There Are No Shirkers In This Transition


There are No Shirkers in This Transition

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for



Dear Ones,

Perhaps you have pined for years, months or days for all that is promised in the New Age/new earth. It does not matter. Your yearning created this miracle.

Even if you have difficulties believing you contributed to this wondrous New Age/new earth, this transition could not be without your input.

You may feel as if you have experienced a few minor shifts. Or that your life has changed little internally or externally. Such is not true. But we cannot give you feelings/beliefs of a job well done. You must accept it for yourself.

Let us return to those who feel as if not much has shifted in their lives. That all the "hype" surrounding this transition has little to do with them. Every entity on earth contributed to this transition. Despite your fears that such is not true, that there are "good guys" and "bad guys," this transition would not have happened without the consensus of everyone/every entity on earth.

You are all part of this transition - settlers, scout masters, those not yet awakened and those who agreed not to awaken during this transition to play the "bad guy" role.

This transition has developed for decades. Individuals, entities and earth are transitioning. This transition is a coordinated effort of unimaginable dimensions. It is about you - but also about everyone and everything.

There are no shirkers in this transition. Everyone has a role and a plan. Whether or not it is a plan that meshes with your interests or needs - everyone is part of the plan. This transition tapestry is filled with a variety of colors and textures. It is not one-dimensional as many of you assume. That Lightworkers - whether settlers or scout masters - are alone responsible for this transition.

Lightworkers could not have possibly shifted every entity and earth without the support of all entities on earth. We are outlining this wondrous joint venture for some of you feel that others are either with you and this transition or against you. You view others as us and them. There is only us.

Some of you are clamoring that the opposite political party or a certain relative or co-worker is too nasty to be part of this transition into joy. We reiterate that if you had not experienced opposites as you transitioned, you would not fully understand joy.

Perhaps you feel we are justifying something that has nothing to do with you. We disagree. It is time to open your hearts to others. Energies are streaming throughout earth to help you accept your heart openings. Such openings are more difficult if you believe this person is acceptable, but not that person or that concept. Such beliefs merely continue your Old Age duality.

Maybe you feel you cannot accept others just because we tell you to. That is an accurate concern. You cannot accept our beliefs - you must do so for yourself. We are merely informing you that your heart cells are opening rapidly to receive the energies being dispersed on earth. That you need not be surprised if you no longer feel like supporting a long-held political belief - or you better understand and accept someone who has made you angry, uncomfortable or fearful. That you are brushing those fear producing thoughts aside knowing deep within your being that those other entities were also instrumental in creating the New Age/new earth.

This is an extremely difficult concept for some for you hold to the belief deep within your being that you can love this person, but not that person, concept or action. We are forewarning you that acceptance may happen in a flash. That this is the energy pouring into and out of earth and into each entity on and in earth at this time.

Do not feel as if you need to expedite the process of accepting those you find unacceptable, it will happen naturally.

Maybe you are angry just thinking about accepting others for they have "done you wrong" in so many ways. How could you ever allow them into your heart? How indeed. This is your next big shift.

For those who have not built a wall around their heart to protect themselves from others, it will happen in a flash. For those who have created such a wall, it may be more of a process.

Your heart cells - throughout your being - are being bombarded with love energy. Energy that is rapidly changing earth and thereby, the Universes. Micro to macro. As that occurs, you will just KNOW that every entity in and on earth is feeling a similar urgency to accept themselves and others.

You have prepared for this moment, this ap for a very long time - as has every entity in and on earth.

Does this mean that all will be hugging and kissing in the next few days? No. Merely that you will see/sense yourself and others with new eyes and understandings.

Again, do not feel as if you must love yourself and others, allow it to happen in the way that is most correct for you.

Just know these energies are bombarding you. You can grasp as many or as few as you like.

This is not an isolated love fest for Lightworkers. Nor is it a command performance. Accept what you wish and allow others to do the same. But know deep within your being you are beginning to melt any heart barriers you have, as are many on earth.

At the same time, you must allow those who have elected to play "bad guys" to honor their role. Knowing that their role is extremely difficult given that love is permeating every cell of every being.

For those of you who celebrate Christmas, think in terms of the love and kindness that seems to happen during that season. Then think of those people you refer to as Christmas Scrooges. Does not the novella  A Christmas Story by Charles Dickens help reinforce Christmas loving spirit for many of you each year - as does the thought that Scrooge could be so cruel until frightened into love? So it will be for you and every entity in and on earth.

