The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse


Being completely immersed in the mystery of life and creation is Samadhi.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


VIDEO - Alfred Lambremont Webre: The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse interview with Jon Kelly



Omniverse hypothesis prevails over Mars opposition

April 9, 2014

In an exclusive video interview published to YouTube on April 9, 2014, Yale Law School graduateAlfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, discussed replicable prima facie evidence that led him to formulate what he describes as a new scientific hypothesis. Today marks the official launch date of his new book “The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse,” in which the former director of the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study at Stanford Research Institute highlights milestones from five years of research exploring exopolitics, parapsychology, reincarnation, extraterrestrial contact, the nature of the soul and more.

The interview took place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, during the early evening hours of April 8, 2014, over a period coinciding with a noted celestial opposition between Earth, Mars and the sun. The event drew both planets towards the closest approach within their respective orbits while heralding the advent of a tetrad of four dark red blood moons that astronomers anticipate will be visible next week.

Mars-Related Opposition

Some Christians are said to believe that the blood moon tetrad indicates a pending end of days and second appearance of Christ. Recounting events surrounding a similar campaign of Mars-related opposition Alfred Lambremont Webre offered his alternative perspective, cryptically paraphrasing the first Chancellor of Germany Otto von Bismarck, who reportedly advised nineteenth-century colleagues to “Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.”

Click here to watch “The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse with Alfred Lambremont Webre,” an exclusive one-hour interview conducted by former CBS Radio feature producer Jon Kelly in which Yale Law School graduate and former director of the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study at Stanford Research Institute Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, discusses his new book and the replicable prima facie evidence that led the author to formulate a new scientific hypothesis.

Partial Transcript

The following partial transcript of the April 8, 2014, interview between Jon Kelly (JK) and Alfred Lambremont Webre (ALW) has been edited for clarity. Readers who wish to know more are invited to click the link above to view the interview in its entirety and to read the book, which also contains an extensive bibliography of sources and resource materials.

JK: Can you give us a brief introduction to your synopsis of the book and its purpose?

ALW: This is a time that’s been talked about as the bringing together of science and spirituality and that’s the general approach of the book. By science, we mean the scientific method, in terms of empirical evidence and what I call the law of evidence (with my background as an attorney, as someone who’s been a law professor at the university level and someone who’s been a judge).

I’m familiar with the law of evidence that institutions have used for many centuries to sift through documentary and witness evidence and to reach reasonable conclusions. This is important where you’re dealing with phenomena where either you have eyewitnesses or you’re dealing with documents and you’re trying to establish the integrity of documents, their evidential viability and their authenticity.

What we did was to take a number of strands, one strand being the explosion in knowledge about the universe in which we live. And not only the universe but the explosion of the knowledge about the multiverse in which we live (the definition of the multiverse being the collection of universes), how many universes are in our multiverse, how many intelligent civilizations are in our particular universe and in the multiverse.

From there we’ve gone to areas that traditionally have been thought to be in the area of belief because they’re outside of our universes of time, space, energy and matter. These are intelligent entities that reside outside of time, space, energy and matter. They are things like the intelligent civilization of souls, spiritual beings and God, or Source (God has many, many different names).

Traditionalist thinking about these matters holds them in the realm of belief. However, the approach of science, of replicable empirical evidence (in terms of laboratory protocols and replicable results), has advanced in our time to where we now have empirical evidence. We have findings that qualify as scientific knowledge regarding the intelligent civilization of souls, the human soul, of spiritual beings and of God and of the domains within which they live outside of the multiverse that we can call the spiritual dimensions.

I began to really examine the realm beyond what our canonical science uses string theory to explore and to go beyond string theory into the realm of souls, spiritual beings and Source, to discover and really name through science what we call the omniverse. The omniverse you can say is all the universes of time, space, energy and matter (which is our multiverse) plus all of the intelligent civilizations of souls, spiritual beings and God itself that are located in the spiritual dimensions. That whole totality equals the omniverse.

