TheLearningCurve |
Isis' Message of the Day -
The biggest question facing humanity is not when are we going
to learn, but rather when are we going to act according to what we already know.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~ Today's Angel Message
============ Dear Ones. All of you have days that are better
than others. It is from the darkest of days that you can appreciate the light. It is from the struggles that you can enjoy
those times of ease. It is from the pain that teaches you compassion for others and to recognize when others feel compassion
for you. It is from all of these that you know the value of love. Love is a priceless gift. Rejoice in the love around you
whether from a pet, a child, or a parent. Rejoice in the love you give to yourself and to others. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with
25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist
you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides
- and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"
www.cynthialeeshelt SaLuSa: Life is a learning curve
June 21, 2010
The Summer Solstice like many other special occasions is one
that brings with it a powerful out flowing of energy. It is particularly important at this time when you are being prepared
for Ascension, as if you can integrate it into yourself it will uplift your level of vibrations. With each input of this nature
you are increasing your level of consciousness, and cutting your links with the lower vibrations. With each step, your desire
to reach the point where you can ascend comes so much closer. Those souls who see changes all around them, struggle to understand
why it is happening. The incoming energies from many sources tug at their heartstrings, but often it ends in the creation
of more confusion. However, nothing outside of you can force you to move into any particular direction, and it is your choice
entirely. Some will prefer to remain where they are in spite of the negativity around them, and find solace in that which
is familiar to them. Should a spark of love touch them deeply, they may nevertheless awaken to the sleeping giant within them.
Each soul has a Higher Self that endeavors to bring
the truth to you, and is what you sometimes refer to as that little voice of your conscience. However, once you recognize
your potential, you can tap your source of knowledge and understanding. If you so desire, the way will open for you to expand
your consciousness, and before you know it your mindset will change. People often look outside of themselves for guidance,
and it is appropriate when you first open up your mind. It is however advisable to check your understanding with your Higher
Self, and do so when you have the opportunity to find those quiet and peaceful moments. Ultimately you are destined to again
become a part of your Higher Self, which is the highest expression of the beautiful soul you really are.
Everything you have experienced still travels with you,
and is reflected in your beliefs and understanding of life. At different times you have chosen to live a life in whatever
culture or religion, that would give you the experiences necessary to expand your evolution. You have been black, white or
any color that went with it, and that too has been an important part of your experiences. Do you not find it odd that you
could have entered your present lifetime, with some bias against another being because of color or religion? Let us suggest
that perhaps it comes about because you have had unpleasant experiences in an earlier lifetime. Ones that remain deeply etched
in your subconsciousness, and need to be expunged so that you can move forward. If you identify with such problems for which
you can find no apparent reason, try to analyze your feelings and consider that you may be looking at a reflection of yourself.
Often in life your own shortcomings seem to be magnified, when you see them in another and you can be their sternest critic.
Sometimes it is useful to see for yourself how you may appear to someone else.
Life is a learning curve where you look to find your path
back to the enlightened Being you were, before you dropped down into the lower vibrations to experience duality. Separation
from your Higher Self has left you exposed to the lower vibrations, and as a result some of you have lost your way. However,
help is always on hand to reveal your true self, and awaken you to the love and Light within you. In the present period of
time help has increased tenfold, and you will rise up again if that is your desire and intent.
Earthly matters move on even if very slowly, but there
is now a sense of urgency where the Gulf Oil spill is concerned. It represents a world threat, which if unchecked and not
stopped would leave you with repercussions for many years to come. Fortunately that will not be your experience, as other
matters will take priority, such as Ascension. Therefore you can expect some action that will put a stop to the leak, so that
the plan for your final upliftment can get under way. Have no doubt as to the outcome, as nothing will be able to stand in
its way. We are an integral part of it, and you have our backing to ensure that disclosure and all that needs to follow it
happens as planned.
As expected the people are more aware than ever before as
to how they have been deceived. Now you are wiser and able to determine more easily when the truth is not being given to you.