You will not be frightened into love. You will merely be bombarded with love. Like Bob Cratchit, you will come to appreciate those whom you now view with anger or distaste. Not because you necessarily accept their actions - but because you will know with every fiber of your being that they are playing an extremely difficult role in this age of love. That they are not deviating despite the knowledge of you and many others that they cannot experience the love and joy you find so delightful.

In a sense, they are plowing through their pain as you are harvesting your joy. Allow them to be. And allow yourself to accept, even love them for their sacrifice. For indeed, your glorious New Age would not have occurred without their willing and full participation. So be it. Amen.


Wake up Call: Hatonn, June 10, 13

I am here this day to bring you some news. I am Hatonn and I come to tell you that there is ongoing a great deal of energy in our midst. It is as with the coming dawn that the sun is arising and the intensity is far beyond what one could imagine at the beginning of this ascension process. Yes it is a process of ongoing surprises for it is the enrichment of that which we have not experienced as of yet.
As we go through these earth upheavals and the interesting placement of them, we see that Mother Earth is taking every precaution that she can to assure that there is very little damage to the people and the structures that are in agreement with the harmonics of the coming times. It is a matter of being able to be in alignment with all that is taking place and to be able to see into the future times with the vision that is necessary for the harmonics that will bring the changes in a way that is best for all of existence.
We are in a time of emergence from being able to see only what is in front of us, or already in our reality. From this time on we are going to be experiencing much more understanding of what is before us in relation to how it is already a part of what is coming and has been at the same time. This means that the whole of existence is more readily available for surveillance than ever before for all of you on earth and all of us as well who have been standing with you in these times of ascension.
As we go through these experiences we see what we can do more clearly to allow the changes that will bring harmony to the earth and we are then inspired to the next steps and the next, etc. It is a matter of being more in tune and open to all that is and will be, not only for us who have been with you through this, but for all of you as well. Yes, I am also referring to those who are not as open as some of the others, for even though they carry their lives in the energy of the 3rd dimension as far as their beliefs are concerned, they still have the ability to see what is coming in a way that is open to them if they choose to see it.
This is far beyond what we saw would be, for the times of the emergence gave us all so many more gifts than we had imagined would come. We knew that there was a tremendous change afoot, however the amount of strength that you all have, combined with what Mother Earth and all of those within the earth, are bringing the harmonic balance back into alignment with the allowance and assistance of all of humanity, through the recognition of the coming way of being on a soul level.
It is a wonderful expression that we are seeing of how easily you are coming into yourselves on the level that you have acclimated yourselves to. That is why the Creator has aligned so magnificently with you. It is a matter of all being in resonance, and of the alliance of the energies of all of existence coming into play and finalizing the last steps toward the fifth dimensionality and on upward.
I have one more bit of news for you, and it is this; in the coming days there will be a new essence in this one’s life and it is going to be a playful companion for them both as it barks and wags its tail in the playful times they will have. It is a matter of the co-operative energies bringing it all together and producing the desired results. Get out the doggie dishes, for Cassie will be home in a very short time.
I leave now in a wonderful energy of Love and encourage you All to play, dance, sing and have fun with all of life. In the coming times it will be a matter of enjoying what you have and seeing what comes your way as the gift of the universal energy of your ability to manifest that which is in harmony with the Oneness of you all.
Thank you dear Hatonn,
Love, Nancy Tate

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4581 Why You Are Alive on Earth, June 10, 2013

God said:

What is the worth of anything without love, beloveds? What is the worth of life without love? That which is of the utmost meaning is love. Consider love the salt of life. Love itself IS life, beloveds. When anyone forswears love, he has forsworn life.

The love We speak of here is not accolades of love to or from you. It is the love from your heart that We speak of. We are speaking of the heart of you. The heart of something means the meaning of something. That you are alive means you have been chosen to give love. I chose you. Of all the possibilities, I chose you and you and you. The point is that you are you. Regardless of whatever else may lurk in your heart, your heart is meant for love and love alone. The meaning of you is love.

You may ask: “What am I alive for on Earth?”

My answer is: “You are alive here on Earth to express love for everyone and everything.” You need not look for a more esoteric meaning, a meaning that may seem loftier to you, that you were chosen to do great things, that you, of all the people in the world were chosen to do a great deed on Earth, to play an earthshaking role etc. etc.

The point is that you were each chosen for Greatness on Earth, and your Greatness is love. How your love expresses is individual, and yet you are here on Earth in the human form you are encased in to express love. That’s it. That may not seem fancy enough for your tastes, and, yet, that is it.

