The Whole Universe Is In Ascension

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  I'm Ascending But I Can't Get Up!
3.)  SaLuSa: Your Whole Universe is Involved in Ascension
4.)  Words from Simeon
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  One Wholeness of Love

Isis' Message of the Day -
Change your thoughts and change your life!
Do you think you have problems in your life? You don't. Do you think your relationships are not up to what you want them to be? Change them. Do you think you have financial problems? You don't. Do you think your health is bad? It isn't. Do you think this world is going to hell in a hand-basket? it isn't. Do you think???????
If you don't want something in your life . . . don't think about it. If you do want something in your life think about it. Sounds too simple to be true? It isn't! How many times have you heard? . . . "YOU create your own reality." YOU have free-will choice. And whatever you choose the universe will supply. You just have to change your choices. Your way of "thinking."
Everything is made up of "energy." Energy is constantly in motion. If you could take a very strong micro-scope and look at the ring on your finger, or the watch on your arm, you would see the energy in motion. Atoms, molecules all the small particles that make up the universe. If you could see the world around you, you would see energy in motion and not one thing is solid. Solidity is an illusion. . . created by "thoughts of separation from the Source . . . from God . . . from ALL THAT IS.
YOU are Divine!!!! The ground you walk on is Holy ground. You are not separate from ALL THAT IS . . . Separation is an illusion.
Old ways of thinking are old 'programs' instilled deeply within your psyche, deeply within your subsconscious, as well as stored in your 'soul' from past-life experiences. You could think of it as information stored on a hard drive that needs deleted so new information can be added. For your mind/brain/body/organs are like a computer, they collect and store information. And unless you are open to new information that changes your way of thinking the 'old' will just keep coming back into memory and recreating the same old thing.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Open your heart to receive. Allow the love we have for you to flow into your heart. See the light of love flow from us to you. See your self surrounded in this incredible light that feels vaster than you can imagine. Allow the essence of God/Creator to touch you. You are a magnificent being. We rejoice in who you are. Your soul of you has a knowingness from its direct communication with Source. As you drop down into a relaxed state you open your connection to this knowingness. Open to allowing your self to experience this by letting go of preconceived notions. Just Be. Feel the stillness of Be-ingness. We are beside you on this journey into you. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"   * 

