The Word 4 March is Awareness {Channeled}

Isis' Message of the Day -
God said:
Love is like the sunlight that blesses all it touches. How powerful the sunlight that alights and leaves its blessings. The sun never learned to count. The sun is free. And you are free because you bind not another to return your love as though it were a favor. Of course, your love is a favor, and yet you are not owed. Nor do you own. You do not own your own love and you do not own another's. Love is free and love frees.
* From Heavenletters™ December 1, 2011 * Copyright1999-2011 * HEAVEN #4024 *
How everything and everyone is connected. See this series!
Fox changed March 12 date for repeat of Pilot. New series
begins March 19 check local TV station time.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, We are pleased that you have come here today to converse with us. We are pleased that many of you are putting into practice our words, suggestions, concepts, and exercises that we have given over time. Many of you are going about you day and taking the time for stillness, time for noticing others and sending love. We wish to acknowledge that we are a witness to this. Keep being the Beacons of Love and Light. Bless Your Hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *      

The Masters of Light: The word for March is "Awareness"
As Received by Ruth Ryden
March 1, 2012
Dear readers, this is a time of tremendous upsets all over the world, as you are well aware.  Leaders killing their own populations, religious furor going out of control, millions of dollars being spent trying to buy power in the U.S., and similar confused actions in many other countries.  Your Sun is also going through some ambient contortions, sending strong flares that are producing weather phenomena around the earth.  The uneasiness many of you feel on a daily basis is not unfounded.  We want you to know that the world is not coming to an end, but going through a situation that is normal in the universe every few thousand years. The frequencies that confound the weather programmers and predictors of every kind constantly change as the magnetic influences around the world affect the weather and the emotional states  of humankind.  Those who have the responsibility of leadership feel tremendous confusion in many ways, as the mindset of people all over the world goes in many directions, some of them detrimental to themselves and those they either lead or follow.  Most of you who read this newsletter lead rather sheltered lives, but realize that eventually all this will filter down to everyone in one way or another.  Rising gas prices in the U.S. are the result of  fears about the availability of oil amid the insecure situations in oil producing countries and stock markets around the world.  World markets are striving to keep some kind of stability in order to survive.  Weather conditions in the next few months will impact growers around the world and some foodstuffs will become higher priced or simply unavailable.  What can you, personally, do about it?  Realistically, nothing much.  If you can work in political venues to find knowledgeable and intelligent people to place into government, you will be helping in many ways, being careful to define what is being said against the many lies that are being broadcast.

The word for this month and the months and years to come is "Awareness."  It is easier to climb into your safe little bubble and  ignore the world around you. The trouble is, bubbles do burst eventually!  The fear and trepidation that so many of you feel right now is perfectly natural, but not entirely necessary.  Most of you understand you are placed into this lifetime for many different reasons, and for the multitude of humanity at this time the reason is to experience the transformations in physical matter and frequencies of time and space that are now occurring.  Now is the time to realize that the tremendous energies and forces that surround you now are available to every human being now alive. The emergence of knowledge that has expanded tremendously over the last decades is the gift of the Creator for you to work with and understand. You need to recognize the inner knowledge you are blessed with and the power you now have to do things never before thought of or realized.  Energy is energy – it has no “good” or  “bad."  It is there now for you to use, and is up to humanity to use it to bring your planet to a place of understanding and realization of what that energy can mean, mentally and physically, to produce a peaceful world.  Thousands of people in the Middle East have experienced that inner knowledge and are using that energy to rise up against powerful rulers who have taken all and given nothing. The world has been amazed at their courage and determination and wonder how they can do it.  They are not so confined by television and entertainment of all kinds that dull the mind so that their basic instincts are open to the tremendous power that is infusing the Earth, using it to make their countries a better place to live.  That power, that energy, that is causing all the ruckus in climates and weather patterns is there for you to use, too!  If you feel frightened or put down by all the negative thoughts and actions around you and in the world, realize they are all powered by the same energy.  It is a matter of how it is used.  Every one of you can access that power to use in your own lives to do what is necessary and needed, if you just realize you can do it!

