The World Is At A Tipping Point

{Channeled Messages}


Today's Angel Message
When you agreed to participate in the experiment on planet Earth a promise was made to you that when your mission was completed, if it was your desire, you would have the opportunity to become a co-creator and active player in the next level of cosmic evolution, the formation of a golden galaxy. The Earth has been your training ground, beloveds, and you have learned much. By trial and error, pain and suffering, you are gradually becoming masters of co-creation. You see, you must learn your lessons well, if you are to help create the next paradise world. Any and all are eligible candidates for this new and exciting adventure, beloveds, all you must do is move into neutrality and become harmless, and then contribute your unique Christ Light, or add your positive vibrational patterns to the Whole as, together, we assist your Earth to be birthed into a star of Light.

Hilarion's Weekly Message: November 20-27, 2011
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Ones, 
This week will see you integrating and assimilating all the downloads you have received and still are, receiving. It is a time for quiet reflection and contemplation and is the time to be good to yourselves in simple ways. Contemplate the beauty around you and glory in each new day. You are alive, experiencing being in a beautiful human body which is a wonder of biological functionality. Through this wondrous vehicle, you can use your senses — the breath through smell, the touch through the sensory experience of your fingers, the sight through the most magical lenses of your eyes, the taste of the food that you partake and the sound of the voice of your Beloved or the birds in the trees. 
You are now coming into a time of becoming more aware of other senses that were previously not as obvious to you. Although the majority of you have been experiencing many of these other senses such as precognition, telepathy, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience, these have been sporadic and in the realm of a miraculous occurrence for most of you that came as a flash and then was gone. These have served as an interior warning system to keep you safe as you walked upon this World. These senses and many more will now become a more common occurrence than ever before within each human and as this begins to take place within Humanity as a whole, it will create a totally new way of doing and being in your World. 
When one person can easily discern and see the aura, for example, of his neighbor, there is no room in any interactions between them for dishonest motivations, thoughts or intentions. All becomes transparent and obvious to those who have this ability, so relations between humans will of necessity become more honest and truthful and based on integrity of Being. As these senses come online within you, it will become challenging to you if you have not yet become proficient in the art of detachment, for as humans, you tend to take things personally and so there might be some amusing incidences of a person’s reactions to knowing the inner thoughts about them that another person feels within them. There will be an adjustment period that will take place as these abilities become more apparent within each person on Earth. 
These newly re-discovered abilities will have a far reaching effect on the behavior patterns of Humanity and each person will just naturally begin to cultivate qualities of Love, compassion, honesty, integrity, generosity and helpfulness. This will come about in a surprisingly natural way as more humans are Awakened to their higher potential. As the new crystalline grids are brought into full power, Humanity will have a connection to it that will create positive changes by the power of focused intention and in this way, there is created unity and cooperation between Humanity and the Creator that will lead to great peace and harmony on your World.
As we enter into ever greater frequencies, life will become filled with greater ease and the expressions of joy, gratitude, laughter, humor, and enthusiasm will manifest in Humanity’s interactions with each other and life will then be lived on Earth with joy, peace and harmony as the constant in daily existence. These times are coming, Dear Ones, and a new way is being created by each choice that is being made in this moment of Now. 
Until next week…. 
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
 Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


~ Room for Your Light ~ New Earth Angels ~
The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home
by Steve Rother
November 15 2011

