There Is No Turning Back {Channeled} |
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1.) Today's
Angel Message
2.) SaLuSa: There is no turning
back to the old ways
3.) Archangel Michael: Beguiled
4.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.) Your Name Is Good Fortune
6.) Darkness Before
the Light
Isis' Message of the Day -
It is a simple science. Remember: Thought is;
then light is seen; then light is lowered into electrical impulses. Electrical impulses are lowered, lowered, lowered to become
mass, and from the mass they are lowered to represent the thought-ideal. The same truth works in the body. It is thought,
light, receiving unit; from the receiving unit, it takes the electrum and runs it through the mass in order for the mass to
understand through feeling. To manifest your desires, all you have to do is feel whatever you desire, and the feeling is sent
back to the Source to fulfill your desires. That is all there is to it. I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
==================== Dear Ones. If we were to say that you were all
powerful, would you believe us? You give up your power everyday to others. You have forgotten your birthright. Jesus performed
miracles, but did he say only he was able to perform them? No, he did not. Step into your power, and bring miracles to the
modern world. Notice the small miracles for now: The children laughing, a cat purring, a dog wagging his tail. Then notice
how a smile lights up another’s face. How a smile can change one’s day from feeling as if nobody cares, to feeling
deserving and worthwhile. These small miracles are priceless. See the miracles that are performed everyday by you and others.
To see them, you must look for them See how many miracles you can spot each day. Now go take on the Day and Bless your Hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist
with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the
best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting
guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one
of a kind!" * *
SaLuSa: There is no turning back to the
old ways
March 28, 2011
For a long time you have asked to see action
and although we cannot allow you insight to everything we have done, you are becoming more aware of our part in what is happening
worldwide. Along with our allies we are pushing hard to get really started on bringing some matters to completion. We know
that once things start there will be no stopping the onward surge. As you can see and as was predicted, your ever-increasing
levels of consciousness are bringing results as evidenced in the changes taking place in the Middle East. It will not stop
there, and you will see other countries subject to pressure from their inhabitants. Freedom is the flag that everyone flies,
and it is such a powerful energy that it will carry all before it. With it will come truth and a great reconciliation will
occur between both people and their countries, where previously they have been set apart.
Separation was played upon by the Illuminati
and everything done to foment the differences, whether they were true or false. The hatred and anger caused has gone deep
into the earth, and there will never be true peace until such energies are cleared away. That is why Mother Earth is anxious
to get going and why her activities will be more frequent. However much you see a threat where your safety is concerned, bear
in mind that you agreed to take your place on Earth for this particular period. Whatever happens you will find yourself exactly
where you were meant to be. It may be difficult to contemplate, but some souls have planned to leave before Ascension and
are directly involved with the changes. We of the Galactic Federation already do much more than you are aware of, and the
results of the earthquake in Japan are one example. Be assured they could have been so much more serious without our intervention,
and you will not necessarily know exactly what we have done.
Sometimes it is intentional that you see our
craft and become aware of our activities, as for example where we have openly disabled nuclear weapons on their missile sites.
We made it clear to all governments that nuclear weapons would not be allowed to be used, and it is quite pointless in having
them primed ready to launch. In the course of time we shall call a halt to all war activities, and if that is ignored we shall
disable all types of weapons so that none can be raised in anger. Peace is coming and our role is to ensure that it is achieved
well before Ascension. This is why you must have the right people leading your governments, and those at present representing
you will by and large be replaced. For you at present a politician that speaks the total truth is a rare specimen, but there
are souls who are with you who come especially for that purpose. Some you already know by their work to bring changes about
for the benefit of the people.
There is no turning back to the old ways and
whilst some aspects may survive you are taking a great step up, and will make good the period of time that you have been held
back. The upliftment you will experience will far outweigh any difficulties you go through, and many of you have still not
grasped the immense importance of the time you are in. We have told you previously that it is a unique occasion, but just
as important is the fact that mass ascension only occurs at long intervals. It is an opportunity that will not come your way
for many thousands of years, so take it with both hands and do not worry yourselves with what is necessary to achieve it.
With great love for you all God planned the end times of this cycle, so that every soul would have an equal chance to ascend.
It is not forced upon anyone and neither will you be coerced into doing so, but nevertheless you will be given every encouragement.
Many feel the pull of wanting to “go home” as they know that the lower dimensions are not their real home. Set
your sights firmly on Ascension, because it is your pathway back to where you originally came from.
