1.) Today's Angel Message 2.) Light Streamings:
Anchoring into the New Earth Grid 3.) Mother Sekhmet 4.) Jeshua - Message of the Day 5.) Look Up,
Beloveds 6.) Archangel Michael: We are placing dreams in front of you again.
Isis' Message of the Day - There will be times
when things happen that will shake you to the very core of your existence and make you question the trust you so lovingly
placed in The Universe’s hands. There may not be a single person on the face of the planet that can ‘make it better’
for you. Please remember this; you are loved and weathering a particular storm in your life will inevitably make you a stronger,
more understanding, kinder and more loving person. Such are the experiences of being human. ~ Creator ~ _________________________________________________________ How
everything and everyone is connected. See this! * www.fox.com/Touch * ________________________________________________________
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light." In my hand
I hold the Sword of Truth. I wish you Joy, Love & Peace, ~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message ====================
My dear friends, we love you so very much. Sing with celebration dear ones for your earth is growing
and evolving and you are too. You are becoming clearer about what it is you want in your life. You are becoming more convinced
that you too are deserving of God's love. You are starting to realize that you are powerful creators and so many of you upon
the earth are coming together in love and prayer, trying to create a more kind reality. You see otherwise on your news, but
in the heavens we see inside human hearts. We see the kindness that is rising up within so many. We see both the frustrations
and pains, but also the deep desire for greater cooperation and greater love. So when you look at the world,
or even at your own lives and begin to feel weary, take a moment, and look for all that is good. It is all too easy to see
what is not working. Humanity trains you to look for the flaws in life, in yourselves, and one another. But who has trained
you dear ones to look for the good. Can you see the gentle clerk at the grocery store who gives the very impatient soul in
front of you a bit of kindness and humor? Can you look for the most gorgeous tomato in the bins and give thanks for the miracle
of having it in front of you? The entire eco-system of your planet worked to grow this one jewel and so many souls were involved
in its care and transport. Can you fathom the miraculous love and cooperation involved just so you can eat one ripe tomato? Can
you see the birds in the sky in their miracle of flight and song. There is so much good! Can you look in the mirror and see
the miracle of your own skin, wrinkles and all. Can you fathom the complex interactions that occur in your body every day
just to give your soul this magnificent vehicle. How could you ever criticize your wrinkles, or even your little emotional
wrinkles, for they are simply signs of your growth, notches in your belt, as you would say, for every little smile, every
little frown that occurred as you wished for more love, every tear cried in a desire for more compassion. Dear
ones you are beautiful to us! You are miraculous! You are filled with goodness, and yes we know you get weary. You get sad.
You get angry and sometimes even jealous or hateful, but in truth we look beneath these things and we find and see the love
that is trying to surface in your hearts. Likewise we look at all the movements on earth, even those that are most ungraceful
and heinous in human terms, and we nurture and support only the tiny spark of love beneath them all. We never condone unkindness
in any form. We never condone violence, and yet we know all souls, all movements, all life indeed is seeking to know God's
love, however gracefully or not. Look for the good in your life, in your world, in your own eyes dear ones. Seek
out what is there to be celebrated every day, no matter how small. You are breathing! You are alive! So many in the heavens
wait with great anticipation for a life on earth. You are eating meals that nourish you. So many are starving. There are good
souls all around you. Many are quiet. Many are working diligently in their own lives without even realizing how beautiful
they are. Take the time to honor yourself, and to honor others around you. Take the time to appreciate all that is good. We
are not asking you to ignore injustice and all that is wrong. If you feel called to speak up about these things, do so with
love. However, dear ones, the more you nurture and support and look for all that is beautiful and good in your self, in others,
and in your world, the more you will experience a loving reality in your daily lives. God bless you! We love
you so very much. -- The Angels With much love, Ann Albers Author, lecturer, angel communicator.
