Archangel Uriel's Message -- Do You See
Everything in the third dimension is an illusion
of the collective consciousness that mirrors the vision of humanity for the world. The third dimensional aspects of the illusion
are a reflection of humanity's judgments which block the flow of transformation. As judgments are released, through clarity
and connection, the collective consciousness is altered. That does not mean that the entire collective must modify their beliefs
in order for this paradigm to be transformed. Each of you is a ray of energy that contributes to the earth's consciousness
and when you transform yourself, you bring that energy into the earth's vortex. What do you see in your illusion of reality
and do you see it clearly?
The illusion is a fixed point in time that mirrors
all of the energy humanity has created in that moment. You perceive and interpret the illusion and create judgments that fix
it into place. This creates the discord and disharmony which further separates you from Source, your divinity and your power.
Without your judgment the illusion is without power and is simply a flow of energy. But because you believe in the illusion
and judge it as true, you create a space for it. Seeing the illusion clearly means that you understand the contribution of
the collective and your role in shifting this energy.
How you interpret the world sends out an energetic
resonance that is added to that of the collective. Each of your thoughts carries this power. Your judgments anchor energies
into the vortexes that are transformed once your judgment is released. Before judging any person or situation, ask yourself
whether you are seeing clearly because there is much beyond the surface that you cannot see with your human eyes and which
can only be seen with your ascended heart and spirit.
You have now stepped beyond the third dimension
into the space between it and all other dimensions beyond it. This is the point at which the collective can ascend and claim
wholeness in their divinity. Your responsibilities are great, for it is through you who know and have connected with the light
that completion of these final stages will occur. Be clear about what you see before you, remember that it is the illusion
that you connect with through the ego, and not your spiritual truth. Release your judgments so you can return humanity to
the Source of light and allow ascension to unfold. You do not have to wait for a special day or time, you are at the gathering
point of this moment now and everything you do impacts the ascension journey. See clearly that heaven on earth awaits you
now and enjoy the blessings as you continue your journey Home.
Article Copyright ©2009-2010 by Jennifer Hoffman.
All rights reserved.