The World Is Getting Back On It's Original Path

Long But Good


Prayer is the subtlest feeling, a ripple that thrills your whole Being.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.

Subject:  No. Idaho Team  2013-09-29

Teacher: Unknown, Gorman, Light

T/R:        Cathy Morris, Henry Zeringue, Mark Rogers

Unknown: [Cathy] I am pleased to add to this discussion of the relation of body to spirit. The vehicle you have been provided is indeed complex and capable of many chemical reactions and variations in bio-chemical reactions and cellular activities. In your attempt to enhance function at cellular levels by providing the components needed for physical activity,  the combination of all elements in the diet is likely to provide a good result. Your physical bodies have developed to function on many levels and using many fuels in combination. Your scientists have experimented with mixed results in the area of food development. The original design for food on the planet has changed as can be expected on an experimental world. 

Your task is to maintain your vehicle in a way that you can perform spiritual activities. Any component that separates you from the action of spirit is to be evaluated and considered as in need of elimination. You are the one with the awareness to accomplish this assessment. In the earlier discussion of physiology in the body, the mention was made of body cells creating compounds that can be detrimental to the whole organism. It would be to your benefit to eliminate all negative actions within your body. Spirit can function at all physical levels but it functions best in a clean, clear body. [The tone of this was from a scientist preceded by a chinese symbol.]

Gorman: [Henry] Greetings this morning, it is I, Gorman here to honor this platform you have presented. Thank you for the discussion this morning. There is a tremendous amount of material, which to digest, would maybe bring us a little closer to understanding. It is always good to have a base reference for the will of God. What I mean by this is that when you come to an ideological dilemma, a conflict in ideation, it is often best to refer to the will of God for this is the nudge in the appropriate direction, this is what will sway the decision. 

There is not always a black and white resolution in issues in this time and space universe and even on your world. What may be in vogue and proper, legislation in one generation may be heinous to another generation and incorrect politically, all the while you are having a sense that something really matters here, something is really important because you get to decide the fate of someone who does not act in your stead. It is interesting to note that when a situation arises and you need guidance and inspiration, it is always good to have a working understanding of the Father's will in your tool-bag.

As it is and as it works itself out, there is no singular decision or explanation to explain the Father's will. The Father's will is like love and truth, it depends upon the individual to express it. Just [as] in your mental conflict of ideology, this is an individual thing and questions of ideology may arise as one face in one generation and may arise as another face in a different generation. Aren't there egregious and wise men who in your own generation said that laws should only be enacted for several generations, that the principles by which you live by may not be the principles that someone else is to live by? In the ideology, differentiation of your political boundaries on the planet, this makes it much more difficult to come to some global ideology about how everyone should live. So what you start doing is, you start out on the outer edge curtailing activities which are globally detrimental.

The other part of this argument is the part and the whole of which we have had numerous transmissions reflecting the nature of the part and the whole and how much sway the whole has in breaking down a part to become consistent with the whole; then, how certain parts impart flavor, impart character and impart decision to the whole. So, at every turn there are always at least two ways to look at something. Herein is the conflict of ideology and the conflict of indecision. In your ability to love everything you love what is not good. You love what is not good because on some level you have a sense, a spiritual sense of the value and necessity of each soul in their own right no matter how they live their lives as humans.

But in the human social arena, your ideology yearns for a consistency, an easement in which everyone is allowed full and complete expression of themselves as long as this expression does not inflict upon the rights of another individual. The spiritual universe is not here to tell you what you can and cannot do for it is not necessarily the choice of the spiritual universe to even instruct on such information. This is purely a social planetary issue upon which intelligence has been rendered the fore-bearer of your personality for the whole of the planet. The universe will live with whatever choice, in what every generation decides upon, as a guiding principle, as a working model of the Father's will. This is the best I can offer you this morning.

There is no correct ideology, there is only the one that works for everyone. You live in a society where some people are flexible and some people are not flexible. Whatever proportion of society come to any understanding, you have an equal and opposite portion of society that is going to take you to task. This is just the way it is on your world. To weld these two separate metals is the challenge. What do you use to weld or meld two completely different substances? Well, look at what spirit does to meld the human personality and consciousness into some divine presentation; the human must undergo a transformation of substance. You must become less animal substance and more spiritual substance.