Visit her site at: www.visionsofheaven.com/ * Books & CDs You can visit my store for
all products here: www.VisionsOfHeaven.com/storedocs/storeIndx.html *
Light Streamings: Anchoring into the New Earth Grid by
Carol Fitzpatrick May 17, 2012 =============================================
The Heart of Humility: Embracing Service as a Calling Humility:
A journey into a world of soft, well-considered openness where we awaken to our soul's purpose. This month, we
will focus on the true meaning of humility, which is more akin to acceptance, forgiveness and the act of embracing self and
others, and takes great courage. Covenant: When we are in the purity of our heart and have compassion, we
are naturally humble. In our humility we serve as we are guided. Humility is our ability to be human, and is at the core of
an alchemical process. A journey into a world of soft, well-considered openness where we awaken to our soul's
purpose. A conscious decision to surrender with total acceptance of self and others. Trust comes when we consciously surrender
our fears in total humility. We embrace with compassion all the twists and turns in our story. We honor all that has happened
in our life as perfect. ,¸¸,.»§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§« »§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§«·.,¸¸,. The earth grid
has shifted yet again. Where are you in this awareness that everything in your world is now suddenly different? Have you caught
your breath? Are you breathing through it? The great changes in our lives are now demanding of us to change,
not only how we embrace and accept the totality of our vibrational resonance, but also how we manifest our heart's desire
in the world. This shift point, as dramatic as it is, is our soul's calling to be free. Things may look the
same but are now entirely different. It's all about presence. Anything that we might be called to do is worth
nothing without the presence of our love, joy, peace, and compassion. This means putting our total focus on manifesting from
our core, our heart-center. Life becomes a true adventure when we do, but how do we know when we are truly there, and
how do we sustain a high level of energy when we are faced with a challenge? And how do we know when we are in the right place?
Are you in the flow? Take a moment to answer this question and remember the feeling of flow. For
me, it's all about synchronicity, and being in the flow, which is always nestled into a sense of timelessness and total well
being. With that, excitement and a grand sense of adventure follows and only builds from there if I am able to sustain it.
Synchronicity is an energetic signature of the new paradigm of oneness consciousness, and it is the practice of humility that
allows us to stay open and fully serve our higher purpose. How do you sustain that feeling? This
is another important question to ask yourself and to write your answers down. Put them in a place where you can see them and
be reminded of how to get back into the flow of your joy when you find yourself out of the flow. Fear of any
kind robs us of our joy. Our willingness to forgive and accept life as a great learning playground will find us embracing
our fear as the illusion that it truly is. The new paradigm of oneness is all about about alignment and attraction. Staying
humble (which means accepting, forgiving, being courageous to embrace our fear) is the only way that we will ever sustain
a high vibrational heart resonance no matter what the challenge. The goal, on many different levels of awareness,
is to keep our focus on our purpose and not get swallowed up by the lower vibrational energies that can drag us down. This
is more important than ever before. Like the great mass awakenings that have signaled an end to an era, we're
in the midst of experiencing a new wave of awakening where a few million more people (also awakening) will change the course
of human consciousness. This great shift can cause confusion on many different levels, especially if you are not totally aligned
and practicing honesty. Any kind of hiding behind a mask, for whatever reason, will only make it more difficult for
you to stay in the flow. Staying open and sensitive to your environment will also help you spiral up through
the portals that are now open.
The greater benefit of this kind of light infusion happens
when you are aligned with place not only helps you to transform any lower life-learning pattern but also to transcend any
pattern of behavior. We are each being given the opportunity to change our very DNA and realign our consciousness with
the new earth grid by fully honoring our self and one another. When you become more fully aware of the subtle
energy that keeps you totally connected to your knowing, it gets even better. You are always interacting with whatever you
are magnetized to, or who ever is being attracted to you. Why does this matter? You are a light being by nature,
and when you are paying attention to where you are to be, you are tuned into the feeling of the energy alignments that best
support your soul's path and purpose. As soon as you feel then think, it's as good as done. The connections
are instantaneous and are not hindered by time or distance. If you are able to suspend judgment, the energy not only flows
but that which is magnifying also amplifies in your awareness as you allow the feeling nature of what you are experiencing
to grow. You may be working diligently to manifest your creation into form but may also feel like you are being
constantly thwarted. Why is this, and what can you do to change that? Pay attention to your thought immediately
after your feeling and you will clearly see where you are sabotaging or cutting yourself off from your very flow. Your
angels and guides are all around you. They step into your field and amplify the love that you are when they so wish to help
you, but even that kind of help will not dissuade you from stopping your own flow if you are thinking too much. Doubting in
your own source is what stops the flow of the connection between you and your desired outcome. The solution
is to suspend your disbelief for just a moment and stay neutral. Stop thinking and start putting all your attention on feeling.
