The Real Meaning Of The Mayan Calendar By Anthony
For something like 16 billion
years a process has been unfolding. That process is the Evolution of Consciousness. Consciousness can be defined as “the
experience of being,” which suggests that the purpose of consciousness is to experience itself. From the earliest moments
of the Universe in what we currently call the Big Bang, the Universe has evolved ever greater levels of complexity from energy
to matter, from matter to life, from life to awareness, and from awareness to self-awareness. Each step into complexity, or
novelty, happens quicker than all previous steps. One could say that the universe is a novelty conserving engine. This
is a universe predicated on an evolving consciousness, a continuing expansion of the experience of being. Who we really are
is the universe experiencing itself being. We now have an unambiguous and scientifically verifiable timeline of the Evolution
of Consciousness, which we can all understand. It is verifiable by empirical and historical data, which anyone with good encyclopaedia
access can understand and prove to him or herself. This timeline has been decoded from one of the ancient calendars of
the Maya by Dr. Carl J.Calleman. Unlike other calendars, this one does not time astronomical bodies. It is purely a calendar,
a timeline, of the Evolution of Consciousness. The calendar comprises nine discreet cycles of creation, nested within each
other, all ending on a particular date. That date, believed by Calleman to be October 28, 2011, as opposed to the more well-known
date of December 21, 2012, is when this phase of conscious evolution ends and a transformation in consciousness takes place.
We cannot know exactly what we will each experience, what will take place or how, but we do now know the general timescale. With
the decoding of this calendar and its verification by scientific and experiential observation, we can at last place ourselves
accurately within it. We are only a few years away from the re-birthing of humanity, in a way that seems utterly unimaginable
to most people now. Many people are feeling the quickening pace of life, as our culture goes through rapid and accelerated
change. We are experiencing exponential growth in many areas of shared consciousness, and this cannot, and will not, slow
down. And now, the good news … Consciousness did not spend 16 billion years evolving to this point just to slip up
and annihilate itself with a cataclysm or catastrophe. Everything’s on track. Nothing’s wrong. We are on course
for a spectacular collective transformation and Earth will wake up with a Planetary Consciousness that heals all ills and
goes on to a whole new cycle of conscious evolution. So what can each of us do, personally, to consciously participate
in this magnificent adventure, as we ascend through the birth canal of individual and collective transformation? We are indeed
entering the Apocalypse, but it’s not the Apocalypse we thought it might be. According to Wikipedia, Apocalypse, which
derives from the Greek for “transit” and “lifting of the veil,” is a term applied to the disclosure
of certain privileged persons of something hidden from the mass of humankind. We are going through a process of “unveiling,”
“revealing,” or “Revelation.” This simply means that the truth will emerge. We will all have to reveal
ourselves and become ever more truthful, honest, and visible. The truth behind our politics, economics, social structures,
religions and, most scarily of all, personal relationships, which are riddled with secrets and lies, will be revealed in the
coming days, weeks, months, and years. This process is unstoppable, but how we experience it will depend on how truthful,
honest and visible we are. This may be a frightening process for some, and we therefore need to strengthen our communal ties
with each other so we can support and be supported. We can enjoy this transformation as long as we keep our eyes, minds and
hearts wide open. Our greatest enemy is fear. The less we fear, the more naturally truthful we are, the more naturally
joyous we are, and the more naturally loving we are. What’s crazy is we fear each other so much. Six billion magnificent
Beings scared of each other’s judgement and barely communicating. Our fear of judgment and rejection cripples our self-expression
and is based on the greatest fallacy of all—that we are separate from each other. Our next greatest fear is based
on another fundamental fallacy—that there is not enough of what humans need to make us happy. What’s worse is
that we believe the next greatest fallacy—that we have to compete with each other for what there is not enough of. Earth
is the Garden of Eden. This amazing planet can provide enough resources many times over for every man, woman and child to
live a happy life. Almost every fear can be eliminated from our lives by simply enlarging our collective understanding of
who we really are.
This is where we are heading, towards the end of “separation consciousness.” By the
end of this evolutionary cycle, humans will be naked before each other with nothing to hide and nothing to fear. We will love
each other without any kind of condition, without any fear of loss. Indeed, we will have no fear of lack of any kind, because
in our unity we will share all our resources equally. This would be humanity reborn in fine fashion, but that’s barely
the start of it. We can draw many astonishing conclusions about the Transformation of Consciousness through a new, larger
understanding of the nature of consciousness.
So start now to dismantle your own Berlin Walls. Know your truth. Live
it and speak it with your utmost compassion, and never judge another for living his or her truth. Let’s free ourselves
from the shackles and chains of fear and make the Awakening of Humanity a glorious experience for all. Copyright © 2008
by Anthony Goodman. All Rights Reserved.