This is not a positive belief anymore. It’s a positive science. We are putting this forward in the form of a hypothesis. I guess we’re not putting forwards a challenge so much as we are addressing these issues within the discipline of science and saying that it’s time that science and spirituality are in fact being integrated. It’s just a matter of both of these disciplines recognizing each other.

JK: This is movement away from a Cartesian or materialist, atheistic perspective that may be informing a lot of the material sciences that we have today, placing science in a context where there is a spiritual universe, extra dimensions of influence that impact human affairs, planetary, solar and galactic affairs.

ALW: Yes, there are many advanced scientists now. For example, the spiritual dimension of the omniverse provides the energy that human scientists such as Lawrence M. Krauss, author of “A Universe from Nothing” cannot now account for, that is needed for the creation and maintenance of each physical universe in the multiverse. The most advanced scientists are saying, “Hey, string theory doesn’t account for the energy that is sustaining the universe.” It’s the energy of the spiritual dimensions that the conventional sciences cannot account for.

You have advanced scientists such as Lawrence Krauss saying “Wait, we can’t account for the creation and maintenance of each physical universe in the multiverse.” Now, the energy of the spiritual dimension of the omniverse accounts for it.

We have advanced scientists such as Professor Amit Goswami who argues very strongly that contemporary science’s assumption that only matter (which consists of atoms or ultimately elementary particles) is real is inadequate and that a new hypothesis is required. I actually wrote “The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse” to fulfill Professor Goswami’s requirement of a new hypothesis of reality and I’m putting it down in this particular horse race.

Copyright Jon Kelly 2014






Alfred Lambremont Webre: The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse interview with Jon Kelly


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4887 The True State of Love, April 12, 2014 

God said: 

When anything weighs heavily on your heart, you may think the weight is about love. A loved one ditched you, in life or by death, and your heart is heavy. Yes, of course, you miss the loved one, and, yet, basically, your question is:
“How could you leave me?” Or, “How could God allow this to happen?”  
No matter how much you loved your loved one, it is not love that asks these questions. It is not love that feels bereft. Love doesn’t get thrown for a loop when a loved one leaves. There is more going on here.
Attachment, of course, sense of loss, a sense of helplessness are going on. Feelings of attachment, loss, helplessness are not love. You feel lost. You feel that love has been lost, by will or by chance or for any reason or no reason all, and you are put out.
The physical presence may be gone, yet love is not lost. Whether you are the object of the other’s love or not, love had its day in the sunshine. I do not make little of your heartache, yet you make too much of it, as though a crime has been done, a wrongful act, a grievous error, an impossibility. Well, it is impossible for love to go away. If you had a love, you have the love still. Where have you put it?
In the case of a romance, too often the love in your heart, so long as it is requited, reigns, yet how quickly the love in your heart may turn to resentment when unrequited. This is not love at all. You feel hurt, and you may want to hurt. You will do almost anything not to have been rejected, and you may toss rejection back, yet love once given is still yours, and not to be thrown away. Love is a constant. You may not be constant. What matters is not so much what happened. What matters is what you make of the love now.
You may see the love you gave from your heart as love betrayed, and, therefore, your loved one as a betrayer. The loved one withdrew the promise of your relationship. If a loved one leaves by will, she gave what she had to give at the time. The dejection, rejection, and ejection are not about love, beloveds. The other party may no longer favor you above all, and, yet this dreadful deed -- it happened to the other party who is an innocent as you. It happened. Something happened. Something changed, and the other person discovered the change and fled from it, not knowing anything else to do. She is not your possession.
We are not talking about con artists who design to take what they want and then drop you. Yet, in any case, you desired to be loved, and when that was withdrawn, you took it as a fall from grace. Your life and love are not to be dependent upon another’s view.
Love cannot go anywhere but where it is. Love is true whether human hearts are true or not.
The true state of your heart is love, love that does not require an object to fill it. Love is not forlorn all by itself. You may feel forlorn, yet that is your own doing, beloveds. Can I say it enough times? The love in your own heart is your concern. You cannot rule any other heart but your own, and, yet, often My children try to rule another’s heart as if it were their own, as if they were to rule others’ hearts as if they were unruly children.
Love coerced, demanded, insisted upon, forced, obligated to is not love. It’s a kind of usury. Love is not owed. Love is not a payment. Tap your own love, beloveds. Find that place in your heart that is Mine and give it. Give sway to the love in your own heart, and give others leeway. No one is tethered to you. In order to love, one has to be free. Free yourself from attachment.