How do you personally express love? Express love as love. Even a thank you expresses love. A smile expresses love. And it may well be that the greatest love you can express is acceptance of everyone and everything, acceptance of the world and everyone in it. To express love and companionship for the next person you see is expressing the Greatness of Love.

Be like Me, will you? Despite the surface differences you may latch onto, I express love and acceptance, and that’s what I do. That is My purpose. Does My purpose need to be loftier than that? A map has been drawn, and it's a Map of Love. It showers from Heaven upon everyone and everything, even in the arena you call past, present, and future.

Align with love, My beloveds. Align with Me. Be done with anything that is less than love. What do you need anything less than love for? For misery? For your misery and/or another’s? What do you want pain for, for you or anyone? What is the gain of that? Perhaps a senseless sense of power. True power is love. Bitterness is not power. Vanquishing another is not power. If you want to be in control in a big way, let go of everything but love in your heart, love from your heart, love to an fro, loving embracing all hearts on Earth.

Can you not love Me? And I do exist within everyone. I exist within everyone you meet. What you may see as the lowliest of the low is also My love. He may not know that. But now you know that.

If you want to be important, be a Way-Shower of Love. And, if importance matters not to you, also be a Way-Shower of Love. Beloveds, love is the only game in town.

This is your fate, beloveds. Your fate is to love. There is nothing more than love. Everything else is less. What do you have when you have a million dollars and you keep it to yourself? What do you have when you have a million-dollar heart and keep it all to yourself? What do you have when you have nothing and are without love? You are the same love as I, and now be it.


Alabama, US of A.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “An Easy Life.”

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “Would you prefer an easy life or a life of growth and great satisfaction? Human beings by nature shy away from difficulties. The philosophy of the ‘path of least resistance’ is the excuse employed by many to do nothing. In truth, the path of least resistance is the path of the Father, because any other road will take you nowhere and would exclude the ‘impulse of love’, the primordial force that sustains the universe and all beings.

“An easy life for an average human being would be a life where everything happens just the way that person would like. An easy life is a life where you would never have to leave your comfort zone in order to move forward. An easy life is a very limited life, because the natural human aversion to the unknown would effectively prevent you from learning anything new.

“It was not an easy life that made you search for spiritual things. It was not an easy life that inspired in you the desire to be a better father to your children and not let them feel the loneliness and abandonment you experienced. It was not an easy life that motivated you to leave behind what you knew, and move to another part of the world to search for a great fortune. You have learned, however, that the spice of life is in adventure, the unexpected, the surprises, and thus you have slowly left behind your earlier expectations and you have started to learn to leave things in the hands of your Father.

“The Father doesn’t promise you an easy life, but He promises a life that will provide everything you need to grow and to fulfill your eternal destiny – to become increasingly more perfect, a more faithful expression of truth, beauty and goodness. Nothing you really need will be denied you, and it will be up to you to see the opportunities that are placed on your path.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22. 11:11 Store


Acceptance & Doing Father's Will

Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham

TR: Unknown



I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I look forward to meeting with you here each week. I learn as much as I teach. I love the study on the universal laws. The momentum of timespaceeternityand destiny are fueled by the universal laws. I appreciate the universal laws of truth, beauty, and goodness because they start with you from the beginning of existence and carry you onward through eternity. Truth is our path; beauty helps us to appreciate the path and goodness urges us to move forward upon the path, yes.