As you are now restraining some on the planet that have taken a negative path, you may be called upon to determine if all will allowed to continue in the case of increasingly limited resources. The planet itself may be a deciding factor in this deliberation. Your task is to remain in love and connection with your Inner Guide and act with compassion. It will indeed be a great challenge in the times ahead.

Charles: [Cathy] I would enter the discussion of interacting on this planet with persons exhibiting aberrant behavior. This is indeed a decimal planet, a broader range of development both on the physical level and in social and spiritual action. The reason we include this experimentation is to develop new action of spirit. Included in this process is the possibility of freewill action of a not so spiritual nature. The Father has allowed for this in His plan. You are presented with a seeming contradiction between love and proper social action. It is only your limited perspective that creates this great tension. All growth works for the good and God is the Ultimate Source. You may be called upon to assess if good is being brought forth by individuals and if it is beneficial to the one for them to remain in capability of free action.

Light: [Cathy] I have participated with many members of the group recently in playing with light. It is encouraging that you have all made small attempts in this project. Your very awareness that there is the possibility for manipulating light is a huge step in the process. We have just begun this journey and each step leads to new possibilities. I encourage you to continue to take a step as it presents itself to your mind. We are surrounded with opportunities. I love you all in your openness to the possibility.

Charles: [Mark] Hello friends, I arrive today in response to a heartfelt question and concern that was put on the table and I would not turn away from an opportunity such as this, leaving such a petition unaddressed. I will restate the question for the record and that was: How is it that one groups transmissions and messages are not mirrored so distinctly by another group? I would attempt to make an analogy to demonstrate some of the principles involved. 

You all have some vague knowledge of how atoms react and form in your chemical world and that some particles may have a certain charge to them which then attracts to them certain other particles which are inextricably combined and bound by virtue of the charge held by the individual particle. If you expand this concept, it applies individually and directly to each one of you, to each group, to each religion, to each culture and sect and various individual distinctions you may apply. Each one of you are as your own individual particle, again, a part of the whole and each one of you maintains a certain charge which attracts to itself those items which are responsive to that charge. You literally clothe yourselves, each and everyone, from all the potential aspects out there, those which are cohesive and will readily bond with your idealism, your awareness, your perceptions. Each one of you draws to yourself that which is compatible and in this way you assemble to yourself the uniqueness of your particle, your individual self by how all these different other attributes are drawn to you and attached to you and in the end become part of you.

So in this way, each individual, each group, each nation draw to themselves those things which they would identify with, relate to and somehow combine with in the process. This is the normal and natural state of evolution, things growing, attaching themselves to other things, combining to make unique individual structures throughout. When considering why it is that one group may be delving in one direction while another group is delving in another, consider that there are these interactive particles. I submit to you that the curriculum for the group is largely driven by the group. Those individuals therein are charged with a certain charge which attracts to them certain corresponding frequencies.

I submit to you all that you are the ones in the drivers seat largely when it comes to the lesson plans, the interests that are pursued, the questions that are tendered. The direction of the learning has always been allowed to be guided by those individuals willing to do the learning. You are the ones with the charge attracting to yourselves those elements which will come and bind with you. However, I submit to you as further proof of this, that even though lessons may be delivered to different arenas through different sources, by different means, over different time periods, nevertheless I call you to witness that those of you who are inclined to be attracted to such teachings have found them, that there is no real distinction in the lessons being delivered, rather the distinction is in the student.

The lessons are all out there for your pleasure, all out there for you to consider, for you to decide whether or not you will bring them in and make them part of your individual particle of the whole. It is not that they are kept from you or directed in any way so that some may have and some may have not; all who desire may have to the limit of their capacities. It is not that we on our side are structuring that this group shall be holders of this information and that group shall be custodians of that. Our information is provided free to all who may come, is willing to be poured into any cup that is offered. Therefore it is up to you as the individual students to pursue that which you will, to attract to yourselves that which you will and understand that it is all provided for you, it is all there for you as an individual to choose, or not. None of it is required absolutely 100% as a result of your freewill volunteer effort.

And so, consider that it is not about lines and divisions as your mind is apt to see of Teaching Mission, Magisterial Mission, this group or that group and other distinctions that you would delight in making. The only real distinctions valid are to be made on an individual basis by those individuals and what they are ready to embrace, what they are willing to embrace, what energy they have to devote to the process and what capacities they have developed in the process. These individual factors are the deciding factors in who gets what and where this information may go. You see certain groups who come together who are charged similarly and who bond together for this very purpose, that they are in a similar place with similar capacities, with similar interests and similar awarenesses. 