Put all your emphasis on sensing your energetic environment, and making choice from the viewpoint that everything is significant
to guiding you toward that higher vibrational pattern as you stay fully open and fully present. As you do, you'll know where
you are to be and how you are to be connecting to others in your environment because you'll feel peaceful, joyful, delighted
and surprised by iife, and it only gets better. Whether you are guided to do and where you find yourself in
the world, enjoy the journey by staying open to receive the many gifts that are now coming your way faster and more exponentially
than ever before. With gratitude, Carol Fitzpatrick Carol Fitzpatrick is an avid spiriitual
activist. She uses her gift to help others understand what is beyond the fives senses; to help people to see clearer pictures
of their lives, and to understand what role they have chosen to play in service to humanity at this critical time. She is
clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. It is her role as a translator for the Guides, angels and other light beings
who are here to share their wisdom that brings her the greatest joy in service to others. Carol resides in Fredericksburg,
Virginia, and is the mother of two grown children. WB: www.carolfitzpatrick.com * EM: carol@carolynnfitzpatrick.com * PH:
540-785-7770 * 13313 Country Way Circle * Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin May
13, 2012 ======================= Greetings! This is Mother Sekhmet reporting from Niburu. Greetings!
This is Mother Sekhmet reporting from Niburu. Happy Mothers Day! We Acknowledge our Mother, Earth. She made a Clarion Call
to be saved and the end of darkness on Earth is now. In one week out from Mother’s Day we experience the
Moon and Sun going dark simultaneously in a New Moon Solar Eclipse. This is the three days of darkness which was prophesied.
It meant a time when the dark souls trying to control Earth would pass out through the Scorpi Black Hole. This is done. Pour
out the Violet Flame of Love in your meditations to facilitate their passing. The Elections, Protests, Arrests and Convictions
show we are moving through this phase as planned. It may not be clear that these outer manifestations on the physical are
but a few of behind the scenes happenings not reported by your news. One day very soon you will wake up and see all has come
to pass and there is nothing more to do. The darkness in the Solar System is like the final curtain coming down
on this great play of Illusion or Maya. The end of the Maya in 2012. This dance continues exactly two weeks later with the
Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. This is a phase to daily make time for meditation and contemplation combined with action. Release
all unnecessary concepts, beliefs and miscreations in your life. Allow them to fall into darkness. Show compassion not only
for others, but especially to yourself as you experience this cleansing. The vibrations now are greatly magnified where unimaginable
healings may take place on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes of existence. The light builds
to the June Full Moon illuminating Venus in line between Earth and the Sun. This allows the crystalline electro-magnetic pulses
coming from Source, Alcyone-the Central Sun, to pass through the Sun and magnify love, love, love through Venus and onto Earth.
This marks the merge of Mother Sekhmet, Father Alcyone and Ra, the Creation Trinity. This is exactly what has been prophesied.
With the dark Ones passing in late May the light is concentrated and focus through the love vessel called Venus and beamed
directly to Earth. The light and love combined in this magnificent display fulfill the requirements needed to birth New Earth. As
this transition passes through the beginning of June all is complete. You will see reflected in the physical and reported
in the news the big arrests and the final days will abruptly come to an end. The dark has no choice but to fall back into
the dark for dissolution. Miracles long watched for showing up in sudden and unexpected turn of events. There will be periods
of sadness and doubt as the old programming falls away from our Selves and periods of glee as the Light fills all. Go with
the flow never losing site of your responsibility to remain light and happy on all occasions no matter what it appears to
be at the moment. It is very important to focus on joy, love, bliss and excitement. We have created Mother Earth’s Healing
together and it is done. All the Company of Heaven works in cooperation with their partners on Earth using all
means available to have this come to pass now. Your physical body will go through all the changes we can see in the Heavenly
Bodies. Expect to be challenged in the dark phases and release the old. You may see loved ones having health events, down
turns and many passing on during this phase. All is in Divine Order. All is as it is intended to be. This is a sacred Shift.
