The Messages From GOD

Dearest Spirit Family:

We here at Circle of Light are truly honored to have been given the gift of the Messages from God to bring forth to humanity through Yael and Doug Powell. We hope that you will share these Messages as widely as possible, including with any groups or lists you feel appropriate. We only ask that you retain our identifying information.

At this time, the magnificent remembrance of who we truly are and why we are here on Earth is becoming more and more clear to each of us. Related to this is our offering of HEART ACTIVATION, which we offer as guided, so please continue to share the information with others.

We hold each one of you in deepest Love. We thank you for being conduits of God's Love on Earth and wish you joy and blessings never ending. May the Love we are flow as never before!

Yael, Doug and ShannaPra at CIRCLE OF LIGHT

The Messages from God
through Yael and Doug Powell at
Circle of Light

The Pulse of Freedom and Love
The Remembrance of Who We Are
(Easter Sunday)

Beloved ones, please give Me your hearts. Let the symbols of the rebirth of life, springtime and Easter catapult you now into this unlimited Love.

For this moment, allow Me to lift you beyond all perceptions of limitation, that you might remember the freedom that you are, the unlimited Love, the magnificent expansion of the outreach of God -- that you might feel what it means to extend through the cosmos, to know that forever you are the receiver of grace. I want you to know that every moment you become a new expression of Love and that your heart is more precious than words can describe, and more astounding in its capacity to experience Love and to be the heart of giving than you can yet comprehend.

Let Me take you to the remembrance of all that you are that you might recognize yourself as Rays of the world Love, your heart as streaming sunlight communing with everything, joyously delivering Love. Your heart holds the pulse beat of Creation, dear ones, and yet, you are one with all that is Love. Therefore, your consciousness is this communion, this energy that weaves all life together in the circle of My Love.

For far too long you have believed that you are limited beings, approaching life from the viewpoint of your experiences in the world and your longing to return Home to Me. Let this time, let this springtime be a spring board, dear ones, to catapult you back into the remembrance of God and the absolutely limitless Love that you are. Feel freedom with every breath and experience Creation birthed into Love through your hearts again.

The movement of your heart, this great pulse of Real Love, this movement, this heart beat is the Twin Flame of God. Just as with your own heart that you experience in your body, it is impossible to separate one heart from another. It is the movement of the heart that is a great “Yes” to Love, and every movement takes both forces of Creation.

Thus is all life a part of your being and you are ready to experience this endless communion. You are ready, beloved ones, to open your heart and to remember yourselves as limitless beings of Love and to approach your lives in the world from this vantage point, to bring into every moment the pure heart of God you are, to allow the great movement of Creation to come forth in you, to exalt every breath in communion with this Wholeness and to recognize that from this place of the truth that you are, you are woven into the fabric of the whole of the world to be deliverer of these endless streams of Love.

So, everything that you experience is experienced for humanity, and every moment that you allow Me to bring you back to this communion and to being the conduit of this endless and astounding Love… In such moments you return to the viewpoint of eternity, the endless Now, the acceptance of your fullness in Me and the ability to experience your heart as an energy that drives Creation in its expansion and its ecstasy, as Love remembers all that it is and can be.

Oh, dearest ones, I bring this shift in vantage point and experience, for it is time to fly free from the illusion of time itself and from the experience of separation from Love -- that you might feel with every breath what the truth is, what it means to be the heart of God.

For so long you have agreed to be these limited beings, experiencing life through the veil, through the sub-creation of the ego. All the while you have been waiting for this moment when your freedom calls to you more powerfully than your experiences as a human being. You are ready to leap into My arms, to return to the endless gift of receiving your fullness now.

You are waiting for your heart to become so strong that it is impossible to ignore the message that it is bringing. Listen, and you will hear Me singing to you now the song of birth into the Real of God, the call to fly free and to remember how vast, how beautiful, how unlimited and how powerful you are, and how integrally interwoven with All That Is you are, as that which is deliverer of Love.

