The Truth Is Rising To The Top

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: Truth is Rising to the Top - Listen Well!
3.)  Preparing For Ascension (A Study Course) Part 11:
4.)  The Masters of Light
5.)  Congratulations, You Are Beginning Your Life Today
6.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day

Isis' Message of the Day -
You must walk your talk and fly your vision for all to see, and you must always share your light.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Each season of the year and every month has its own special angel. These angels help us learn from nature the particular lessons and insights that every season imparts.
The Angel of November - is the angel of humility. This autumn angel brings a special gift that helps deepen the meaning of the Thanksgiving season for ourselves and our loved ones. November's angel urges us to acknowledge and appreciate the supporting roles others have played in our lives this year and even thank those who have taught us difficult lessons. The angel of November leads us to give thanks in a new way by forgiving old hurts and healing broken relationships. Thus we help one another to be truly grateful for our relationships and the richness they bring to our lives.

Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.

As your seasons change, remember that change is the natural order of the universe. When you were born your soul confined itself in the beautiful form of a baby's body. As you grow, you leave behind who you once were and mature into someone you never even imagined you could be. When you were a child did you imagine you could look as you do now, live where you do now, do what you do now? Some of you would say, "Yes," and yet so many more had no idea who they could become.
Likewise, right now, no matter what age you are, you still are in a process of ever unfolding expansion. You are still learning more about who you are inside, how much you can love, what you can accomplish here upon the earth. Over time you will continue to see brighter, more loving sides of yourself, more creative, abundant, and joyous. For this is the growth your soul came to do.
And while it is human nature to want to cling to life as you know it, be willing to open up to change dear ones. If you want your dreams to come true, things must change within your mind and heart to allow for them. If you desire more, you must let go of less. If you want to be healthy you may have to let go of certain habits that no longer serve you. If you want love you must let go of old pains. If you want abundance, you must let go of any focus on lack.
Just as your seasons change, dear friends, letting go of once was, to make room for what will be, so too you must examines your minds, hearts, souls, and lives and be willing to change, to let go, and to reimagine what you wish to create. It is a wonderful season for going within, diving deep into your hearts, and searching for the dreams that lie within. Let your hopes and visions for the future be your catalyst for change right now. In this moment, how would you change your life, given the means, resources, talents, and people you have right now, in order to better prepare for the future of your dreams. It is fine to dream of the future, for it will change the way you act you right now. And change, dear ones, is good.
God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at: *
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SaLuSa: Truth is Rising to the Top - Listen Well!
November 1, 2010
Matters continue to expand in such a way, that the truth cannot be hidden for much longer. There is a refreshing wave of Light that is awakening people, as to how they have been mislead into believing lies and falsehoods regarding their entitlement to a peaceful life. Wars and threats of wars have been almost solely created to feed the plan of the dark Ones, to imprison you. Peace has never seriously been given an opportunity to bloom, as the emphasis has been put on threats and fears to your lives and security. The fact is that the citizens of various countries around the world have had no disputes with their neighbors, except those that have been deliberately provoked. Your enlightenment has enabled you to press for the absolute right to a decent quality of life, and be respected and treated correctly according to your needs.
Duality was always going to be a stern test of your ability to maintain your Light connection. There have been times when you were pulled deep within the lower vibrations, and lost sight of your true selves. Despair and desperation replaced hope and expectation, and progress was virtually stagnant. Yet somehow you held on to your belief, that life was meant to offer something more that you were experiencing. You have found out that if the right souls were in charge of your lives, it would have been quite possible to achieve happiness and prosperity. The wealth of the world has been held by a very small minority, who have used it to gain power over you. There was never any intention to raise your quality of life, indeed you were deliberately kept in a state of lack, and not allowed to advance as was intended. However, that is soon about to change, and those souls who will fulfill your desires are ready to take over in places of power and authority.
Through thick or thin your spiritual progress had always moved ahead, even if it has been stifled by those who have kept the truth from you. Fortunately, your Light can never be extinguished, and your godspark has carried you through the Dark Ages. You have learnt some hard lessons, but these have been the means of a remarkable period of advancement. Your Light has shone through and you have overcome the most adverse situations, meant to stem your progress and keep you in the dark. Now you have taken back the initiative from the dark Ones, and have found the strength and belief to stand up against them. With help to uplift your consciousness levels and understanding, you are firmly establishing a magnificent grid of Light around the Earth. It will continue to grow as a series of energy high points are being reached in the next few months, each one bringing the vibrations up to a new level. It is all part of a plan long conceived long ago to enable a quantum leap to be made, that will carry you forward to a successful end-time. Ascension will take place regardless of what happens in the meantime, and it cannot be prevented by any action on or off Earth.
It is as well that you cannot remember the arduous and difficult journey you have made over eons of time. Since the fall of Atlantis your civilization has had to return to a simple life style and start another journey to further your evolution. Because of the low vibration you were never going to reach the height of spiritual evolution reached previously, but found a way of making progress even if it was slow. Your expressions of godliness were largely based on religious teachings, but from them you found a strong belief in the word and actions of God. Your faith has now led you to a more enlightened period when you have found your answers yourselves. The idea that all knowledge is within is widely accepted, and you have felt the confidence to become your own teacher.
We have always encouraged you to find the time for those quiet moments, when you could go deep within and meditate. It is at times like this that you contact your Higher Self, and you are certain to be left with wisdom and knowledge. Carried out with pure tones of music it can be very uplifting, and is in fact beneficial in bringing harmony and balance to your body. Too much of modern life is rushed and stressful, and neither is calculated to do you any good. Rest is also important to allow you body to recover from overwork and tiredness. Again these conditions are a symptom of a culture that makes little or no allowance for your true needs, but you are beginning to understand which changes to your lifestyle are necessary. Drugs and chemicalised foods are damaging your bodies, and that results in many illnesses.
As we intimated earlier, there is a need to respect you body and its needs. This in turn raises your vibrations and eventually you will have a physical body that maintains a healthy condition. We have also told you that there is not much you need do to achieve Ascension, but it is helped by paying attention to your bodily needs. Your intent to ascend and put your focus on all that is of the higher vibrations will keep you the right path. The ultimate aim is to live now as you envisage life in the higher dimensions, when you will permanently exist in the Light. Where possible express yourselves now as one who is capable of Unconditional Love. If you can make headway in this manner, you will clearly have no difficulty in ascending. Such a change is not easy, as it is going to be hard to keep your focus on it.
