The Game of Life


Subject: “The Game Of Life.”

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Monjoronson: “When you are born into this world, you find yourself naked and alone, and divorced from all you know and comprehend. The journey of your life is to piece together that from which you came, that which you are, and that which you will become.

“There are veils around you in all ways, forging a barrier between you and your true Divine Self, between you and your colleagues, and between you and your own sense of the reality that sits beneath that which you perceive; yet with care, effort and love within your heart, you start to chip away at those veils to discover yourself and the wondrous entities that share their worlds with you, forging the veil into a new structure, no longer a barrier, but a device to allow you the wonder of experience life fully on earth.

“Do not be distressed by your apparent separation from that which you feel as home, but instead delight in the glory of all that is on Earth, which you are unable to experience in any other place within this universe. If you saw already what the true nature of reality was then you would be stripped of the wondrous motion towards perfection and of the childlike delight formed when discovering that which is new to your perceptions.

“Think of this life as a game, a game in which there are no losers and many, many different paths to the final stage. It’s a game of exploration, of fun, of joy and of sorrow, and like all good games it would not be exciting without fear, apprehension and anxiety at times.

“These moments help to stand you in good stead for a future as Divine Being, to empathize and understand those still encompassed within the lowest planes of the ascendant mortals.

“Know every move has been calculated and its potential assessed, though it remains your own will, which dictates which potential is followed. We delight in progressing our paths alongside you, watching the way you tackle emergency and trauma, and comforting you when it all becomes too much.

“Know that your efforts, always valiant, are noted and recorded, and when the time comes to look back on your lessons you will often see that those which form the greatest part of your ‘learnings’ are the ones that passed unnoticed within your own times.

“In all that you are, and all that you can be, you are perfected beings finding the way of will in a world of dichotomy and inconsistency. Each turn you take is a marvel and part of God’s plan to experience how life becomes itself when separated from all that it already knows.

“Feed from the light of the sun, find sustenance in your communion with others, and look to the heavens for inspiration and fortitude. We are by your side and we will never leave you until your journey on this plane is through.

“By the morning, all will be clear.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
Toujours au Service de Michael.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4479 Beautiful Are the Stars Above, February 28, 2013 

God said: 

Let’s take a little jaunt today. Let’s go over the horizon and see what it’s like to walk on air and see the stars from a different angle as if there were no distance between you and the stars and the light and the Maker of the Stars and all your heart’s desires.

What if, in your eyes, it could really be true that distance does not exist. If distance does not exist, then, in a way, closeness does not. However, Oneness is Oneness. There is nothing whatsoever to distance, and no gaps to close. Words are words, you know. Words do the best they can, yet words are substitutes for Reality. Words are approximations. Words do a good job. Words aspire to find the right approximation. Words aspire to put themselves together so they reveal the wonder they wish to express. And yet words cannot say it all. The word Vastness is not quite Vastness Itself.

Words aren’t guesses, yet they are approximations.

What is the word love next to the depth and breadth of love itself? See, there are no words to express the love that only your heart can express.

You can put all the words on a package of spaghetti, yet the words on the package of spaghetti are not the spaghetti. They are not the spaghetti raw or cooked, nor are the words and the pleasure you gain from eating the spaghetti dredged with olive oil and garlic and salt and pepper or tomato sauce and basil and Parmesan cheese. Nor are the words on a label on a can of Spaghetti-O’s the Spaghetti-O’s themselves. Nor is the name given to you anywhere near representing you and the Glory of your Being.

Nevertheless, words matter. There are words for everything, and, yet, the words are not everything. Digestion is word, and yet it is a sum of words. Charts of digestion can be made, yet your digestion is far more than any words or charts can portray.

Beautiful are the stars above from where you came. I appointed you the Light of the Stars. Starlight is in your heart. You might consider your heart a cave. Nevertheless then, your heart is a cave that shines light, and your heart shines light more effectively than the finest words can do. All applause to the stars and the light of the stars in your heart and to the streetlights that words are. Words can point you in a direction that exists on Earth yet not in Heaven where Oneness does not need to be pointed out.

