The Past Channeled

Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Events of the Past.”

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “It is a normal part of spiritual growth to find one has to face events of the past that remain to be dealt with – lessons that still need to be learned. Sometimes memories of things that seemed to have been forgotten can re-surface for the events to be re-examined from a new perspective in order for one to let go of old fears, hatred or guilt about poor decisions.

“You would be surprised by the amount of spiritual poisons that can remain stored in the minds and souls of mortals. Many of these poisons can remain hidden until those souls involved, in the midst of awakening, can face and resolve them. Even when immediate recall of such hidden events is not available to the mortal mind, they do exert some influence over the personality, and unconsciously affect the decisions and actions of the individual. It is one of the tasks of the Thought Adjusters to help their mortal charges remove those things that are retarding their spiritual growth.

“Nothing remains forever forgotten in the time-space worlds. Those moments of hate, of great passions or great fears always remain ‘pending’ until the personalities involved are able to overcome them and move forward. These moments don’t vanish with death and may even stay behind once the soul has ascended, and from time to time – depending on their intensity – can be perceived by other as ‘ghosts’, ‘visions’, or ‘apparitions’.

“When you decide to grow in spirit you are also deciding to let go of all that baggage of regrets, fears, hate and all other maladies that darken the light that strives to shine through you. This is the price to be paid for the freedom to live in following the guidance of the Father. It is in these moments that human beings will face the pain they have caused others, as well as themselves, and they will also face the consequences of their actions.

“This is when judgement starts, and you become your own judge. Remember that your Father’s love has granted you forgiveness even before you ask for it, but in order for you to experience this forgiveness you must first forgive yourself and those you believe have caused you suffering. Learn the lessons from the mistakes of the past, and leave them behind as steps that helped you reach a higher level in understanding truth. Leave behind all sorrows that prevent you from rising to the level of all those who know themselves to be children of God.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.  Financial Support

Cedomil Vugrincic, M.D, Ph.D.

Monjoronson--Magisterial Mission Conference Call
Center for Christ Consciousness          
March 24, 2013
Topic:  Building the energies of the Magisterial Mission upon the planet; Building more of Michael’s presence within the human heart-mind; Manifesting Father’s WILL on the planet; Worship of Paradise Creators

