The Power of Love


The Killer In Some Of Us - Killing Us
Our PaperTiger & How We Can Self-Destruct

Alchemy Of The Human Spirit

{Channeled Writings of Spirit}

The Nine Declarations of Blessedness
{4 thru 9 are shown}

(4) Honored are those who seek the truth, for they shall have
 it. Dear ones, we have spoken of intent, over and over. Those of
 you who seek the truth are here this night, for you have given
 intent to learn about Spirit, and to learn about yourselves. This
 piece of God that you carry with you wherever you go is ready to
 be exposed to yourselves individually. You are honored for your
 quest of this, even as you sit before Spirit this night. For intent is
 everything. Do not give it unless you mean it. And when you give
 it, speak it out loud so your humanness can enjoy the proclama-
 tion! Honored are those who seek the truth.

 (5) Honored are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
 These merciful ones are those who are kind and have empathy,
 and they represent the group of you which has voided your karma.
 For you see, one who is kind and empathizes cannot be one who
 has a critical Spirit or a critical nature. For a critical nature in a
human is a display of karma which has been unresolved, and
unresolved karma creates rage and anger. One who carries rage
and anger cannot be a merciful person, and so Spirit honors the
merciful, and therefore honors those who have walked through
their karmic lessons and have popped the personal bubbles of fear.
For the bubbles appear ominous before you, and they generate
fear for you; but they pop so easily and they move aside so quickly,
for they are phantoms indeed! When they are voided, the merciful
person is exposed... the one who is empathetic genuinely, and the
one who is kind genuinely.

(6) Honored are the pure in heart. Oh dear ones, this has been
 so misunderstood. Who is this pure in heart? I would like to address
 the mothers among you, who would generally be the females...
 (laughs)... cosmic Spirit humor. Can you remember the first time
 you had a child? And as you carried that precious life within you,
 you looked at other children around you and you often said," mine
 will not be like that, for you see I'm going to teach mine better. I'm
 going to expose mine only to the finest of truths and only to love
 in the home. I'm going to shield it and teach it well. And it's going
 to be a glorious child who loves me greatly."
 Then to the horror of some of you, the little one came out with
 a set of attributes you could not believe! There was anger, fear,
jealousy, self-centeredness, and yes, even trickery. He did not
leam that from you... did he? Is this not proof of the imprint all
children born into this planet carry as attributes of karma? No
mother had to give them these things. In fact the opposite was
true, for those of you mothers who saw what was taking place
quickly realized that your job was to help unlearn these things! Yes.
The one who is pure in heart is the one who has taken responsi-
bility for his contract, and understands that there is no such thing
as a victim. Each one of you has a set of circumstances in your life
that you are walking through which you planned yourself. And as
odd as it might seem, and as strange to you as it might be, whatever
situation you find yourself in now, you planned it! You planned it
with help from the others around you, even some of those whom
you say you do not know. For they are indeed very knowing of you.
You know each other and you don't even know that you do. Such
is the strength of your duality. You planned it and you are
responsible for the situations that you sit in now. And when you
have full knowledge of these facts, you are one whom Spirit calls
pure in heart. For your heart understands very well the planning
that went into the creation of the situations you find yourself in.
You might say, "How can this be, for so many of them are
negative?" And Spirit says to you, "On purpose you have asked
  for these things so that you may walk into the face of them. The
 tiger can be exposed and the karma can be fulfilled." Those of you
 who have opted to take the gift of the neutral implant automatically
 become pure in heart. For your cloud of karma is voided, and the
 clarity is exposed. Honored are those who are pure in heart.