As a result the dark Ones get enmeshed in their own lies and are seen for what they really are. The worldwide financial problems
are also a blow to their plans, and they know that eventually a total collapse will see them lose their power in the market
place. The controls they had over many aspects of your life are being removed, and their future looks bleak. We see a time
coming when our opportunity to remove them looks most likely, and rest assured we shall take it. The dark Ones can resign
at any time, and are aware of the terms of surrender that give them some protection from the anger that people will feel.
We of the Galactic Federation are not a lynch mob, and our ways still offer love and compassion to those who have been sucked
into the mire of evil and negativity. Our view is that there is always hope where the spark of the soul Light still shines,
even if it is but a glimmer of its true potential.
We have shown time and time again that we have moved beyond
being judgmental, and there is no feeling whatsoever of wanting revenge against those who have controlled you and Mother Earth
for so long. Duality does in fact allow expressions from both the dark and the Light, and that has formed your challenge to
be overcome in the lower vibrations. Many have done so quite successfully, and they are leading the way for others by their
example. Look to your spiritual leaders both past and present, and where you find those that preach love for all life you
will find the perfect example. Is it not ever true “that by their works ye shall know them.” It has not changed
over millennia of time, and you only have to look at teachers such as Jesus and the Buddha to see what we mean.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, motivated by love and a strong desire
to see you all ascend, but I know you must be allowed your freewill choice, but there is no urgency as you are all in the
Now. However, for the period that remains before Ascension, there is a lot to be achieved. Your troubles are going to distract
you from your focus, if you engage them with too much emotion. So try to let go of them, and have faith that all will turn
out as promised.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey There is the prophesy of the sea turning black
by Blossom Goodchild
June 21, 2010
*This is a very powerful channelling so please set yourself
time to have the time to ‘BE WITH IT’ and not have to rush it through. Thank you.*
Hello my friends. I know today is a day when many will be
meditating and focusing on putting LIGHT into the waters in the Gulf. There is such a deep feeling within me that is inexpressible
in the knowing that this is far greater than what we assume it to be, even though we know it to be so big already. There is
the prophesy of the sea turning black … and then the last prophesy of discs arriving in the sky. How can we assist in
the way we are supposed to? There are many sending Love and Light to the situation, but are there enough of us to make the
change? Is there more we can be doing? I FEEL this time is so very important.
Souls of the planet Earth … heed our cries when we ask
of your glory to shine through from the core of your Being. Stir up from the well inside of you ... your TRUTH of this time
… for indeed each one of you have been waiting for it to arrive … and now it is here. Summon from your Highest
levels All of your knowing. Allow the Highest energy from that which you TRULY are to reach out and become
the Light that it is allowed to be in a form that can be of assistance.
You are here to change this world. You are here to
change this situation.
And yet it must come about that you ‘KNOW’ that
this is why you are here. Half believing … half hoping will not correct the problem. And yet we say to you ... the outcome
of that which appears to be so bleak at this time is not how one would ever recognise within possibilities.
WE URGE YOU TO KNOW that by sending your strength out in to
the energy that surrounds your planet ... by sending it not only to the outer but the very inner depths of its positioning
that it is recognised what can be accomplished. Even though you do not know what that outcome is within your humanness, your
Highest/ness does indeed KNOW and will act accordingly … when you TRUST in yourself. When you KNOW that NOW is the time.
Many of you have been awaiting to receive your orders …
well now they are coming to you … and this is one of them …. This is ALL of them
Remember who you are … by doing so you will
activate all that has been lying dormant waiting for this moment.
We cannot activate your systems for you … you
have to do this for yourselves.
Can you tell us how please?
By asking … by letting your being KNOW that you, the
aspect of you that is here on earth NOW at this time ‘IS READY TO RECEIVE’. Your Higher self cannot and will not
activate the system in place within you until you give it the signal that you are ready. It is against our principals to interfere
in this process for this must be the choice of the individual.
When we have asked … what are we to expect?
Initiation. A welcoming home. A change in your vibration that
shall be noticeable by you and those with whom you come into contact. You shall slowly as each day passes recognise your inner
power. You shall exceed all your expectations of who you are in all that you are.
The time is now. The time is here. There can be no
more delay.
Become yourselves.
Be. Serve. Activate.