T/R:  Donna D’Ingillo
PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we come here today to this forum with appreciation and joy in our hearts to serve you and our Magisterial Son as we pray for the bestowal of his presence, physically here on Urantia. We open ourselves to being guided by him in where we are directed to focus today, that our efforts may add into all those other efforts being generated to bring more TRUTH, LIGHT, LOVE, and the Father’s WILL to this world. Thank you and may your will be done.
MONJORONSON:  Greetings, my dear brethren. This is Monjoronson and I am very pleased to join you once again to this forum of light exchange. We are bringing more of Father’s ways to this world through your efforts. You hold the focus for more light to touch Urantian consciousness, exchanging light into darkness, letting darkness recede into the shadows that the human heart and mind can truly perceive Michael’s ways and His presence within them.
As you are aware, this is the celebration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to proclaim the Father’s TRUTH to those who were ready to hear.  And of course there were many who were very willing and able to reject his message, and there are still those on this world who favor such positions. We are here today to build more of His presence into this spectrum of planetary consciousness—to fill with light those minds and hearts that still may be recalcitrant. This is an act of great MERCY, for these erring brothers and sisters truly are not aware of what they are doing. This is a time of great change, the soul shifting that is occurring here to help the children of this world recognize their divine inheritance and the relationships of spirit they have access to.
Today, as we begin, I invite you to simply open to me and to my colleagues and associates who are here to represent the Father’s TRUTH, WILL, and LIGHT upon Urantia. Let your minds and hearts settle on the energies of the Magisterial Mission and let us minister to you now to prepare you for the outward focusing on the planet subsequent to this. Feel your desire for my mission of MERCY to materialize here on Urantia in the physical dimension.   Simply hold that desire in your heart. If it is helpful to see the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION in your mind’s eye to focus, you may do so. Let us begin. (Pause)
Whether you recognize it or not, the Magisterial Mission has begun, albeit it is at a spiritual or higher dimensional level. We bring these energies into your awareness to help you feed and nurture your desire to demonstrate the MERCY and LOVE of Michael into your everyday lives. Each day, we invite you to open a little bit more to what you have access to, that you may truly embody these qualities, sustain yourselves upon them during these times of change and turmoil.
The legions of LIGHT converging upon Urantia are varied and laboring diligently on your behalf to build these circuits that impinge upon your consciousness, fill you with HOPE, SECURITY, COURAGE, CONFIDENCE that you may accomplish those undertakings within your heart to demonstrate the fruits of the spirit in your daily activities.
When you look for the Magisterial Mission to materialize, look within your own heart.  Let you, yourself, be the embodiment of what we share with you. We give you ample time and opportunity to grow into this. Let your hearts and minds be nurtured now as we minister to you, as you relax and breathe in energies of my mission to all of Urantia. (Pause)
I am here for you. Just as you spend time in stillness with your Father Michael, Mother Nebadonia, and your Father Fragment, you may focus upon me, that we may grow closer in this energetic bond, that I may share more of myself with you. It is truly a joy for me to center myself upon you as you are connected to these threads of MERCY coming from my being. (Pause)
The time is growing shorter as more changes are being made. We look to you to make those changes within yourself, to respond to the increased spiritual pressure, to know that Michael’s hand is surely guiding Urantia to a new way of life. So when you sense those old habits and patterns provoking you, you may call on me and ask for more MERCY to fill you that you may release these bonds, be filled with new awareness—a new way of looking at yourself—that  you may see yourself through the eyes of MERCY and DIVINE COMPASSION.
Sometimes you expect more of yourself than you are truly capable, and this is a sign that you are indeed growing, for your spiritual appetites are whetted for more growth. It is very important now for you to expand your times in stillness, that you may be better equipped to demonstrate these fruits of the spirit in your outer lives in material reality. It is critical now, and here is where we can assist you as you open to us and receive. (Pause)
Take a few moments to shift focus now upon Michael and his earth life as Jesus, which is a dual energy of both your Father and your brother. That is very fundamental to your growth to help you open to a greater love for humanity—greater COMPASSION, MERCY, and UNDERSTANDING. It helps you to shift the focus off of yourself to make you more focused and directed toward loving others and serving your brothers and sisters. If it is helpful, hold the dual focus in your mind’s eye of Michael and Jesus. We will build in you more of these circuits that will help you maintain your spiritual integrity. (Pause)
IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS UPON URANTIA.  Let this phrase be an affirmation you repeat throughout the day as you focus in your heart, feeling your desire for this to come to pass. Become more mindful of how you use your mental stream of consciousness. Allow these words—this phrases—to flow like a river through your mind as you feel your passionate desire for this to come to pass.  Focus on this now for the next few minutes as we begin to move into the fabric of planetary consciousness. Do not shift your focus yet into the globe as a whole, but hold this phrase in your mind’s eye and in your heart:  IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS UPON URANTIA. (Pause)
We invite you now to join us in focusing on the planet, as you envision the world as a globe in your mind’s eye. As you see the world before you, let the phrase  IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS UPON URANTIA to begin at the North Pole and to spiral down in a counter-clockwise rotation, ending at the South Pole. As you focus on this, let these words weave into our efforts at what we are building here on the planet, preparing the way for more TRUTH and LIGHT to manifest here. Let these words IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS UPON URANTIA be threaded throughout this planetary consciousness spectrum, that more of Michael’s GOODNESS may be perceived within the human heart.
And if you wish to expand your focus as these spiritual energies weave into the planet, envision Michael’s hands holding the world and the energies radiating from His hands are now pulsing, vibrating into this energy language, that more of His WILL may indeed be made manifest here; His plans of correction come closer to His children. (Pause)
Let us add one more layer to your focusing now.  In your mind’s eye, envision the words MOTHER URANTIA. This is the Planetary Supreme Mind that is growing and assisting in these energies of change. It is not so important that you understand how these energies collaborate and intersect with one another as you hold the focus, desire, and motivation for your Mother Urantia’s consciousness to become more prevalent within the minds and hearts of all its citizenry. So simply add these words MOTHER URANTIA over the globe. Michael holds the world in his hands, as the language of the Father’s WILL penetrates more deeply into this consciousness.  (Pause)
Let us add one more layer and in your mind’s eye, envision the word GOODNESS. Let the Father’s GOODNESS penetrate into what we are co-creating here together that the human heart would indeed drink deeply upon this energy and turn from its ways of destruction to creation through the power of GOODNESS—the power of LOVE. Envision this energy word in your mind’s eye again holding the planet in its language gravity, you might say. (Pause)
My dear brethren, we do so appreciate your efforts to grow this beautiful fabric of LIGHT, TRUTH, LOVE and PEACE upon Urantia. It is truly a cosmic undertaking as humanity conjoins with divinity and all of the intermingling levels of universe life that are ministering to you in this circuit.
Let us draw our gaze up to Paradise as we honor the Creators and their plan. Lift your hearts in thanksgiving to the Father, the Eternal Mother-Son and the Infinite Spirit. Spend a few moments in worship with us.
Father, we lift our gaze up to you in loving appreciation for your divine plan, especially as it is being played out on this little world, so far removed from the center of all things. But yet your hands, your WILL, touches this planet and all of its inhabitants. We raise our minds and voices of praise to you for your WILL, turning the tide, helping this planet return to its rightful place in the universe. Receive us, Father. Receive us as your children. (Pause)
As you give the Father praise, invite His GLORY to shine upon Urantia, bathing His children in energy that truly uplifts all life into His WILL. You are all growing in what it means to be truly productive of the fruits of the spirit, and ask you invite this glory to not only come into your soul, ask it to be seeded in all of the souls, all life forms upon Urantia.  (Pause)
Yes, my brothers and sisters, it is truly time to manifest with Father WILLS upon Urantia. We ask that you go forth into the fields of humanity and be fruitful and multiply these fruits of the spirit that you carry within you in service. As you share these fruits, you will indeed grow as your capacity to hold these spiritual energies will indeed expand and multiply many, many times over. It is your desire, your will, that moves you into service.  So we feed you with these motivating energies, we may collaborate with you to bring these necessary changes to this world, and we honor all attempts, large and small, to do this, and we are here to support all of your efforts, no matter where they may be directed.
On behalf of the vast contingency of celestial and divine personalities who have participated with us, we thank you.  We look forward to being with you again in this forum, to build the ways of the Father through the action of the Infinite Spirit upon Urantia. Enjoy your day, my children, for it is a blessing from the Father Himself. Good day.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4508 This Is the Dawning, March 29, 2013 