All this is good and well and there is much support to be garnered from support groups that you join along the way but in the end, mistake not, no group, no larger portion of the whole will decide for you what you embrace, what you learn, what you deny, what you perceive and what you are willing to embrace in the process throughout. They may only offer you some structure that has worked for others within the group but it will be up to you to adopt and embrace such a structure and to utilize it for your own individual purposes. In the end, you largely do get out in proportion to what you put into the process and anything that your heart desires has been made available for you, if not through this forum then through others but it exists and if the charge on your being is so strong, you will no doubt attract that aspect to yourself because you are ready to assimilate it and bring it in and take it on.

So fear not that there appear to be these distinctions between messengers, between messages, between geographic zones, between times and places. All that has transpired has all been presented for your benefit in whatever time you may happen to experience it, in whatever capacity you may be at that time. When you are ready, all that you have want of will flow to you as easily and effortlessly as you have witnessed many things flow to you.

I believe that concludes my remarks today. It is always a pleasure to see the charge worked up in this group as discussion fosters curiosity and the desire to know and to learn and even to be. It is always a great pleasure to work with individuals who are charged because in a very real sense you are in motion and easily directed. All this is as a result of your desire and your freewill choice to make it so which is the sacred thing you bring to the equation and I offer you my gratitude for the offering of your sacred choice to be here now. I wish you all a good day and will join you again, thank you.

Nebadonia: [Cathy] My children I embrace you in love as you ponder these possibilities.  You are aware that we have a plan for bringing the planet back into proper relation with our Universe.You have been given the challenge of bringing yourselves into alignment with the Father's Will. Your Father and I uphold you and encourage you in this activity.  It all begins with you, bringing yourself into alignment and lighting a path back to the original intention for a world of love and light.  We will hold your hand as you take these first steps.  We will be with you as you begin to run, it is a parent's joy.



Urantia, September 30, 2013. (Date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Transparency.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “Thank you for listening to my prompt as I have prepared a very interesting lesson for you to record. It will be a lesson on transparency as not many people are as yet aware that they are totally transparent to God, and that it is about time they wake up and realize this. 

“It will be as fresh dew on a promising new day to have this awakening to a greater realization that indeed, there is much more between heaven and earth than even the greatest human intellectual has yet discovered for him or herself. 

“Transparency is first and foremost the knowing that everything is known to God, even before an event transpires. What humans do not realize is that there are many options in the making of their moment to moment decisions, and the most important decision they can make is the doing of God’s Will. 

“You see, child, it is so very important to make the decision of loving another person each morning one wakes up. It is the transparency and clearness of such a decision which helps a soul to grow and advance, as this one command, to love one another, is embedded in the doing of God’s will. 

“It sounds like a very doable thing, but in reality it is not often practiced. Can you imagine, if this benign virus of love would sweep all over the planet, what the repercussions would be? No more hidden agendas? Only love for one another? 

“God would never instigate a law which is undoable, as this is the second commandment ever given, to love one another. The first Law is to become perfect like God himself is perfect. Have you ever truly paused and realized what exactly is meant by that? 

“Truth of the matter is that you strive to become more loving as God is the personification of unconditional love and acceptance. How could you not love the Giver of all love and not use His love, so freely given, towards someone else? 

“In times to come you will truly learn to love God with all your heart, soul and mind as you begin to strive in earnest to become perfect like Him. This then entails the transparency of being totally sincere and loving towards anyone you meet. 

“Yes, I realize that on this dark and beleaguered planet, beset by sin and evil, this is not an easy road to travel. However, this is the secret: God always protects the ones who sincerely endeavor to do His Will, so this benign virus can unobtrusively sweep over the planet, whilst the angels stand by to magnify even the tiniest effort in this direction. You simply can have no idea how much you are encouraged by the celestial world. 

“And may I add, even the angels are transparent before God and there is no hesitation in them to love God and all others with the totality of their being.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.  11:11 Store


Mushaba Platinum Light


Mushaba Greetings to all of my family of humanity of Earth!

I am Altros Commander of the Mushaba Galactic Light Fleet Command. As I mentioned to you before that I come to you as an Altronian from the planet Altron in the Andromeda system. And again as I stated in my public introduction through Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba that Yes, there are many Mushaba People all over the Universe being that we were the first people to begin and populate your second universe. I state all this again because I want to ensure that it is clear and understood that the Mushaba People are real and that yes, they are the first race to populate this universe. They are of the first universe and were destined to come and bring into being the second universe.

