

1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) Archangel
Michael: Open the Inner Door to the Divine Being that is You
3.) A Healing for the Ages
4.) Jeshua - Message
of the Day
5.) The Proclamation of Emancipation
for Planet Earth
6.) When You Weep for Love Lost
7.) Never Losses -
Only Blessings!
Isis' Message of the Day -
"Sing a song, share a joke, dance! Give whatsoever
you can give. It costs you nothing, but it will bring you more and more joys. Existence goes on repaying you tremendously.
Whatsoever you give to existence, it returns a thousand fold; it comes back to you. You give one flower, and a thousand flowers
shower on you. Don't be clingers. If you really want to be rich, if you want to have an enriched inner world, then learn the
art of giving."
~ Osho ~
How everything and everyone is
connected. See this series!
World Premier March 22 check local TV station time.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
Today's Angel Message ====================
Dear Ones. How are you today? We are here for
you. It is time to put your life in perspective. Everyone, including you, is a spiritual being. Some are just more in touch
with their being than others. Begin imagining when speaking with every person that you are speaking with his or her spirit.
How would you see them differently or speak to them differently? As you do this, you begin to truly see their Divine qualities.
As more of you do this, there begins to be a different quality not only to the interaction, but also in the depth. We bless
your heart and your divine spiritual being.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist
with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the
best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting
guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one
of a kind!" * www.cynthialeeshelton.com/ *
Archangel Michael: Open the Inner Door to the Divine Being that is You
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
March 13, 2012
Greetings Beloved Family of Light!
More than ever, at this time it is important
that you utilize the resources available to you, and that you know work for you.
Each of you will experience this great awakening
in ways that are divinely timed and ordained from a soul level and yet all of this requires your cooperation, your permission
your conscious willingness to allow yourself to remember and reorient your ways of being.
As you realize the Divine Inner Being that calls
you forth in life, you tap into a current of great clarity, coherent guidance and expansive resources. It is this current
within you which is expanding, enlarging your perspective, elevating your energies as the focus you maintain is increasingly
of a higher quality energy wise. So it is most obviously to your benefit to take advantage of this inner connection to being
that is capable of fulfilling your experience.
As the energy rises on the planet and the flow
of this energy seeps into many existing patterns and structures--in you, in your world, in the Earth itself--all kingdoms
experience the challenge of integrating and balancing the new configurations of being. Realize that you own experience is
completely engaged in this ongoing search for equilibrium. This is the essence of your deepest desire; to be in harmonic balance
with all that is and most specifically to know this balance through conscious communion with your own soul.
So, knowing this, ask yourself now, "What is
my conscious intention in terms of aspiration and that which I focus upon developing, or that which I want or seek?" Is it,
dear ones, even similar to or in alignment with that inner drive that is propelling you into new energetic forms of focus?
And your relationship with your soul, is this something you attend to each day? Your soul is fully available to you, and awaits
your conscious communion in each moment. Have you opened the inner doorway to the Divine Being which is you coming forth?
Therein lies the clue for how to best arrive
into the fullness of your being, while playing your part in the Unification of love and light through form. There are traditions
in your world in which people pray at various moments throughout the year, or throughout the day. The reason for this is to
keep the conscious mind focused upon that which is valued and deemed most important.
Continually returning in focus to your true
being, to your priorities and values, is living as light.
What does it mean if your intent to awaken and
to be conscious is only something considered once in a while yet your waking hours are spent pursuing love, money, validation,
or other things? You then experience a sense of being lost perhaps or of feeling disconnected. And in a way these are true--for
when you are veering from the inner center, the still point, the all-knowing source of your being, you discover that you are
no longer fed from within with the abundance you seek.
Return. Return often. Return your focus to the
true nature of reality often. Use those practices which return your focus to remembering and return your energy to harmonious
balance. Cultivate your home base, your energy on a daily basis. Several times a day. Throughout the day, ideally. This will
allow you to reside increasingly beyond time and space and thereby secure your sense of well-being in the midst of all uprisings
and reorganizations taking place.
