The Mirror Of Life



Transmitted through Mercedes Kirkel on December 15, 2010

Hello once again to all of you beautiful souls who are so earnestly on the path and desirous of growth,

This is a time of many changes, and you feel it especially at the energetic level.  Some of you may feel much energy freed up, and you are learning to adapt to this higher level of energy, to function with much more energy than you have known in the past.  Your world is opening to you more and more in ways that still surprise you.  Things are manifesting more quickly, there is less resistance, and everything is happening more quickly and easily than you expect.  This will continue, as the energy increases and things seem to happen more quickly.  The ease you're experiencing is a result of your bodies being prepared for operating at this higher level of energy.  The energy is not meeting resistance, because you have purified your physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies.

If there is a place that has not been purified, the higher energy will activate that place.  It’s somewhat like having a blockage in a hose.  The higher energy is like water moving at a greater pressure through the hose.  It will activate whatever resistance it encounters.  So you may experience symptoms of this resistance.  There may be unpleasant physical symptoms, difficult emotions, bothersome or negative thoughts, or energetic disruptions.  Whatever it is you’re experiencing shows you where you still have some work to do, something that needs releasing because it’s blocking you being a clear vessel for the higher energy.  So you can make use of what comes up, even though it may feel challenging, as a guide for where you can focus your energy for healing, release, growth, and change.

Know that whatever comes up in your “outer” world is always a reflection of your inner world.  If you feel a disturbance with someone else, it is a reflection of something within you that you are not accepting or that you want to change.  So use the disturbance to guide you to what you will work on in yourself.  It is difficult for you to see yourself, but easy to be aware of the things you react to in others.  That can be a support for you, as long as you don’t get fooled into thinking it’s about the others.  That will be a trap, which will keep you stuck and distracted from your true work.  And that is where many of you reside in your consciousness at the third dimensional level.  You spend much of your awareness meditating on what’s wrong with others.  Some of you who are dedicated to spiritual growth have a variation on this, which is to focus on what’s wrong with yourself.  But that’s really just the same process, because in doing that you’re relating to yourself as an other.  That’s not the same as working on your blockages.  That’s still a diversion.

How can you know the difference?  When you are judging yourself, you’re in your mind (your lower mind) and you are coming from a place of righteousness.  You’re telling yourself you “shouldn’t” be doing something, that it’s wrong or bad, or that you “should” be doing something else.  You are trying to control yourself and your actions, but it’s not based in your heart.  This is like tying more knots in the hose to try to get the water to go the way you would like.  It’s hard work, coming from your will power to try to make yourself do the thing you think is right.

What I am suggesting is different from that.  It starts with two things, and they’re both about openness.  One is openness in your heart, in your feeling-being.  In order to be open in your heart, you can’t be judging yourself (or others) as being wrong or bad.  It’s a kind of acceptance, but it’s based primarily in feeling rather than ideas.  Can you feel the difference?  Feel what it feels like in your heart when you tell yourself that you or someone else is wrong or bad.  It feels like a closedness, or no-feeling.  Now feel what it feels like in your heart when you open to whatever you or someone else is doing, with no judgment of wrongness or badness, but simply the disposition of acceptance.

What comes up for many of you at that point is fear, fear that acceptance means you’re saying that whatever is happening is acceptable and you don’t need to change it.  But that’s not what this is about either.  Your mind might want to tell you that.  If so, reassure your mind lovingly, like you might reassure a family member who loves you and wants to protect you, but perhaps doesn’t understand what is happening.  Let the mind rest for now, and later you will engage the mind again in whatever action you choose to engage.  Actually, you’re calling your lower mind to rest and open, so that your higher mind can be engaged.

And this is the second aspect of the openness you must initiate.  It is an openness of your mind, along with your open heart.  This openness requires you to release any ideas of “rightness” or “wrongness,” “good” or “bad,” that you may be holding onto.  This does not mean that you will be liking whatever is happening.  Judgment is different from preference.  Judgment is based in ideas of what’s right and wrong, good and bad.  Preference is based in your actual experience.  For example, you might not like peas.  That’s a preference.  Saying or thinking that peas are bad is a judgment.  A preference is about you and your experience.  A judgment is about the object or other.  In this dimension, you all have preferences based on your experience.  To deny that is to deny the life-force in you.  That life-force is one of your best guides as to what will support you in your life-path and growth, so to deny it is not to your advantage.

In this case of someone or yourself doing something that you don’t like, it’s your preference that has guided you to focus on this experience.  That’s a gift.  Simply don’t take it into judgment in your mind that something “out there” (including yourself) is wrong or bad.  Instead, simply notice and feel what it is that you don’t like.  For example, let’s say you asked someone to do something, and they do it while also expressing criticism of you with a tone of voice that you perceive as angry.  If you were to judge them, you might think that they’re difficult, complaining, angry or resentful, ungrateful, uncooperative, lazy, selfish, unsupportive, or whatever else you might think about them.  The important thing to notice is that it’s all about them.