God said: 

This isn’t the twilight of your life. You may think so, yet this is the dawning. Greatness is about to dawn on you. The sun is rising, and the sun is getting ready to shine on you. You are going to be splendor walking into splendor. You are just beginning. You are just awaking from a deep sleep. You will rub your eyes, and you will look around you, and you will be astonished at what has always been visible and, yet, you did not see.

You are waking up to the majesty of life and the great opportunity before you. What have you been thinking, beloveds? Have you been thinking that life is a hardship? Have you wondered what you are doing here? Have you considered it a bother to be alive on Earth? It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be here. There is no other life in the world quite like it. You have been blessed to receive this gift of life. It is a great gift. Know this gift of life as a privilege that has been bestowed upon you.

You won the prize. You, only you, were chosen for this very life before you. You headed the list.

You say you are not satisfied with your life as it is? You say it is not the life you had hoped for? Well, then, make your life the way you want it. Make your life come closer to your dream. Keep going. If you don’t like the ferry boat you’re on, catch an ocean liner or catch a canoe or swim across the channel. Set your own course.

No one is to fulfill your dreams for you. You are the only one. Start now. You may discover that, when all is said and done, you are living your dream now as it is. There is more preciousness in this life as it is. You are beginning to learn appreciation for the gifts you have been given. Sing your blessings. This life before you is a precious moment in Eternity. This moment blessings are upon you, and more are to come.

Right now, be My blessing to the world that craves blessings. The one who blesses is blessed.

Who raised you to be dissatisfied with life? You have been given a plum, and you have thought otherwise. You may have thought that life is all too much work, too troublesome, too involved, too out of your hands. The life you desire is already in your hands. Don’t forget, your life is as you see it. Perhaps you haven’t been looking. Perhaps you haven’t been looking in the right places. Perhaps you have been looking too hard. Perhaps you have been looking for obstacles, as if something stands in your way.

You yourself may get in your way. In any case, you are the course you set. You are the race you are running. How marvelous! You are an entrepreneur of life. Perhaps you want to hover less over your life and enjoy it more. Enjoy these moments that will never come again.

Paint beautiful brush strokes. Admire your handiwork. Admire your handicraft. You are the artist of your life. It is your creation. You are not helpless. You are the master chef. You are the one who cooks the soup, brews the tea, and you are the one who spoons the soup and sips the tea. Relish your work. You are the consummate artist of your life.

Where did you get that dim view of your life? Life is not a hazard. Life is spread before you. You are not only a receiver of life. You are also a giver of it. Love and give. Love and give.