I'm Ascending But I Can't Get Up!
by Jennifer Hoffman
August 18, 2010
Hi everyone,
We alternating between periods of breakneck speed transformation and achingly slow gaps of stillness, moving between trying to keep up with the changes that are being thrust on us to being stopped in our tracks. In the fast periods we focus on movement and doing what we need to in order to stay focused and grounded. And in the slow periods we are challenged to also stay grounded and address whatever is presented to us until the next period of movement.
We want the movement because that proves we are making progress and yet it is the slow periods in which we make our strongest advances. It is the difference between traveling on a fast-moving train, where the countryside zips by and walking, where we see every landmark in detail. But we would rather skip the details because they represent more work, clearing, healing, release and choices. Why can't we just be done with it? Haven't we done enough work already?
What we do not see is the debris that the transformation has kicked up, which is waiting for us to take action, to look at what has been dredged up in our lives and to work on it. So it's what we do in these slow times that is important. What is calling to us that we are avoiding?  Where is our resistance in the process? No one wants to cover ground they have been over again and again but there are no shortcuts and as we move farther into ascension we often have to go backwards with a new perspective and take another look at ourselves, do more release work as we uncover deeper wounds, greater fears and more stuck places.
 In the movie Eat, Pray, Love there is a scene where Elizabeth cannot sleep as she realizes her marriage is over and she desperately cries out to God to tell her what to do. She begs and pleads, apologizes for not listening, promises to do better and waits for her answer. After a while she hears a small voice say "Go back to bed Elizabeth." This is what we are hearing now, as we plead for mercy, "look within, release yourself, create new perspectives, find your power". Not what we want to hear when we're drowning in our misery.
And we have thrown down the misery gauntlet and then look to God and say "See, here I am in my misery. Am I miserable enough yet? Are you going to help me now?" And we get nothing in reply. Because it's not about being miserable enough, it's about finding joy. What is blocking us from being joy-ful in each moment? We're not going to find it in the hoped-for rescue. The cavalry is not around the next corner and Prince Charming is on an extended holiday. We're going to find it right where we are. The question we need to ask ourselves is "What are we doing about it?"
I have a big pot of mint on my deck and every day I admire it as I carefully cut off a few sprigs for tea and marvel at how lush and beautiful it is this summer. Then two days ago I was looking at my mint and it looked bare. Something had eaten three-fourths of it. What was once a big, lush plant is now a lot of ugly stalks. I didn't see what ate it, I suspect it was a caterpillar or grasshopper.  And it happened overnight. I had been so careful to cut the mint evenly and something just chewed right through it.  I was so upset!
I was so focused on the plant and how well it is growing that I forgot about the other creatures that enjoy my plants too. So what am I going to do? Am I going to look at my mint plant every day and be mad at whatever ate it or enjoy what is still available to me while the plant fills out again?
Our keyword is to have patience but not to wait. Within our patience we can take action, stay focused, be mindful of this process and make room for joy. What can we do, every day, to stay within our power? What can we do to be happy, no matter how miserable we feel? God won't take us out of our misery, that's our job. But we will have doors open when we seek joy. I have decided to take ballet, in fulfillment of a childhood dream. It's a small thing but it is something I can do now (and it's good exercise).
I challenge you to find something that brings you joy as you wait for the movement to begin again and to rescue yourself out of your misery. What you will find as soon as you seek joy you will stop wondering when it will all end and enjoy the journey, and the movement will begin as soon as you stop worrying about it.
Accept all gifts of understanding with gratitude and use them to apply forgiveness, release and healing to every situation.  Ask for guidance and confirmation and then wait for it to come to you.  Above all, be grateful for this opportunity to be part of humanity's amazing shift in consciousness.
Many blessings in these miraculous and amazing times,
Jennifer Hoffman
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   *  

