The Reality Of Ascension

The Arcturians Speak About Fifth Dimensional Leadership
Channeled by Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – 0/28/2012
October 2, 2012
We have spoken with you before about Fifth Dimensional Leadership (Please see the Blog for 8-20-12) and would like to expand on that information. If you have said “Yes, I want to be a 5D Leader” when you are not even sure what that means, you have put yourself in the “fast lane” of Ascension.
Therefore, your lives will begin to change very quickly, and you will be asked to release any person, place, situation or thing that binds you to the final illusions of the third/fourth dimensional paradigm. This Path that you have chosen is not an easy one. It is a Path in which you must clear out the old, and then clear it out again, then again and again.
Light travels in circles, and as you allow higher and higher frequencies of Light into your beingness, the circular motion will take you into lower and lower frequencies of that which you are about to leave behind. As the Leaders into the fifth dimension, you are the “clean up crew” for Gaia.
It does not matter if the darkness is in the Earth, in you, or someone else. In fact, as you continue to move into fifth dimensional Unity Consciousness, someone else becomes an extinct term. The cleaning up of the final remnants of Gaia’s 3D polarities has to be done, and "You" have volunteered to do it. In fact, you volunteered before you took this form.
You, our beloved ones, are our dearest brothers and sisters who have made the monumental sacrifice to leave our wonderful realms of Light and Unconditional Love to wear an earth vessel throughout this process of Planetary Ascension.
We, your Galactic and Celestial Family, call upon you "Now" to dedicate the remainder of your earth vessel’s existence to returning Gaia "Home" to Her fifth dimensional expression. There are those who say they will, but they won’t. On the other hand, there are those who say they will, and they Do!
We know that we are asking you to strain your poor, exhausted earth vessel to its very limits of endurance. However, it is this process that will free you from the separation and limitation of that form for all eternity.
We realize that we ask so very much of you, but if you can allow yourselves to remember who you really are, your hardships will be revealed as a blessing. There will be nothing that you are asked to surrender that will not be replaced with a higher frequency version. We make this statement knowing that "All" of you have conquered your power-over ego.
However, we also realized that your wounded ego still wishes you to believe that you are “just one human.”
No! You are Not just one human! No! You are not alone.
Yes! You are of "The One!"
Definition Of Fifth Dimensional Leadership
Before we continue with our message, we wish to define Fifth Dimensional Leadership by saying that a Fifth Dimensional Leader is one who leads the way into the fifth dimension. This definition may assist with any confusion you may be having about how to lead. It is not so much How you lead, but Where you are leading.
Our dearest One's, we speak to All of you who receive this message. Even if you are not involved in a particular undertaking, we see that our Lightworkers have shifted into high gear in these final moments. We see vast changes on Gaia that we KNOW that you, our representatives wearing human vessels, have created these shifts with your vast, multidimensional creativity.
We look to All of you and see that You are indeed your true Self, cloaked in a lower frequency garment. Therefore, we ask you to remember that We, your Galactic and Celestial Family, are You! Hence, we are not more advanced than you.
In fact, your challenge of being your Multidimensional Self within your small, clay form is a feat that we are not sure that we could complete. We honor you with our Open Heart and our Cosmic Mind. We hold great respect for our Galactic Family members who have volunteered to take a form for this final segment of the Planetary Process Ascension.
Your collective ability to maintain a connection with your true Self while wearing a clay vessel is a primary component of your Mission. You are already victorious in that endeavor.
Furthermore, each of you is beginning to understand your own puzzle piece, as well as how you can connect your personal puzzle piece to the planetary puzzle of Ascension. Unfortunately, you do not have the cover to the puzzle box to see how it will look when it is complete. Hence, each of you must look deep inside to discover your wish fulfilled.
We are now ready to give you instructions for three components of your process of being a leader into the fifth dimension:
#1 Integrating Your Multidimensional Operating System Into Your Physical Brain:
Without the integration of your new mental and emotional operating system, the concepts to which you will be introduced will be too advanced, too multidimensional for your physical brains to embrace. Therefore, we request that you read our former message about integrating your Multidimensional Operating System. (See Blog for 9-24-12)
#2 Returning To Unity Consciousness
We, the Galactics, need a network of Ascending Ones who are bonded in Unity Consciousness with each other and with their higher dimensional expressions of Self. This Unity Consciousness cannot be fully achieved without the full integration of your multi-dimensional mental and emotional operating system.
We say “mental and emotional” as within the Multi-dimensional Operating System, thoughts and emotions, mind and heart, are One. Therefore, you can think and perceive with your heart and feel your wonderful human emotions with your mind. Your expanded ability to perceive with your heart, which is ever expanding into perceiving with your High Heart, is the foundation of this new operating system.
The mind, thoughts, brain and neurology can accept and organize the multi-dimensional light into information bits. However, only your High Heart can perceive, embrace and use the unconditional love that is the building block of all creation. Please remember that unconditional love is the bonding force of the Multiverse.
Hence, unconditional love is the cohesive power that holds every energy molecule together to create form. Also, since the form that you are creating is fifth dimensional, unconditional love is needed to close all the third/fourth dimensional polarities of light, thought and emotion into Oneness. In this manner, your creative concepts can enter through the fifth dimensional Matrix where they are bonded together with the cohesion of unconditional love.
#3 Creating New Earth
First, we must remind you that within the vocabulary of unconditional love, the concepts of creating and perceiving are interchangeable. If something is not created, it is not perceivable. On the other hand, if it is not perceivable, it is not created. Because there is no time as you know it in the fifth dimension, it is not possible to place these concepts in a separate, sequential, organized fashion.
There is only Now. Therefore, within the Here of the Now, creation and perception intermingle into the forms of fifth dimensional Earth. Paradoxically, the fifth dimensional is also formless, because it is infinitely responding to the ever-changing creative ideals of the Unity Consciousness.
Coming Out
Meanwhile, back on physical Earth, some of our Ascending Ones are still struggling to decide whether or not they dare to “come out” as their true Self.
Hence, we hope you understand now why there needs to be strong supportive Networkers who have:
  • Integrated their Multidimensional Operating System to better understand that which they will be teaching to others.
  • Returned to Unity Consciousness to best assist with Planetary Ascension.
  • And are actively creating New Earth with their every thought and emotion.
  • We see that many of you are ready to join into the Flow of Ascension, but feel isolated and alone. Therefore, we ask those of you who have found your Way to share your process with those whom you have come to assist.
Yes, you may not remember, but all of you have created strong bonds with certain life-streams through your myriad shared incarnations. In fact, many of you that find yourselves together now were also together within when you came to assist Gaia at the fall of Atlantis.
Remember, our dear Ascending Ones, there are No mistakes and No accidents. You are the creator of your life! Even if this creation stems from the wounded ego of your subconscious mind or the immense power of your Multidimensional Self, it is Your creation.
As you release All sense of victimization, you will Know that where you are and what you are doing Now is the Here from which you will commence your new life.
We, your Galactic and Celestial Family, are ALWAYS with you,
Call us!
The Arcturians