The God and Goddess of the first universe is the Being Mushaba, leader of the Mushaba people, they are his parents. Mushaba, being the father of Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba and Anakhanda his eldest son, has sent his son to earth as the representative of the Mushaba People on Earth for he has earned the place of being not only the Grandmaster of the Mushaba Force, but also the Grandmaster of the Mushaba People. Now as to how a Mushaba being may look, and I am speaking of the Mushaba people from the Planet Mushaba that is in the 7 sisters of the Pleiades star system; Here is a description below which partly comes from Mushaba through Nancy Tate and some from Mushaba through Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba and it isn’t that it is so different from me or some of the others even though there are some Mushaba beings that are very different looking indeed! However, get this in your mind if you so choose so that when you see one of us you will be familiar!

“The Mushaba Race has individuality foremost in their intent, and that reflects in their demeanor. Their skin glistens as a wetness, though it is dry. It is a glow that comes from within and that speaks to anyone who tunes in. As the inner conversations proceed the skin takes on the reflections of the colors that are dominant in the communication, while remaining black. It is rather like what you refer to as a marbling affect, and is very subtle. The hair is naturally curly and it is worn in various ways. Some position it in a spiral that rises from the crow and flows upward in what seems to be a constant, fluid motion, once again, very subtle. Others wear it cropped short, and some create flowing patterns in the closeness. The flowing tresses may be worn loose and trailing down the back, while some sweep it up to the top of their head and braid it from there.”

Head: The head of a Mushaba being is anywhere from 12”– 15” long, and 9-12” wide. The measurements I give you are according to the 12” x 9”: size, and can be adjusted according to the size of the individual head.

Nose: The nose of a Mushaba being is short and wide, approximately 4” long and 2” wide. It protrudes in a slight curve from the base of it and descends to the space just above the mouth, with that space being about 1/5th the length of the face.

Cheekbones: The cheekbones are curved inward from the base near the ears to the nose. Protruding more from the base to the nose, as to be almost unnoticeable at the nose.

Mouth: The mouth is about 1/3 the width of the face, with lips that are soft and full, yet firm and able to withstand any intrusion on them. They help to create a resonance when they speak, sing, whistle that resounds as music to the ears. There is a flap on the top lip that springs forth as they are flying in their leaps and jumps, and aids in the momentum of the flight. This flap sinks into and becomes part of their mouth again when they are at ease.

Ears: The ears are 5+1/2 – 6” long, and flare out at the curved top, reducing to a point at the bottom.

Eyes: The eyes are round and closely slitted at the outer sides into a point about 1” long. They glow with the radiance of the skin when different energies are exhibited. They also dance in the motion of the energies speaking to the others who are in communication with them through their eyes. Their eyebrows are full and flow almost into the hairline at the sides. The eyelashes are long and full, allowing the sleep to be at total in their rest.

Forehead: The forehead is sloped to the hairline, and is apprx 6” long x 8” wide. It has a protruding beginning at the eyebrows.

Arms: The arms reach down almost to the knees, with the hands being 1/4th of the length of the arm. They are muscular, and the forearm is approx half the length of the whole arm, and is considerable thinner than the upper arm, for improved agility in flight.

Legs: the legs are instilled with the muscles that determine how well they can jump over anything they choose. They can take great leaps according to how they want to be able to transverse the terrain. The muscles contain the fibers that speak the language of intent. They actually converse with the mind and the rest of the body. This is true of the arms and feet as well. The legs are able to withstand any amount of energy needed. They are approx 1/3rd the length of the body.

Feet: the feet have seven toes, one being as you would think of as the big toe, one extra one being on the outside of the big toe and only reaching about half way up to the top of the big toe. The other one is actually part of the little toe, as it comes from the base of the little toe and extends past it about another inch or so. This helps to provide balance and extra leverage in so-called flight. The toenails all curve and come to points at the ends to provide the ability for speed and for entering the soils for communication with the ground. Yes, you are getting it…. There is always complete accessibility of communication with all that is part of their world.