We have discussed redirecting focus through worship and following this it is standard to discuss the universal law of acceptance and the doing of Father's will. A child who attempts to leave from his home for the first time is filled with the fear of unknowingness. He desires to reach his destination, but is loath to leave the parents side. The unknowingness creates images of unsafety in his mind and he cannot help clinging to his parent's leg. With a little coaxing and encouragement from a wise parent they can get the child to go a little beyond the front yard.
The child however, who is skilled in life's possibilities, might feel better equipped to handle those things that might come before him. With education and encouragement the destination is not so fearful. He is equipped with some knowledge and feels that inner confidence and strength. Your experiences today are your lessons to becoming skilled citizens in the universe. That Spirit connection is the encouragement you need to venture out beyond your own front yard.
Father uses various methods to educate His children, and although some of these methods seem painful and trying, He is equipping you to have less fear and feel more at ease in the universe. A parent who dares not send forth their child out to have experience tells the child that he is not to be trusted and not equipped to handle life's circumstances. He has little or no self-confidence and lives in a world of unknowingness and fear.
Father would not purposefully put you in painful circumstances, but experience at times does turn out to cause pain. Our Father, the good Parent, puts before us those values and meaningsthat we need to learn from life's experiences. He trusts us in our own ability and intentions. He trusts the universal laws will bring knowledge and balance. He encourages us to have faith in ourselves.
Many individuals would choose to stay behind closed doors in an effort to feel safe--safe from experience, safe from the pain that experience can bring. There is not much spiritual progressin this kind of safety. There is only the fear of unknowingness. You cannot gain strength from not exercising. You cannot reap the benefits of meanings and values if you shun experience.
The universe does set up certain circumstances that teach you cosmic citizenship. How can you learn when in a state of resistance and fear? How can you progress spiritually when you do not make effort to bravely face the road before you? Acceptance is key to gaining meanings and values from your experience. To accept the lessons before you is not an invitation tosuffering, no, but to teach strengthendurance and self-confidenceAcceptance is the practice of letting go of what you think you know to being committed to staying teachable.
The worlds technology seems to promote a life of ease and many have such resistance to anything that takes real effortAcceptance asks you not to do anything but be observant and spiritually connected so that you can find Father's meanings and values. You can have confidence in your abilities as a mortal child of God and cosmic citizen. So many say, "I would do the will of God if only I knew what it was." Without understanding the law of acceptance you will definitely have a difficult time discerning Father's will.
To have acceptance of those mortal things that befall you is to become observant of the lesson therein and through spiritual connection being able to discern Father's will in any givenmoment. To choose to be a doer of the will is not so much being submissive or laying down to be used as a pawn, no. Choosing to be a doer of Father's will is allowing your desired outcomes to fall away and yes, in a sense loosing yourself, to slowing down, becoming observant, not acting so much on impulse or emotion, but connecting with the divine Parent and receiving guidance.
To be overcome with emotion is to push forth your desired expectations and stumbling over Father's will. Our Master taught self-forgetfulness and in this there was the acceptance of Father's will, self confidence in the ability to carry out the will, peace in heart and mind that leaves you open to meanings and values, yes, new understandings.


Forget not this week to stay with worship. Strengthen your divine connection. Know that our good Parent is urging us onward through experience. Can you trust in a Parent who has createdthe universes and their inhabitants, and oversees the overall collective functioning? Do you shun mortal experience so you will be kept safe or are you observant to the lesson and open tospiritual progress? Can you live in this world as a divine being and feel truly at home? Can you say if choosing the divine will comes with a cost, and if so, what is it?
No questions this evening. Just know that I am ever appreciative to our divine Parent that He has allowed me to be with you. As always my love goes with you. Until next week, shalom.


Eternally in Peace by Lady Quan Yin

Eternally in Peace by Lady Quan Yin

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 10th June 2013-

Greetings to you beloved ones, I am Lady Quan Yin; I come forward and deliver to you the vibration of my peace to encapsulate you in all that peace holds. It is peace that I wish to communicate with you about today in order to enhance the vibration and realisation of peace within your being. Peace is energising, enthusing, healing and inspirational. When you embody peace you are allowing the current of the Creator to flow eternally through your being, heart and soul. Peace carries the vibration of truth, clarity and unity for all to experience. Peace isn't merely silence or stillness but is a powerful quality of the Creator which develops your inner balance, harmony and strength. Peace is contentment with and as the Creator, it is to have no need to seek wisdom or desires because one recognises that they are complete and carry all that is the Creator within their beings. Peace emerges with a deeper and enhanced trust in the Creator, the support and all that the Creator provides. Peace develops with the presence of love pulsating throughout your entire being, emerging from every cell of your body. Peace is not only an experience but an existence emerging from the origins of your being, therefore becoming a powerful representation of your truth. When you carry peace with you wherever you are, whatever you are doing you no longer need to hold on to the aspects of the personality, of judgement, fear or doubt but create a space predominantly within you that allows for true happiness and bliss to infuse and radiate. With the presence of a true and deep peace emerging from within your being, from your soul, you are aware that you are attuning yourself to the vibration of the Creator linking in with your entire being to all that is the Creator. The vibration of your body, energetic bodies and reality become peaceful, existing in harmony and true bliss with the Creator, you will allow yourself to experience everything with ease and to encounter the perfection of the Creator.

It is peace that I wish to promote not as an outward energy or experience but as an inward reality in order to bring harmony to the Earth and the situation that humanity have created through neglect of their divine self and manifestation. Peace allows you to acknowledge the divine essence within your being, within each and every person upon the Earth and with all living matter or souls. This acknowledgement if accepted by a vast majority can instantly detangle all situations of pain, chaos, imbalance and harm that humanity have and are causing to each other and the Earth. Due to your physical realities being so solid and real to you it would seem that to heal yourself, to heal your actions and the actions of humanity as a general body that you would have to solve problems in the outer physical reality. This of course can bring a greater appearance of peace and harmony being restored in any situation but often those involved are still not content or fulfilled, often believing or demanding that they deserve more, maybe as compensation or to heal their inward pain.