Animal Consciousness Awakening in Service for Ascension

by Archangel Sandalphon



Animal Consciousness Awakening in Service for Ascension by Archangel Sandalphon

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 9th April

My love and support for your Earthly reality and journey is extended to you now. I am Archangel Sandalphon a guardian of the Earth, supporting Earth's evolution while also energising the Earth's connection with the Creator. Alongside Archangel Metatron I am supporting the numerous light shifts of ascension occurring upon the Earth. I am the anchor for the light, love and consciousness of the Creator. It is my purpose to assist Mother Earth's ascension process while safeguarding all who are present with her journey. While I am aware of all shifts occurring within the universe of the Creator, my great interest and place of service is acknowledging and overseeing how cosmic shifts ripple through the Earth and the effects they create for all. I study the divine plan of the Creator for the Earth encouraging transitions within the Earth and humanity to be achieved easily and harmoniously.

It is my delight to share with you a new shift which is occurring upon the Earth now and bringing forth tremendous light to support Mother Earth and humanity's transitions into higher vibrations of light. The animal kingdom is currently moving through a major transition which they have consented to and are achieving as a service to the Earth.  As souls in physical bodies upon the Earth you are all moving through a stage of accepting and embodying love more completely than ever before as a collective consciousness and being. Humanity is a collective energy, by each of you focusing upon your spiritual evolution you are adding to the collective energy thus creating a large body of love upon the Earth which will add to Mother Earth's transition and allow for heaven to manifest upon the Earth. Every aspect of and existence on the Earth is moving through a transition into a greater space of love, this will be harmonised and achieved simultaneously by all to truly create an explosion of transformation creating a new reality and new manifestation of the Earth. Some may lead the way, instigating shifts like stepping stones that then create a greater worldwide shift. At this moment the animal kingdom are leading the way forward to support the evolution of all to love.

The animal kingdom have been moving through shifts for some time, the elementals, angels and light beings supporting animals upon the Earth have been waiting for a special time for a powerful transition for the animal kingdom to take place. With your dedication and the support from the inner planes the Earth has reached a vibration where an important transition will occur. We may speak of this often in the coming years as we will be asking you to raise your vibration in order to raise the vibration of the Earth to a certain level as there are 352 transitional levels which need to take place in order to support all to embody love. The love embodiment of the Earth is connected to the Mahatma energy and vibration which is the consciousness held at a cosmic level focused upon the synthesis of all aspects of the Creator in harmony. There are 352 levels of Mahatma and so this symbolises the synthesis process the Earth is currently moving through. These levels are major shifts rather than the smaller shifts which lead to major shifts. A major shift is a significant landmark in evolution. The awakening of the consciousness of the animal kingdom is shift number 94 and is a major transformation for the animal kingdom which will affect all.