I am attempting to inform you of the Mushaba People and you will hear a great deal ore about the Mushaba Force because they are about to step forward in a huge way in the coming times ahead leading up to and after the ascension. They have a great hand in all that we know of as this creation and were here in the beginning of all things and in the beginning of the creation of the planet earth where they have planted a crystal matrix under the earth from the Isle of Man to Africa to places all over the globe. They also have along with the Mushaba God of Jewels; have planted many jewels in many places on earth for what will be in the coming times.

To those that have chosen to be the wayshowers or guides for the Mushaba Contact, first contact, you will be some of the first to see us and we meet with you firstly in seclusion and then when the time come for the openness to all of humanity.

Lastly I say this, know that no matter what, that you will absolutely step fully into your freedom and empowerment for this is what the Mushaba Force represents. It contains every single potential and possibility there is or ever will be for freedom and empowerment within the energy of this force. It is within all of you, it is within nature, and it is within the entire second universe! So know that we have been in very major and key roles throughout your earth history and especially this one whom I speak through as well as the Mushaba Family, Nancy Tate and others. I am putting out the call for the full awakening of all Mushaba beings on earth. It is time to awaken and come into the knowledge of yourself. It is time for all beings regardless to what race of people you are from; it is time to awaken to the knowledge of yourselves as well.



Mushaba Platinum Light


Commander Altros, Through Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba

I am commander Altros of the Mushaba Galactic Light Fleet. I come to have what you call a fireside chat with all of you that inherently know the truth that you indeed have a galactic family that is with you and have been watching you as you came into the planet earth to fulfill your most important destiny. You have been so valuable to all of us within the galactic realms since you have been on earth to bring balance to the injustice that was wrought on Maldek.

You are so reverend and loved throughout the entire universe for your great service to all of existence. You see, the balancing of what happened on Maldek was vitally important to the evolvement of this universe. This universe would not have been able to evolved and ready itself for the transition to the third universe without the balancing of the Maldek karma. Not only did the Maldek Imbalance have to be brought into balance, but also the time warp and the effects of the time warp had to also be brought into a balance as well. You of earth, many of who are from the planet Maldek as a Maldekian, or one of the many races such as the Mushaba’s that once lived and worked on Maldek, have nearly completed this balancing that is necessary for you to move into your ascension. So much worked has been done to bring that into fruition and for many who do not know it, the Maldek and Time Warp Clearings and those that have and are yet to participate, have played a huge role in the balancing of the Maldek karma.

The one whom I am speaking through was not only on Maldek as a Mushaba Being but he was what you may term a prophet of the caliber of the one you know on earth as Jesus. He also once had a very vital role in the Annunaki where he lived more than one personality simultaneously within the Annunaki and all that transpired. The Annunaki has grown and evolved in the light and love of Creator and is nothing as they were back in the early days of earth. All things evolved they are no exception. Even the Draco’s from Maldek that was party to the destruction of Maldek has also evolved in the light and love of Creator.

Earth has came to the point of where you were on Maldek before the destruction, and you have came through it this time and changed the destiny to be that which you have decided after Maldek that no more will you allow yourself to be tricked, manipulated an fooled again to your own demise. You have been successful at that and now you can look forward to the promise that was made to you on Maldek by the Mushaba Force and Its people. You are well on your way to living that promise that will take you to heights of evolvement that will literally “blow your mind” as the term goes.

Those of you that have experienced the Maldek Clearing and Time Warp closing Sessions do not realize that you have been forming a matrix and a communication grid that has been communicating with the debris of Maldek in the photon belt. You are calling to it to return to its original glory and pristine beauty and beyond! There will be others that will feel the call to undergo the Maldek Clearings and Tine Warp closing for they will be building the final level of the matrix that will bring things back into manifest form on a higher frequency of expression. The way is being prepared for the reunion of Earth and Maldek! This matrix will be able to close the Time warp experience from the human template. What this means is that all of the trauma of the last 8 thousand million years of Maldek will be released from the human template as well as the closing of being in the time warp and the trauma that came with that as well. However all that has been gained will be preserved as a growth factor and evolvement factor for humanity.

The New Earth will be born of completion. The completion we speak of is the Spirit of Mushaba, The Soul of Maldek, and the Body of Earth! All this dear beautiful people of earth, will bring a freedom that you have not known on earth before! It will empower you beyond your greatest dreams! You will then move faster than light speed for no longer will there be this gorilla on your back that has been hanging on and clutching itself you for the last 8 thousand million years! Prepare yourself for what is to come in the weeks and months ahead. It will be something that finally brings a sense of validation to many of you that have been waiting for so long. For others, it will be a shocking awakening!