We would ask you now to stop reading any further and to close
your eyes and take in three very deep breathes. We do not just mean for you Blossom to do this at this moment … but
for all who read these words to stop and do this now in this moment. As you do so imagine the whitest brightest Light entering
through your crown chakra and expanding within and without. Allow it to surround from ‘within you’ ... reaching
out ‘through you’ into your aura and sit with it for another two deep breathes. We ask you to do this now …
whilst repeating the words 'Activate Activate Activate.’ You will know when it is done and when you
are ready to open your eyes and continue to read. You will simply know when you have ‘activated your system.
Well … I can’t seem to stop puffing … letting
out great sighs! Wow! That was HUGE for me. I am so excited as to how it will be for everyone else also. I was breathing in
deeply just soaking up the Light and then suddenly it happened ... it hit me … my body started to shudder as if getting
an electric shock … I could actually Feel the moment of Activation. I remained in
that space until the energy had settled and then opened my eyes. Far out …This FEELS pretty BIG!!!!!!!!!
And now we would say to you all to again close
your eyes and for a time that FEELS correct for you … give thanks and gratitude to the I AM of who you are. And as you
give that knowing/ness out … ‘Send it out to your planet … to uplift her.' To allow
her to Feel your unity with All that is … in this moment of now.
Oh my! For want of a polite expression! For those reading
I’d like to share what just took place for me in that moment of now. I closed my eyes and started saying thank you,
and instantly burst into tears. And sobbed and sobbed as if in such grief. When that was done I experienced calmness and found
myself saying over and over … ‘We are one. We are one.’ Then, I saw a beautiful vision
of a pair of hands holding Mother Earth and the word ‘Welcome’ came to mind.
I so hope, well, actually, I think I know, that each one of you will experience your own ‘Activation,’
as this healing takes place.
So now … where were we.?
We were at the part when we reconnected with you on a different
frequency. With All of you. Unknown to you Blossom , this moment had been planned. On the cards as you would
Yes, I hadn’t necessarily planned to do a channelling
today, but I certainly felt the nudge from you becoming stronger and stronger. Now I know why! Thank you so very much.
We feel it important that as many as possible get to read
this particular communication. For the “Activation’ affect shall have a profound outcome on what
is about to happen.
And that might be?????
As we said … it is what is about to happen. If we were
to say … it would be the disappointment of knowing what your birthday present was before you unwrapped it.
This is a part of what this feeling is inside me isn’t
it? I assume you have heard me saying to you when I hear anything about the Gulf … what is this about? What is this
feeling in me that I can’t put into words other than ... ‘something’s about to go down’.
Indeed. This is what the feeling is.
For have we not be asking each one of you to express through your feelings. To listen to your feelings
for they are your Truth. And this feeling that you are feeling
is exactly that. A deep knowing of something that you knew before you came. And because of its vast effect that this
Seeing is Believing will have …
GULP!!!!!!!! Followed by sharp intake of breath ...
This is why so many of you can feel
the enormity within. Again we say …
The Time Is Now. We Are Brothers and Sisters in Arms.
Yet Not in ‘Arms of War’ in ‘Arms of Love’ Arms That Enfold You. Arms That Carry You. Arms That Lift
You into Your Rightful Place Where You Can No Longer Be Contained.where You Can No Longer Be at the Mercy of Those Who Have
Not Understood the Power of Love … and Themselves … in the Way That Love Is Intended.
But Now My Children ... I Bring You Home. I Welcome
Each and Everyone of You Home. Into the Light of My Garden of Surrender. Welcome Home My Children … Welcome Home.
As I Have Recently Expressed … My Heart Is So
Full it Is Leaking out My Eyes! I Feel So Very Blessed . We Are All So Very Blessed.
So Be It.
In Love and thanks.
Wow wow wow wow!!!!!!!!!