The Reality of Ascension on the Spirit Planes

Posted by Steve Beckow 9/26/2012
October 2, 2012
To the residents of the physical plane, the whole notion of ascension is novel, but to the residents of the spirit planes, those who have passed through the transition we think of as “death,” the notion of ascension is well accepted and much better understood.
Frederic Meyers tells us that “we dwell in each state or world during the time we are attached to the appearances that constitute that world.” (1) His is not an uncommon comment.
The unnamed teacher who spoke through Betty Bethards also revealed that “you experience the level to which you have learned to attune your consciousness. When you learn the lessons of a particular vibration, you may move to a finer vibration of experience.” (2) That is essentially what’s happening for us at this time, is it not?
And Silver Birch, the well-known spirit guide who spoke through Maurice Barbanell and who was the earliest channeled voice I listened to and the SaLuSa of his day, also told us many years ago about ascension. As I said a few days ago, the spirit world works differently than the material plane in the sense that people are sorted out according to their level of attainment.
“The sphere or plane on which you exist in our world contains individuals at the same stage of spiritual development as you are. You can’t go higher spiritually until you are ready. You can go lower, as many of us do to perform missionary work among the unenlightened beings in the lower spheres.” (3)
Ascension involves movement of people from one dimension or plane to another, he explains. “As you advance beyond [one plane], you leave it behind. As the spirit qualifies itself, by growth, progress and evolution, so it naturally passes to the next stage of spirit life.” (4)
He describes ascension from one plane to another this way: “You do not climb from one sphere into another; you grow, you evolve. The lower gives way to the higher. You ‘die’ and are born again and again.” (5)
Silver Birch reminds us that “there are many deaths and many births.” (6) There is one “death” so to speak for each plane we ascend to because we leave the body appropriate to the former plane behind. It isn’t similar to physical death, he explains.
“You do not lose the astral body in quite the same way that you lose the material body. It becomes rarefied, it becomes refined, as the lower drops away. That is its death, for death really means transformation, resurrection, the rising of the higher out of the lower.” (7)
Some like WWI soldier and artist, Sigwart, advanced quickly from sphere to sphere. What I’ve called spiritual evolution, he called “continuous development.” (8) And he was very eager to advance.
He was given a preview of the Mental Plane and exclaimed: “When one has had a few glimpses into the higher spheres, how great and glorious everything is! This is a strong incentive to advance further.” (9) There was no holding Sigwart back: “My will to know is becoming greater every day and daily I am gaining more.” (10)
Then he entered what probably was the first subplane of the Mental Plane and told his relatives: “I am not in the so-called “Astral Sphere” nor in the “Devachan Sphere” [Heaven or the Mental Planes proper] at present, but in a middle realm. I have advanced farther in a shorter time than many others because of my interest in everything spiritual during my life on earth.” (11)
Residing in the early stage of entry into the Mental Plane, he told his earthbound family: “I have reached a sphere where everything is easier. I am less disturbed by many things that used to confuse me. An oscillation of equanimity surrounds me.” (12) “New doors are opening for me; I may behold glorious sights. Have I not reason to be happy? … It is … satisfying to advance as quickly as possible and explore all the splendor.” (13)
In this first subplane of the Mental Planes comes the reflective process known as the” Judgement,” after which comes the shedding of the body in the “Second Death.” (I don’t believe these processes will be a feature of our Ascension.) Prior to these events, Sigwart says:
“I do not know how long I shall remain on this present spiritual level, but I believe it will not be much longer. Then I shall step out of my present body just as you would lay aside your physical body.” (14)
Waiting was tedious for him. Yet he was now in touch with the higher life of the “Devachan” more completely than he had been when he merely visited the Mental Plane from the Astral.
“How long the process of dying lasts! I am still dying; I am divesting myself continuously of sheaths and each time I perceive more and feel differently. …
“My true life has begun now; the dream condition has ended.” (15)
He then passed through most of the Judgement, as he states here:
“I have overcome most of the hardships now. I have passed a test. It was not easy but then the feeling of success is glorious. … The period of self-contemplation has ended. Part of my ego is still occupied with it, but for a few hours I may enjoy again the pleasures of sublime existence.” (16)
After the Second Death and the total falling away of the Astral body, he exclaimed: “The fetters of earth have been stripped off me.” (17) After his ascent, he related back to his family: “You have to imagine me in a different light now, because I have changed completely.” (18)
In an earlier article, I described the ascent of “Dr. G.” (19) Here then is a second ascent: that of Sigwart.
I’ll look more at ascension from the spirit side in other articles. But these descriptions for now can show us that ascension is well known in the spirit planes and anticipated by all residents there who are aware of it.