You hear a lot about the power of prayer now, and rightly so.  At no time in the history of humankind has there been such a powerful relationship to the higher intelligence of the universe as is now.  Millions of people are experiencing answers to their prayers as miracles happening, and if that is what you want to call them, fine.  Simply though, the inherent ability of your mind and your Higher Self to create desired circumstances is enhanced now by these exciting frequencies of change.  Instead of picturing terrible circumstances from the weather, storms, negative influences of all kinds, concentrate your thoughts on attainable outcomes that will bring things back to what you perceive of as normal.  Group prayer is a powerful thing.  Concentrating your thoughts to a determined outcome will produce the “miracles” you seek.  Even as you commnicate to your concept of God personally and alone in your room, that power is there and when the concentration is strong, what you ask for and wish for will come about., now as never before.

Understand all of this, and even as the TV blasts out anger and negativity, concentrate your thoughts to a better state of affairs for the minds and hearts of those who make the rules you live by.  They are filled with fear of losing their place in the world  and are needful of positive thoughts and clear sight.  Turn your anger at them into positive energetic thoughts, and you will see the changes you can make, each of you.

We will not make a list of predictions concerning the weather and storm conditions for the coming month of March, as you are seeing the storms march across your weather screens every day.  Predictions at this point are pointless, as the frequencies coming in from space as the Sun carries on its dance of flowery flares change the storm patterns constantly.  Keep aware of your local weather reports and prepare for storms as they occur without preamble.  Keep your pantries full of staples and flashlights and batteries, and full tanks of gas, etc., etc., you know the routine!  In other words, be prepared for whatever comes your way.  And it probably will.  Use your inner strength and knowledge and you will be fine.  All this will pass, and you will still be here and be the better for it, for you are the Children of God.
Ruth Ryden
I have published two books that are very basic teachings about our role in the universe. They are both still available at Amazon and other book stores. The books are: “The Golden Path” and “Living the Golden Path”. Go to: and enter in the “seeking” place, “The Golden Path by Ruth Ryden.” * Easy to find and deal with – some used books there too. * If you wish to express your appreciation for these messages and can afford to donate a few dollars occasionally, it would be a great help to me. Please do not use Pay Pal. Personal check, cash, or money orders are just fine. Please, Please!! Make sure to include your e-mail address so I can thank you personally. 

I am still accepting requests for personal spiritual readings. Your Spiritual Teachers and Guides are contacted for this purpose. Please e-mail me for information. She can be reached at: Ruth Ryden  *  2806 N. Apple Lane, Whispering Pines, Payson, Arizona 85541-7328 USA  *  
(928) 474-3515  * *             

Living and Learning in The Light
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
February 29, 2012
In these now times there are a multitude of opportunities that will be afforded anyone who is of the mind to extend greatly their own inner abilities that have been left, perhaps, dormant for many a long year or indeed many a long incarnation. In these current climes has the door to all these natural talents, or gifts, been opened wide to accommodate and facilitate all the awakening souls to rediscover their true attributes and claim them rightfully as their own. It is simply a means of saying 'yes' to an inner prompting as the energies of the day or flavours of the month, are gracefully accepted by yours truly. There is nought to lose and the universe to gain, so to speak, for those latent gifts are purely in need of being invoked into the light of day and setting to task of resuscitating them back into life and becoming up and running!

Everyone has something to give and everyone has something to receive in return, for all energy that has been given out will in universal law be gainfully given back in similar and/or familiar recompense. Cause and effect, give and receive, equal and opposite ad infinitum! So now is the time to allow yourselves, and gifting yourselves, with the joy of reawakening unto Oneself, as the ways are truly opening up within an ever increasing inject of incoming energies that so bless and caress the beloved planet at this now time. Nectar from heaven indeed is surely a paraphrase for these most opportune times as the endless blizzards of adamantine particles are flowing with such abundance that heaven on earth is surely being reborn and redefined with exquisite exactness and precision. Mother Earth, we love you!

As each new day beams forth and awakens, so also the uplifting energy swirls and spirals are obvious to the many, as everyone's sensitivities are being honed and polished until a glimmer of recognition is aroused in each soul. There is not the endless waiting or working arduously over perhaps years to realise what gift(s) is yours to develop and to utilise. There is now a hastening of latent abilities bubbling to the surface to be embraced most 'quickly' and effectively as discernment and inner prompting are adhered to. Training circles are for those whose souls are searching to be used and to be useful during these times of change and ascending realities. As the universal 'switch' has been pressed fast forward, there are ample opportunities to develop one's natural talents in a comparatively swift time line and now is the time to grasp 'the bit in one's teeth,' so to speak.