~ Re-minders from Home ~

From Steve:
In this message the group talked about a special kind of person that they called Earth Angel. They say that these people come in with a very bright light and sometimes have difficulty even being here. Often they burn out early, but leave a lasting impression on all of humanity. Marilyn Monroe, Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, Nicolai Tesla and on the list goes. In this message the group asks each of us a simple question: If we were to start carrying that much light tomorrow, what effect would it have on our lives? So the question becomes. . . is there room for your light?
I hope everyone had a wonderful 11-11-11. Ready to step up?
Big hugs and have a great month!
Greetings from Home
Dear ones, this day is very unique for you have created a level of existence that did not exist before. You have opened a door to something very magical. The energy has been building for you to take this step. It has already begun in many ways, yet every day when you open your eyes and greet the new day, it begins again on a different level. Every part of this is starting to open up on a new level. Let us explain to you what is directly ahead, for some of you will experience this in your own lives right away.
"Bright Lights"
You have seen a variety of bright lights on planet Earth, those people that bring the light from Home and shine it through a bubble of biology to help you to more easily see yourself and the light from Home. You have always known that some beings come in with almost too much light to carry. It is as if their eyes attract attention because of their extreme brightness, and they are so creative that everything they touch turns to magic. But sometimes their vibration is so high that it is difficult for them to be comfortable on Earth, a planet with such a low vibration. Many of you have seen these bright lights that we call "Earth Angels." They come in with many gifts, giving of themselves freely and without hesitation. Sometimes this is done at their personal expense and the toll is often quite heavy. Yet they leave behind incredible gifts to help the advancement of all of humanity. You have seen them in many of your famous artists, such as in musicians who have died quite young but left their indelible imprints behind. Some Earth Angels have had an extremely difficult time trying to be a human on planet Earth. We tell you this now because it has been limited to a select number on planet Earth that have come in with such incredible bright lights that they cannot hide. Well, dear ones, we are telling you that you are also about to take on that light. What we ask you is this: Is there room in your life right now, if that were to happen to you today?
What you will find is that even though it sounds wonderful to have that much light and experience such a strong connection to Home, many of you do not yet have a space in your life for it. You have built your life around your daily existence, your desires, joys and passions, yet, what would happen if you suddenly shone this incredible light as do the Earth Angels? Now is the time to consider that. Evaluate your life—wherever you are. Many of you are evaluating relationships, jobs, or even what to do with your time on a daily basis. It is becoming incredibly important for you to do that, because you are here with a reason. You are here carrying a shade of light from Home that can only be brought to Earth through your being. Your soul has gone through incarnation after incarnation, just so you could carry this light be an expression of it. Here you are. We tell you, there will be many that will fear their own light, for that is much scarier than seeing it reflected in someone else. However, what is taking place here is that you are reaching a level of soul confidence that makes it possible for you to bring in this energy from Home. The important piece is that until now, throughout history when this happened it was only to one person here or another person on the other side of the planet. There was much separation between these light bearers, but now all of you can carry the same light.
Dance in the Light
Since most of you are wired as teachers, healers and those who have chosen to walk through the door first to hold it open for everyone else, you are being called into action. What we ask you to do is to not be afraid of your light. Welcome your bright light and all the forms it is going to take. For many of you others will see it in you before you are able to, but you are finally awakening from the dream. It was your greatest desire to walk on Earth with all your powers and now it is happening. It is taking place just the way you dreamed it; just the way you set it into motion with your heart and your own energy. Dance in this light. Sing that song; write that book, ground the light in any way you can and you will make space for much more light than you ever dreamed was possible. You will become comfortable with your own beauty, which is something that scares most of you to death. It is okay for you to see yourself as a human being; it is fine for you to find yourself, as long as you can hang onto your imperfections. Get ready to lose them, dear ones. You have created magic beyond your understanding.
We have told you many times that all eyes in the universe are watching planet Earth right now. You are the only free choice planet with no rules, and here you are making another conscious step in your evolution. You have won the game. You can go Home. You can decide it is all done, because you finished planet Earth. That is what happened, but you are here asking what more can I do? What can I do now? How can I take that step and be a part of it? Welcome your light. That’s what you can do.
You are going to see a change in your reflection in the world around you. Have the courage to step into it, to own it. You have worked on this for so many lifetimes and you deserve it. Now it is here it is right in front of you, so take the step in joy and take it consciously. We know that there are many, many millions of other beings in other dimensions of time and space. You call some of them ETs or visitors, but they are all beings of light just the same as you are. There are different degrees or flavors of light beings. Some are very far advanced technologically, and others are quite advanced in heart energy or what you call spirituality. There are some places in the universe where incredibly advanced beings are able to connect their multidimensionality, for everyone experiences that. However, none of them are making a conscious step into the next stage of evolution like you are.
The End of an Age
You are creating history in All That Is. We would love to tell you that if you walk down this hall, open the main door on the right then the third door on your left and you will be Home. The reality is that you are creating a new path with every breath you take. You are creating a new part of this, as your dream is beginning to expand even before you have fully manifested it. You are coming towards a magical date, December 21, 2012. There are so many prophecies as to what is going to happen. Many of you are confused, yet none of you are as confused as we are about what will happen in 2012. Originally 2012 marked a demarcation, an end of an age. You have already pulled that date forward, as you did not wait for the end. You started the new before and now you are in this limbo time. You are moving into this new energy still having some of the new rules that seem to affect you, and there is much conflict around that. Know that you are not alone. You are not the only one in your city that is taking this step; you are not the only bright light out there. You can help each other in ways that you have yet to understand, for this has begun and you have created it.
This was not something that was predicted. It was not even a possibility when planet Earth began. This is something that you created and we honor you. We watch as you start to lift the veil, as you awaken from the dream and take your power. It is magical beyond your understanding, for you are showing the rest of the universe how to love. As long as you carry that forward and hold it as your first and most important edict you will create an energy on a dimensional level beyond your wildest dreams. So we ask you, dear ones, are you ready to be the light? That is what is happening. All you have to do is smile and the light from Home will shine on whatever, whomever, or wherever you direct your gaze intentionally. Find those spaces of darkness that exist around you, and courageously shine your light on them. You are the precursors of the light; you are the guardians that will make it safe for the others. It has already begun and we are in such joy and celebration of what you are doing on planet Earth right now.
The Big Picture
Know that we are behind you watching every step and trying to help when possible. We are trying to share with you the roads, turns and obstacles you will experience as you step forward. But it is important to know that you do not need us, for you do not need any guidance. Own your energy and feel that empowerment. You are re-turning to be the creator beings that you always have been. Over time your physical body will adjust and the two halves of the brain will work together completely as one. You will see a balance between heaven and Earth that you have never seen before as the separation is diminishing. You have done it all and it is important to honor that achievement. Walk in pride dear ones with your head held high, as you have earned it. We bring this point Home because it is important you understand you are the creators. You have created this reality that you are now stepping into.
We are here to help share with you insights, overviews, and concepts that can help you in the future. Yet you are on such a beautiful path now. There is no way you will miss the opening just ahead.
Enjoy this step, dear ones and make space for your light in your life and all will be right with the universe.
It is with the greatest of honor we greet you in these times, that you feel our heart beating within yours, feeling the connection and hopefully the truth of Home as it enters your heart. Love holds the answer. It is the part that will lift you from one step to the next. We are behind you cheering you on, celebrating each step and movement. Enjoy!
Nurture one another every chance you get. With each person that you help to journey up that step, it becomes easier for you to take the next step. Know that you are devising a new game to play. Play well together.
The group
Steve Rother
Copyright Notice:
Copyright 2000 - 2011 Lightworker.   