You will also see reunions and mending of old hurts. Be certain to Be Love in all cases. You hate no one. You dislike no one.
Be compassion and extend love to all. As the light builds and Venus moves into place, expect joy and love to fill your life
in new ways you have never been able to conceive of before. St Germain and Mother Mary partner together pouring out love and
abundance with the assistance of many others. You will see the Ascended Masters, Angels and Galactics reveal themselves on
Earth. What is not known is these Ones have been incarnated on Earth all along working daily in partnership with those in
Heaven. They will no longer hide their identities. They have been here carrying out the Grand Plan. They will reveal themselves
and show how they have been working together in every country over Earth to bring the changes to fruition. We
move into this time of great blessing. Oneness returns to Earth. There are more changes falling into place for the remainder
of 2012. On the repaired timelines time speeds up and the final gift in 2012 is the end of all time. Earth is in position
to ascend to her full status. Remember your spark of Divine Source energy is an extension from the Ultimate Source, Alcyone.
Know that in this way you are inseparable from Divine Grace and indeed the force behind change. It is in this way it is important
to keep your thoughts pure as your heart raises in vibration through the dark and light phases. This allows you to experience
the highest possible potentials in the change. You are responsible to do this for yourself and for Earth. This is your Mission
and what you promised to do so long ago. As an extension of Source Energy on Earth you exact change. You are a channel satellite
of the Supreme, a great vessel for the energies of love and light. Your Soul Sound combines with All That Is and creates the
great Song. Allow all doubts to fall away. Know by Knowing that you are the answer, The Way, The Path back to
the Supreme Love. Know that I, Mother Sekhmet, am with you every step of the way, within and without. Call on me in times
when you feel alone. Call on me to help you through the natural challenges of change. Join me here at Niburu for a talk, a
healing and a hug. Come in your meditations and your dreams. I am here waiting to see you again. Incha'Allah. Elizabeth
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message
of the Day Beloved one, the world can take everything else away from you, even to the point of very deep, deep
grief, but it cannot take away from you the love that you have felt and that you have given and that you have known, and in
that you are very, very rich. Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org *
Heavenletter #4192
=================== Look Up, Beloveds May 17, 2012 =================== God said: Something
wonderful is brewing, and brewing within you. You can almost touch it, yet you can't quite put your finger on it. You just
know that something wonderful is brewing, and you are going to have it and witness it, and that is enough. You are going to
receive it, and you are going to love it. Take this personally. This is meant for everyone. This is plural you
I am telling this to. You are going to have a receiving beyond your imagination. Yet, go ahead and imagine. The
horizon is coming closer. You can almost touch it, yet not quite. It is so close. You can see a horizon coming closer. The
something wonderful that is coming closer is like this, only you can't see it yet. Maybe it is a sound you hear. Maybe it
is a change in atmosphere, but this something wonderful is rushing toward you, yet who can describe what has not yet been
seen? What if you had lived in a land that was only night, and one morning a dawn started to break through the
night -- how exciting this would be, how happy you would be. It is like this. This is like what you can anticipate now. A
whole new light breaking through. A whole new light ushering a whole new view of the world. Like a herd of horses, this new
light is rushing toward you with great delight to give to you. Yes, you can almost hear the rumblings. The excitement builds. You
almost want to run outside and wait on the road for what is on its way, on its way to you. Special Delivery seen
by all, received by all, heard coming by all, sighted by all, a great something wonderful that can't be stopped, can't be
slowed, can't be mistaken, can't be anything but so wonderful that your mouth is watering for it now. The suspense is great.
You can hardly wait. Everyone, everyone is going to receive this gift. It is greater than a gift. It is greater
than any package and greater than you can imagine, and yet this wonderfulness may arrive in different colors, shades, shapes.
