range of vision. It is yours. You can see deeply into each heart and recognize that it is yours.
There is One Heart in all of Existence, and it is Mine. I gave it to you. You cannot be without it except in your understanding of what heart is.
It is not mush. It is not indeterminate. It is not a push-over. It is great brilliance. If your heart is not brilliant now, it is because you have given it false instructions. Somehow or another, you have hardened your heart. Hardening is not strengthening. Hardening is hardening. Hardening is closing. Closing is not love. Reaction is not love. Love arises from within you, not from outside you.  
Your heart – We call it yours when, all the while, it is Mine and everyone’s – is Infinite and Eternal. That is how We can share One Heart. Only in Vastness can hearts be shared as One. The physical beat of your heart is one thing. The eternal beat of your heart is infinite, infinite in love.
Of course, We are speaking of love beyond the physical. We are speaking of the endless heart that knows no lessening, that knows only fullness, that knows how to love, not in a maudlin fashion but love… but love… love like Mine. It flows. It know no disturbance. It is wise, this love. It is not fraudulent. It is not an attempt. It is love, love as I know love, and love as you will know it and give it for all of Eternity. Infinite Love. Love worthy of the name. You will soon have My love to burn! Yet, of course, not a drop of love will be wasted. There is no too much love. There is only love.


Illawarra District, Australia, September 6, 2013.
The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “World Dominance.” 

Received by George Barnard.

The Damascus Scribe: “Before we begin, allow me to voice a well-meant review of your need to overly think about our communication. I would favor for you to approach me whenever you feel the need to hear my voice or gauge my feelings. You have been ‘shedding your tears’ for Damascus, for Syria, for the children of that realm. So now you want to find out about how we, both Michael and I, feel about the deaths and devastation there. 

“In any way I now express my feelings, rest assured they would account for the Master’s feelings as well. It was in Damascus where your local universe Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon reached the absolute zenith of His ability to read my mind, to know my thoughts, to respond to my input, and do this with flair and brilliance. It was in Damascus where your Master Jesus soon found Himself capable of translating and conveying His feelings most profoundly. 

“Yes, with my help you may here opine. It was therefore that I chose to long ago introduce myself as the Scribe of Damascus. Those four months of most diligent work on behalf of our trader and employer, as well as the uneducated citizens in need of written referrals, were to be seen as the peaking of progress in our cooperation, communication, and understanding of each other. There in a well-run society, the Master and I excelled in our morning till night teamwork. 

“How do I now feel about the goings on in Damascus and the wider Syrian world? I lament the demise of some great structures now in ruin. I deeply mourn the deaths of thousands upon thousands, and especially the pre-Adjuster indwelled. I abhor millions vanquished from their homes and lands, for together with the gift of personality, deemed to have been deserved, I additionally received all human-like emotions, not greatly different to those you feel. 

“You must understand right now that a one-world government can not come about when based on greed – confiscation of the wealth of the masses to pay for the gambling debts of the financiers. You must grasp right now that you cannot unite the races, nations and religions through force. It will take a belief in equality and a celebration of the differences. It will take a common religion of the Father being in charge, with individual spiritual beliefs being allowed to differ. 

“The present forces bent on world domination will not be those to see in the times of Light and Life. This world will still long experience these, the birthing pangs of the Correcting Time. There is little that you can do, other than what you do well, so stay with the task. The Gods will ‘dry their tears’ and try again, Urantia. I am the Damascus Scribe, already now looking forward to our next meeting. Adieu.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.  11:11 Store

"Rivers do not drink their own water, nor do tree eat their own fruit, nor do rain clouds eat the grains reared by them. The wealth of the noble is used solely for the benefit of others!

The first question is: 
When should one give?  

We all know the famous incident from Mahabharat.
Yudhisthir asks a beggar seeking alms to come the next day. On this, Bhim rejoices that Yudhisthir his brother, has conquered death! For he is sure that he will be around the next day to give. Yudhisthir gets the message.
One does not know really whether one will be there tomorrow to give!
The time to give therefore is now.

The next question is:
'How much to give?'

One recalls the famous incident from history.
Rana Pratap was reeling after defeat from the Moghals. He had lost his army, he had lost his wealth, and most important, he had lost hope, his will to fight. At that time, in his darkest hour, his erstwhile minister, Bhamasha, came seeking him and placed his entire fortune at the disposal of Rana Pratap. With this, Rana Pratap raised an army and lived to fight another day. 
The answer to this question how much to give is: 
"Give as much as one can!

The next question is: 
'What to give?'