SaLuSa: Your Whole Universe is Involved in Ascension
August 20, 2010
You may wonder at times what we do to fill in our time. Most of our duties are involved in studying data that is collected by our computers. For example we constantly monitor sites where weaponry is ready to be used. Our brief is to ensure that those of mass destruction are not used, to the point where if they are launched we will destroy them. We are also intent on preventing false wars, and any attempt to raise the tension between rival countries. We are holding back progress towards any further attempts to repeat a 9/11 scenario, because as you will know the dark Ones create chaos and fear whenever they can. It is not just the Galactic Federation that are involved, but also our allies who are often placed at the heart of things. In general terms we monitor Mother Earth, so that we are able to predict where and when changes will occur. That gives us time to take action to limit the dangers, as we cannot interfere beyond the margins we are given. Mother Earth must be allowed to proceed with her Ascension, and that is of course vital if you are to go forward with her.
As we sometimes mention to you, our plans are continually being updated according to the feedback we get from our computers and earthly sources. We know where events are likely to proceed to but not necessarily in detail, as a number of options usually exist. The main point is that the outcome of this cycle is assured, and in no circumstances will that be altered. In due course you will all learn of what is planned, and it will give you back your freedom and prepare you for Ascension. There are times when you feel that there is no defense against the dark Ones, but since we know what they plan their threat is limited by us. Remember that we must respect the laws of freewill, and the karmic situations that you have been responsible for. These may go back eons of time, and can be played out at any time when it is appropriate. Your reason for going through duality is to learn lessons, and it would not help you if we shortened them.
If necessary we are on call throughout the whole Universe, and have millions of ships in our fleet at our disposal. There are also millions of personnel from the different civilizations that work with us, so in fact we can spread them far and wide. They are all like us inasmuch that they have achieved high levels of spirituality, and live in the higher dimensions that have moved well beyond duality as you know it. So why are we here you may ask, and the answer is that all ascended Beings act in service to other souls that are moving into the Light. Also, your whole Universe is involved in Ascension and that is quite an important event. Because you need help to ascend, what is being given to you may be looked upon as disproportionate assistance according to your size. By other standards even in your own solar system, you are in fact quite a small planet. However, your place in Ascension is so vital to a successful completion, that a strong focus is placed upon the Earth and its inhabitants. This will ensure that regardless of what happens in the meantime, you will succeed in reaching your goals.
Our work is not organized in the same way that you are used to experiencing. We have no need to confine ourselves to strict times of working, although we take our responsibilities very seriously. It is our life, and a pleasure to serve others, and not in the least boring. We are happy at our work, and since we do not use money we have no competition for jobs based on remuneration. All skills are employed where they can be used to our best advantage, and there are no square pegs in round holes. Work is not tiring as we do not experience fatigue because our bodies are more refined than yours, and we continually re-energise them from the energies around us. We can enjoy some small refreshments or light food, but that is more for pure enjoyment. In time you will also reach such levels. Your needs are different as you have a heavy physical body to support, and eating is both essential and a pleasure for you. However, you will find that as your new body develops, and becomes more refined you will eat less.
As you are beginning to understand, the changes you are to experience will be far reaching and a new Human will emerge. You will go from the illusory lower dimensions, to the levels of spirituality that respond only to the Light. All is in harmony and balance, unlike the imbalances you experience upon Earth. The contrast is so great that it is hard for you to imagine moving from hell to heaven, but that is how it will strike you. Perhaps the most impressive experience, will be feeling the love energy that pervades the higher dimensions, where only the truth can exist.
Bearing in mind what you are learning about your future, we might comment on the need to keep focused on it, and do not allow earthly matters to distract you. What is of the old has served its purpose, and the new is waiting to be introduced. First must come the cleansing, and the restoration of your rightful entitlement to all that is given to you for your use by the Creator. By the time you reach the end of the cycle, you will already well along the path to Ascension and ready to go even further. As is often emphasized, the end times are simply the end of duality, and life goes onto to the next stage. At present you are a poor reflection of what you are destined to be.
When you suffer your aches and pains your disappointments and fears, can you imagine being free from them, because that is your promise. Duality has been a hard lesson to go through at the levels you are in, but your progress up the spiritual ladder has been phenomenal. Nowhere else could you have achieved such results. Perhaps fortunately in some ways, you cannot remember your past lives and know how hard it has been to make progress. That is not important however, as it is what you take from them that determines how far and how quickly you evolve. Those of you who have awakened are able to attract the Light to you, and unless you have an exceptional lapse you are assured of ascending.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and like to give you acclaim where it is warranted. You are wonderful souls, that stand at the door of release from all of the attachments to the lower dimension. They cannot in any event exist in the higher ones, and everything is being done to help you do so.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Words from Simeon
Channeled by Barbara Dutcher
Let us laugh, then.  Laughter can drive away fear like little else. That is why laughter, even at those events, people or circumstances that may not seem humorous to you, even things that seem cruel or merely bizarre - in all cases, laughter is used as what you call comic relief. Relief is needed and the soul and the personality combined seek out expressions and circumstances that will provide relief.

Relief – that is something that would seem to be most needed in your world. How many products in your world promise relief in some form or other?  Relief from heartburn, yes – relief from pain, from stress. There is a pill for that, isn’t there? Of course, you know what the pill for everything is. Of course, it is Love. Why is it not sought as a remedy then? If it is true (and it is) that Love heals all, why is the totally free, pure, wholesome and natural cure not used? Is it in short supply? Is there not enough Love to go around?  So it would seem. Or at least, so it would seem to many, who do not have enough Love at their disposal to heal themselves, and look for relief outside themselves.