You are about to herald in the time on earth that has been dreamed about by many of you for a very long time, the time of peace, love and equal prosperity. No more better than or less than, no racial inequality and hatred because of a color of a skin or a difference in beliefs. No more religions to separate you from your oneness and you indelible connection to the All That Is! You will no longer know what it is like to be operating without your fullness. You will know true freedom and empowerment and you will experience the loving power and ability of stepping up and into your own Divine Mastership, your own God and Goddess hood, and your own Creatorship!

Within the next 60 earth days you will see a massive increase in the ships from the Mushaba Galactic Light Fleet from Andromeda! We have already begun! This is from Nancy Tate’s Wake Up Call message dated August 24th, 2012:

“Take the new awareness of the triangle of stars in the southwestern sky that is being seen all over the world. That is a fifth dimensional ship from Andromeda. Many of you are seeing it because it is there to help guide you to the reaches of the outer world that you are seeing reflected from within. The beings on that ship are from all parts of the Andromedan system, including some of the Mushaba beings who stayed behind on the mother ship that was created by the Mushaba beings before their planet was transported to the Pleiades”.

In closing I would like to say to those of you that have made the choice to be way showers or what you call point beings for Mushaba galactic and inner/hollow earth interaction, we haven’t forgotten about you. There was some matters that needed attending to first in preparation for our contact with you. Once this has been squared away there will be a discussion on what is next for you all.

We send our Greetings and Blessings from the Mother ship!

Commander Altros


Your Earth You is the Commander of Your Totality

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for


Dear Ones,

Perhaps your concern is that space aliens will overtake your being and you will become a zombie. Such is not the case. In truth, you will be you with added sparkle once you allow yourself to add new segments.

When you were your 3D being, your skills, attitudes, perceptions and beliefs were limited to your 3D world. Perhaps you ventured out a bit as was true for Baby Boomers in the 1960's and 1970's. But even Baby Boomers continued their 3D lives with just a few adventuresome thoughts.

You Baby Boomers knew deep within you that love was extremely important. But before you fully explored that avenue, you decided to open your emotions. Hence your interest in psychology, psychotherapy, mood altering drugs, self-help books and other avenues that helped you discover more about your inner workings. Once you satiated yourself, you felt ready to fully initiate this transition beyond your 3D.

You opened yourself to thoughts of space aliens via books, movies and various avenues to discover what - most of the time - evil they were up to. Even though some movies project a loving side of space aliens, for the most part, you are wary of any contacts with beings not of earth. Perhaps that is expected given that many remain afraid of humans of different skin color or culture.

You will continue to put space aliens or inner-earth entities through a filtering process that ends with thoughts that they are bad and all humans are good - no matter what color or culture. That is, unless you understand and accept that space aliens and inner-earth beings are you.

You are starting that acceptance process - for how can you distrust parts of you? Now you laugh for you know that there are parts of you that you still distrust. Such thoughts should help you understand how far you have come, but yet how deeply enmeshed you remain in your 3D world.

This transition is not about you and them. It is about you and you. The sooner you accept that concept the more rapidly you transition or ascend into your true being.

This transition is the completion of many parts of your being - your 3D you, your us and them philosophies, your fears of love and of your inner-power.

But then, those of you accepting your space alien and inner-earth segments without question are little different from those who will not even entertain the thought that those segments are part of themselves. Even though your space alien or inner-earth segments are not bad or terrible, they do have facets of being that might not be appropriate for you now.

You have many facets of Universal totality in many venues, but not all are what you wish to explore or expand in this lifetime. Allow yourself to understand the value of adding facets or segments just as you would if you had three job candidates with excellent skills, but not all with skills appropriate for the job you wish to fill.

Do not fret if you have accepted segments into your earth being without determining if those skills were right for you. The early segments you brought into your being were exactly suited to your needs. Now you are perfecting your earth being.

Take the time and energy to interview the segments that wish to join you now. Perhaps some wish to live in great wealth and your intent is to live off the land. Your wealth segments would never be comfortable with that life style - thus your totality would question it also.

What is your most important desire or desires in this instant? Those are the segments of your totality you want to add to your current earth being.

Perhaps you are thinking that you are evolving so you do not know if you will wish to live in Asia ten years from now - even though that is your current dream. Do not worry. As you move through your dreams, you will add more or different segments as those already part of you become satiated.