It is not only money that can be given away. It could be a flower or even a smile. 
It is not how much one gives but how one gives that really matters. When you give a smile to a stranger that may be the only good thing received by him in days and weeks!
"You can give anything but you must give with all your heart!" 
One also needs answer to this question  whom to give?
Many times we avoid giving by finding fault with the person who is seeking. However, being judgmental and rejecting a person on the presumption that he may not be the most deserving is not justified. 
"Give without being judgmental!"

Next we have to answer: 
'How to give?'

Coming to the manner of giving, one has to ensure that the receiver does not feel humiliated, nor the giver feels proud by giving. 
In giving, follow the advice 'Let not your left hand know what your right hand gives? Charity without publicity and fanfare is the highest form of charity.' 
'Give quietly!'
While giving, let not the recipient feel small or humiliated. After all, what we give never really belonged to us. We come to this world with nothing and will go with nothing. The thing gifted was only with us for a temporary period. Why then take pride in giving away something which really did not belong to us?
Give with grace and with a feeling of gratitude.

"What should one feel after giving?"
We all know the story of Eklavya. When Dronacharya asked him for his right thumb as "Guru Dakshina, he unhesitatingly cut off the thumb and gave it to Dronacharya.   
There is a little known sequel to this story.
Eklavya was asked whether he ever regretted the act of giving away his thumb. He replied, and the reply has to be believed to be true, as it was asked to him when he was dying. 
His reply was "Yes! I regretted this only once in my life. It was when Pandavas were coming in to kill Dronacharya who was broken hearted on the false news of death of his son, Ashwathama, and had stopped fighting. It was then that I regretted the loss of my thumb. If the thumb was there, no one could have dared hurt my Guru?
The message to us is clear. 
Give and never regret giving! 

And the last question is: 
'How much should we provide for our heirs?'

Ask yourself 'are we taking away from them the gift of work? - A source of happiness?
The answer is given by Warren Buffett:   
"Leave your kids enough to do anything, but not enough to do nothing!"
I would conclude by saying: 
Let us learn the Art of Giving, 
and quoting the Saint Kabir:
"When the wealth in the house increases, when water fills a boat, throw them out with both hands!"
This is the wise thing to do!

The Galactic Federation of Light - 2013

Good Day!,

My name is Daniel 'Trinity' Jackson. I am a Channel for the Galactic Federation of Light, a Professional Astrologer, Author and Workshop Presenter. I am also known in the Angelic Realm as Derestanne.

The following message was recently sent to me over a period of several days in "installments" by several members of the Galactic Federation of Light. Sanat Kumara was the principal source of this information.

I and They would like to see this message reach the widest possible audience. Thank you sincerely!

Bright Blessings,

Daniel 'Trinity' Jackson

Precepts of the Divine Heart

1) There is one particular thought and one particular way of living that constitutes the difference between Human Beings and Divine Beings and that thought is: "There is no such thing as impossible". If you believe that "impossible" is possible then you are a human being. If you think, live and breathe that impossible does not and cannot exist, then you are operating in the realm of the Divine. Think and embrace this with all your Heart and your journey into the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth has begun!

2) In any situation whatsoever that life presents to us, it is always best to act with Love and kindness rather than with anger and force. Applying Love will take less of a toll on your nerves, health and peace of mind and it will always produce the best results in the long run for all concerned. And if the desired outcome cannot be accomplished through Love then no amount of anger and force will accomplish that particular outcome, assuming that it was desirable to begin with!

3) Love is so essential to the Divine Plan that each individual soul contains an unlimited number of soul mates within it. Even though loneliness is an illusion, to experience it serves as a constant reminder that Love is the true essence of all. Your success in life depends upon how well you participate in the spreading of Divine Love and Joy! The very cells of your body communicate Love from one to another!

4) Love is more passionate than fire, more rarefied than the purest air, more real than Earth and more flowing than water. Like water, if you try to stop the flow of Love then it simply finds another place to flow. One who encourages the flow of Love is inviting a torrent of all good things into their life!

5) Your personal role in the Divine Plan will unfold in the best possible way when you avoid unnecessary confusion and entanglements and keep everything simple and straightforward. Like electricity, the Divine always takes the path of least resistance. If you want blessings to flow into your life, be certain at all times that like electricity, you are a suitable conductor!

6) All EnLIGHTenment begins with light and that is why the first thing that God spoke was "Let there be light". Begin by sitting comfortably and visualizing white light surrounding you, three different times each day, for thirty days. Use soft light at first and gradually intensify the light each day. The light you visualize must gradually become so strong that it can reach deep into every cell of your body. When this intensity of light is reached the cells of your body will initiate a self-illumination process. This is known as Lightbody Activation.

