The Family of GOD

"Who gives, his virtues shall increase;
Who is self-curbed, no hatred bears;
Who so is skilled in virtues, evil shuns,
And by the rooting out of lust and hate
And all delusion, comes to be at peace".
The Buddha

From: 11:11 Progress Group 
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 7:23 AM

Michigan, US of A, May 12, 2013.
The Universal Voice
 (The Soul Family).
“The Family of God.”

Received by Chris.

The Universal Voice: “Today we would like to speak about the family of God and the relationship you, as a beloved child, have within this extended family. As humans, you are often fickle as to your assured status in this family, which requires you to constantly be reminded of this connection you have to those who love and care for you behind the veil. It requires great faith on your part to believe that there are many unseen brothers, sisters, guides, teachers, and guardians near you who are devoted to helping you throughout your sojourn on this world – to get the most ‘soul value’ you can from this intense experiential realm. It is not necessary for you to know us all by name, or even that you need special psychic awareness to communicate with us. All that is needed is for you to reach out in faith and ask for what you need and feel this community of family.

“Each one of you reading this message is known and dearly loved by ‘us,’ your family. This message is our way of reminding you of our connection with you. You are reading this now because you asked for a more intimate connection to spirit, to God, and we are answering that request through this message and by many other methods that we can use to remind you that you are not alone. The 11:11 time prompt is only one method we may use to communicate with you through our Midwayer associates. We know you and we are constantly finding new ways to show you that you belong to this extended family.

“Just because you are living in a material body and exist in a realm of lower vibration does not mean you are orphans, for when you transition to your next life station, you will meet many of us, your universe brothers and sisters, who are always here with you. Call on us and say, ‘Family, please help me with this situation,’ or, ‘Send help to my friend in need,’ or, ‘Guide me to a right decision I need to make,’ or simply, ‘Love me, I need your love in this moment, I am hurting, I am lonely.’ We are here for you, cheering you on, as you struggle through this period of intense soul growth.

“Please understand that we really do hear you and we go into action to help you in ways that serve your highest good. That ‘highest good’ is not always recognized by you, because your expectations are sometimes short-sighted, or your desires are not healthy, but when your will is in alignment with the Father, things change very quickly and you may become aware that your family is working on your behalf. Spend time with us in thought and word, like we are traveling with you wherever you go, and we will make ourselves known to you in special ways that you may recognize.

“Each one of you belongs to a group of souls, which are your extended family. There are many here among us who are similar in propensity (vibrational strata) to you and can greatly assist you in your development. As you grow and acquire valuable life experiences, you help the entire family and contribute to the growth of the Supreme, and so it is to our mutual benefit that you are assisted in your spiritual progress.

“Acknowledge us and call on us often to assist you – we love you and want you to know that we are here for you,

“Your Beloved Soul Family.”

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4566 Magnificence and Miracle , May 26, 2013 

God said: 

You have to understand that you play a far greater part in the existence of the world than you possibly know or can conceive of. There is a big distance between your perception about your role and the magnificence of your actual role than you are presently able to perceive and accept.

This helps to explain how so many opposites appear in the world, how great the misperception and how great is the lack of All-Knowingness in human life as you live it and know it. How great are you in ignorance, beloveds! Innocent? Indeed. The more sophisticated or blasé you may think you are, most likely you are innocent in the true ways of life in the world.

At the same time as I tell you that you are unaware of the role you serve on Earth, I tell you that you are a Magnificent Being. Not a potential Magnificence but a real-live loving Magnificence right now. You will admit that you do not know yourself as magnificent.

At this moment, you have no idea of the miracle and miracles that you are part of. You look in the mirror, and you see a face and maybe liver spots, and that’s what you see. You don’t see the radiant light that you are. You do not see all the connections that you make with other bright lights across the Universe.

If you could see right now what I see, you would see a lighted-up grid showing moving light criss-crossing everywhere. You would see such a panorama of light moving so quickly you would just about have an image of Eternity and Infinity. You would see such patterns of beauty and love that would dumbfound you.

In fact, you would be so immersed in this Reality that you might never come out of it. This is one good reason why you dip gradually into this Truth so that you will merge with it gently. You know, if you felt yourself speeding at the speed of light, you might be dazzled to an overpowering extent.

So, as it is, you clomp along, wise perhaps in the surface ways of the world and so innocent of the Truth that the world is based on, and, so, you see yourself as a mere human being, a clod perhaps who seems to be stuck in sand and is unable to notice that he traverses the Universe and beyond. All the while, you are a Time-Traveler. All the while, you do cross into the hills and valleys of Eternity and Infinity. I like the expression hills and valleys so I use it full well-knowing that Eternity and Infinity are hill-less and valley-less.

