The Necessity For Real Love


Events bring you small joy, while existence brings you bliss.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Michigan, US of A, January 26, 2014. 
Teacher Ophelius. 
Subject: “The Necessity for Real Love.” 

Received by Chris. 

Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about necessity, for there are certain fundamental needs that all sentient creatures need, just to feel complete and whole. The most important and vital need is to feel loved. This is the first thing a new born child experiences from its parents, other than the basic needs to sustain the physical body, and so this most divine expression, to love, is the spiritual food that feeds the newborn mind and provides the base substance for the formation of the embryonic soul. Love is the energetic ingredient that makes a personality whole, for without it, there is created and imbalance in mind and in conditioning that affects a person’s ability to love him or herself and others. This ultimately affects the early progress of the soul because the ‘unloved’ do not recognize the opportunities for soul growth that a nurtured soul would so naturally embrace. 

“Those children whose parents were deficient in providing this most basic of spiritual needs may find it difficult to express love as a growing adolescent and then adult. Love, my friends, IS a spiritual reality, and because your cultures and societal memes separate spiritual realities from material realities, and give emphasis to the ‘seen’ while dismissing the ‘unseen,’ there are myriad interpretations of what love actually is. A child may be ‘loved’ by its parents, but only to the degree that the parents understand what love is. Some adults believe that by providing only material needs to a child is to ‘love,’ and so the child perceives the security of its parents by having its physical needs met, yet is missing the deeper spiritual significance of true nurturing. 

“Love is the language in which the Indwelling Spirit, the Thought Adjuster, communicates with the developing soul of the individual, and therefore any deficiency or blockages in the understanding of love interferes and restricts the soul building process. This deficiency then makes it easier for the individual to dismiss the leadings of the Thought Adjuster and they are these individuals who then go through life with a skewed perception of reality – Truth, Beauty, and Goodness therefore become shallow and meaningless values. When whole cultures trend toward this non-spiritual meaning of love, they soon disintegrate because the basic fabric of reality fades, and soon the plagues of materialism, delinquency, and crime, undermine and degrade the pillars of society that uphold the virtues of human self-worth. 

“This, my friends, is what we are witnessing today in the world. Real Love is needed to heal ourselves, our families, and our societies, and this is why Spirit is investing and supporting you – those who know the real value of love and those who can make a difference in your circles and in the world around you. All is not lost, for those individuals who are deficient in understanding the spiritual significance of love are most certainly looking for it, only they are seeking it in all the wrong places. You students on the path are the way-showers of what it means to love, and so Spirit relies on you to shine the light of love into a darkened world. Wherever you choose to shine the light of love, Spirit will be there with you to magnify its power. Therefore go boldly into the world and give love where it is so vitally needed.” 

“Peace to you, 
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4834 Freedom for Yourself at Last, February 18, 2014 

God said: 

Beloved, you ARE. You are already a vibrant human being on Earth. What on Earth keeps you back from total joy? When you are not happy, you are keeping yourself back from happiness. I say this across the board. You are the culprit, not all those others that you may think are. The buck stops with you. You are innocent, of course. You are so innocent you deem to think others are responsible for your happiness in life.
Give yourself a full measure of happiness. Please do not shirk your responsibility here. How often you may say that this is your life, and yet you tend to think that others and conditions set the tone of your life. Ah, it is you, beloved. You are the one who decides that the situation you live in at any given time is responsible. This is tantamount to saying that your life is not your life but belongs to the outside world to bounce up or down.
Look, even if you are in prison, you can agree to be happy anyway. The borders around you are not what you are used to and are not what you want. Even if you are innocent of what you were sentenced to prison for, now you yourself are responsible for your unhappiness or happiness. Let’s be honest. Your life before imprisonment may not have pleased you all that much either, yet, now, how happy you would be to be back where you were then.
This is the thing about relative life – it is all relative. Hot or cold. Sweet or sour. Bumpy or smooth. You do not have say over everything, yet you are the only one to say what you will make of what you’ve got. You are the chef of your life, beloveds. You have certain ingredients. You may well have limited ingredients and not all the ingredients you would desire to make a wonderful cake. Just the same, you can make a cake. You can surprise yourself with how delicious the cake is that you make without all the ingredients you wanted. Rainy days can be enjoyed as well as bright sunny days.
You cannot relegate the joy of your life on Earth according to the weather.
Do you come across hurdles of life? Yes, indeed. Yet hurdles are there for you to jump over or go around. You don’t have to stay there, locked in to the hurdles. You are the sayer of your own life.
You do know of people who have surmounted more than you have ever come up against. What is the difference between your will and theirs? Will to happiness, beloveds. Will to drink from the well of your life. How you may prefer wine, and now you have to do with water. Water can be good. You can come to know simple water and appreciate it as never before. That your life is bounded in ways you don’t favor is also an opportunity for you. You may not be able to go here or there, yet you are somewhere. You may have more dreams ahead of you than the dreams you have realized heretofore. Is that bad, beloveds? You have more good in front of you. Is that so bad? You have more to open within yourself. How can that be unacceptable? You may prefer Granny Smith apples and, yet, you can get to know other apples or pears even.
Everything in life does not have to be to your present liking. Wherever you are, there is something for you to gain, and you can gain it. Even locked up, you can get somewhere. What is your will, beloveds? You will is for freedom. Then give the gift of freedom to yourself.  