If you are not making much headway, know that there will be a number of powerful upliftments very soon that will be of considerable help to you. In fact the coming year will be phenomenal where the energies are concerned. They are being beamed to Earth from all over the Universe. It is a measure of how much help you are getting, and how the Divine Plan has made provision for the upliftment of all souls. Those who for whatever reason cannot respond to the higher energies, will still progress to another opportunity by entering a new cycle. Evolution never stands still and every soul will eventually rise up again.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will tell you that our focus on Earth is very much more powerful than any previous time. It is the nearness of success in getting the changes really underway that is taking our attention. Many countries are now moving towards agreement as to how the new financial system will work. It is nearly ready to be announced and put into being. It will ensure a sound system that is backed by precious metals, and will not be subject to the interference of the past by the Illuminati.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Preparing For Ascension (A Study Course) Part 11:
The Power of Our Mind
by Mary Mageau
November 1, 2010
In these current times many wonderful avenues of learning and information are making themselves freely available to us. New ideas about personal growth and dynamic forms of spiritual development can now be accessed through a plethora of seminars, workshops, classes, books, magazines, CDs and the internet. Seek out these new opportunities and be prepared to step away from your traditional comfort zone, as many of these new practices will contribute beneficially and positively to the raising of your consciousness. Greater knowledge and positive experience begets a growing awareness, which always leads into an expanded state of consciousness.
So many times we’ve all experienced an urge to take a different pathway or to select another track on which to move ahead in our lives. Equally we may wonder how a beneficial future experience, one that we truly desire, can actually be attained. We know that energy always follows thought and that every intentionally focused thought, results in its manifestation at some future time. Our quantum universe allows for multiple parallel realities to exist simultaneously, to accommodate our various individual thought selections. And every time we formulate a clearly focused thought intention, we select that particular pathway or probability field which we will then experience.
We are constantly interacting with probability fields whether or not we are aware of them. When we become clear about the end results we prefer to experience, our thoughts will immediately interact with the energies that are already in motion. Perhaps there is a difficult experience unfolding for you and if so, you can interact in an instant to initiate the vision of a different outcome. You are never without power in any moment. Remember too that if a strong emotion accompanies your thought, its results will return to you more quickly.  Through the process of Master Minding you can take the conscious steps to deliberately select more of what you want and choose to experience.
Master Minding is not about striving for perfection in each moment but it’s about fine tuning the future you want to experience by using your power of thought. What course do you want to manifest in the immediate future? You choose and create it by ‘seeing’ a different outcome. The ‘how’ of this will reveal itself either as an inspired action to take, or will arrive as something different from what you initially thought would occur. Think of all your future realities as one immensely shimmering, dancing probability field. If you sense a glimmer of a future you do not want to happen, recognize that you are part of this field, make a conscious decision not to experience it, and know that you can successfully create a different outcome.
An interesting example of this process comes from the Louisa Rhines collection, Hidden Channels of the Mind. In it a seasoned soldier of WWI noticed that every time one of his buddies reported having a hunch that his ‘number was up,’ he was unfortunately proved to be correct. Usually he was seriously wounded or killed shortly thereafter. When this soldier had a foreboding that he was in for a hit he worked hard to shake the feeling. Try as he might was unable to shake it off so he began to readjust his thoughts about the probable event. He tells us, “I began to hope in my mind that I would not be crippled so as to be a burden to anyone. Over and over I mentally rejected wounds to this and that part of my body, until finally I settled for a flesh wound in the back of my left shoulder.” Two days later the soldier sighted a small knoll he had been ordered to take and recognized that this was the place where ‘it’ would happen. Shortly after the battle began he took a hit. A piece of shrapnel had made a severe cut in the back of his left shoulder.
Since we have been given the power to actually co-create and influence our own existence, why do we so often fail to achieve the results that we desire? Is it the structure and formulation of our thoughts themselves that are the major contributing factor? How many times have you or others hoped for, wished for, wanted or needed something and still have never received it?
I wish I could find a loving partner – I hope that I’ll earn a better income – I want an interesting, more rewarding job – or I need a holiday but can’t afford the time right now. By simply thinking or verbally expressing these sorts of thoughts, we command into our lives the experiences of hoping, wishing, wanting or needing. If we wish we could earn more money, the creativity of our quantum selves and our thoughts will remove money in order to give us the experience of wishing for more money. Instead we must command changes to our reality that relate to what we are actually being, rather than to what we are wishing for.
If there is something we would like to experience don’t want it, simply choose it. We can turn the situation around by thinking in the most positive way. Be sure to preface your request with the words, ‘for my highest good and the highest good of all.’ Also ask or command within a specific time frame so that results will be manifested when you need them. Such words as: now, by the end of the month, at the beginning of next year, etc. should always frame the request. To give added impetus, visualize your receipt of the request while feeling the positive emotions that will accompany it. Consciously use strong, active verbs. Use each command after carefully considering it, with power and knowing, because in our quantum universe energy always follows a focused thought intention.
We can all create the best and most positive outcomes for ourselves and others. Within our quantum universe we have been given the powerful gift of free will which allows us become a co-creator. Now we must develop the spiritual maturity and wisdom to proactively take charge of our lives and our world. We must hold our most positive vision and focus on the highest goal so as to interact more powerfully with the future that we choose to experience.
Questions For Your Journal
List several things or events that you wanted but that never seemed to materialize. Select one or two probable futures and bring these into manifestation by using a positive more focused command. Write down the date you made the request and the date on which you received the results. Be sure that it is always for your highest good and that of others. Also keep your requests reasonable as choosing something ‘totally over the moon’ may not be desirable or achievable for you to experience.
Mary Mageau *  My new FREE e-books are now available for download on the internet through Richard Presser’s website * E-book 1, Preparing For Ascension  *  E-book 2, Preparing the Body for Ascension   *   E-book 3, Journey Into Meditation  *  E-book 4, Our Chakra System – A Portal to Interdimensional Consciousness  * ( link to my four free e-books: )  I have removed all copyright restrictions so the material can be freely shared. *    