Many there are whose rapid advancement has been amazingly proficient in but a very short time, perhaps only a year or two, for that which is within is being grasped by the 'masters in the wings' to be utilised and protectively progressed, and in very keen tempo, so it appears. Those who have progressed in their chosen field of expression are becoming amazingly good and efficient light trance or mental channels and are, if coached under the wing of an established and renowned medium, making connections with numerous planetary masters and angelics and with very high proficiency. It is now a time when these souls are choosing to stand up and be counted and to quickly earn their laurel in the field of extremely accurate communications. 
Then do they ask the quite obvious question of what does one do with that which they have so keenly honed and developed in such sincere and expansive persuasion. Their's is the choice that indeed must be surveyed with eyes of wisdom and hearts of truth, for within these ensuing months and years, will there be an ever demanding necessity for a greater world wide gifted community of 'true channels' whose faith and discretion will indeed be needed to share what that they have with the greater populace, either in groups or within one to one situations. 
There is to be a world wide explosion of souls searching for the truth and asking, "What on earth is happening, and why?" This fast budding / developing school of mediums and channels will have their work cut out for that which they can give and share will be the lifeline for many a soul on planet. They will be the new 'teachers' or way-showers and will fall into line behind the many established channels world wide. They will most likely be affording channelled words of truth that will not be tarnished by their own beliefs or their own knowledge, for they will be coming into the act without a clutter of biassed information.

Those whose hearts are in the right place will recognise the up and coming 'new talent' that are fast expanding into a world of "go between and sooth sayers," and they will indeed be enjoining into these ranks of sharing and caring as the world populace will collectively seek them out .Time of course then for the gift of discernment and inner prompting and of 'knowing' as another wave of information will be embraced by these new recruits into a rather special and specialised profession of sharing, caring, world servers with a message to bring and a blessing to share. So, welcome all you up and coming world servers, who have a multitude of wealth to share with one and all, as they harness truly and offer accurately those words of wisdom that have been selected and perfected by the Masters and the Light-beings for true enlightenment and upliftment, for the ultimate benefit of one and for all.
Be still and know! 
Selemat Jahin

(c) 2012 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and ever United Kingdom of Light and Love. Gods Speed, and always remember to embrace the pure light of your own true being! Email:  *   

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you have asked of the Father, before this incarnation and before other incarnations as well, “How can we change what is going on? How can we bring the divine love, respect, honor, understanding to the reality of humanhood?” And you have said, “I will go and do my part. As the Christ that I am, I will go and be amongst the people. I will go in the workplace. I will go with the friends and with the strangers and I will share my love. I will put my talents and abilities to work to heal.”
Visit our website:  *    
Through The Paradigm Shift
by Lawrence Bosek

The world is changing, a paradigm shift is well underway. The economy, the weather, politics, economics, and human relations are all in flux. Society, at large, is transitioning. In fact, it can be said that everything is always changing.

The more visible signs are with the economy. Unemployment is a continual headline, food prices along with fuel prices are on the rise, governments around the world are etching towards defaulting on their debt. The solar system is also showing signs of changes happening. The sun is about to reach the peak of solar cycle 24 and the planets also are all exhibiting their own version of “climate change.”

The hearts of people are changing as well. People are not wanting to be enslaved to debt and the corrupt leaders any longer. Protests are growing, civil unrest is spreading, and collaborations within communities are taking hold. The old ways are proving to be ineffective, and secret dealings are no longer being tolerated. New methods are forming as people use their creativity to adjust.

Money as the prime motivator of exchange to facilitate services on a daily basis is becoming unstable, and is also becoming irrelevant within a community setting. As we transition into a new paradigm, there is no other choice but to work together as a global collaboration system to advance humanity. With enhanced collaboration peace will grow. As the global economy collapses, as the prices of goods and services reach record highs, as the sun rises again tomorrow, the blood in our veins will also continue to flow as the hearts in our chests will continue to beat. Food, water, shelter, and medicine are basic human needs as fundamental to life as air and sunlight, the latter of which require no form of payment to receive.

The sun does not need a paycheck to rise every morning and provide its supportive warm light. Flowers do not request money to display their brilliant colors. Plants do not require a form of payment to grow and bear fruit. Trees ask for nothing in return to provide oxygen for our lungs. Animals do not depend on any form of payment to survive in nature and they are all provided for adequately. Only our human created society at present time requires a form of payment to function as a service based society.