Loving Our Elders:



Adding Your Thread to the Universal Tapestry

by lifetapestrycreations

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Dear Ones,

The next few days will produce multiple changes in your 3D life. Many have channeled something similar for years - "This is it. This is the big shift. Ascension will happen at 10 pm and on and on" None of which altered your life much. You continued to work, care for your children and shop for groceries.

This is not about a catastrophic ending as would be true if all who wished to ascend to another locale did so; earth exploded or aliens landed in the great plains of the United States. This shift is internal, as the majority have been throughout this transition. But this shift is larger than most, if not all.

The past few days you shut down your personal being - with notable memory lapses of words, people and places - only to restart now or within a few days.

If you think of new software, you do not always understand how the features perform or how to use your new software's capabilities. So you click buttons in what you think is the right pattern or you hire someone to teach you about your new software. Even though both approaches are appropriate in this transition, few will completely understand their software, much less yours.

This transition is uniquely individualized so each being has software specifically designed to move them along their path. Even though others may comprehend pieces of your software, they are not you.

As you move further along your path, fewer beings of ANY dimension will have answers for you.

You are like an astronaut venturing into space. Even though the command center - on the spaceship or earth - provides direction and helpful hints, command center beings are not flying in space as are you. You listen to their suggestions and apply them... if appropriate.

You no longer need outside sources to move you along your path.

You may find others' information fascinating - to better help you understand what is happening or to "click" your thought processes in place. But those pieces of information are not you. You are a unique being with a Universal tapestry thread of tone, color and function like no other.

What happens to the Universal tapestry if you decide not to continue? Others will fill in the hole or holes not completed by your thread. Such is not a doomsday prediction, merely a statement of truth. You are unique.

You, with all beings now of earth (including plants, animals and inanimate objects), who wish to create the tapestry will do so thread by thread. Missing threads will indeed change the composition, but not the overall effect. Just as a Belgium tapestry is a tapestry - whatever the color or scene.

If you cannot continue - perhaps you are tired, frightened, bored or have other interests - do not fret, the tapestry is being created.

But after the tapestry is complete and your portion has been filled in with other threads, know that your new earth role will shift from what you anticipated before entering earth at this lifetime to something more directed by the tones, colors and design of those now creating it.

This is an extremely important time in your new earth transition.

If you are comfortable adding your thread to the tapestry, you merely need to accept your role and new information will be provided from various command centers and your inner-being. If you are not comfortable at this moment, allow yourself to move aside so your piece of the tapestry can be completed.

This appears to be a dire warning, almost a threat. So it is in a way.

Those of you reading this information have contemplated, meditated, pursued, learned, read, projected and hoped for this piece for eons. You can no longer ask for more time or more information. It is happening now.

An Olympic athlete does not question whether he or she is gong to perform their skill during the Olympics. It is a given that when their portion of the skill set is required, they will do their best. So it is for you now.

You are ready. You have prepared and you know. You can feel within your being that something is happening. Allow yourself to accept and act on that feeling.

Reboot your personal computer being and access those skills your inner-being directs you to. Know that you have the knowledge and expertise to perform at a gold medal level. Allow yourself to be. So be it. Amen.