You are changing daily, as will your segments. But they will change differently than is true for a child who wants a horse today and a shiny bicycle tomorrow. Your wishes have more depth for they are now the adult part of you. Those segments you welcome into your being are more like you just graduating from college satisfied with an entry-level job in your field - but who is not satisfied with the same job in twenty years.

Many of you think this channel is silly for there are no space aliens or inner-earth beings.

You will not truly understand how many parts of the Universes your 3D life did not allow you to explore until you allow yourself to do so. There are many dimensions within the Universes that are now beyond your comprehension and words. Again, much like the native Americans who could not see the first boats landing on American shores for they had no words or thoughts to conceptualize what they were.

Your various segments - wherever you find them in your totality of being search - are a wonderful part of you.

Is it not true that many of you have yearned to channel or dimension-hop because those skills now seem "normal and acceptable," but your space alien or inner-earth being segments do not?

Your space alien or inner-earth segments are not going to overtake you. Nor are they secret spies planning to destroy earth. They are merely parts of you helping you expand your creation skills. Segments of you that your totality has dispersed throughout the Universes in many forms and locations. Call those segments home for you are finally strong enough to do so.

The you reading this blog are the leader/commander/CEO of your totality. You do not need to fear those segments. They are not planning to mutiny or bombard earth or you. They merely wish to be part of this wondrous transition by joining their being family - you.

But not all segments are appropriate for you. Interview each segment knocking on your door knowing that if that segment is excited about your current dreams, it is right for you. If that segment questions your direction, it is not right for you and may never be in this lifetime.

You are the commander. Allow yourself that power and joy. Not to fight a war, but to expand yourself into the totality you wish to be on earth now. So be it. Amen.

_________ Message from the 'team'_________  

Upside Down and Backwards  
Peggy Black and the 'team'

We are here, embracing you with our love as well as offering these words of support.  The intensity of change in your reality is increasing. What is polarized is becoming even more polarized. You are experiencing that those holding certain positions or beliefs firmly without wavering are affecting the much larger global well-being and health. From our observation it seems there is always some situation that is locked in place by two opposing points of view or attitudes. 

The conflicts between individuals, countries, nationalities, or religions have certainly been the energy behind the many wars your planet has experienced. Each person or group of people is willing to die or destroy the other in order to claim their position of rightness.  

You can observe these conflicts within your family, your community or the global matrix. Perhaps you personally can identify with a point of view or attitude that places you in a position of conflict with another.

We are inviting you to become aware of your personal attitudes and beliefs that push against another, causing a certain sense of separation. This is your moment to investigate what energies you are holding that are being reflected in the events occurring in the hot spots around the globe. You are not an innocent bystander by any means.

You are a multidimensionals being of light having a human experience. You are here on this planet Earth at this time to transform and uplift the sense of separation. When you engage emotionally and mentally with one point of view or the other you empower that position. You add to what is being polarized, you add to the conflict, you energetically support the discord. 

Remember, what you resist persists. It is the pushing against that actually gives strength to the cause you are fighting against. Any time you declare a "war" on drugs, poverty, obesity, you are energetically adding to the strength of what you want to eliminate.

We might say that you have this upside down and backwards. It is time that humanity realizes that as vibrational beings you call forth into your reality what you place your focus and attention upon. If your focus is on opposition to some action or controversy you are actually feeding the very thing you would desire to change or improve.

More and more individuals are awaking to this realization and stepping into their personal power to assist in the evolution which supports humanity in its well-being and true connectedness.

When you are fully aware that your thoughts and emotional vibrations are adding to the field of the collective consciousness you are in a position to contribute to the greater  good and a world that is life sustaining.

When you realize that you have been taught incorrectly in the use of your focused power, you will shift how you hold situations, how you react to events and you will begin to be the solution.
We invite you to see and sense, visualize and call forth a reality that truly supports and maintains an environment that honors all living things. This is your task, this is your service, this is your assignment as the divine conscious being that you are.

Begin to envision, truly envision, and energize what it is that you would like to see and experience in your reality. You do not need to know how this is going to manifest, simply hold your focus on what it is that you would desire to empower. 

Remember when you are fully embodied, anchored to this planet and connected to your divine source and guidance you are truly powerful beyond measure. When you are consciously aware that you are living from your heart, offering coherent vibrations to the field, you are making a significant difference.

