The Spirit Within |
Chicago, US of A Received by Valdir Soares. Receiver: “My
Spirit Within, I feel that I should be closer to you. So, my Spirit, here I am, please teach me, how to get closer to
you.” The Spirit Within: “My
child, in terms of proximity, you cannot get closer to me than you already are. I inhabit your mind, I know all your
thoughts, and I know everything that is going on with you. It is not this kind of closeness that you need from me, for
we already have it. The closeness between us that you need, and what I long for, will happen one day when there will
be a real attunement of purpose between us, when my leadings and your will finally will be able to be at one. That is
when you will be on your way to our next phase, our eternal union in fusion with each other. There will then be no need
for closeness at all, for we will be one. “What I presently ask from you, my child, is your close attention and consideration
to my work in you. Pay more notice to my leadings, and give them more serious consideration and wholeheartedly follow
them in your life. Only in this way will you progress on your spiritual path. I have given you not the best guidance
possible, but a perfect guidance and I know that when you follow it, you will achieve great spiritual growth. However,
although I press for perfection, you are able to realize it only as much as you can; which is fine if you keep doing so, because
today’s small victories are the leverage for tomorrow’s greater conquests. “Can I, my child, lure you on the way of a better, higher, and immensely
more satisfying spiritual path? Do you want to experience more of the joy I have at times given you when you worship
the Father? Do you want to overcome fear when facing troubles and dangers, while courageously pressing on with living?
Do you want to really be of service to your fellow human beings? I will give you all this and more, day after day, if
you would only dare to follow my leadings wholeheartedly. “Do not be afraid, my child, no permanent harm will come to you, as long
as you keep walking on the path of a higher life. I love you, my child. The Father Himself loves you. Even
the whole Universe loves you. Let me show you the way, day by day, step by step, with one leading at time, I will take
you there. Give me all you can today, and tomorrow you will be able to offer me a little more. The more attention
and consideration you give to my leadings, the more you will grow in real spirituality, the closer to me you will feel.
It’s as simple as this. Just listen to me, my child, and you will be fine.” © The 11:11 Progress Group.