It is something wonderful without wrappings, more wonderful than any package, yet it is a summation, as if you are being rewarded
all at once for all the good you have done and for even all the good you have not yet done. You are on the cusp of being rewarded
for being on the forefront. Something wonderful is on its way to you. Open your arms. This is a blessing, yes,
yet it is more than a blessing. No, no, it is much more than a pat on the head or a blue ribbon. No, no, it is much more than
anything you can dream of. And it is almost here, this burgeoning flower, this new fruit, this new esplanade of greatness
on Earth that is going to fall at your feet, that you are going to marvel at, that you are going to jump for joy about, that
you are going to greet like a shining hero, this Great Light that you are going to pick up and find that it has entered you,
and that you sparkle with it, and everyone and everything sparkles with it. All your concerns and worries and
angers and frustrations will be thrown out the window, so gloriously happy you will be. Look up at Me, and know that you are
going to be receiving a treasure beyond belief, beyond your belief, but not beyond Mine. I am sending this to you. It is on
its way. It is headed right to you. Look up! Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter
comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click: www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html * What message was yours today? * Heavenletters™
Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world
needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world
and from all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International
Society of Heaven Ministries * P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *
Archangel Michael: We are placing dreams in front of you again.
Channeled by Ron Head May 16, 2012 ======================================================== We will
now speak of the abilities you are acquiring which will allow you to live happier and longer lives. Not long ago your
scientists discovered DNA. Within your memories, they discovered the codings which they claimed control most of the
attributes of your bodies. By far the largest portion of your DNA they proclaimed to be junk. Anything your DNA
caused in you was thought to be an uncontrollable condition. Sorry about that. It’s in your DNA. Now
some scientists are beginning to discover that what is in those codes can be changed and that perhaps there is less junk there
than they realized. We assure you that Creator does not waste effort on junk. There is nothing at all about you
that is junk. Your DNA is an exquisite system of switches that can be turned on or off as needed. Many, many of
your capabilities have not been needed in this third dimensional existence. Others were disabled intentionally by those
in your past who needed to control you. Since you are basically beings created around sparks of God, as some have termed
it, this could never have been permanent. Everything has been tried to keep you from reaching the inevitable
flowering into your true potential. Everything appeared to be working out just fine. But unfortunately, Divine
Will always overcomes any obstacle. It has always been the intent of your Creator that you return to the magnificence
of your true selves, and that you bring with you all the knowledge and wisdom you have acquired along the way. All of
you have heard stories, read books, and seen perhaps for yourselves, the abilities of a few seemingly unique individuals to
do amazing things. Some were so amazing that you still call them miracles. There are things which you do not understand.
There are laws which you have never considered. There are effects, the causes of which you are unaware. In fact,
there is quite a bit of your own existence of which, quite frankly, you do not yet have a clue. Some of the things
which you will find yourselves able to accomplish will astound you. Yet, for others in this universe, they would seem
commonplace. Usually the mere observation of another doing something is enough to make a complete change your belief
systems. One man running a four minute mile changed everything. Children seeing a person bend spoons or willing
objects to move will quite often be doing it themselves in minutes. You are about to encounter the manifestation of
abilities you thought of as dreams or hoaxes. And many of you will live long enough to have these for yourselves.
Even some who now consider themselves as advanced in age will find themselves living far into this century. Likewise
the technological advances which are brought before you in the next months and years will be based upon science which is literally
light years ahead of your current understandings. We come now to the place where we must use one of our favorite
words, accept. There are some who will not. Just as some refused to get into an automobile or to board an airplane,
there will be some who resist everything we are speaking of. Those who can accept with open arms and gratitude, another
favorite word, will find their lives completely changed seemingly overnight. We see many words falling into disuse in
your immediate future. Drudgery is one of them. Being able to afford something will not be a consideration in
your future. Not having the time will likewise be obsolete. We are placing dreams in front of you again.
We always do that, don’t we? It is to help you manifest these things for yourselves that we do this. We
know how powerful you are, even if you do not. We will soon be able to hear you say, “Look what we did.”
That will be much better than having you say, “Look what they did for us.” We are doing much, yes; but you
are doing everything of which you are currently capable, and that is as it should be. We will return tomorrow,
my friends. Good day. Ron Head
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy
and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this
copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/ * Ron Head can be contacted at: rhead41@yahoo.com *