*I would like to give a mention here to a lady named Bronwyn
Freihaut. Back in February I spoke of a lady that had given me a ‘top up/healing’ and the energy level in my next
channelling had noticeably risen. This “LIGHT LADY” contacted me again a fortnight ago and flew up from Sydney
over night (at the gentle insistence of White Cloud and The Federation! ) to give me two sessions of her enlightening healing
work and then flew back the next day. I was overwhelmed at this ladies dedication and devotion to do whatever she is called
to do and I am so very grateful to her. I KNOW that today’s VERY POWERFUL communication could not have taken place if
she had not have followed her heart. So BRON ... From all of us who get ‘Activated’ through this channelling …
Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’
channelling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. She has been channels the Native American Indian Spirit Energy
‘White Cloud’ and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of personal readings and group meetings.
These meetings have been recorded and ‘White Cloud’s
words transcribed and subsequently published in three books. ‘Walking in the Light and the Love,’ ‘The Spirit
of ‘White Cloud’ and the latest book ‘A New Dawn.’
Through all of these experiences, Blossom remains firmly grounded
and with her easy laughter and warmth is a delight to be around. www.blossomgoodchil
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when you release the body you go to your own
light. You are received into your own light, and you are expanded in that light and forgiven, because in truth, there is nothing
that needs to be forgiven.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.
What Drives You? What Drains You?
by Jim Self
June 17, 2010
You are here to make a contribution to the world. And this
Shift of Consciousness we are in the midst of is pushing us all to identify and demonstrate that contribution. Whether
you know it or not, you already have all the information, skills, motivation and passion to do so. The trick, however, is
to uncover that drive and allow that inspiration to lead you to your right-work. Discovering that work can sometimes be a
major challenge in itself. Unfortunately, most of us choose to live by default rather than do what is necessary to discover
and demonstrate our purpose. That choice, though unsatisfying, is typically the path of least resistance. It is easier to
stay put than to take the minor action that may lead us to our work-joy.
Jack has a full and busy life of service. He volunteers
for three non-profit organizations and is on the board of a fourth. Jack is a successful business owner and enjoys his family.
Even though he has organized his life around giving, Jack isn't satisfied and continually questions his contribution and purpose.
Jill on the other hand, experiences the other end of the creative
spectrum and is dissatisfied with a "dead-end job," isolation and a string of incomplete or failed projects. Whether
your life resembles that of Jack or Jill, discovering and demonstrating your passion is probably a major desire of yours.
In fact, in every free webinar we offer, I hear people ask the same question, "What is my purpose?"
So how do you begin to identify your purpose, contribution
or gift? And then, how do you find the courage to make the changes necessary to act upon it? Accomplishing the former
allows the latter to unfold quite naturally. A person in pursuit of her passion is a powerful force, a force that pushes against
all previous programming she has lived with.
A Tool to Play With
The first step in identifying your purpose is to become aware of your current situation and those aspects of it that drive and drain you. Begin a written list and as you move through your day, make note of what moves and motivates you. (1) What makes you want to move forward (even if that tiny
movement is just off the couch)? What ignites your fire (even if that tiny fire is just a match flame)? Be amused
and curious. This isn't a test; there isn't a right or wrong answer. You don't have to tell anyone. What are your
motivators - caffeine, friends, deadlines, the gym, a messy house, a sunny day, fear of failure, lack of money, someone's
(2) Now make note of those things that drain you. What
do you currently include in your life that takes your energy away - deadlines, fear of failure, friends' drama, a messy house,
a sore body, worry?
Just notice with curiosity and amusement, and write these
drainers down.
(3) Next, begin to notice your Internal Response to each of
these drivers and drainers. Are you judging yourself, or beating yourself up because you are motivated by money or caffeine?
Getting to a place of observing without judging is the key to change and will allow the shift to wholeness to occur.
(4) The next step toward your right-work and passion is to
take one simple, easy, do-able action — even if that action is just turning off the television and taking the dog for
a walk.
You are great! You are here to add to All That Is and
this Shift of Consciousness is pushing you to choose what moves you vs. what mangles you. When you shine the light of
amused awareness upon what you do, you can then make a different, empowered choice.
Copyright 2010 Jim Self. All Rights Reserved.
Jim Self is an author (Spirit Matters - Down-to-Earth Tools
for a Spirited Life), international speaker, and teacher of the Tools for Mastering Alchemy. This work is in co-creation
with Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light.. Free DVD and Free Tele-Classes available. Jim is presenting Free
in-person classes and the weekend seminar, Creating the Personal Power Field across North America. www.MasteringAlchem
Let's sit down together . . .
by Neal Donald Walsch
June 19, 2010
My dear friends...