The Masters of Light
As Received by Ruth Ryden
November 1, 2010
Q: Masters, we are seeing on the internet reports of a serious global incident to occur about November 8 -12. Has this something to do with the Solar Storm Warning put out by NASA to dramatically affect the world’s weather? Are either of these reports legitimate?
Masters: “To put it simply – Your Sun is undergoing a reaction from the movement of your universe toward the galactic conjunction with the Milky Way in two of your years. During this interim, there will be many solar storms reaching out into space that will interact with your Solar System in ways that will definitely affect your atmospheric storm fronts all over the world. This month, and the months to come for the next few years, will see upheavals of the Earth’s crust and weather anomalies that are frustrating, confusing, and frightening at times. That does not mean that anything is coming to an end, but rather, new land appearing, new vegetation, even many new animals, sea life, and creatures of the air being created to live in the new environment. What about humans? Human beings are already seeing tremendous changes in their anatomy as small children are growing up much stronger and infinitely more intelligent. Where land is lost and cities and villages are destroyed, a better understanding of what is necessary for a better life in these places is rapidly forming. The larger continents are being compressed; earth movements will also change life styles and demonstrate the need to change ways of thinking and of connecting the cultures of many people into understandable belief systems that all can embrace and enjoy. It is an exciting time for those who are able to work with the changes and look ahead to what will be. The many religions that are predicting a new earth and a heaven-like life style for these new times may be pushing it a bit, but this century will be like no other since the world was born.