It is often that actions in your physical reality do not always create the fulfilment and contentment that is needed. When an action of any kind is instigated from deep within your being, your soul and truth then it is carried forward to the situation or those involved almost as if it is filled with so much nurturance and truth that it instantly fulfils each and every person and soul involved. Each person recognises the truth of the Creator in the energy, due to the truth of the Creator being presented the situation becomes harmonised by the vibration of the Creator, brought into perfect balance and perfection.  When the vibration of the Creator is presented everything becomes attuned appropriately even when fear is involved. If each person allowed themselves to access the peace that is the Creator within their being, permitting peace to emerge within every action that they take and every thought made, then peace would instantly manifest all over the world even in situations that seem so entangled with fear and pain. Peace would manifest outwardly in the physical reality of the Earth because it would trigger a deep remembrance and resonance of and with the Creator. All that is being held onto and no longer needed would insistently fall away, leaving only that which is true, blissful, love and the Creator.

Peace is often associated with the mind, as you are asked and encouraged to create a peaceful mind free from unproductive or fearful thoughts but peace can and does develop on a deeper level within your entire being. Peace as I have stated ignites and flows from the soul and truth within you, it is valued as a power, a source of protection while also allowing a deeper unity with the Creator. Peace and all its beautiful qualities can be an emotional state which remains as an expression of your being throughout any situation, meaning that your emotions are balanced rather than soaring from one extreme to another. One can still experience sadness or happiness emotionally but with the presence of peace there is no attachment or holding onto the emotion, it is experienced almost at its smallest volume, once recognised it glides away. Even when an emotion is experienced peace is always present as a support, power and strength.

Peace can also be present within the physical body creating perfect health and vitality. If you can imagine peace existing within every cell of your being all irritations on an energetic level that anchor and manifest into the perfection of the body to cause imperfections would vanish. The body would be content, experiencing the wealth and abundance of the Creator, completely and absolutely in harmony and wellness. Often complaints of the physical body are like discontentment sometimes sourced from the energetic bodies or the mind, when peace is present bringing forth the vibration of truth then everything is attuned to the Creator becoming content, healed and the perfection of the Creator.

Peace can be present with your conscious awareness within the spiritual body and being acting as a foundation to encourage of inspiration, truth, wisdom and realisations to arise. When you allow the vibration of peace from your soul to exist within your spiritual being and body you are able to experience a deep contentment with your spiritual journey on the Earth. Even if you do not understand your spiritual path nor are able to comprehend the next step to aid your enlightenment, if peace is present you are able to be content in your experiences and the present moment, content with all that you have discovered and at peace with the idea that everything will flow from you with divine timing. Contentment and peace with your spiritual journey is a powerful tool to wield as it allows you to look within rather than seeking with urgency outside of yourself. With peace in your spiritual being you have the ability to relax deeper into your truth and inner guidance. Peace encourages you to realise that in truth there is nothing to seek, all is already present, which can bring a deep healing to your entire being. The hunger, urgency, yearning for ascension may also subside allowing you to experience the joys of ascension with ease and perfection in divine timing. It is sometimes that the hunger for ascension can create a block or can limit your ascension as you try to force and push yourself to experience that which will be experienced with divine timing.

The vibration of peace is immensely important within all aspects of your being especially when it flows from the soul; it has a powerful ability of bringing everything into balance and harmony. I wish to share an invocation with you to assist your experience of the peace of your soul.

'Lady Quan Yin, I call you forward to support, enlighten and nurture my entire being and existence as a light source in this physical body upon the Earth. I ask that you become one with my heart and soul so that we may share in the love and truth that is the Creator.

Please assist me in activating the vibration and essence of peace from within my soul, I now allow my soul light to emanate a pure vibrational light of peace into every aspect of my being. May peace bring harmony, truth, healing, enlightenment, energised experiences, balance and Creator focus to my entire being, within all levels and bodies of my being.

I now experience the vibration of peace from my soul emanating into my physical body, etheric body, emotional body, mental body, spiritual body, entire being and existence on the Earth.

I am peace, I am at peace and I experience peace as a deep healing and awakening for my entire being.'

Take some time to allow the essence of peace from your soul and heart to flow and merge with your entire being.

In peace always,

Lady Quan Yin

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