It is very seldom that I have a chance to sit down with a
small group of readers of Conversations with God and just talk about things for a few days. And it is even more seldom when
a tiny percentage of the millions of people who have read these books have a chance to sit down with me in such an environment.
I remember when I was a young man how my life was affected
by three authors in particular: Robert Heinlein, Robert Rimmer, and Harold Sherman.
Mr. Heinlein's book that impacted me incredibly (he wrote
many books, but this was the first one of his I read, and it was by far the most powerful in its effect on me) was titled
A Stranger in a Strange Land. It was a wonderful science-fiction piece about a young man from Earth who had been lost on Mars,
stranded by a doomed space mission there and raised by "Martians." He had been sent back to his native earth by his caretakers
after he reached a certain age, and now needed to adjust to life on this planet.
It was a wonderful device for Heinlein's commentaries on how
human society has organized itself, and stopped me in my tracks. To say that it gave me pause to think would be putting it
mildly. I "grokked it in fullness." (That was a phrase Heinlein invented, to mean something that goes way beyond simple love
or understanding.
Mr. Rimmer's book was called The Harrad Experiment and had
to do with the sexual mores of humanity. It, too, captured my attention and my imagination. So much so that I wrote to Robert
Rimmer, asking for an interview (I was working as a reporter for a small town newspaper at the time), which he granted me---and
we talked on the phone for nearly 40 minutes. I remember being so grateful that I had the kind of a job that gave me "credential"
to simply call an author whose work intrigued me and talk with that person. Of course, I wrote a story based on the interview,
but the ability that my journalism career gave me to follow my interests to that degree was never lost on me.
Mr. Sherman's book was the most wonderful and the most life-affecting
of all. Called The New TNT-Miraculous Power Within You, it told me that life had given me a great gift: the power to be, do,
or have anything I desired. I wrote a long letter of appreciation to Mr. Sherman, assuring him that he had changed my life.
He sent back a very nice reply.
As I continued my search for personal awareness and true meaning
in life, I became aware of other authors in the personal development and spiritual awareness field, including people such
as Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson. I knew that as a member of the working press I could probably get an
interview with them, but what I really would have given anything for would have been a chance to sit down with them in a room
with a small number of people (not a lecture hall with 800) and interact with them, asking them all the questions my mind
had stored, and watching them work with others in applying their wisdom to daily problems and challenges.
This never happened, as none of them were offering those kinds
of programs, only large-group lectures. Then an interesting thing occurred. I wrote a book called Conversations with God that
shot to worldwide bestseller lists and stayed there for two and a half years. This was followed by six other New York Times
I was "star struck," of course. But after a while I got to
know them, and I learned that they are all just wonderful people, very kind and very generous with their time and their wisdom,
and I am so happy now to be able to call them friends. Yet through the years I still had never had the chance to just sit
down with people such as Wayne or Deepak and just ask them all the questions I wanted to ask. (I have done so with Marianne,
because through the years we have become close as colleagues.)
Then two weeks ago I finally sat down with Deepak for an hour
in an intimate conversation with he and Gregg Braden and just "asked away." It was a fascinating, illuminating time with both
of them, and I felt enriched beyond measure.
Why am I sharing this all with you? Because I made a promise
to myself when my own books became bestsellers and I began receiving the kinds of letters that I sent to Harold Sherman that
I would make myself available two or three times a year in small-group program formats for people who wanted to spend many
hours with me and just "ask away," and maybe take a closer look at how the messages of Conversations with God could be applied
to their own challenges and experiences in life.
I created spiritual renewal events---one evening and three
full days from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.---at which people could do just that. And I insisted with those who were helping me produce
these events that they be offered for 1/3 the price of other retreat and workshop programs offered by other new thought teachers
and messengers. So we looked on the Internet at what others were offering and asking, and if the "going rate" was around $3,500
for a program, we did one for $1,100; if others were asking $2,500, we asked $750, and so forth. I wanted to make sure that
we made it affordable for people to be able to share this space and time with me and really delve into the Conversations with
God material, and let me assist them in applying it to the difficult challenges and moments of their own lives.