As the organizations, systems, and services we are so used to crumble around us, there will still be apples growing on the trees. There will still be blueberries and strawberries growing on the bushes. There will still be vegetables growing in the ground and people wanting to tend to them. There will still be people in need of medicine and medical care and people able to give medical care. There will still be people that enjoy building things such as houses, cars, and boats. There will still be artists. Education will still be an eternal endeavor. There will still be love and compassion.

At present, humanity produces more than enough food to feed the world population, and according to the Sierra Club, the entire world population would fit comfortably in the state of Texas. Also, the technology currently exists for all people to receive medical attention without deprivation. Mismanagement of resources is the main reason for all of the suffering. I know we are able to develop a better way to manage the services for basic human needs to adequately provide for everyone on the planet. Don’t you?

As the changes continue, and if money continues to loose it’s value, are you going to quit your service role to life on Earth? Are you going to stop caring for the sick if paychecks become meaningless? Would you help your neighbor without expecting compensation in return? Would you share the bounty from your garden without a price? Will we have a choice? Do we really need money to maintain a service based society, at least for basic human needs? There are better ways to do things. This is a time of change, and also of improvement, for the benefit, and betterment, of all.

Lawrence Bosek
Lawrence Bosek is the editor at and the author of Garden Of Light, a poetic picture e-book offering a brief narrative of the paradigm shift that Earth is currently in while aiming to provide uplifting messages. Email: *  
The Masters of Light: The Creative Spark of Imagination
As Received by Ruth Ryden
March 1, 2012

As a child, the realms of imagination were often more real than school teachers’ lessons, were they not?  Visions of strange places and fascinating people filled your minds to a point that could not compare with reality.  Wonders of other times and places were running through your heads, memories of other times, other places, which humanity has always likened to imagination.

Recall of prior lives is beginning to be accepted more ardently by those who understand the workings of the subconscious mind.  Memories are being brought up of long-ago events that have some relationship with the present lifetime, helping to resolve problems or situations with solutions that were unsuccessful before, or reliving tensions caused by memories buried in the subconscious that can now be understood in the present.
Watch yourselves as you move through life’s situations.  Are there not times when an event occurs that seems almost too familiar? Déjà vu is a process by which the subconscious reminds one that there is something in the present lifetime which is paralleling a prior time, and oftentimes it is a reminder to the embodied Soul of the Life Path he or she intended to take before incarnating.  This is not imagination.

The word “imagination” seem to have fallen into disrepute over the last years, as if it is a waste of time to sit back and think of things other than what are necessary for the tasks to be done.  It is difficult indeed to make a living today, but blocking out the more productive parts of the mind is not conducive to originality or creative thinking.  Let us try to define the word as we understand its meaning for your species:

Imagination Is the Pathway for the Creative Part of Your Soul!
It is a gift from the Creator to enable each human mind to see further – find hidden pathways – pierce the veils that surround the present consciousness to find higher dimensions, other realities of creation, and to follow shining paths of joy.  The human mind was not engineered to be a rigid machine, capable only of following prescribed directions by self-righteous mentors.  It is a tool for the creative  accomplishment of a lifetime, a means by which humankind is able to learn and teach anything and everything that they want or need to know.  Imagination contains the spark which lights the inner knowledge each Soul Being always carries within, and ignites the desire to create and progress in wisdom and love.

How best to plan out the day’s steps; how best to try out emotional responses to unexpected events that may arrive?  Imagination is a powerful mirror in which to practice in front of so that the reality will be much surer.  Many people never play out these scenarios for themselves and wander around not realizing what they look like to others; never know how to respond to life at all.  Rehearsing life’s little moves make the realities better played.  You need that security of understanding your own reactions and emotional responses.  Those who are very shy are wise if they practice expected conversations in their imaginations first, for then the thoughts and words will come easier and cause less embarrassment when the conversations actually take place.  What a blessed gift this is!

Fairy tales, monsters, untold horrors are a vivid part of the imagination, for who does not enjoy a good scare once in awhile?  It stirs up the emotions and the enzymes in the body.  They need to be stimulated occasionally to keep in good working order for real life emergencies.  This is not meant to be a recommendation for a steady diet of the miserably gory movies and electronic games that are so popular today, for a continual diet of such things distorts the vision of what life should be and the Love that is the real power.