We will be with you when circumstances permit,
and then we shall have a wonderful period of getting to fully know each other. In many instances we are old friends of yours
and your true family from the stars. The Greys have been on Earth for a long time, and have been working with many Earth representatives
of their family to help save their civilization. These are in the minority but in gaining permission to have bases on Earth,
were responsible for the early exchange of advanced technologies. Regretfully the Illuminati never intended that it should
be used to everyone’s advantage, although some of it did make into the commercial markets. There have been other Space
visitors but none in recent times have stayed upon Earth, but have carried out exploratory missions. The Universe is full
of intelligent life, and it is the way of things that when a civilization reaches the point of being able to Space travel,
they travel their Universe in search of knowledge.
Clearly you are rapidly approaching the time
when you should trust your intuition, and see beyond your eyes, and outside of your mind. All that is happening now or due
to happen is in your best interests. The planet is being swept clean on many levels, so that it is in a rejuvenated state
in readiness for Ascension. You too will be registering changes within yourselves, as you cannot really go through this period
of upliftment without being aware of it. Get plenty of rest and do not give your energies to any articles or individuals preaching
the fear factor. There is still disinformation being given out and it can be confusing, but by now you should be able to discern
the difference. There are some recognized sources of truthful information, so stick with them and do not be distracted by
Week by week there will be startling bits of
information, as slowly but surely the truth is coming out. The world has come alive with the realization that people power
is real and can after all “move mountains.” Hitherto as happened many years ago in Hungary, any demonstrations
against the authorities would have been totally crushed without any consideration to loss of life. Now that approach will
be stemmed, as the people’s demand for change has resulted in a powerful surge of energy that is carrying it onwards.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and on the one hand
happy to see the outward showing of your success, but tinged with sadness at the cost in human lives.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey
Archangel Michael: Beguiled Reminiscence
Transmitted Through Elanthra
25 & 27 March * 2011
Greetings divine sages of the future
This is I, Archangel Michael, and I come to you
today in the aftermath of the cataclysmic events in Japan and the recent magnanimous ‘Waves of Love’ that have
flooded the New Crystalline Earth of late during your Spring Equinox.
Know that all that is transpiring is Divine,
and Mother Gaia is carrying out a thorough clearing to make way for the new energies and the New Crystalline Earth.
Know that the Ascension Waves continue to come
in in answer to ‘The Call’ and 'The Mass Need and Beckoning,’ and this will continue to be done in ‘Spurts
of Light’ in the future to come.
I wanted to begin by once again commending One
and All in regards to your courageous efforts in Holding Your Light and Standing Steadfast In The Light, as always, and suggest
that you continue to do so, knowing that you are never alone and have a myriad of Light Deities, including myself, that
are available at your beck and call.
Before I get into this Unique Wave of Light,
I would like to remind all that every single Spark of Light on this wondrous Earth is here to carry out their Divine
Mission, and to be a ‘Placeholder, in their ‘Unique way,’ and especially so this is for Lightworkers.
As you know, Lightworkers come in every shape and form, and The Light also expresses itself in many shapes and forms, and
shades of light. Every Lightworker is blessed with their unique gift, and we suggest that each of you not be shy or
meek in expressing your unique Spark of Light in your unique way. At this time we put out the clarion call to you all
to come forth and dispense your unique gifts. Anything that gives one bliss, that comes readily, or that you are drawn
to carry out, is often part of your mission, and this probably will change and transition as you go about your missions.
We have Lightworkers that are drawn to be scientists, artists and musicians, writers and poets, designers, activists, web
designers, teachers, healers, mentors, politicians, broadcasters, architects, the homeless ones, gardeners, cooks, social
workers, mail persons, bus drivers, and so on. Keeping this in mind, we ask that you respect each other’s missions
and the way in which one is led to carry it out, as each soul strives to carry out their mission, at the counsel of their
Highest Self, to the best of their ability. Therefore, all is Divine. And sometimes we may not know what
the mission of a soul is, as it will often be confidential between that soul and his/her Highest Self. We may not agree
with the way a soul carries out their mission, but we can respect that soul nonetheless.
Recently, we have been blessed with an influx
of energies that will afford one the ability to Re-member and revisit the past. This is important, because in the past
there may have been gifts that have lay dormant awaiting to bloom and be resprung at the Divine Opportune Time. With
this recent Influx Of Remembrance will come a further magnanimous ‘Mass Awakening.’
In this moment, I invite One and All to Come
to the ‘Garden of Remembrance,’ wherein all will be renewed ~ The Garden of Remembrance… oh sublime.
Where herein one can follow the ‘Rolling Golden Sprinkled Path’ to where ‘Yellow Forget-Me-Nots’ bloom.
Come let me take you yonder on a beguiling, blissful journey to revisit memories once undertaken and gifts past bestowed.
In the past, some of your memories were taken
away and you were made to forget, because at the time it was Divine when you entered Earth’s Schoolhouse. Now
at this time of ascension, if it is your Highest Self’s wish, You Are Being Called To RE-MEMBER…
We ask you to Awaken And Rise To The Occasion.