Now, as to what is expected to come into place this coming month as to weather and probable events around the world:

November is opening its doors to many different atmospheric anomalies all over the world. Snow is already falling in the northwest of the North American continent, as well as in the far reaches of the Arctic and Europe. Even as winter sets in, temperatures will be fluctuating drastically this month – cold, blustery winds and blizzards one week, and melting slush the next. Russia will be ice-bound for weeks; then a thaw will cause flooding across the country. Great Britain will continue to experience flooding as the sea level creeps up slowly over the ancient banks. All of the countries on the North Sea will have this problem. Asia and the great China plains will see warmer temperatures than normal, contributing to melting in the mountains and more flooding during the last of the month. The earthquakes seen to occur in October are still possible. With the warmer weather in Australia, rainfall has fed the grasses and vegetation; in the next weeks, dry winds will take over and the danger of fires rears its head again. Central America is still reeling from hurricanes and storms and may still experience storms fueled by the changing sea currents. South America we see having several heat waves and real problems with insects in all of the forested areas. More large pieces of the Antarctic ice fields will be breaking off into the sea this month, endangering shipping lanes. Indonesia and the Pacific Islands will be experiencing tremendous weather changes due to the grinding of the plates in this entire area. Africa will see severe drougths, at a very bad time as they try to bring together social governments. The Middle East, on the other hand, will swelter in high temperatures most of the month.

Mother Earth continues to twist and turn, causing increasing earthquakes in Indonesia and the South Seas; more movement in Iceland, possibly another volcanic eruption. Quakes to increase along the western edges of the U.S. and Canada on a constant basis, as the pressure builds up. Possibility here near B.C. of a sea quake sending a small tsunami over their coastal islands. Movements in many states will be surprising – just a few rumbles, but enough to cause alarm. If that happens, don’t worry – they are simply echoing the movements in both oceans. California needs to keep on alert however, the deep faults will be reacting to the pressure on the coasts. We do see the possibility of some cracking in the overhead freeways – a sharp quake could bring one down. Cracks in the freeways and inner roadways will become a nuisance. No, we do not see the “big one” yet. We are seeing the possibility of a very strong quake in the mountains of the Middle East, at the same, or very close to, where the big ones have hit in the last year or so. Volcanoes will erupt in the Pacific islands, and in countries around the Mediterranean Sea. Etna is slowly building up for another eruption, probably not for another month or so.

In other words the Earth is changing and humanity is feeling the stress physically and politically. The frequencies are continuing to be stronger, which affects minds and bodies, struggling to find a common ground with each other. When the walls of bias and greed come tumbling down, Mother Earth will find peace again.

Keep warm. Be kind to each other. Help each other. That’s what it’s all about"

Masters: Regarding your elections, it’s very simple. To elect someone to act in a role of leadership, everyone just decides who they want and cast their votes. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case today.

Democracy has its roots in the deep consciousness of every living thing. It is a sense of fairness and of finding a way to give everyone their own right of living in a peaceful way among all of their compatriots. When everyone in a large group is denied making their choice heard and a group takes it upon themselves to put into the leadership role a person or persons who make their own decisions out of greed and self-glorification, the effect is an unbalanced way of living for all.

In today’s world, elections have become a way to funnel large amounts of money into campaigns that spew truth and untruth over the lines of communication to millions of people in order to control the actions and wealth of those they seek to control by means of legal actions. Millions of dollars that should have been spent for the benefit of populations are spent on advertisements and rallies that are set up to convince those who are invited that their choice of candidate is the only one with the right answers. You know all about that.

