The Gift of Death


For those who have lost a loved one,
and who might need to hear this this;
at this time.



Flowers For You MOM! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! Johnny
And For All Of YOUR Loved Ones Who Have Passed Away

I Will Always Love You. mid

Our Loved Ones Who Have Died, Are Indeed Always With Us ...
{See the middle & bottom of this text}
The "Adult" The "Child" The "Higher-Self"
    Let us start by giving you the adult, or the father, as some of
you have said--one of the three. Here are some attributes of the
adult that you should hear. What is the adult part of the energy
in the Human body responsible for? As you walk around, what
can you expect from the adult portion? I'll give you some
information. It is the father--the adult part of you that remem-
bers. It is the adult part of you that has experienced lifetime after
lifetime--the hardships, the karma, the heaviness. That's the
part that awakens in spiritual ways. We sit in front of an
awakening group of family members. We sit in front of those,
dear ones, whom we know the names of! There are some of you
only now beginning to remember that this is real and that it is
true, for you are beginning to "feel" us.
    It's the adult part that does the remembering and the
spiritual avsakening. The adult part is the structured part; it's the
experienced part in this respect, which awakens. It is the adult
part that deals with the contract [spiritual contract]. We have
spoken of this before. The contract is the highest metaphor we
can use for what the actuality of the situation represents. Notice
in the word contract even in your language, it implies more than
one signature. It is an agreement between at least two entities.
Your main contract is to simply exist as a Human Being on the
planet. We have told you before that the contracts, which are
individual, have been changed within this new energy--in-
deed, they have been voided--and now what you are doing is
building new ones. Some of you shake with vibratory energy.
 You wonder what is going on in your life. The track in front of
 you is blank, and it's the adult who sees the potential and knows
 about contracts.
     Responsibility is the next one. The adult energy is respon-
 sible. It's responsibility for recognizing that you planned every-
 thing that has happened, dear ones! We have told you this again
 and again. There are those here . . . (pause). . . blessed be the
 angel disguised as the Human Being who sits in the chair hearing
 and reading, who has found what the gift of death is about!
 [Resuming] There are those here, and there are more than one,
 who have looked backwards into the sorrow of their lives and
 recognized the divineness of what took place. Well, we have
 some information for you today. Here is a gift for you, and
 perhaps you already knew this: The entity that left, {died}, the one
that there was so much sorrow around, is with you for your entire
life! Do you remember? If you felt the presence of this dear one,
 you're right. It was not an illusion! For so often the contracts of
 life do not end with Human death. They continue right on
 through your own life. The adult, at the interdimensional level,
 understands this. We will have more information shortly about
how this actually works.
    Whom have you lost who's important to you? Do you ever
feel them around you? Do you think that it's your vivid imagi-
nation? It's not. Open your hearts to this interdimensional fact.
Open your intuition to know that these feelings are real. These
loved ones are indeed with you. They look down from a place
slightly above your head--literally, slightly to the left. They are
now part of you--part of your thought processes--and some of
them are saying, "I love you." Some of them are saying, "Con-
gratulations." Some of them are in awe of who you've become.
Maybe you had to hear this tonight, as strange as it may sound
to some Humans. Can we prove it? No. In your 4D, it's impos-
sible to prove. And, by the way, we wouldn't have it any other
way. For to prove it takes the incredible love and power away
from it! It must be perceived beyond physics, and owned at the
cellular level. Then it's real. It's like love--try to prove it. You
can't. You can only own it and experience it, and know person-
ally that it is real. That makes love interdimensional, too.
    The adult is also responsible for ritual decision making--
what we have called vows in the past. Briefly, as we have told you
before, you are often in this newly awakened state { in the new
energy } becoming aware of the shaman within you, represented
within the lifetimes of the monks, nuns, and priests that you
were. We have many of those in the room. We have told you
before that it is the adult who makes those decisions to marry
God, to focus on God and give a vow of celibacy--a vow to be
alone, to be poor, to give away self-worth. It's the adult who does
that. In all appropriateness, the adult makes those decisions.
    Those are four attributes: awakening, contract, responsibil-
ity, and vows--four out of many that you will see as attributes of
the adult, and one of the three energies of the Human Being.
Now you can analyze those, and it will show you that they are all
about structure. If you are a child in the room, and there actually
are many here, you might say, "That's the real boring part, isn't it?"
{To be continued with the "Child", and the "Higher-Self".}


Listen carefully, for there will be concepts presented that
perhaps you will not understand the first time around. Part of
you is not here. Part of you is within what some of you have called
the "guides and angels" around you. We call it energy. They
cannot be numbered, for they are one, yet they are infinite. You
have the very essence of Spirit around you constantly, and this
essence is a loving essence, ready to be activated with com-