If you notice how you feel while you’re thinking all this, pointing your mental finger of judgment at them, you’ll notice that you feel angry yourself and closed off in your heart area.  Your energy is in your head, and possibly in your solar plexus, which is your power center.  This is where conflict comes from, and this is where a lot of your world operates from, the head and the solar plexus.  There may also be some uncomfortable feeling in your belly, which is a sign that your emotions are stirred up.  If you’re very sensitive and aware, you’ll notice that at the emotional level you’re actually afraid.  You’re afraid that you’re not going to get what you need on some level, whether it’s help, kindness, harmony, understanding, joy, cooperation, support, or whatever. 

The other thing to notice is that if you’re involved in judging what’s wrong with the other, whether it’s someone else or yourself, your heart is shut down.  You’re not feeling your heart.  And that’s where you can start to turn this around.  You can start with breathing, especially breathing to and from your heart.  Actively relax the energy of your thinking, and instead focus on your breathing and feeling your heart.  If you continue this, you’ll start to feel not only your heart, but your whole body.  You’ll start to naturally relax tension that you’re experiencing in your body, and you will re-connect with your whole body.

This is a wonderful first step.  And it’s the first step of working with yourself, rather than getting caught in the illusion that the other is the problem.  Instead of trying to fix them, you’re now working with yourself.  Any problem that you perceive happening in your “outer world,” is fundamentally about being cut off from what you think you need or want.  And it’s reflecting, first of all, that you’ve cut off from yourself.  That’s why it seems like a problem.  As you breathe to and from your heart, opening your heart and from there your whole body, you reconnect with yourself.  This sets the platform for the next step, which is to feel (rather than think).

Now you begin to feel what’s happening with you.  Let’s return to the example we began with.  In this case, you might be feeling irritated because you really wanted them to do what you asked.  You may also notice, as part of opening to your feeling, that there’s some defensiveness going on in you.  You may be telling yourself that what you asked for was reasonable, or the best course of action, or something like that.  If you feel deeper, you’ll feel a kind of tension in two directions.  There’s a tension of trying to make someone do something because you think it’s right or best, and there’s a tension of defending yourself, trying to block out any sense that what you did wasn’t right or best.

So feeling has led you to a deeper level of awareness of judgment, your internal judgment that what you did was right and that what you did wasn’t wrong.  The root of this is fear again, fear that you’ll be somehow cut off from life and love if you did something wrong.  Perhaps this is what happened when you were a child, and now you relate to life this way.  But you’re not going to be cut off, especially from God.  God does not cut you off.  Your ideas cut you off, but underneath your ideas, there is God.  So let’s say that you could let go of your fear of being wrong, and then you can feel and notice what’s beneath that layer of defense.

Now you notice that you were actually thinking that in expressing what you wanted originally, you were essentially giving an order, telling someone what they “should” or “must” do, regardless of how nice your words were.  So the person reflected this back to you.  They did it because they thought they had to, but their words and tone of voice told you that it felt bad to them.  And this, too, was a reflection for you, because the disposition of giving orders feels bad to the one giving the order, if they let themselves feel it.

So all of this can be a gift to you if you take it inside as medicine.  Now you can see what else you could have done.  You could have expressed what you wanted and why you wanted it, without assuming that you knew what they other “should” do, or assuming that what you wanted is the most important thing.  You could have had the disposition of openness, respect for the other person’s choice, caring about what they were needing that you might not have realized or been aware of.  If you were to ask in this way, you would probably get a very different response.  And even if you got the same response, you would probably take it in a different way.  Instead of being angry or offended, you would be curious and caring.  Your heart would be open.  You would be loving and compassionate towards the other, as well as yourself.  And you wouldn’t be wasting any energy on judging who is wrong or what’s the matter with them.

Can you feel this?  This is a very important step for most of humanity at this time.  It is intrinsic to the process of spiritual growth that is before you.  Your lower mind is a tool for support, but judging others or yourself is not helping you.  It’s a distraction from your connection to life, a defense.  You’ve been taught to do this, but it doesn’t support you.  Instead of judging rightness and wrongness from your mind, use your experiences of feeling in your emotions and body.  Use your preferences of experience to re-connect with yourself, your heart, your body.  This will connect you with life and with God and with all others.  This will guide you to compassion and love, as well as guiding you to your next step of growth and change for yourself.  What a marvelous design, a self-guiding mechanism, the universe is.  It’s like a master plan that always gives you your next step, as long as you understand that it’s all about you and that it’s always rooted in love.  The universe wants you to succeed, because it’s a manifestation of God.  And God loves you.

And God lives in me, and in you, and in all of us.  And I love you, too, and support you, and celebrate with you in your growth in God and love.  I see you as God, and know you as God, and love you as God, and give thanks to you as God.

With blessings and love,

I Am Mary Magdalene


Copyright 2010 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my e-mail ( and website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from Mercedes Kirkel.  E-mail:

Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene, Lady Mary, Archangel Michael, Isis, Yeshua, and other beings of light, as well as Akashic Record Readings.  She is currently working on a book entitled Messages from Mary Magdalene

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene through Mercedes, e-mail Mercedes at and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  She is available in-person, by phone and skype, or to travel to your location.  For more information, go to, or contact her at 415-359-6882 or