Expand your thinking for a few minutes to include all of the countries, races, religions and belief systems that have developed since the beginning of your world, and you will realize that because of their limited reach each had to find a way of believing in something beyond their understanding that they might find a way to relate to each other and their way of living. As the centuries rolled by and people began to travel by land and sea to explore, discovering different races of humanity who looked different and had different concepts of how to live, they became fearful that their way of living and believing might become contaminated. And so it began. Ideas and beliefs were cemented into place in each group and fiercely protected. Sound familiar?

In your “enlightened” age, the art of politics has been brought to complicated versions set out by many different beliefs and the necessity of trying to find a safe and peaceful way to live in the complicated world of today. Religious, racial and political divisions are driving people away from each other into groups that spend millions of dollars to convince all they can to follow their way of thinking. We see a milling ocean of ideas and theories racing through not only your nation (the U.S.), but all over the world as modern populations try to find a suitable leadership that will end the unfair distribution of goods and unemployment. Many of you don’t even try to cast votes as you feel no one really knows what they are doing! Again, sound familiar?

There is, in the reaches of time and space, the eternal continuity of Creation, that sets into motion the correct particles of matter and the creation of souls. Perfect order is necessary, or there would be a confusion of planetary bodies racing all over the place and bouncing into each other! In all things, it is necessary that the relationship of different bodies or different mind sets must come to respect and understand the needs of each other and find ways of fulfilling those needs in fairness and love. The Love we are speaking about is more than hugging someone, it is the basis of creation, the only way for humanity to come to the understanding of each person’s place in the universe and their real relationship to all other souls that are in human form.

The elections that are upon you now are being controlled by greed and power-hungry factions; putting forth their ideas and ideals in any form they can to bring in the votes; that is not new, it has been the way for most of your country’s beginnings. How to find your way as individual voters through all of this mess, is not a simple undertaking. Your country finds itself in great difficulties at this time and each of you is trying your best to find a way to bring back a way of life that is satisfactory to everyone. We have been asked to counsel you in this endeavor and this is our only answer: Consider the list of people running for office, no matter what their affiliation, and no matter what your own political affixation, on each name/picture close your eyes and let your inner feelings come to the surface about each of them. If you really do this, you will gain an insight into that person’s intentions and abilities.

Decide for yourself whether or not this person is knowledgeable enough, intelligent enough, not looking for fame or money, etc., and use that inner feeling to make a wise decision. Voting for one party or another at this point only plays into the “machines” that are set up to fund the pockets of the greedy. There are people running for office who are full of wisdom and committing their lives to making your land a place of freedom and peace, regardless of the muddy waters around them. Many of the younger people who are on the lists are seeing things in a different light and trying to make their way through the tangle of old political practices and find a better way of doing things. Don’t discount them. Let’s call this Spiritual Politics – a way of ascertaining the real intentions of those running for office by letting the inner eternal wisdom have a chance to express itself. By all means, make yourself heard and make your vote make a difference for the better.


Masters: Music is a very important part of life in matter. It has played a part in the development of every race of humanity since the world was born. It is expressed in the sounds that early humans made from their own voices or by pounding out rhythms on anything that made a sound. That expression is the inner frequency of life within each brain – mirroring the eternal movement of energy throughout the universe. People whose personalities are kept in strict denial of that inner harmonic energy are those who do not see life as a thing of beauty and a way of bringing to the soul the experience of expressing themselves in creative waves of sound.

The human body is beset with many sounds, and especially in these times, sounds that are discordant and negative; machines, traffic, constant irritating television commercials and violent programming, all intruding into your life and way of living. Depression has become quite common as human contacts and relationships become tangled in the webs of misunderstanding. The sounds that are called music today in the younger generations have allowed the frantic rhythms to dampen the inner harmonies that give the human mind the feeling of peace and love as they play throughout the very cells and quiet the outside raucous of everyday life. Many of the illnesses today stem from this lack of understanding about music and its involvement in each person’s life. The symphonies of a past century raised the consciousness and generated the need for education and the appreciation for a higher form of music, stirring up the inventive minds of humanity and bringing to society at that time a better understanding of human feelings, needs, and relationships. The lack of those complex harmonies are dulling the conscious minds of your young people, resulting in the lack of intentions and ambitions with which to find themselves satisfying employment or even leadership positions. Without inner harmony, the mind has to find ways of mental and physical satisfaction that today, in too many cases, seeks alcohol and sex as a way to end those cravings.

