The Dawning

Joy 2-U ALL

When attention is given to the spiritual aspect of one’s life, it brings a sense of belongingness,responsibility, compassion and caring for the whole of humanity.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The Beloved One.
Subject: “The Dawning.” 

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Together we will engage in a little visualization as you mentally hold the globe of the world in your hands. See now in your mind’s eye the dawning of a new day. The sun really is on the horizon right now. One period ends and another begins. There has been much speculative thought and talk about this coming change of an age and the dawning of a new age. This coming event has spawned many a superstition and some hold to the belief that this precious world is going to end. However, the world is simply in a flux of change because the Time of Correction is in its beginning stages. 

“In reality this world is the bestowal planet of your Creator-Father-Brother Michael, better known to most as Jesus. His birth of some 2000 years ago will soon be celebrated again on this planet. This most important event was the foreshadowed promise and the dawning of a new and glorious age to come. Looking back over these last 2000 years, darkness has threatened to overshadow the Light that was set in motion. Michael’s loving message has been sadly misunderstood, and it has gone through many interpretations, which has brought no end of misery to the planet. The fallacy that He had to die for the sins of humanity! This grossly erroneous idea is even now accepted as fact by a great deal of people in this modern age. 

“Humanity needs to wake up to the fact that each is responsible for their sins of commission and omission due to their free will decisions and actions. I here mention the fact of the shameful treatment of the female half of your species, which are and ever will be meant to be complements to the male half of humanity with equal rights and equal opportunities. 

“As we continue to visualize the world, we see a new era dawning over the entire planet with spiritual Light forming the word CHANGE. Please continue to watch and see added to this the word RIGHT MINDEDNESS, followed by RIGHT THINKING. 

“These three words have spiritual power, of which I desire you to become more aware and embed them into your heart, soul and mind, as these words will open a most important portal for they herald the impending arrival of another Son of God. This coming Son is of the Magisterial Order of Sons, as Michael is of the Creator Order of the Sons of God. 

“Know also that you are living in a most wondrous, orderly and lovingly administered creation, with ‘for-you-uncountable’ descending Mighty Sons and Daughters, as you are the ascending sons and daughters of time in space, a miniscule part of all creation. 

“Therefore this glorious dawning of a more spiritual age will not only begin and benefit this beautiful planet but hopefully will also bring change in each individual heart, soul and mind of every man, woman and child, who engages in right-mindedness and right-minded thinking, so the true flourishing of humanity can unfold as it has been foreseen before this world was. So the golden rule of doing unto others as you, yourself would like to be treated, with love and respect, may finally flourish as it was intended since the beginning of creation and the command: ‘Be ye perfect even as I Am perfect’ may become alive in each thinking heart. This will truly be the dawning of the new age.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.  11:11 Store

----- Original Message ----- 
From: 11:11 Progress Group 
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 8:08 AM

Alabama, US of A, March 23, 2011.
The Planetary Supreme, Urantia (Gaia).
Subject: “There is so much I can give you.” 

Received by Oscar

Urantia: “There is no better place to feel the pulse of your Mother Earth than in the beating of your own heart. I am present in all life in this world, because you all live in me as I live in all. I am Urantia, the Planetary Supreme. 

“I am always available to commune with any of my children and it is in fact a part of ‘my task’ to answer the call of those who live in my bosom. As you recently have reached the level of maturity and understanding that allows you to make contact with Me, I have also been going through a growing phase. However, for aeons of time I have waited for the opportunity to talk and it is a great joy to see how many of my little ones have awoken to a higher reality and have opened themselves up to listening. 

“How does this work? I am a Deity. I am part of the circuit of the Supreme Being. Within my kingdom I am everywhere and I can know everything. I know each and every creature that lives within me and I feel what they feel. Your negative thoughts affect me, and it saddens me how little regard you show for your planetary home from which you derive your very own lives. 

“However, in these Correcting Times I have seen how you are progressively awakening, and I clearly foresee better times in the future. What happened in the past will remain there and a new age will establish itself. My love for you has never changed and I know that the suffering of today are just the growing pains that will make you stronger by tomorrow

“Continue living your lives with joy and with the intent of learning more about the spiritual realities, since it is there where the source and origin of all reality lies. Search within your heart the voice of the One who loves you without condition and who has bestowed Himself upon you to be at your service. It is there where you will discover your true purpose and this Voice will lead you towards a future of light and life. 

“Your experiences, your spiritual realizations, and your growing understanding of the eternal reality are your gifts to Me. Similarly I posses many things that you need and are yours for the asking. We are both growing – evolving – together and we need one another. Come to Me often and let us begin a relationship that will elevate us to a new age in the future. I am Urantia, your Mother Earth, always listening and waiting for your invitation to converse, because there is so much I can give you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. 

We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – 

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4695 Can It Be Right to Harden Your Heart?, October 2, 2013 

God said: 

Why, beloveds, do you continue to find so many ways, so many shades of hurt to distract you from joy? Have I not said that it is time for you to let go of all that prevents your heart from soaring with joy?
Someone, for example, has conducted himself in a less than charitable manner. Someone, for instance, may have taken something from you that he or she had no right to. They stole that which belonged to you, which you were sure belonged to you, and their acting out has cheapened the world and the person in your eyes. Let Us say the person was definitely wrong and you are right.
That may well be from the world’s point of view, and yet this one who contributed to pain for you and others saw himself or herself as denied.
What are you supposed to do? Certainly, you know you are not to grind soreness into your heart. You are not to see this person as an enemy. You are not to begrudge this person. You may know very well what someone else ought to do. And, yet, for you, it is not so clear to you that you are to let your heartache go, and you are to give this person who erred in love true understanding even if from a distance, can you?
You, too, sometimes, have not been your idol. You, too, sometimes have made egregious errors.
You are not to punish another nor are you to punish yourself.
Let go of the idea that you are to right wrongs. You are to rise above hard feelings. How can you be right to harden your heart?
Let go of hardening your heart. Let go of dismissal of this person from your heart. Let go of putting assessment before love. Love first, and you will not judge. For this person who erred against all the good in your heart, your heart is not to throw its love away as though another is undeserving of love.
Tell Me who cannot use more love? Tell Me who cannot benefit from more love? There are those who do seem to need more love than many others. The fact is that this person needs love.
Whatever error someone has committed, whatever darkness was in his bewildered heart, whatever flag of unlove he carried, now he needs love. Where has it been written that you must give love only to the most holy and withdraw it from all those who may lack it the most? By and large, everyone can use more love, yet who needs it the most but the one who was unable to dispense with selfishness.
I do not tell My children that they have to receive more love before giving. I say rather that you have all the love possible, and you receive it from Me. I do not leave anyone out of My love. If it is love that the world needs now, I ask you to give it. I do not ask you to weigh the merits of love deserved or undeserved. It is not a question of what someone has earned. It is a question of what you are not to deny another. You are to give love and not withhold it. This is firm.
I do not ask you to give Me service before I give love to you. I simply give love to all.
From the world point of view, it takes more effort to give love to some than to others. I never said that you are to give your love only to those who have valued your love the most and prepaid for it.
I do not bill you for the love I give to you. Love does not carry a price tag. You carry love simply to give it. You are not a bill collector. You are a love-giver, so make room in your heart. When someone has been uncharitable to you, nowhere does it say it’s okay then for you be equally uncharitable. You are the decider of your own heart.
Perhaps the best love you are capable of giving at this moment is the love of giving another a second chance.