The old myths come from vague memories of the beginnings of the human species, of unusual forms and other-world beings who lived among you and helped to educate and guide your faltering ways.  They are race memories that are perceived sometimes as symbols of ancient realities.  Respect them, but don’t dwell upon them, for it is time to look ahead and prepare yourselves for the wonderful challenges to come in the new world that is now emerging from the ignorance of the past.  Find the solutions from the past that will help fulfill the future.

Wonderful experiences explode from imaginary adventures flowing through the mind.  Sometimes it takes only the start of an idea or everyday event to start the mental movie.  You are yourselves as heroes or heroines.  Or, perhaps the downtrodden slave who escapes his or her maddening duties and achieves fame and fortune?  Nothing is wrong with this.  The human spirit is naturally full of hopes and dreams; it has to be in order to succeed at the purpose it has given itself in a lifetime.  These kind of daydreams give one an inner boost and determination that one can do anything, if he or she really tries.  Problems and solutions in these misty tales are the practice one needs to forge ahead in the everyday world, a long as one remembers to come back to the reality of everyday life.

However, one can feel so overwhelmed by their lifetime that a simple escape is sought that will blank our unhappiness or disillusionment that cannot be dealt with.  Imagination can be twisted into an escape device which can trap the unwary into a prison of one’s own making, leaving the outside world to those who end up caring for the un-responding patient within an institution.  As in all things, balance is always the answer.

Where would the world be without the stimulation of imagination that sparks new ideas and dreams?  Using this wonderful ability to its fullest advantage takes some planning and determination.  Taking time to sit down and plan out what type of resolution a problem needs is the first step.  Then, just like in a corporation thank tank, let the mind go  - let it soar in any imaginative path it might wish to take.  This is not the place or time for logic, but for a complete release of any preconceived rule or mathematical formula.  Common sense and concise methodology must be pushed aside to find today’s and tomorrow’s miracles of creation. The inner, spiritual abilities that each of you possess must be unleashed and honored now to recognize the knowledge you already have in the realm of eternal creative experiences.  New technologies will come out of these fantastic day dreams and visions.

Parents, let your children have time for their young minds to wander where they may.  When they are just toddlers, the veil between dimensions is very thin indeed and part of their imaginative ramblings are memories from their spiritual selves and communication from their Angels and Teachers.  How the child may interpret these visions, voices, or even music, my be rather vague to them and to you, but they are important to the development of the young mind.  When imaginings are put down and or prohibited entirely, the child loses its chance to form a flowing, lifelong bond between the conscious mind and the inner being. Today, children being born have even thinner veils and will often seem to be in another world part of the time. Let them.  They are learning to live in two worlds at once and need this time to make that connection; intrude only to share what they are receiving.  Sharing their insights will form a strong bond between you and that advanced inner child that can never be broken, giving you a glimpse into the infinite that perhaps would not happen otherwise..  It is important that the child have the assurance that what is happening in his or her mind is natural, necessary and fully approved by the parents.  Consider your new little human being as a wonderful gift and as a bridge to the spiritual realm. You must also be the anchor that will help the child progress and perceive worldly realities.  In order for this special child to live a successful life and achieve its preconceived purpose, there must be a very fine balance in the thinking process.  You, as parents, have that responsibility to see that this is focused properly every day.

You might set aside a little time before you go to sleep at night to let your mind relax and soar into some imaginative possibilities, instead of using that time worrying about past events or incoming problems.  The new day may well bring unexpected solutions.
Ruth Ryden
I have published two books that are very basic teachings about our role in the universe. They are both still available at Amazon and other book stores. The books are: “The Golden Path” and “Living the Golden Path”. Go to: and enter in the “seeking” place, “The Golden Path by Ruth Ryden.” * Easy to find and deal with – some used books there too. * If you wish to express your appreciation for these messages and can afford to donate a few dollars occasionally, it would be a great help to me. Please do not use Pay Pal. Personal check, cash, or money orders are just fine. Please, Please!! Make sure to include your e-mail address so I can thank you personally. 

I am still accepting requests for personal spiritual readings. Your Spiritual Teachers and Guides are contacted for this purpose. Please e-mail me for information. She can be reached at: Ruth Ryden  *  2806 N. Apple Lane, Whispering Pines, Payson, Arizona 85541-7328 USA  *  
(928) 474-3515  * *             