Know that your focus alone can find the pathway
to inner peace, simply by intent. Don't make things more complicated than they truly are. All the keys to the kingdom of heaven
are within you, and yet you can leave them be, you can stand outside of the door ignoring your access to divine light and
love. These doors cannot be opened by another. You do not need another to open them. It is all done with sincerity and the
intent of your heart. You must choose to open them.
What are you waiting for dear one? Have you
today, returned to the true center of your being, the true connection of presence infused by your eternal and infinite soul?
Why not do so now? Why not come into a still and endlessly nourishing presence of true being? Why not replenish and refresh
yourself in this amazing eternal oasis of communion with your own soul.
All that you might desire and need is available
to you. We, the Legion of Light, are ever available to you. Call upon all resources and energies that you sense will benefit
you in creating your experience.
The light you are is impeccable and may be entirely
trusted. Demonstrate this to yourself by calling forth the experiences you desire in communion with your own soul.
Love and light are you dear one! Open yourself
to this still point of all knowing within and live in abundance!
I AM Archangel Michael
Meredith Murphy
© 2009-2012, Meredith Murphy, Expect
Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com –
You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit,
you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse
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A Healing for the Ages Emmanuel Dagher
March 6, 2012
Hi my beautiful friend,
How have you been feeling lately? As a direct
result of the heightened energies at this time, many of us are catching more glimpses of the magic anchoring and weaving itself
into our daily experience. On the lighter side, these energies are showing up in a few ways. Many of us are noticing more
synchronicities, moments of clarity, déjà-vu experiences, and quicker manifestations.
With heightened energies also comes major cleansing.
This cleansing period is making many of us feel weighed down a bit more so than we have in a while. This feeling of heaviness
can sometimes get confused with old feelings we thought we let go of a long time ago. It's important to be aware that even
though some of the current energy movements are triggering us back to those points in our lives we felt we had overcome, we
have in fact made great progress. The triggers are simply a sign that we've got a little bit more releasing to do. Also, for
those of us who are highly sensitive to energy, we may simply be feeling into the collective cleansing happening at this time,
which we sometimes internalize as being our own. I'll be expanding on this a bit more later in the forecast.
A Healing for the Ages
Throughout March and early April, we
will move into a historic healing cycle. All healings we've received up to this point have prepared us for the ultimate healing
we are about to receive. The current healing cycle is different than anything we've experienced prior, because we're now in
a time where we can no longer keep repeating the same patterns that have kept us in energies of lack, limitation, separation,
and fear. We used to have all the time in the world to get the lessons from being in these vibrations, but now we are being
pushed to learn them instantly. This in itself can feel uncomfortable, almost like we've been turned inside out. However,
it has become even more uncomfortable and painful to actually continue being in these energies. Because what we've been used
to is no longer working, and the new energies are feeling intense, it's absolutely normal to feel overwhelmed at times.
The important thing right now is to remain consistent
with our personal spiritual practices, and to take comfort in the knowing that soon we will come out on the other side feeling
better than ever.
I know this may sound odd, but once upon a time,
many of us found solace in the old energies of lack, limitation, separation, and fear, even though we knew they didn't serve
our greatest good. It may not make sense as to why we found comfort in them, but at the end of the day there is a part of
us that finds comfort in what is familiar. It's the mind's way of keeping us safe and protected. So, at some level, when we
bought into these energies, we did it as a form of self-protection. Just with this awareness alone, we can start to break
the cycle.
The good news is, we no longer have to buy into
these energies in order to feel protected. We're in a time right now where we are being supported out of the old survival
ways of living directly by the Universe within each of us. As our awareness expands, we are beginning to realize that there's
no need to protect ourselves in the ways of the past, because we're starting to realize that there's a Divine and Higher Universal
Aspect of ourselves that has kept us safe all along. As the energies continue to emerge and rise collectively, our connection
with our Divine and Universal Aspect is becoming stronger to the point where we are able to feel into it even more deeply.
So, true protection becomes more about putting
our trust in our Divine and Higher Universal Aspect, and less into those old energies that no longer serve our greatest good.
Everything we are going through right now is simply aligning us back to becoming our truest most authentic selves.
On the global stage it will be no different.