Harmonic vibrations within the body have a great deal to do with keeping the nervous system in rhythm with the needs of the internal organs. The heart, especially, is the seat of rhythm in the body, and if that rhythm of movement does not coincide with the movement of harmonic energy, the beating becomes erratic and a source of problems for that lifetime. Listening to pounding rhythms that do not correspond with the natural rhythms of the body is creating illnesses that are hard to understand. Lyrics that are formed out of frustration become an outlet, searching for that inner harmony. When there is the musical performance of the natural harmonies of life, the music becomes a source of inner peace and the uplifting of the spirit. “New Age” music, to some extent, has found this truth and soothes the mind and body when used as a backdrop to the necessities of living. Simply humming to oneself will bring out that natural feeling of harmony within, making your own music. That kind of music will always bring a feeling of security and pleasure.

Over the centuries, and even today, many people have been able to hear “heavenly music” when their frequencies came close to the spiritual realm, and yearn to hear it again. That music is the harmony of creation.

Today’s “music” is echoing the disharmony of the world. Find your own harmony as you listen to the music of your soul.
Ruth Ryden
Access Ruth Ryden's latest channelings on weather predictions and Earth changes. Read answers to her questions to The Masters of Light regarding current events and pertinent issues in the world today. Ruth also provides a series of special feature articles channeled on specific subjects of interest. Ruth is renowned for the quality and accuracy of her channeling. *  * She can be reached at: Ruth Ryden  *  2806 N. Apple Lane, Whispering Pines, Payson, Arizona 85541-7328 USA  *  (928) 474-3515  *  *  

HEAVEN #3629
Congratulations, You Are Beginning Your Life Today
November 1, 2010
God said:
What if everything in the world is meant to be just as it is? Could this be? Could it be that all the mistakes you have made in the past were not mistakes, that you, unbeknownst to you, set something in motion that would open new horizons? Could this be? What is this bemoaning your part in the past, great and small? I will tell you that you do not have to bemoan anything, yet I suppose what I say is not going to stop you.
On the other hand, you don’t fret about every spelling error or typo that you make, nor should you. You don’t make a big thing of every spelling error. Well, so, there was a spelling error, and you corrected it in time or you did not. But, ah, if the spelling error you made occurred at a spelling bee in front of others, it may still grind within you, how you could have made such an error, were dismissed, ousted, and had to go off stage which, despite your brave front, was upsetting to you. Whenever you think of it, it is upsetting still. You wonder how much of your life would be different now had you become the greatest speller in your school, your town, state, country, world etc. Yet, beloveds, when you get down to it, of what import is your winning or, as you would say -- and I would not say – your losing?
Of course, there are other perceived losses that weigh more than your spelling, the loss of a parent or limb or one heartache or another. Let’s put deeper heartache aside for a moment.
I ask you: How much of regret is really pique? I suppose you might say that regret is worthier than pique. In either case, there is a preponderance of the past, your wishing to remedy it, wishing to have been the last one left on the stage and receive all the thunderous applause. Regardless, applaud yourself. You entered the spelling bee. You bumbled in life. Good for you, I say. Good for you.
You yourself are far more instrumental than events of the past. What you do the moment you are off-stage undoubtedly is more important than the spelling mistake you made, and, yet, do not even bemoan your tears and sense of defeat. Put it in the old kitbag of the past.
The wheels of life are ever-turning. The past let go of your error long ago. The past does not hang on to your mistakes. The past has moved on to new so-called errors and new so-called successes. The past does not really cling to itself. You are the one who clings and has to let go.
What would it mean to you when the meaning of an event is long past and you can put it to bed?
Even if you are a veteran of wars and were a great hero, that moment too has past and another moment in non-time is occurring right now. This is an opportune moment. The past is not opportune. It is the past. Let the past become the long-forgotten past. It may be that your future depends upon your letting go. Learn a new song, beloveds, and sing it.
Regardless of what the past has been, you are at a pivotal point now. Consider every moment a turning point now, and turn. You will turn your life around. How magnificent to let go of the past and leave it where it belongs. How magnificent to let new light into your life or, better yet, walk right into the new light, Let today be the dawn of your life. I see your light rising over the horizon. Congratulations, you are beginning your life today.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *   

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, everything is unfolding according to a plan that you set in motion as time began, and when the purpose of time is fulfilled, the awakened Christ will say, “Hey, that was really a fun experience we had; over and over and over, you know? Sometimes I had to play that role many times before I really knew it. I would miss some of the lines, so I had to go back and play that role over and over and play it with different actors and actresses to see how it felt to play it with different nuances.” That is what you have been doing since time began; to know what it feels like to live within what seems to be the constriction of time and space and form. It is a great, great play.
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