In my Father’s house are many mansions. You are many-mansioned. You are a phenomenal Being. You are a diamond with many facets. There are levels within levels in life in the world. And you are the elevator that can take you to all the floors. You are the elevator that can take you to the Penthouse where you can see Who You Really Are and where you have been and what you were really doing there. You have had many thoughts otherwise. You may have never come near to the Reality, yet you sought to. You always knew that Reality existed. I say you knew because you always sought it. You sought for more than the details of life on Earth. You knew there was an apex, and you knew you wanted to reach it. You knew it was yours, and you knew you came from that not-quite-grasped place that wasn’t a place yet was within your reach.

It was you, beloveds. What you were trying to reach was within you, in that cave within your heart where starlight always shone. You looked everywhere else.

Teacher Prolotheos.
“Critical Thinking.”

Received by Valdir Soares.

Teacher Prolotheos: “It is correct to say that every thought expressed by someone is meant to change reality. No one is neutral. My very words to you right now are meant to change reality in you and around you, hopefully for the best. Thoughts are the designs of actions that change the world. Therefore, if people are able to tell you what you should think, their words can make you an instrument of change, for good or for bad.

“Since humans are going to be adjudicated according to their actions, which reflect their thoughts and decisions, you should make sure that your thoughts are of the best kind, because you will be accountable for the actions these thoughts produce. You need to understand how you make decisions. You mostly come to making decisions by establishing ‘paradigms’. Thankfully, you do not need to think about every single problem you will face. When you solve a problem once, that solution registers in your memory as a paradigm that will help you to decide similarly in other comparable situations. However, depending on your personality development, these paradigms need adjustments to fall in line with new knowledge and experiences you may have acquired about these problems, every time, without fail.

“Additionally, it will occasionally appear to you that an existential or moral problem requires a solution with a new approach in thinking, hopefully to establish a new paradigm for a new kind of problem. To solve a new problem you need to resort to all related knowledge immediately available to you, and sometimes go in search of more data. That is when you face other people’s opinions, and have to weigh them up to make your own decision. You weigh their source if it is reputable, the content if it makes sense, and the consequences if applied to your situation. Here, in searching out other people’s thoughts, it so happens that people usually fail to realize an important ready resource within themselves, the Spirit Within.

“The Spirit Within, also known as the Thought Adjuster, is an entity quite distinct from your soul, mind or personality. It is a Fragment of the Father sent to inhabit you, and assist you in making decisions according to the Will of God. The Spirit Within does not push its thoughts into your mind to erase or replace your own thoughts. It rather strives to ‘inspire’ you with new thoughts or paradigms that lead you to decide in favour of the Will of God. The Spirit Within will never coerce you, or violate your free will.

“You need other people’s thoughts and experience to help you with your problem solving, thus using their input with forethought and consideration is a good call. However, when making decisions, do always listen to that small and gentle ‘voice within’. It will always guide you according to what is true, good and beautiful. The Spirit Within is the best resource for your critical thinking, so listen attentively to your heavenly Guide, and your decisions, even if less than perfect will be the best for the occasion and circumstances. This is Prolotheos, your teacher and tutor on high. Peace to all!” 

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972. 

For some reason people think Lawyers are sooooooooo smart.
This took place in Charlotte , North Carolina .
A lawyer purchased a box of 24 of very rare and expensive cigars, then insured them against, among other things, fire.
Within a month, having smoked his entire stockpile of these great cigars, the lawyer filed a claim against the insurance company. In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost 'in a series of small fires.
The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason, that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion.
The lawyer sued - and WON! (Stay with me...)
Delivering the ruling, the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous. The judge stated nevertheless, that the lawyer held a policy from the company, in which it had warranted that the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would insure them against fire, without defining what is considered to be unacceptable 'fire' and was obligated to pay the claim.
Rather than endure lengthy and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the cigars that perished in the 'fires'.
After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of ARSON!!! With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was convicted of intentionally burning his insured property and was sentenced to 24 months in jail and a $24,000 fine.
This true story won First Place in last year's Criminal Lawyers Award contest.