(1) Frederic W.H. Myers through Geraldine Cummins, medium, Beyond Human Personality. Downloaded from, n.p.

(2) Unnamed spirit teacher through Betty Bethards, medium, There is No Death. Novato, CA: Inner Light Foundation, 1976; c1975, 15.
(3) Silver Birch, Light from Silver Birch. Comp. Pam Riva. London: Psychic Press, 1983 19.
(4) Silver Birch, Silver Birch Anthology. Ed. Wm. Naylor. London: Spiritualist Press, 1974; c1955, 57.
(5) Ibid., 58.
(6) Ibid., 57.
(7) Ibid., 58.
(8) Sigwart in Joseph Wetzl, trans., The Bridge Over the River. Communications from the Life After Death of a Young Artist Who Died in World War One. Spring Valley: Anthroposophic Press, 1974, 34.
(9) Ibid., 14.
(10) Ibid., 15.
(11) Ibid., 28.
(12) Ibid., 30.
(13) Ibid., 32.
(14) Ibid., 9.
(15) Ibid., 30.
(16) Ibid., 35.
(17) loc. cit.
(18) Ibid., 34.
(19) In “Dimensions: Differences and Similarities,” July 23, 2012, at and “Why is This Transformational Process Called “Ascension”? Nov. 17, 2011,” at The account of Dr. G’s ascension occurs in T.E. Lawrence through Jane Sherwood, medium, Post-Mortem Journal. Communications from T.E. Lawrence. London: Spearman, 1964, 77.*
Steve Beckow

Steve Beckow is owner of The 2012 Scenario, and lives in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. He attended the University of British Columbia, Carelton University, and the University of Toronto, graduating with a Masters degree in Canadian History. Steve is a member of Mensa Canada.

He studied in three Ph.D. programs but was uncomfortable remaining within disciplinary boundaries or paradigms. One dissertation was rejected as being outside his chosen field. Another proposal (on enlightenmment as the purpose of life) was rejected as being outside the university’s paradigm of empirical materialism.
He began his career as a Cultural Historian for the National Museum of Man (now the Canadian Museum of Civilization) where he published articles redefining the fields of cultural history, popular culture, and artifact studies. He finished his working life as a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, his chief interest being gender issues.
Steve has written around 30 books and a few hundred articles, many of them pseudonymously. He has several websites. Their subjects include enlightenment, the common ground of spirituality, life on the spirit planes, global gender persecution, automation, the truth of 9/11, the dangers of depleted uranium, and the 2012 scenario. His books and articles are available without cost and may be reposted freely.
His spiritual disciplines included Gestalt, encounter groups, spiritualism, the est Training, rebirthing, Zen, Vipassana meditation, and Enlightenment Intensives.
In 1977, Steve had an out-of-body experience which dissipated the fear of death. In 1987, he experienced a vision of the total journey of an individual soul from God to God, which demonstrated to him that the purpose of life was enlightenment. That experience is written up here. It took nearly 20 years to fully express in words what he saw in eight wordless seconds that day.
He has enjoyed several transformational or direct experiences of Self, none of which he considers “enlightenment.” Today, Steve lives a life of voluntary simplicity and research as a non-denominational and happily-married “urban monk.”
Favorite Music: Pachelbel’s Canon * Most Influential Book: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna * Favorite Destination: Kovalam Beach, India *

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Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light" * *** And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
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