Starting this month, we're going to experience a series of events that will refuel the energy of uniting people together with
the intention of bringing to light the covert and dishonest dealings of many systems still promoting false-realities of separation
and fear. The people of Earth have had enough, and it will become more evident soon. There will be a great deal of action
happening in the world, so it's absolutely imperative for us to remain detached from the drama that unfolds. It's important
to ground ourselves and consciously choose to carry the energy of love everywhere we go.
Healing Defined
As we move through periods of healing, it's
important to have a good understanding of what healing really means. As a society, we view healing as having to do with fixing
something that appears broken or less than whole in some way. In reality, this is just an illusion we've created for ourselves.
True healing is about remembering who we are and what life is all about. It's about breaking through the veil of illusion
and connecting with the part of ourselves, others, and ‘all that Is' that has always been whole and perfect. It's the
part that has never been hurt or harmed in anyway. Healing allows us to move out of the mind, where we may have created limitations
for ourselves and into our hearts, where we already know who we really are. It's when the mind is willing to let go of what
it thinks a healing should be or look like, that true healing can occur.
So, the healing happening all over the world
right now is not about fixing anything, it's about remembering. With each person that remembers (also known as an awakening)
the world vastly shifts. That is how powerful each one of us is. With this realization, we can look at what's happening in
our lives and in the world as a journey back to true remembrance. The minute we remember, we no longer allow ourselves to
be at the mercy of anything that appears to be outside of ourselves.
The Sponge Effect
Earlier in the forecast, I briefly mentioned
that many of us who are quite sensitive have been feeling into the collective cleansing happening at this time more so than
others. Usually, those who are feeling into this at this time are known as ‘empaths.’ An empathetic person is
someone who unconsciously or consciously absorbs energies in their local or global environment. What is the purpose of being
empathetic? Empaths are natural ‘alchemists’ without even knowing it. They have the gift of transforming density
into light. So, what ends up happening is an empath will absorb those not so good feeling energies around them without knowing
it, and when they have the proper tools they are able to transmute them into much higher frequencies. The thing is, many empaths
may have not learned how to transmute the dense energies they are absorbing. What ends up happening is they take on the energies
of others and their environment as if it were their own, which leaves others around them to feel better, and they, as empathetic
people, feel worse.
All the empathetic people in the world are being
called to action right now, whether they are aware of it or not. So, if we are someone who is feeling a bit down, helpless,
or heavier than usual, and can't really understand why especially after all the spiritual work we've been doing all these
years, it could very well be that we are absorbing the density in the collective like a sponge with the purpose of alchemizing
it. That's why we see some people who seem completely unscathed by the change happening at this time, while others who have
done the work for many years seem to be struggling. This doesn't have to be the case. Simply by learning how to intentionally
alchemize the density we are feeling into, we can move back into our power and realize that being an empathetic person is
a gift and doesn't have to be a burden.
As we navigate through the next months, the
glimpse of magic we've been able to tap into every now and then will become a more permanent fixture in our reality. It's
just about letting go and letting love. That's when everything falls into place. Till
next time,
Miraculously yours,
©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting
All Rights Reservedwww.magnifiedmanifesting.com You
are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the
integrity of this article by including the author and source website link. *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
In this next week of your timing, a small bit
of homework. Keep a small journal, one sentence each day. At the end of the day, write down whatever was most important in
that day to you—who you saw, what you did, whatever impacted you the most in that day—one sentence. As you write
that down, you are going to feel the energy that you felt at that time of whatever impacted you; you are going to feel that
energy and you are going to understand the power of the Christ in you.
The Proclamation of Emancipation for Planet Earth
We, the people of Planet Earth, proclaim that our
Earth and her inhabitants are now freed from those who exploit us for their own profit.
We uphold the ideals of truth, health, peace, prosperity
and liberty, for all people of this planet. We affirm that all countries are governed by public servants who support
the highest good of all in good faith and truth. Those responsible for media communications base all reports on the truth
and the good of all.
We create a new global economic system that frees
all people from past debt and rewards them for creative solutions that serve the highest good of all. All industry and commerce
based on untruth and exploitation are dismantled and replaced with creative endeavor that supports personal and environmental
health for all.