Let there be a Wave of Remembrance across the Globe as is deemed fit for your soul. The ‘Time of Remembrance’
is upon us. At this point in time, if it be Divine, let the ‘Golden Veil of Forgetfulness’ part to reveal
what is pertinent to each of us individually for this stretch in our sojourn.
The ‘Golden Feather’ gracefully and
buoyantly swirls, carried on the ‘Winds of Remembrance’ to the ‘Flowing Waves,’ and sets sail on the
‘Sailboat’ leading to the treasures of yesteryear and today. Splendid musical orchestrations dispense colorful
heavenly tempos and versed frequencies, Reminding And Awakening One And All, amidst ‘Catalystic Carrying-ons.’
Let dormant gifts and lessons resurface to be
relearnt or gleaned in a new light. Divine Offerings float through, of Insights from awakened perspectives that have
lay awaiting to greet you in the luminescent moonlight.
Come set sail on the ‘Voyage of Rapturous
Rememberings.’ Come swirl into delightful reminiscence.
If you so desire, we ask you now to envision
a gleaming ‘Golden Castle of Remembrance’ before you, and if this be your wish, we ask that you ask to be ‘Unplugged’
now, and to have a remembrance or indication of that that is to be brought forth that is Unique And Pertinent To You, individually,
in this part of your journey. This can be done by simply putting out the intention and Giving Yourself Permission To
Come venture yonder now to discoveries that beckon
in The Castle of Remembrance. As you approach the ‘Golden Castle of Remembrance,’ you will be greeted by
it’s ‘Guardian.’ Introduce yourself and let it know why you are here. Then you may proceed into
this Castle, where all that is pertinent to you will greet you and be revealed to you in your own unique way.
For all those who do not choose to venture to
this Golden Castle of Remembrance, you may simply just ask to remember all that is pertinent to you while standing or sitting
in your seat. Enjoy the process, and know that all is possible if you will it and believe it to be so.
An array of memories and opportune moments swirl
and woo like ‘Film Trajectories’ ~ ‘Projectors of Time.’ And the Minds of One co-create and
edit ‘The Script,’ depositing Divine Manifestations of the Future anew.
We invite you to venture to the magical Castle
of Remembrance as often as you so choose, wherein you can expect to find Magical Acceptance, Solace and Infinite Wisdom.
I leave you with this at this time, but
would have you know that all is well. There are an array of Light Deities on Earth at this time that are serving as
‘Placeholders,’ and each one is diligently doing their part. There are Light Deities from a myriad of planets
as well as time zones, and, as you may well know, the Walk-Ins or Enlightened Beings are here from the future to dispense
their wisdom and carry out their unique missions. There is a lot of activity and intrigue being carried out all over
your Crystalline Earth as we speak, and we suggest that you keep your ears and minds open, and support each other,
for you are One afterall.
We love you immensely and support you, as always.
I wrap my Blue Cloak around you and bless you
beyond measure, and may the strength of my Excalibur Sword be yours. Be courageous and strong and call on me, Archangel
Michael, in your time of need.
Sages… Come, Remember Your Future Creations
of One…
Blessings in Loving Golden Crystalline Light,
I AM Archangel Michael
Universal Copyright ©2011 – Elanthra, Live
with Light – Please feel free to duplicate and distribute, provided that this channeling is duplicated in it’s
entirety, nothing is altered in any way, all links are included, and no money is exchanged.
Elanthra is an Indigo, Crystalline Walk-In Healer
and Energy Anchorer from the Omniverse, dedicated to service in a creative and playful manner. She is especially passionate
about all the "New Children." *
* Website: * E-mail: *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, one of the best places to find yourself
is with a friend, is to open your heart and to say to a friend, “This is how I am feeling, and I know this is not all
there is to me, but can you give me a clue? Can you say that you believe in me? Can you tell me something that I’m missing
about myself that will allow me to have a new vision of myself?”
Visit our website: *
HEAVEN #3776
Your Name Is Good Fortune
March 28, 2011
God said:
You do know how fortunate you are in life. You
are rich beyond measure. Every day a bouquet of flowers is delivered to you or a huge arrangement of fruit, linear words that
surpass linear. Indeed, you are the richest of the rich.
It is not for you to compare yourself to others,
yet you also know, in terms of these words you read, how well off you are. You are the fortunate. You are the fortunate of
the fortunate. Your name is Good Fortune.