(7) Honored are the peace makers, for they shall indeed have
 peace. Dear ones, there lurks in your human consciousness an
 enemy. For without the integration of a certain part of your brain
 with another part, you have an enemy within you. We speak now
 of your intellect. For without the marriage of the intellect to the
 spiritual, you have a killer living in your body. How many of you
 as human beings know of the feeling of being awakened early in
 the morning only to have your active intellect say to you, "What
 is it now we should worry about that will keep us awake? Let's do
 the 'what if schedule. What if this happens? What if this does not
 happen?" It is typically a human trait where there is part of your
 brain not participating in the duality that would take you on a
 journey to the worst of all scenarios, repeatedly. And in that
 activity you become unbalanced and you get dis-ease in your body.
 For the worry will create the chemical imbalance, and therefore
 your intellect has done you no good whatsoever. We wish this
 night for you to fully understand the mechanics of this attribute, for
you are the peacemakers. Not necessarily the ones creating
political balance between nations, but we speak now of internal
peace. We speak of a peace where peace has no reason to be,
existing alongside problems and situations which would normally
cause imbalance and fear. Instead, you claim peace and you own
it! This is the peace maker. This is the one who has married the
intellect with the Spiritual... for you see it is a catalytic power. That
enemy of the intellect becomes very powerful when married to the
Spiritual. For not only is your greatest science going to come from
this, but your greatest peace as well.
 For the intellect will then wake you up at three in the morning
 and say, "Do you know how much you are loved? Do you know
 who you are? Do you know that your guides are with you right
 now?" Quite a switch wouldn't you say? This is the peacemaker;
 the honoring is great. Oh, don't you long for this, those of you who
 do not have it? It can be yours even as you sit this night by
 appointment in that seat (or by appointment as you read these
 words). This is Spirit that speaks to you now, not a human being.
 We know who you are; we know what you carry with you. We
 know of your desire for peace and we say, "We honor this and we
 implement it at your beck and call." You may have it now, and
 leave this place as a different person.

 (8) The eight and the ninth are similar only in intensity. Hon-
 ored are those who walk with the truth among those who do not.
For Spirit understands what it's like to be among those who look
at you and laugh... and who roll their eyes and muse and do not
see who you are, or do not believe you when you talk of these
things which are precious pearls of truth in your belief system. For
you have indeed absorbed the way things work, and yet there are
so many around you who do not acknowledge this at all. And for
some of you these are family, and for some of you these are work
mates. Again, we honor you for this journey, and we encourage
you to see each of these as the prodigal son, and each of these as
a giant light worker. They just don't know it yet. For each of these
can be just as previously described: filled with mercy, honored for
mourning, pure in heart. Their timing has not caught up with their
contract. But you walk among them as a light, and there will come
a time when they may ask you about your light. Be prepared to
share what you know quietly and reverently as personal truth.
Spirit honors you for what you must endure, and asks for your

(9) The ninth declaration of honor and blessedness is for those
in this room (or reading this) who are in graduate status and
ascension preparation who are now living the truth. Spirit honors
 them in the ninth place, and although it is the last of the
declarations of blessedness, it is truly important. Honored are
those who are living the truth and walking the truth, for they will
 indeed change the planet. Not only that, dear ones, but for those
 of you who know who you are in this condition, be ready and
prepared. There will come a time when these prodigal sons will
show up on your doorstep with terror in their eyes and fear in their
hearts, and they will ask you for help, the very ones who have
ridiculed you. For when the things are dark for them and the
changes press them, and they feel fear in their hearts, they will be
awestruck with terror, and will not be able to handle it. They will
not know what is taking place and their biology will fail them. Their
brains will rush wild, and they will come to you and beg you for
information. To them you will be the shamans; yes, the meek ones
who are inheriting the planet.


    This is the new age message. These are the nine declarations
of honor and blessedness as given that day so long ago by the first
master of love, the Jew Jesus. These are the reinterpretations in
this new age that you may take with you this night, understanding
and knowing what they mean for you now in this new energy.
 Now my partner wishes something very special; he wishes the music
to return. This is something he has not done before, that I have asked
for. (Live harp music begins.) Be aware of what the vibratory tones do
with your soul and how important they are to how you are fed


{To be continued with the first three of  "the nine declarations of
blessedness",i.e., the poor in spirit - those who mourn - the meek,
please check back.}