These events have proven wonderfully helpful to so many people
since we began offering such programs, now nearly 15 years ago.
On July 29th I will again be sitting down with 40 or 50 people
in an intimate semi-circle setting to once more share the healing messages and life-renewing insights of CwG, and to work
in the small-group setting with any individual who raises a hand to explore how those messages could be overlaid upon a particular
life circumstance or situation.
If you are facing a moment of challenge in your life right
now---or if you simply would love the opportunity to sit down with like-minded others who are deeply interested in this material
and with the author who brought it through---I hope you will give yourself permission to do something spontaneous and just
a bit "daring" that could be very wonderful for your soul, and join us at the end of July.
If Conversations with God has touched your life in a positive
way, this opportunity could be exactly what you have yearned for, leading to the next step in your spiritual experience and
personal fulfillment. For more information on how you can be with us, simply follow this link: *
And I'll see you all here next week.
Love and Hugs, Neale Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose
words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality,
Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now
famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives
and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * (http://www.cwg.
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. |
Ashland | OR | 97520 *
HEAVEN #3496
The Winds of the World
June 21, 2010
God said:
Whatever issue you have, you can face it. There is a deep
issue within you that you have been running away from. You don't want to face it. Suddenly, you see it, staring you in the
face. It may have been haunting you all your life. And now you see it. Now it is as if you see yourself under an X-ray. There
is no avoiding it now.
Perhaps your issue is abandonment. That sounds clinical, yet
it may be your underlying issue. It may be what you have been running away from, that you have an issue that is at the crux
of your dealing in life. It may be at the crux of all your sadness and all the vague uneasiness you feel.
A workman may say he is coming to do some necessary work,
and then he doesn't come at all. You don't know why that hits you so hard. He got your hopes up. He was going to do a great
job, and now you don't know whether or not he is coming ever, and you are crushed. Or he comes and does not live up to his
promise in other ways, and you are so disappointed. The workman became a bigger issue to you than himself. He perhaps symbolized
all the disappointments in your life.
At some point in your life, when you were a child, you felt
you were out there as a stray, and strays long to be picked up and reassured. You perhaps did not have the reassurance. The
sense of bereftness has lingered. Without realizing it, you may have carried this seemingly-forgotten anguish around with
The world has not always been a safe place for your beautiful
heart. You made too much of the world. You let the world decide your well-being. The world may not have come to the fore to
take good care of your needs. And you thought you were dependent upon the world.
Whatever the deep abiding issue within you may be called,
it arises from your dependency on the world. Under the underlying issue lies another issue. But I think the crux of your issue,
whatever its name, lies in a perceived utter subjection to the world.
The world is temperamental, beloveds. You do not always feel
honored, respected, or taken care of by the world. It may not have taken good care of you, and now, perhaps, you blame your
sense of desolation on a mere workman. You hadn't realized how fragile you felt, and yet what you feel is not always what
If you were dependent upon how the world treats you, you would
indeed be in trouble. Once you were little, and you were helpless. Now you are big, and you are not helpless. Yet you may
still see yourself as helpless, just a little cog in a big wheel. You may even feel like the dartboard of the world. This
is illusion.
You are not at the mercy of the world. That is only a thought,
and, like the world, your thoughts are not always reliable.
To recognize the fallacy of this thought is part of your education
in life. It is time for you to graduate from this fallacy. It is never too late. The time is now.
This reliance on the world is an old thought whose time is
done. Now you break through the ribbon of this thought, and you come out a winner of the race. Your old belief is not so powerful
as it once was. It is dwindling, as well it must. You are moving out of the domain of this illusory out-dated thought and
moving on to new thoughts that support you. Once you were on a swing of unreliability, and now you are firmly on your own
two feet, and you know you are with Me, and you know you are solidly in a reality of certainty. The world is not, once and
for all, the decider of you, and now you no longer hold on to the thought that you require a savior. You are already safe
with Me. I will never abandon you. And now you will never abandon yourself again to the winds of the world.
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