And those that the world may consider unfortunate,
they too are fortunate. Your life has flourishes. Theirs may have none. You thrive. They survive. Their lives are bare-boned,
and therein lay their lives’ beauty. While your questions are unlimited, their questions are few in number. Their focus
is clear, while yours may not be. There is good fortune to find in everything. Even in what is called misfortune, there is
good fortune to be discovered. You are a discoverer of good fortune. Good fortune is already yours. You have asked, you have
sought, and now you find. Your purchase in life is good fortune.
Remind yourself how fortunate you are. Whatever
your good fortune, it is yours. You have it. Capitalize on it. Capitalize on it in the sense that you are aware of it. Know
good fortune is yours. It is your good fortune to wake up this morning. It is your good fortune that you have shoes to put
on. It is your good fortune that you have some place to go, even if you don’t love to go there.
Fortunate are you to have someone to say goodbye
to you. Fortunate are you to have transportation. Fortunate are you to have legs that propel you. You are forward-moving,
and that is also your good fortune.
Know how fortunate you are so that you may notice
more good fortune along your way. You may see a gold coin at your feet this morning. When good fortune is yours, opportunity
is yours. Pebbles of opportunity have been left for you. Spot them. Look up at the sky as well. Wherever you are looking,
keep looking up. Smile at Me, and have a sense of My smiling at you. Who smiled first? Perhaps Our smiles were simultaneous.
Perhaps there is not one without the other. Or, perhaps, always, your smile is simply a reflection of Mine.
Hasten to Me at the same time as you do not rush.
There is no time to waste, and yet there is no rushing. Be assured of all your good fortune, and that includes knowing how
close We are and how soon that you will consciously grasp Our Oneness and hold it in your hand for all Eternity. The time
is rushing to you where you will irrevocably have awareness of Our Oneness. You will know that I hold you in My Hand and that
you have never been anywhere else but where you have wanted to be. You have always been of Heaven. Heaven be thy name. Heaven
be your heart. Heaven be your love.
My love is your love. The recipient of
My love is also the giver of My love. Love that is ever-moving also is ever-still. So filled is the Universe with Love Eternal
that there is really no place for love to move to, and yet love moves, ever onward, ever cheering itself in silence as it
makes its journey to and fro, to and from your heart, for your heart is the Heart of Hearts. This is good fortune. Your heart
in Mine, Mine in yours.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping
Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters
is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of
life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries
* 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 * * *
Darkness Before the Light
March 23, 2011
Dearest Beloved Ones, At the present time there is a strong covering of darkness on the Earth which is preventing the visibility of the new light that is being born. This energetic cloud affects primarily the mind and emotions, although it also can affect the body much like a cloudy day which prevents the experience of sunlight, although it does not truly cover the sun. These energies can create confusion, doubt, fear and anxiety, and can disrupt one's inner experience of light, so that it may feel as though the light has disappeared. This is not the case, but the experience of being unable to feel the light can create a great deal of suffering. It is important during times like this to avoid making major decisions that are based on the fear, anxiety or despair energies that are passing through. These energies are especially strong for those who are playing an active role in bringing light to the Earth, and so spiritual nourishment and support is essential. Another useful support during this time is a regular schedule of prayer or meditation, preferably done in a group that can raise the vibration sufficiently so that the participants can have a more direct experience of the new light that is present. The weekly One World Meditations are one such venue; however a daily practice will be even more helpful at the present time. It is also important to have a sacred place to share one's inner experiences, thoughts and feelings during this time. Families and friends can gather around the home altar each evening to pray and meditate and share together, bringing God into daily life. Much more is now possible in relationships, with greater love and depth of communication now available for all those who wish it. The rapidly changing energies on the Earth are creating not only the large scale changes that you are seeing, but also changes to the body, to emotions, and to relationships. New supports are needed to create pathways of light through these challenges, and so it will be helpful to remain open to new ideas, new possibilities and new solutions that perhaps you had not considered previously. Beloved ones, during these times of crisis on the Earth, your light is greatly needed to assist in the stabilization of light on the Earth. Do all that you can to remain in love, light and trust during this time. Do all that you can to release yourself from burdens of the past, and from old pain, resentments and hurts. Enter the present moment fresh and new, welcoming the new beginnings that are arriving in the midst of great challenge and difficulty. There are profound treasures yet to be revealed, that are waiting to manifest that will nourish and restore all souls and all those who are in pain. With all love and blessings, Amen. Mashubi
World Blessings * P.O. Box 8741 * Bend, Oregon 97708 * USA * (541) 388-4692 * The website has been constructed with help from the spiritual realms, from my beloved husband Doran, and from my beloved spiritual teacher, Julie Redstone, who assisted in large measure with its development. It is evolving as an organic whole evolves, with anticipation that there will be growth and change as new needs arise for conveying spiritual truths to an awakening world. * * Note: All Rights Reserved
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