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Two thousand years ago I played, I joked, I sang with my disciples. I enjoyed life. I enjoyed all of it, even after the crucifixion and resurrection. I enjoyed all of life, and that is what my message always is to you, is to enjoy your life, make the most of it, every moment of it, and then when you decide to release the body, you will not have a regret of, “I didn’t do… I didn’t go…I didn’t say…whatever.”


The World is at a Tipping Point: What is Your Role?
by Selacia
November 15, 2011
The pivotal times you have long prepared for are here. You feel the transformational changes deep within your bones, and you are intuitively drawn to take part in them. You have a natural inner urge to participate fully in the dance of change now in full swing. You truly care about what happens next, and you want to feel tangibly connected to the birthing of a brand-new reality. 
In these moments before 2011 ends, your full creative potential is becoming quite real - whether you realize it or not, whether you feel ready or not. It may feel scary to you at times - knowing you are moving into something amazing that you can't yet quantify, and also knowing how much still needs to shift before you can have the world you want.
Right now is a crucial juncture for you and everyone you love. It's vital that you be willing to move into your true power, learning to harness your own vast creative potential. Do not underestimate the importance of each day and your ability to remake your life.
It's normal to get into habitual patterns and to like things to stay as they are. Even things you don't like can somehow feel more manageable than venturing into the unknown. This safe approach won't get you where you want to go however. You aren't alive now to be normal or ordinary, satisfied with rehashing the past. Do not settle for a carbon copy of yesterday.  
As a divine changemaker you learn from yesterday, live powerfully in the moment, and move fearlessly into the future.
Copyright 2011 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12, * All Rights Reserved *