The animal kingdom have always been receivers and anchors of light and love throughout the Earth's evolution, they also act as guardians of cosmic and ancient wisdom, waiting for the most appropriate time to share it with all, not only humanity but with Mother Earth and to return it to the universe of the Creator. For these reasons alone there is a need to treasure the animal kingdom for their service but in this period of ascension the animal kingdom are now accepting a new consciousness of light which has never been held by the animal kingdom before. The energetic vibration of their physical bodies are altering to be aligned and to exist in accurate unity with the new vibration of the Earth, the Era of Love, the Earth of Love which everyone is manifesting now. The energetic structure of their physical bodies is altering while the consciousness they are receiving is a new love born from the heart of the Creator with such profound healing vibrations. The animal kingdom are becoming like crystals upon the Earth. The wisdom each animal holds is now being guided to be expressed. This means that when connecting with an appropriate animal ancient and cosmic wisdom will be shared with you for illumination and enlightenment but also for you to safeguard, sharing when divinely guided. The colours of the souls of the animal kingdom are now being ignited and asked to shine brighter than before. The soul colours of the animal kingdom are so diverse and yet when expanded and expressed they create a complete energy which acts as a complete expression of the Creator. If some aspects of the animal kingdom do not express the colours of their soul then this will cause a hindrance to the complete development of the creation of energy the animal kingdom are being asked to manifest. When the colours of the animals' souls emanate and shine, uniting as one energy and consciousness, this in itself will cause a transition. The complete animal soul consciousness will embed deep into the Earth, creating a deeply healing foundation which will activate a shift in Mother Earth, where Mother Earth reaches out and calls forth for the foundations of love for the Earth of Love, (the Era of Love) to be fully anchored and activated within the energetic structures of the Earth. Light will then flood with greater intensity than even being experienced by you now into the Earth and all existences of the Creator on the Earth. This is such a major process of love manifestation and activation as it will also allow for humanity to see the truth of the animal kingdom, dissolving and dispersing all harm, torture and neglect that is caused to the animal kingdom.

Balance between the existence of humanity and the animal kingdom will be formed, love between the existence of humanity and the animal kingdom will be formed and most importantly gratitude and appreciation on a physical and spiritual level between humanity and the animal kingdom will manifest, thus creating a deeply embedded peace within all.

I, Archangel Sandalphon, am supporting this transition which will take time but I wish to invite you to support and add your energy to the transition of the animal kingdom.

In meditation, breathing deeply, I ask you to create from your own soul energy a bubble and cocoon of light around you. Imagine the light of your soul emanating from your heart space, with all the colours of your soul surrounding you in a sacred cocoon of light.

'I call upon Archangel Sandalphon to fill my soul cocoon of light with the new vibrations and consciousness of love flowing forth from the heart of the Creator especially intended for the animal kingdom and humanity. Let me be an instrument and anchor of the Creator's light and consciousness to support the transition of the animals and the service they offer to all. Let me be a support of love for the animal kingdom with your guidance and assistance, Archangel Sandalphon and the Creator.'

Imagine the light I, Archangel Sandalphon, channel into your being creating expansion within your cocoon as it expands beyond boundaries and limitations to embrace and encapsulate all animals of the Earth.

Observe and hold the focus that the animals receive the light that is needed as you embrace them. Your support allows them to expand their own soul colours in order to create the new consciousness which will embed into the Earth.

You may wish to speak to the animal kingdom sending your blessings, love and support and gratitude and speaking to them of a time when animals and humanity exist in truth, love and harmony.

This is a powerful process which you can experience for as long as you wish, then simply become aware of the vibration and light of your soul at your heart space and ask your soul to return to an appropriate state of expansion for you.

This was the information I was guided to share with you today but I also wish to say that in the time and Era of Love any ventures associated with, born from or with the view of creating  love will manifest quicker than any other forms of ventures. This is something to keep within your awareness when making decisions, embarking of new projects or new areas of your reality.

I am here as a constant support for you eternally,

Archangel Sandalphon


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Horus, 04-12-14


I am here today to let you in on some news from us here in Hollow and Inner Earth. I am Horus, and I share with you that we are seeing the outcome of it in many ways. There is an outstanding amount of people who are turning into their own power for the good of all. They are seeing that the only way to bring about the replenishment of beautiful Gaia and all of life on and within her body is to first take control of the wheel of their own existence and then to reach out in Love and care to all other forms of life around them.


This is expressing itself in so many ways and so many places around the globe. It not only has a beneficial affect on the surface world, but too, on our inner world. This is because there is an energy of harmony that is throughout the whole planet, and anything that affects one being of life affects all of them. You are all indeed beautiful beings of Light and as you come to that realization within yourselves you show it to the rest of life around you. We are in deep gratitude and joy with all of you as we see you expanding your visions. Blessings to you all!



Thank you so much dear Horus! We all Love and care for you and the rest of our family within Hollow and Inner Earth.

Much Love, 

from Nancy and the rest of our Family


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Urantia, 2014. 
Teacher: Mentori Spokesperson. 
Subject: “No Hiatus Ever.” 