We invite and promote new intelligence and technologies
that return our world to the pristine condition of clean air, clean water, healthy food and natural Earth resonance. All food
is grown organically from natural seeds with sustainable methods.
Treatment for those who are not healthy, begins with
determining the root causes and treating the whole person in returning to a state of organic balance. The health and needs
of all people and animals of Planet Earth are tended to.
People who have more than needed are encouraged to
gift the excess to others in their communities. All people are encouraged to live according to their highest purpose and share
their unique personal gifts with others in the spirit of community.
We utilize non-violent communication to heal differences
and replace all wars with peaceful initiatives. All people are given the opportunity to heal the past and, together, create
a future that nourishes all beings.
Heavenletter #4131
When You Weep for Love Lost
March 17, 2012
God said:
Above all, don't feel sorry for yourself. Don't.
Just don't. Smile instead. Feeling sorry for yourself is like sitting in an oil spill and not being able to get up. Better
even to feel angry than to feel pity for yourself.
You can give many reasons why you feel sorry for
yourself. When you view your life in a pitying way, you can have a long list. You can have a list as long as a long scarf.
Feeling sorry for yourself is like sucking your thumb.
You can suck your thumb for only so long. Self-pity is something to outgrow.
The thing is that feeling sorry for yourself, when
you're in that frame of mind, doesn't get you anywhere. It digs you deeper in to where you don't want to be. Stay away from
self-pity like the plague. Self-pity is a plague. It is a torrential display of self-centeredness that you melt yourself into.
You melt yourself into tears of a kind of gooeyness.
You are not one to be pitied nor are you to be one
who pities another. No longer stew yourself in pity. Pitying, feeling sorry for yourself or another, is a form of indolence.
Of course, you can make a good case for self-pity.
Self-pity sets you apart from everyone and from yourself. Self-pity says you have suffered and that you are suffering still.
Self-pity may say you cannot get over feeling sorry for yourself. Self-pity may say you can cry tears forever. Self-pity may
say you are the most sorrowful person in the world.
You may weep because you no longer have your parents.
You may weep for your youth. You may weep for love lost. You may weep because you have not loved or loved enough. You may
weep because joy has been wrested from your hand. You may weep because you are afraid of life and living of it.
How clear can you be when you look at yourself and
life through tears?
You know what to do.
When you weep for love lost, be glad for the joy
you had before it was lost.
When you weep that your parents are no longer on
Earth, be glad you had your parents while you had them.
And if you were an orphan and had no parents of your
own and lived in an orphanage, be glad you weathered it, and, now, no longer see yourself as an orphan.
For every sighting of self-pity, turn it over and
allocate that which to be glad for. You can do it. You have to do it. Nobody can do it for you. Do not wait. Abandon self-pity
this minute.
Come on now, if you saw two signs, one called Self-Pity
and another called To Be Glad For, why would you choose self-pity? Self-pity is not a badge of honor. There is no virtue in
If you must feel sorry for yourself, do it for just
a minute and then turn off the recording that attracts self-pity. Put on another CD. I am talking about your thoughts, beloveds.
Thoughts bring on self-pity. The conditions themselves do not. Self-pity doesn't happen without a green light from your thoughts.
No longer go fishing for self-pity. No matter what, you are not to indulge in feeling sorry for yourself or anyone.
You can look at emptiness in your life, or you can
look at where empty spaces are filled in. You don't have to look at the holes. You do not have to underline them. You do not
have to put a circle around them and an exclamation mark.
You are not here on Earth for self-pity. You are
here on Earth for Me.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping
Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters
is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of
life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries
* P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *
Never Losses - Only Blessings!
by Isis
When someone we love leaves this earth instead of grieving
and thinking of it as a loss, we should feel blessed for having had them in our lives for the length of time 'they chose'
to be with us. We should feel joy that they have moved on to another life, another adventure for their soul growth.
Death is an illusion . . . it does not exist. As all is One
and that One is the Source of All That Is, so therefore cannot die.
Love is Light and never lost it lives on forever and shall
always find its way back to those who love.
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