The Drama of Ascension-Channeled

Dissolving the Drama of Ascension with Master Lanto
Channelled through NatalieGlasson 20-08-12
Withlight expression I bless you with the Christ Consciousness of the Creator, withtruth, peace and an eternal love; I emanate the vibration of the Christ intoyour entire being so you may recognise the same within yourself, expansivelyand eternally. I am Master Lanto, my energies are gentle but radiant and I haveworked closely with many aspects of the Christ including Master Jesus. It is mypurpose to activate the devotional energies to the Creator around and withinyour being, as well as enhancing your luminosity. Devotion to truth, radiance,loving determination and the Christ vibration are of great importance at thisstage of ascension, it is essential to allow these qualities to activate in harmoniousbalance from within your being. You may also find that within your recognitionof these sacred qualities that there is in areas an imbalance, this can beadjusted easily. Allow yourself to practice the below affirmations,
I amdevotion in divine balance,
I amradiance in divine balance,
I amdetermination in divine balance,
I amthe Christ vibration in divine balance.
Allowyourself to inhale as you state the first affirmation in your mind, as youexhale allow the divine balance to be formed, created and to flow from yourbeing. Inhaling once more, repeat the second affirmation, exhale allowing thedivine balance to form and flow. Continue in this manner stating all fouraffirmations and then beginning one more. Call me forward to assist in thecreation and manifestation of divine balance within and around your being.
Balanceis an energy each soul seeks; it is almost a security for the soul allowing forgreater alignment with the Creator. Balance cannot be grasped or even adoptedbut must manifest from within your being, the essence of truth or your creatorpresence that you hold. Balance can be determined as steadiness or stability.When I think of balance I do not imagine it as an energy I will become or aquality I can acquire in my reality but an understanding of alignment with theCreator. When you connect with the Creator or universal energies, whetherwithin or around you, then balance is a reality that unfolds, not due to yourfocus upon balance but due to your surrendering to become the vibration of theCreator. When balance is evident within your reality you can be sure that thevibration of the Creator is present and divinely integrated. If unbalance ispresent then you can identify that a greater connection or acceptance of theCreator within and around you is needed. In areas of unbalance a connection with the Creator can be formed byallowing the light of the Creator to emanate from your being during certaincircumstance. Asking for the Creator to bless and align certain energies orsituations to the divine essence of the Creator will also be of assistance, or bysimply expressing the abundant love from your being while knowing you are atone with the energy and divine wisdom of the Creator. In this state you openyourself up to the divine magic of the Creator allowing for truth and blissfulenergies to unfold.
Thepresence of balance can also be seen as a deep and devoted trust in thevibration of the Creator. I, Master Lanto, believe trust in the Creator is ofgreat importance at this time of ascension. There is also a need for you toplace trust in yourself as a powerful, wise being that can make a difference toyour own vibration, reality and awareness.
Withthe upcoming magnification of the Creator and energetic shifts in December2012, the Creator is providing each person with an opportunity to lovethemselves unconditionally, to place greater trust and faith in their own powerand radiant light as well as reaffirming their trust in the Creator. In manyways this is to create a greater balance or attunement to the Creator. I amaware of the numerous ideas held within the general consciousness of humanityconcerning what will occur in December 2012, it is my wish to share some simpleinformation that will assist you in achieving the most blissful experience.
Iask first that you dissolve all expectations concerning this time that we speakof, making a peace within your being that you are happy and content in notknowing what will occur during this time. By relaxing your expectations andfeeling content even when uncertainty is before you then you will awaken andopen your energies allowing for greater grace and divine intervention to beexperienced. I would encourage you to talk to yourself during meditation orquiet time, explaining that you are perfectly at ease with everything that isoccurring and you are happy to place your trust in the Creator watching theglorious enfoldments. It is important to dissolve all judgments you may makeabout the magnification process, allowing for love, trust, balance anddetermination to radiate from your being and mind.
Iask secondly that you are observant of the dramas you create in your realityand to eradicate these as much as possible. To create a drama in your realityis to enhance an energy, emotion, thought or situation. As a soul constantlysearching for a deeper connection with the Creator you may feel as if you areconstantly enhancing or increasing your own energy but in truth you areallowing your energy to unfold. When you enhance energy you make it larger thanit actually is, when you allow energy to unfold it becomes larger but alsobecomes more whole, you are linking into the flow of the Creator's light. Dramais often seen in negative situations, especially emotional experiences and isoften created to attract greater attention or even love onto the individual.Drama can also be experienced in spiritual practices, for example, if you aremeditating sensing the love in your heart, you may become focused upon the lovewanting it to grow, saying to yourself how blissful the love is and how youwish to experience it more fully. In many ways even this is creating a drama asyou are trying to enhance the love rather than allowing it to unfold fromwithin your being. When you simply observe the love within your being and openyourself to experience a greater flow your entire being rejoices and there isno need to enhance the love experienced, it simply grows without boundaries.
Itis my wish that you begin to observe the drama that you create in your realityor the energies, emotions, thoughts, experiences that you try to enhance inyour reality. The important realisation is that there is no need to enhance theenergies but to allow yourself to have a more open and free experience of theenergies. If you can begin to observe this within your being and reality youwill free yourself of expectations and many ideas which may not have formedfrom truth, you will also gain a greater balance or attunement to the Creator.When you then perceive or experience the magnification of December 2012 youwill understand there is no need to create any drama within or around you butto allow the energies to flow from your being and the Creator. In truth tosimply be open to experience the eternal flow that is the Creator.
Wemay see many people creating drama in love or fear at this time as they try tofind security, balance and a greater understanding, but if you are able to gaina greater mastery in your own reality you will be able to recognise the same inothers. Allow your energy and intentions to assist them in experiencing thetruth and love of the Creator. Let us dissolve from the consciousness ofhumanity the need to create drama and enhance energies, let us simplyexperience the magnitude of the Creator's light within and around each other.
Myname is Master Lanto, I reassure you that I am here to assist you in any waythat I can, simply call upon my energies and presence and I will be at yourservice.
Inlove and devotion always,