So then we must ask:  Is the supply that you are giving to yourself somehow lacking? Have you stopped short of giving yourself all the Love you need? So much that you are brimming over with Love and it naturally cascades off you and spills down around you and splashes up onto everyone you encounter. Without a word being spoken, without so much as a glance being exchanged, the Love you are overflowing with has the ability to splash up and bless so many. Therefore, be very sure to give yourself all the Love you need, filling yourself completely. In this way you will not only ensure your own happiness, your own fulfillment, your own prosperity and health, but you will bless countless others as you go along your way. What a blessing you will be as you go along!
I am the one called Simeon, who sat in the temple courtyard awaiting the arrival of the Christ Child, with his Mother and Father. Think about this. This is an allegory. Think about it deeply until you feel the meaning of these words. I took the Christ Child in my arms, in fulfillment of a promise made to me by an angel years before, and then announced I was ready to depart in peace. [Luke 2.25]
Therefore, Simeon is the name of one who has waited for and recognized the Christ Child within, has embraced it, has acknowledged both the fatherly qualities and the motherly qualities, and has integrated them. Simeon means that you are safe, you are whole; you are in total oneness forever. Simeon indicates pure joy and playfulness because the name means one who has no more worries, no more cares, no more concerns. All is well; all is perfect now and forever.
Barbara Dutcher, M.A., is a teacher and certified spiritual counselor. She teaches a method for connection with what she calls the Guide Within. She also connects with Spirit on behalf of her clients and brings forth kind, loving, wise messages of encouragement and guidance. She has recently begun receiving messages from one who calls himself Simeon, as mentioned in the Biblical story. Her website is   *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, look and see what you have to give that is intangible; the hug. Know you how many ones would love to have a hug, and yet they would not ask for it. And sometimes when you go up to them and you would give them a hug, they are not quite sure. They even step back from it. But they do want to be acknowledged and they do want to be loved. And as you will look directly into the eyes of the Christ of them, it allows them to have new self image of themselves.
Visit our website:  *  

HEAVEN #3556
One Wholeness of Love
August 20, 2010
God said:
Your shining heart lights the Earth much like the sun. Your heart is a spinning round of love, a spinning centrifugal force of love. Rich ripe grapes from your heart are plucked and thrown across the Universe, and the grapes of love soar. The grapes are much sought after.
From where grapes come, the swallowers may not know, yet they eat the grapes and are nourished just the same.
You toss love from your heart, and the love you toss lands you know not where, and, yet, because of your anonymous love, there is no famine on the land.
Love is the necessary ingredient in everything. Without the essential ingredient of love, not one thing would grow or move or even stay still. Not even one weed would grow without love.
You may say you do not love weeds, and that they grow without your love. Listen, love is as much the life force of weeds as love is the life force of roses, just as much as love is the life force that you are. Love cognized you and every living thing on the planet, and everything on the planet is a living spinning thing. There is no inanimate. There is only love alive.
Even a stone is not a dead weight. It spins. It spins in joy. It heaves itself, a living breathing thing. It is the stuff that mountains are made of. The minerals hold your foot as you climb and boost you and hold you firm and salute your climb.
Love creates more love. There is no end to love, and, therefore, there is no end to life. It is said that life forms are converted and changed. No matter the details, the point is that love and life continue, and there is not one without the other.
There is an internal field of love and an outcropping. There is an eternal field of love on which the winds, which are themselves love, blow the leaves of love and spread them further.
There is a conspiracy of love on Earth, and you are part of it. We could say that love is a shape-shifter, or that you are love in many guises, and yet the eternal nature of love does not change, nor can love be kept locked up somewhere. Love will out. Love created the world, and love is taking over the world. You are overtaking love. You are admitting to your role in the world and putting on your cap or your beret.
You are unrolling a huge canvas, and you paint a picture of the world on it. You are the canvas. You are the painter. And you are the picture of the world that you paint. You paint with love. You are the love that paints.
You play so many roles, you slip in and out of them, and you don’t always know when you are playing or when you are not, when you are on land or sea, when you are yourself or someone else, or whether you are here at all, or where you have been, and what you were doing, or where you are now, and whom you have been with. You may be a game-maker, a costumer for love, a magician, a disappearing act, a troubleshooter or troublemaker.
You do not know if you are at all, for you and I are merged and cannot be pulled apart to be examined. We, the One of Us, cannot be taken apart to be dissected and identified. We, the One of Us, no longer distract Our One Self from the business of love We are about. We are Love, One Wholeness of Love Forevermore.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
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