Your Extended Family

     Here is the second attribute: Again, we will expand upon
 this even within the next channelling. Dear ones, have you ever
 wondered whether those Humans who have "passed over" are
 watching? What happens to a soul? I have just given you
 information that says you have many pieces, and that they do not
 reside all in one place. It's difficult to imagine, interdimensional
 that it is, and hard to explain in four dimensions {that you sit
 within}. We are telling you that as you are in many pieces, so too
 are the ones who lived with you and who departed--even some
 who were ancestors. What we are saying at this moment is that
 part of you, dear ones, whom you call the guides, whom you call
 the angels, are those Human beings whom you have known as
 Human family, but who have passed on. So we give you this
 information: When you think you feel them, and you wonder if
 they're able to see you and what you're going through, they can
 see you. It's intuitive information, and not just your imagination.
 This is not a metaphor. Indeed, they are with you, or what we call
  a portion of them.
      If you call upon the names of your fathers, you might be
  interested to know that a piece of them is with you. This goes for
  any Human who has been with you as friend or family and has
  passed over. Part of their karmic attributes are to be with you in
  this way. It is the same with you when you leave the earth. The
  difficult part of this is the realization that you, or part of you, is
  still active as someone else's guide!
    Perhaps this energy of past family is an energy you would
 like to draw upon this very night? How many of you are aware
that you are your own ancestors? How many of you have walked
 in the desert before? How many of you are aware of just how long
you have owned this land?  I speak to shamans.
I speak to what we have termed the medicine men and women
and the ancient priests. I speak to those who have awakened
before, and we will talk about that in a moment. For these are the
ones who can change the reality of a land. The ones who have
awakened before are the ones, who by their very thoughts and
actions and calling upon the interdimensional parts of their own
divinity, can change the reality of the land under their feet. For
the energy of it, and what happens to it, belongs to their co-
creative powers.

    Every Human Being comes in to the planet with an entou-
rage. You may try to list them one at a time and give them names
in your meditations if you choose. That's a very linear thing, and
we understand it. But let me tell you, your guide-set is infinite,
yet it is one. "Exactly how many guides are there?" The
answer is yes.  When you plug in something electrical,
do you ask how many electricity are coming through the wire?
How could you "tap in to" Source [Spirit] with questions like
that? Yet in 4D, that is exactly what you do!
    We've described this before, how such a thing could be, but
let me give you some insight also as to who is there. Maybe out
of time, out of space--but we want you to understand and
celebrate who is there. When we opened this evening, we told
you that there was an entourage that was going to pour in here
and surround the chairs. We told you that some of you would feel
hugs this very night. Reader, we included you, too, remember?
Some of you will feel pressure on the shoulders, on the knees,
and perhaps the head. Let me tell you who's facilitating part of
that: Dear ones, if it is true that you are in some inrerdimensional
space and are fragmented--that a part of you is helping those in
the past that used to be your family before you reincarnated,
then you might project right now those who are part of your own
guide-set as well.
    The ones whom you knew on this planet as family, who have
passed over, are currently sitting on your shoulder. This is truth,
dear ones. A piece and a part of them, whether they've reincar-
nated or not, is with you right now. "Out of space, out of time,"
you might say . . . yet they are here. There is the mother, the
 father, the sister, the brother, and the child. They are all here.
 Do you ever wonder if the ones who departed that you loved so
 much, that you anguished so much over, could ever "look down
 from above" and see you? Well, they don't have to "look down."
All they have to do is glance to the right! There is a piece and part
 of all of them with you now.
    We invite some of you to feel this and understand what
we're saying. It's part of the love of God that gives you this, so
that you will not be alone . . . ever. It's a part of the promise of
family that we have never discussed with you before. It's never
been transcribed before--part of the energy that you carry
around with you are those who passed on in your own lifetime.
    Now, whom do you think taps you on the shoulder to see the
 11:11 and the 12:12 on the clocks? Why did you look at that
particular moment? Why not when the clock was displaying
11:10? It's because you were tapped on the shoulder by those
who love you and surround you, who wanted to say, "I want to
show you something very unique and interesting. Look at the
clock now!" The next time it happens to you, rather than feeling
a wash of "What is this about?" or "Oh, isn't this interesting or
odd?" we challenge you instead to say, "I love you, too ... I love
you, too." For that's what's going on. It's a tap on the shoulder.
Your own loved ones are saying to you, "We're really here! Look
at the clock--look at the clock! Were here, and if you don't
believe it, we're going to have you do it again and again and again
until you understand that these things are not coincidental. We
want you to know that we are proud, and that we love you."

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{To be continued}

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