The Pope

{In Praise of Pope John Paul ll}

Personal Flag and Coat of Arms of
John Paul ll

QUESTION: Dear Spirit: What is the function of the current pope? What role did he play in the end of communism, and why is he still alive? To me, he seems to be part of the old energy: a reactionary and a chauvinist.
ANSWER: Dear one, this pope is the last of a lineage of old-energy spiritual leaders. Although he indeed carries this old mantle, which includes an apparent chauvinistic attitude of his age and culture, he is also a bridge to what is to come, which began to really show itself after the end of communism. First, he is the only pope to come to an understanding of the fact that what he represents [his church] is changing drastically. This brought him to a place where he not only apologized to the peoples of earth for the Spanish Inquisition, but also asked for forgiveness for what took place regarding the Vatican and its position during the Holocaust. No pope has ever done these things. It opens the door to the fact that the church is fallible, and that is a large step for any pope. He's also aware that he's the last one of his kind, and he's holding on to this as long as he can.
He won't be with you much longer, but things are not ready just yet for the new one who is coming. The timing will be within the next four years (or sooner if things move quickly), and it will be obvious why. The new pope will eventually represent a large change in the Catholic Church, and will create much upheaval within the ranks. The church must come to grips with a real changing consciousness on the planet, and prune itself of old energy practices, as well as an image that, increasingly, is not anything the new generation is interested in.
Honor this man. He has walked a tightrope of tradition versus new thinking. He's told you that there is no such thing as heaven or hell, yet he did it in a way that would not go against hundreds of years of church doctrine that says the opposite. He asked forgiveness of Galileo's family 300 years after the fact, yet did it in a way that didn't make the other popes appear to be wrong. This truly is a man who "knew" he was the last of the old popes, and he's tried to bring the church's energy to a place where it would be more prepared for what was coming. He didn't tackle the hardest problems, which are now on his doorstep. He knows better. It will be taken care of by the next pope, a younger one whom history may call "the evil pope." Not "evil" in the sense of being ungodly, but evil in the sense that he will go against the grain of tradition and history. He will make waves, just like the prophet they worship did. Jesus the Jew was known by the Essenes as the "wicked priest." It was because he went against all Jewish tradition, and empowered those around him.
Think about it.
The Last And Next Pope
[Note that this was channelled right after the death of John Paul II, and before the conclave of Catholic Cardinals had selected the next pope.]
"Spirit, we just lost what appears to be a great religious leader, Pope John Paul II. What are the ramifications of this?"
My partner eluded earlier to the man called Karol who became the pope [spoken of earlier within the seminar]. He discussed what his goals were and what he did on this planet that really had nothing to do with his religion. Oh, perhaps the hat he wore did, and the places he walked did, and the ceremony around him did. But this was only given to facilitate what he could do.
But you see, like you, we knew Karol. He leaned into the wind of birth, too - just as you did. He was no different. And Spirit said to him, "You're going to have a chance to change the earth because the energy of this planet has the potential of being very different. There are potentials when you get to be a certain age where there'll be something called the Harmonic Convergence on the planet, and things will begin to change. You can fit into this as a world leader. Are you ready for that?" And he said yes.
No angel asked Karol if he wanted to be a Catholic, as he leaned into the wind of birth. That was simply the vehicle that got him into the position where he could change the planet the way he did. You couldn't have had the absence of the Armageddon that you've experienced without Karol. Did you know that [speaking of his direct involvement in the influence of the fall of communism]? So his belief system not only served him well, but it propelled him to a special place that was his alone to be in, and one that allowed him to touch billions all at once. And so it was that this great religious leader, who also knew intuitively what he was doing, had a love of humanity. His favorite thing was to be among common people - and he was, every time he could be. When he got to the position where he could make a difference, he did.
Now, there's something you don't know about Karol. The last decade of his life, he was very frustrated. Go look at the pictures. Go look at the pictures of the first 16 years. Then look at those from the last ten. The last ten, he was suffering - not just with his health - he was anguishing over a situation that none of you truly know about. For in his last ten years this man wanted to make some more changes while the time was ripe, but he knew he was too old.
Karol didn't have the energy to make the changes he really wanted to make, and those around him fought him to keep things the way they were. It was all very political, and someday this information may come out into the open, and you'll hear about those who influenced him in the last ten years and helped to keep things on an even keel. He was too old to make a difference and he knew it.
Karol was not of a consciousness to make some of the changes that many cried out for - about poverty and the role of women in his organization (that will come later). But Karol cried out in his heart for the children that were abused by the priests, and he wanted to do something about this and make a difference. He believed that his Savior wanted him to make a difference, but he couldn't do it. So what might look to you like inaction was instead the pope suffering, for he was not allowed to do what he wanted - due to his lack of energy and those around him who made certain he didn't.
"Spirit, here we sit with conclave of cardinals about to meet and select a new pope. What's the potential based upon the energy right now of the selection? What's going to happen?" I'll give you two potentials of what might take place in the next few days, because your future is always about free choice. There is no entity who can tell you about the future, since it's totally in the hands of the free-choice of humanity. However, based on the energy of the moment, here's what we see: (1) You're either going to have an interim, temporary pope for only a short amount of time (relative to the last one), who will lead to a radical pope; or (2) You're going to go right to the radical pope. Either way, you're going to eventually end up with a man who's going to do things to shake up the establishment.
Let me give you some of the potentials of what the radical pope may be involved in: This religion he leads on earth has doctrines that no longer "square up" with what humanity is seeing around itself. He absolutely has to address this issue, for the sophisticated Humans will leave the church otherwise. There will be those who may even call him "the evil pope" because he's going to go against tradition when he slowly starts a process that honors the Virgin Mary more than any pope ever has - therefore honoring women within the church, elevating them to higher positions... even to priests.
He will speak about family planning, and start processes that will slowly justify it in the eyes of God [this will take awhile], but it must come from the man who "sits in the chair" [ex cathedra] to change the doctrine of the whole organization. Because of this, he will also be in danger and will have to have constant protection.
Then he'll talk about what to do with priests who abuse children. Watch for this. Even if you receive the interim pope, he'll set the stage for the radical pope in this area. For this is in the energy aura of what we would call the potential future around this grand event. The earth is filled with free choice and it can go any direction, but I've just given you the potentials of what is here and now.

QUESTION: With all the turmoil that is going on in the catholic church right now, along with other religions in the past, where do you see organized religion’s place in the coming years?
ANSWER: Remember this: the turmoil you speak of was foretold in our writings over two year ago:
“Belief systems all over your planet will tear apart with change. Oh, they will remain, but there can be no more fence-sitting in regard to the old ways that no longer work. Those who talk about the love of God but who do not practice it are on a fence, are they not? … The world is beginning to hold them accountable for what they teach.”
So what you are seeing is right on target. These systems are not on their way out, rather they are in the process of rebuilding the trust of those who follow them. There will always be a need for organized religion. What is happening, however, is that organized religion must (and will) change to meet a more spiritual and discerning Humanity.
Bless this organization, {The Catholic Church} that it will prosper and continue to serve and help humanity the way it was set up to do. See it with a new integrity. The new leader... one who you will know shortly... will have an interesting job, and he will not be able to sit on a fence any longer.

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