I must have said before that you are Shining Lights, that you are angels on Earth, that the role you play is in a different league from what you may feel. In the realm I speak of, everyone has the dynamism of Heaven. You have the power to move mountains. You have the power to bring peace to the world, and, despite whatever you may think or not think, you are doing it right now.

Look up at the stars on a clear night, and you will begin to see what I see when I see you. You may presently see yourself weak or dragging your feet. You may see yourself as ill or frantic. No matter what you may think or feel, I was not kidding when I said once that you are all My handmaidens. You are to Me like the night stars are to you, something bright and phenomenal to look up at.


Who are You?

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for


Dear Ones,

The next few days may seem as if you are turned inside out. Not in terms of trauma or pain, but that you are thinking and functioning differently.

Perhaps you anticipated a painful encounter with others only to discover that a veil of sorts has lifted and you no longer fear them or hold a grudge - that you are emotionally in a different place.

Or something that might have triggered a physical reaction such as hay fever no longer affects you the same. Maybe you once needed large doses of allergy medications to counteract pollen. Now you find yourself allergy-free or affected to a lesser degree.

Who are you now? Who indeed?

Are you a new being with new insights and reactions or merely an updated Old Age being? You are both and neither. For the more of your totality you allow within your being, the more unique you become. At the same time, your Old Age persona is not lost - merely augmented by more insights and cellular structures.

Are you the you of yesterday? Yes. Are you the New Age you? Yes. For you added dimensions, actions and beliefs.

Perhaps you fear you will lose the Old Age you, that you will negate friends and relatives who you love dearly. That becoming a true New Age person means you must give up everything - including you.

Such is not the case. Think in terms of computers. Computers add much to your life - yet you remain you with the added ability to better understand and create what you want. So too is it true for the New Age you.

You are not "killing" the Old Age you, merely adding features that help you live in your 3D world - and most certainly help you avoid the veils preventing you from moving to and through other dimensions. You opened another book of knowledge that may change your actions and interactions - but does not need to. Let us explain.

When you graduated from high school, you vowed to remain friends with high school buddies. Only to find that your new life was not that important to them, nor were their new lives that important to you. Even though you think of them with fondness and interact at reunions and community gatherings, they are not the first people you contact in an emergency or joy.

So it is with your New Age life. Perhaps you will  interact with a circle of friends you have known for decades - perhaps not. You will interact with those who help you feel the best possible.

Of course, no one can make you feel better - that is your responsibility. At the same time, there are those who encourage you to bubble with joy, who can play with you without you needing to sift their actions through your emotionally being, who love you for who you are - not who they want you to be.

Then there are those who expect you to fit within a box of their making. "You should do and say this or I will not be happy." Those are the beings - whether friends, co-workers or relatives - you will opt not to interact with for much, if not all, of the remainder of your life in this lifetime. You know who they are and what they expect. You have changed, but they have not.

Those people shifting into their New Age beings are those with whom you will feel most comfortable.

Does that mean that you will only interact with those verbalizing New Age thought? Not at all.

As is true for those who label themselves Christian or another religion whose actions have little to do with love, some who spout New Age beliefs will feel light, joyous and loving. Others will feel little different from those you interacted with and tried to please in the Old Age.

Labels mean little. It is the feeling that emanates from their being that will be your compass of rightness.

The energies of the past few days helped you discard those outer-directed notions of who you should be and who you should interact with. Replaced with a knowingness that cannot be described in the words we have available.

Your physical being will also have less need to direct your attention to healing whatever aspect you have denied yourself in the past - emotional and/or spiritual - as you move into your inner honesty.

You have transitioned into a completeness - spiritually, emotionally and physically - that will alter your Old Age patterns dramatically, but not negate your Old Age persona. You are greater than - not lessor than as some of you expected when you began shifting your inner-being.

You may wonder if letting go of others is emotionally painful. The more you shift the less you will need to interact with those who wish you to remain as you were before your transition began. But then of course, such is no longer possible.

All that is required of anyone who wishes to connect with you is to accept you with all your marvelous new facets.

Why then, can you not in turn accept them with whatever facets they wish to display? So you will.

It is merely that if they limit their facets to 3D beings of the Old Age, you will have little in common. But if they decide to upgrade their being to whatever dimension beyond the 3rd, they feel most comfortable, you will have more to share - just as is true for those you so dearly loved in high school, but have little in common with now. So be it. Amen
