The Upgrading of Time

Time Has No Reason, Faith No Season!
Received by Alec Christos Gabbitas
Jan. 2. 2009
Legions of  light beings, multitudes of Elohim and Archangels, Angels and Legions, millions of Star people and of course countless minions of  Fellow Travellers - all are in that pregnant space of expectancy and acceptance as the heavens are yet again vibrant  with the music of the spheres and the harmonic voices of the angels in full chorus. As we enter into this accelerated phase or period, into the celebration of Christed energies in such an  abundance, does the whole universe take on a different ‘tone or note' as the heightening continues and the lines and energy spirals accentuate their geometric patterning across the heavens.All is once again steeped in e-motion, up-liftment and en-lightenment, as each and every atom in the universal structures are blessed and caressed by these enlivening surges of ever refined energy.
The time of The Christ upon Earth as witnessed and endorsed by the Law Lords above are obvious and evident as each fraction or millisecond appears to be that little bit more, shall we say, supercharged as the overall foci both on and off planet, is aligned with that rise in energy, and the Christed-ness is enlivened yet more into seeming pastures new and so vibrant. We have long born the cross for and on behalf of the Christ-child and that for its so evident duration was perfection personified. Now, we are being asked, no, we are being openly invited to broaden that scope and sphere of this enlightening and vital pure energy, to encompass the greater picture of these Christed energies. We are now accepting them in utmost perfection to be engraced within the maturing and blending yin and yang energies in fuller balance and cohesion. This  affords even ever greater and finer power to the potentialities of utter perfection that these energies now encompass. It is for adult Christed Hu-man beings and adult Christed Hu-woman beings to delicately and intrinsicly marry and merge into the ONENESS of twin flamed Christed divine relationship!
These upgrading steps and ever expansive  realisations are in the highest divine order of evolutionary expression and are crystalline clear for this most perfect unification and attainment that is open to every man/woman on this planet and within this universal stage. Greater realisation of energy, as this simply and purely reflects the ongoing progression of Hu-man kind in his/her standing and ever surmounting throes of love, in its highest and of course purest form. The celebration of man/ woman in twin soul / flame connectedness issuing forth in such a natural succession of Christed-ness, then is indeed the epiphany of total fulfilment of the Holy Christ  Being.    
Beloved Sananda and lady Nada (Jesus and Mary Magdalene) are the pristine examples personified in their outstanding roles and mission during that incredible incarnation some 2000years ago. THAT IS WHAT THEY CAME TO SHARE WITH US! How truly graceful, dynamic and perfection personified. And this is also what they continue to share. Thank you!

There is only being, there is only faith and wilful desire by that inner-child as it is brought forth into it's natural  progression, into a perfection of the Christed adult being. Time holds no sway and has no reason, faith is a permanent seed atom that has no season. For all is manifested at the divine right  time, the divine right season in perfect of reason. For so it surely is...