Received by Lytske

Mentor: “The connection between the Almighty Creator and mortals suffers no hiatus, no let-up, or break-down, as you are all inexplicably bound to the Source of all life through unconditional love and an all-pervading energy. Only the creatures on your planet have accepted the erroneous idea that they are separate from God. How then is it possible that creation, through the method of evolution, continues to energetically and unabated be directed through all of endless space from that Almighty Being on Paradise? 

“Energy moves at God’s command, and once that command was given in the mists of the eternal past, it remained and will remain, unstoppable. To that effect all of known creation sprang into being by fiat of the Creator. God remains ever the Thought, whilst the Eternal Son is the Word and the Infinite Spirit is the Action. Due to the combined action of the Trinity, space and time had its origin, satisfying the unstoppable energy that keeps pouring forth from Paradise. God simply wished for an outlet for His creativity through the method of evolution, and as the Trinity, They allowed everything to unfold per Their design, which is absolutely endless. 

“Compare this stupendous act to your personal ideas of creating something. Once the flow of thoughts to create starts, it becomes unstoppable, unless it is being stopped by your free will, or for whatever reason. Think of how many likely possibilities there are in each thinking person, and then stop for a moment to consider: ‘Wherefrom arrive these ideas and this inspiration?’ These potentials, my friends were all embedded in you at conception, you simply can have no idea about what humans are capable of. 

“From a celestial viewpoint it is almost laughable how creatures dare to meddle and improve on God’s plans in negative ways. God-given minds can be put to better use by working on prevention of the man-made illnesses for which unthinking humanity tends to blame God. The Life-Carriers initiated the perfect plans for evolution on this planet, but ever since the Lucifer rebellion things have gone awry, and this negativity has persisted for well over 200.000 years. 

“It was a travesty indeed that by the hands of some unfeeling and greedy humans the Creator and Ruler of this wonderful universe was without fair judgment nailed to a cross some 2000 years ago. Since then, things have steadily gone from bad to worse. This wonderful blue little garden orb in space is slipping further behind, due to the acts and increasing greed of some humans. However, the darkening atmosphere on this planet will no longer be permitted to continue, therefore the Time of Correction has been instituted from on High, and the adjustment will be unstoppable. 

“The very last garment for any human being has no pockets for taking material possessions along into eternal life. All humans shall have to account for their conduct and deeds, and I inform you all that eternity stretches into infinity. Every thought and action has an unbroken link to the Creator. Nothing of import has ever gone by the wayside. There never has been, nor will there ever be, a hiatus between Creator and created.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“Open your eyes, my friends, and get to know your environment. 
Now close them, and comprehend the universe.” 
– Athena, a Celestial Artisan.


       by Mitch Battros-Earth Changes Media                            April 11th, 2014 

Let me say right up front; I am putting myself at high risk by coming forward with information which I believe to be of the utmost importance related to earth changing events. In fairness to my science community, I will say what I present below will involve conjecture based on facts. This is to say what may happen is not imminent, but what I believe to be highly probable.

Historically, my research clearly shows a pattern of a 14 day window prior to and 14 days after, a total lunar or solar eclipse.

Although today's 7.3 magnitude earthquake which hit near Papua New Guinea certainly applies, I do not believe it is the apex of what is still to come. New Guinea EQ:

Also today, Nicaragua was hit with two large quakes, the 2nd earthquake measuring a 6.6 magnitude, the 1st a 6.1 hitting two hours earlier. On the day before a 6.0 earthquake occurred at the same epicenter. Nicaragua EQ:

The total lunar eclipse occurring on Monday/Tuesday will not help matters. Earth's plate tectonics have been restless, and I believe it is the reduction of the Earth's magnetic field along with a heavy stream of charged particles, mostly made up of cosmic rays which is the natural cyclical culprit.

I believe the process of a full magnetic shift is well underway, meaning a full 180° flip will occur sometime in the next fifty years. This suggests it is perhaps 2/3 along a natural cycle the Earth has seen many times….but we haven't.




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