When there is a situation occurring that is charged with conflict, whether it is in your personal life or your global reality, spend some time visualizing the most optimal results for the benefit of all involved. See or imagine a resolution coming about in the most amazing manner. Don't waver; hold firm your vision, energized with the coherent vibration from your heart's focus and desire for the perfect solution and outcome for everyone. Learn to avoid pushing against, holding a polarized opinion and adding to the collective discord. 

Everything and everyone on your planet is connected. There is an interaction between solar geomagnetic events and human events. There is an interconnection between your planet, its weather, humanity and the outcropping of conflicts. 

When you are aware of your heart's coherence, generated by holding an emotion of gratitude and appreciation, allow this vibration to go forth, anchoring this coherence into the field of consciousness.   

It is a new training for self. Rather than judging what is occurring and becoming polarized yourself, stop and place your awareness in your heart's center, then radiate the vibrations of appreciation out to all. Each time you do this you will personally feel more stable and balanced; you will be feeding your personal energy field as well as the field of consciousness with a coherent energy of love and well-being.

Rather than resist war, envision peace, rather than fight drugs, envision healing, rather than judge the homeless, envision a solution that serves the highest and best for all. Rather than seeing the differences of others begin to acknowledge their uniqueness. Be the answer. Be the solution. Anchor this firmly into your consciousness and offer if to all. 

We remind you to call upon and invite support and assistance from the realms of Light and all non-physical beings of consciousness. Each moment, each day and each situation call upon the forces of Love and Light to support the perfect resolve and healing as well as the uplifting of this planet. We acknowledge you and your powerful service, for when you are fully embodied, anchored to your planet, connected to divine source and radiating coherent vibrations from your heart, you are in your power to transform all that is before you. We embrace you with our deep appreciation and gratitude as you accept the challenges. the 'team'

©2013 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may  share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available  


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4708 Ring True, Ring True , October 15, 2013 

God said: 

I am telling everyone in the world to wake up. I am telling the world to wake up. This is a positive I am telling you. I am telling you to wake up to the Truth of yourself. Felonious thoughts and actions are not the Truth of you, not by a long shot.
I am telling you to acknowledge the Truth of yourself. The Truth of you is not a lie. This is not a cover-up. Heretofore, you have been covering up the Reality of you. You are not this fluff you pass yourself off as. Have you thought so? Have you been denying yourself your own true Self-Designation? Have you thought it was good for you to denigrate yourself? You don’t want to be vain or self-glorious, yet it is vain to down-play yourself. This is vanity supreme, to make yourself appear less than you are. If you portray yourself as less than I say you are, you are hiding.
Wake up, and claim the Heart of God which I have bequeathed you. Deny yourself, and you are fraudulent. Deny yourself, and you deny your relationship with Me. You are not someone to be covered up. You are not to deny yourself and to deny Me. And, yet, as well-meaning as you may mean to be, this may be what you have been doing.
Sing your praises to yourself. Know the goodness I made when I made you. It is all right to be ambitious. Be ambitious for Me, beloveds. Be ambitious in My Name, for I ask you to reveal My Presence, first to yourself, and then to everyone you pass by or who passes by you, for it is My light you shine. Shed light on yourself as well. Why not? Come into the bright sunshine.
Why put yourself in the shade when you are made for the sunshine, and you are the sunshine. By virtue of the light you shine, you promote Me. There is no other way that works. Ring true, beloveds, ring true. Play the music of which you are capable. Do not put your talent on a back burner. Bare yourself to the world. Bare your soul. You have a soul. Be glad of it. Reveal it. Reveal it first to yourself, and then the light of your soul will be seen wherever you go. You are the establisher of My light on Earth.
The people who see you may not know what they are seeing. They may not know that the light they feel comes from you. Nevertheless, they will gain from it.
You are a star from Heaven walking on Earth. Stars shine. This is what you are to do. Shine My Light of Love on all. Be a streetlight of starlight and sunshine.
Hide yourself in the shade no more. It is not fitting. Come into your own. You are the only one who can. I cannot do it for you. It is enough that I invite you, encourage you, and, yet, you are the one to light the match. Do it now.
Light up the world. Turn all the lights on so that everyone can see themselves in you, for you are the heralder of the new world, a bright shining world where everyone is in the spotlight, where everyone is a star, and where everyone knows how to shine light and shine love and to emanate both and to recognize their same light in you.

The Blessing {ClickMe}