Until you make this shift, beloved ones, the world still holds you and continually narrows your experience of what life is. When you come to Me, heart open, allowing the mind to remember stillness, it truly is awakening from amnesia, amnesia that was experienced for a purpose.

As you reclaim your glorious freedom, as you allow your heart to call you Home, as you remember your true perspective on life and the joy of living Love as your identity, you bring the whole, the matrices of humanity, of every heart and consciousness with which you are interwoven into this remembrance of freedom with you.

Just so do you shift the resonance of the world with every moment held in this experience of our communion, with every breath that you breathe as the Whole. With every renewed experience of the heart, the Twin Flame truly lives. The whole of life on Earth remembers with you, and deep within every precious person resides the truth that freedom is the reality and limitation the dream held for a while, a dream that is ending.

When you remember all that you truly are and experience your limitless heart, your capacity to love humanity is the capacity of All I Am and the Love that is the very substance of life responds to your heart in joyous communion. Every element and every electron cannot help but join this eternal dance of endless gratitude.

As you love, as you feel this life, as you are the life that is streaming forth and blessing all it touches, Love reveals your every movement and fills your every moment. Love shines forth as your experience as you hold this stream of consciousness and live this living Love.

The pulse of Love is always moving, unrestricted, dancing outward, celebrating the life I Am in everything. It is this shift to being the heart through which Love is endlessly given, through which you feel such gratitude for the blessings of all there is to love… and of the precious hearts of every being that the Love I Am touches as it moves and loves and celebrates in you… Then, once again, Love’s energy is “righted” and its flow restored to its natural movement in which all becomes the life of God expanding this endless flow in a true communion of Love.

How different from the ego dream of ever seeking to get for oneself! How joyous the freedom from the feeling that there is never enough! How perfect to be the heart of God, not only functioning but fully conscious, restored to holding the mystery of unity and relationship, the gift of “both/and” with Me!

When you think of those who have been examples, when Easter reminds you of beloved Jeshua, you tend to think of human beings who found their way to move themselves upward, to raise their vibration, to remember the Light, to reclaim the truth of their being.

But, dearest ones, in actuality each one who brought the truth to Earth made the shift through remembrance of Love, the restoration of the view of the unlimited heart of God, the ability to allow the heart to be the instrument through which they lived. From this heart and purest Light of freedom, communion and endless grace, they opened for humanity a portal, the ability to see the truth of Love as it stood forth in them.

Now it is time for each of you to be this portal, this doorway of Love, to remember the resonance of the pure heart of God and to live it in every moment from the clearest vantage point, each moment in full communion with All That Is and All I Am in this sweet and endlessly powerful gift of communion.

Become the miracle, like the holy ones you hold in reverence. Become the open heart, primal and fully allowing the Will of Love to live you, the pulse of Love to inform you, the experience of grace to shine your every step and to fill you with awareness of what it is to be the heart of God – that All I Am may touch and give, bless and love, revere and expand the Love in every being.

Many of you felt Easter as a reminder in your deepest heart of the call to Love, truly without limits. You recognized that what Jeshua lived is yours to live and be right now. The only way to do this is to hold the highest resonance, to do it from the viewpoint of the open heart of God, holding the energies of Creation and becoming the outward movement of Real Love.

I Am with you as I Am you, in-breath and out-breath, brother and beloved, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, the onward pulsation of life filling your heart and consciousness and heralding the experience of your awakening to all that lives within you, beloved ones, to all that you are as the pure and ever giving heart of God.

Everything you touch and all you hold in Love… when you hold it from this resonance of the awakened heart of God will open before you like a flower in the sun, and reveal its perfection in the sunlight of who you are, whether it is a human being, whether it is communion with all of Nature, whether it is the energies that form the experiences of your life…

All that is touched by Love returns to its perfection, is imbued with the highest resonance of the expanding Love of God. Thus, it becomes the bounty of Creation and the recipient of the blessings of our Love, pulse beat by pulse beat, Now.

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3969 Mundell Road
Eureka Springs, AR 72631

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