7) Your Heart is a gateway to infinity! You are nearest to God in every moment of your greatest joys and raptures! The Creation intends for every Heart to be filled to overflowing with Love, Joy, Wonderment, Wisdom and Bliss! Unleashing the Limitless Potential of the Divine Heart is Key to all personal and spiritual development. This is the essence of all Religion and the beginning of all genuine Enlightenment!

8) Upon reaching a state of Oneness with the Creator you will realize that the Universe contains two principal polarities and both of them exist within you and within the All That Is in every Dimension. These are the Inquisitor or "the Seeker" and the Unlimited Potential or "The Creation"; in the East these are called Yang and Yin. This was done by The Creation to ensure that Love would perpetuate through time, space and Eternity! One must then create a Sacred Covenant with God for the purpose of defining how the Inquisitor and The Creation will unfold further soul growth and progress together. Remember always that an unlimited number of Answers, Angels, Comforters and Healers are available instantly to every sincere Seeker!

9) Your Relationship to God is no more and no less your relationship both to yourself and to all else in your awareness and beyond. Therefore increase your world with many diverse companions and think twice before ending any friendship. Let your arms stretch across spacious galaxies and let your heart embrace every distant star!

Channeler: Derestanne

Making A Difference:

Wanderer of the Skies

Greetings from the Federation:

Today we begin with a recitation of events which have led to this place, this time, this now. We are here and have always been guiding you through these times. You have been expectant of things to come as you should. Time draws closer to the inevitable. There is much to do on your world and so little time to do it in.

The entire planet has been engulfed in a plasma field which has recently been activated and acts to keep in higher forms of vibrational energy while allowing darker, more heavy, and lower vibrations to leave unhindered. Once out, they cannot return. It is the beginning of the final phase of purification of your planet. One delay keeping this from occurring sooner was occasioned by your space station which was in an orbit too close to be unaffected by the operation of this field. An agreement has been reached to move this orbit so that the grid can be made operational without adverse affect to humans.

As this energy becomes activated, you will find less and less influence of the Illuminati over your everyday affairs. At first not detectable by your masses, eventually someone will “test the waters” with an act known to be against the ways of the Illuminati and, in doing so, will find no resistance which otherwise would have been expected. This will embolden more to further “push the envelope” until it becomes apparent that the Illuminati, who none could actually see or discern but who knew were ever present, are no longer there, or if they are, are not adverse to the actions taken. As this knowledge becomes more widespread, more and more advances for the good of all mankind will begin to take shape on your world. As that occurs, you will see an ever increasing avalanche of human created movements unimpeded towards that which you all desire--to thrive, to be free, to explore, and be told and find the truth.

It will be a gradual occurrence and yet not gradual at all for decades and millennium will be wiped away in a seeming instant as your people realize they can lead a free existence unimpeded by the control of those who seek to enslave you. As scientists create technologies for the benefit of all and as these things make it to the mainstream and are not “shelved” by those who do not want you to have them, as the financial institutions cater to the needs of the people and not corporations, as politicians create fair and representative laws for all, slowly, but surely, you will see this new world develop.

Our hand in this has been almost invisible, but we have been there. We have set up the field to prevent negative energies from circulating around your planet. We have taken out various negative other worldly groups who had taken up camp in your world for selfish goals, we have prevented other races from coming here during the crucial time of the transfer of energy fields around and on your planet, and we have guided you through this process so that you have remained informed, in touch, motivated, and aware of what is transpiring on your world.

As these matters develop, and as the grip of the Illuminati becomes fainter and fainter, you will learn your true history and will gather strength from its message of hope for all of you. Indeed, you have begun to see it already as discoveries of long lost civilizations begin to emerge in your media. And as all of this dawns upon you as a people, and you become aware of the larger picture, both on your world and throughout the universe, we will come, with open arms, in love and respect for your journey. The process has already begun and we are overseeing so much more on your behalf.

What could be more joyous than a gathering of those who would see these things through to conclusion. And we say to you, look upward and we will be there with you, in love and mutual respect. Our mutual journey has given us much joy.

Be at peace.

Channel: Wanderer of the Skies

Was Ancient Earth Like Jupiter's
Super-Volcanic Moon Io?

Was Ancient Earth Like Jupiter's Super-Volcanic Moon Io?

Anybody wondering what Earth was like 4 billion years ago should cast an eye toward Jupiter's hypervolcanic moon Io, a new study suggests.

Io is the most volcanically active object in the solar system, dissipating its massive stores of internal heat via intense eruptions that cover the entire moon with about 0.4 inches (1 centimeter) of lava every year. ...

Read more.
