The Cycle Of Duality Is Over - {Channeled} |
Isis' Message of the Day -
If you carry fear within your heart, facing changes
with being afraid of them, then your path is rocky and your struggle will be to the bone because that which you
fear will surely come to you.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
==================== We want to calm any fears people may have of
the changes. There are changes that have and will be coming. Each is serving a purpose. The intensity
of some can be shifted when enough people “Send or Be Love.” Stagnation is the opposite of renewal. We Say
Again, that there are Areas of Land that Nature will be reclaiming over time. This is part of a cycle that has gone on since
the very beginning of creation. The question becomes how does one deal with these natural cycles. This is one of the reasons
we have focused on Divine Love. This increases ones ability to receive Divine Guidance, which increases one’s ability
to be “in the right place at the right time.” Get together with others and send healing and love to the world,
to Mother Earth and to all who reside within and upon her. This is powerful medicine. Let it be for the Highest Good. Be at
Peace. Bless Your Hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist
with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the
best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting
guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one
of a kind!" * *
SaLuSa: The Cycle of Duality is to All
Intents and Purposes Over
March 18, 2011
As the full affects of the earthquake are being
felt in Japan, so it is focusing people’s attention upon it due to the vast damage, loss of life and potential for even
more after shocks. It is a situation that is making people world-wide; question the sense in continuing with nuclear energy
as a source of power. The more the dangers are publicized and the longer it goes on, there will undoubtedly be a groundswell
against its further use. Do you see Dear Ones how eventually the truth must come out, yet regrettably it is not until a serious
condition arises. There are already calls for an alternative source of power, and our allies will be pushing for free energy
devices that are already available. It is sad that Man does not wake up until faced with a disaster, but if it can be a stepping
stone to a new approach it might be looked upon as at least having a beneficial outcome. Free energy would solve so many problems
that exist at present, and be one of the greatest steps forward in this era. The difference in your lives would be phenomenal,
and put you that much nearer to what lays ahead by way of Ascension.
We monitor all major events on Earth, and
as far as we are allowed are always looking for ways of lessening the impact upon you. Over a long period of time we have
substantially reduced radiation levels, which have inevitably followed the testing of nuclear weapons. Without such help you
would by now have been a nation of very sick people and as you know the affects continue from one generation to another. If
and when the decision is made to stop using nuclear power, we will help remove the dangerous plant and prevent it from posing
a threat to you. We cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves, as we must only re-act to requests from you
rather than be seen to “interfere.” We would love to deal with all of your problems, but there are lessons to
be learnt that means there is a proper time for us to show up. However, we are working hard to get Disclosure acknowledged
and then we can really help you and would not delay coming amongst you.
How life can change without any warning and so
suddenly that you are often ill prepared. At least you have been made aware of what lies ahead and with your input all will
proceed as planned. You are vital to the outcome and getting an enormous amount of attention. The Universe is closely following
your journey, as it is important that you reach the stage of readiness to become Galactic Beings. The cycle of duality is
to all intents and purposes over, and we want as many souls as possible to return to the level that was your home in past
times. Many of you know that Earth is not your real home and yearn to return to it. It will be like taking a grand holiday
in the sun after being underground for all your life. Everything will be so bright and beautiful, the very air you breathe
clean and refreshing, and an uplifting energy permanently around you. It cannot be much different wherever your home is located,
as so much more perfection exists in the higher dimensions.
One day in the future you will look back and
no longer feel any pain or unhappiness, because the high energies of the love vibration will have taken over. You will be
in a permanent state of joy and happiness and dark thoughts will not even enter your mind. All souls together in such energies
become as one and share a close bonding in a high state of love and Light. But for reasons of service to others you would
have no reason to return to the lower dimensions. Indeed, if anything you will move into even higher levels for the purpose
of furthering your evolution. Progress is ongoing and only ceases when you fully return to the Source of All That Is.
Peace will come to Earth, so do not feel downhearted
if for a time the dark Ones are able to resist change as it will only be a temporary hold up. The higher energies planted
upon the Earth are so powerful that they will transmute the lesser energies. That will take away any possibility that the
dark Ones had of making more mischief and soon they will be stripped of their power, and we can start our many projects to
lift up Earth and the people upon it. It will happen, and then the suffering upon Earth will be dealt with quite quickly and
a happy civilization will emerge. Health will be a principle benefit upon Ascension as in near perfection you will not experience
the aches and pains of the old carbon based body. You will stay young and healthy and in the process of Ascension will be
healed of any condition that is anything less.
The dynamics of the energies playing upon Earth
are setting up the grid that will bring the New Earth into being. At the same time they will uplift you also and both will
be ready for the final action leading to Ascension. It calls for more time being allocated to your personal development so
that you may take the opportunity to raise your vibrations. Meditation is most suitable and recommended; even if you can only
find limited time in which to do it. At least find quiet moments when you can unwind from what is a stressful time on Earth
just at present. Being fearful will not help, and your health will benefit if you can find a little time for yourself each
day. Also remember when you are in a relaxed state to send out your love to wherever you see it is needed. Perhaps you are
already in a group presentation and that will be even better and more powerful.
Money worries occupy many people, but even
these will disappear in time as debts are forgiven, and wealth is distributed more fairly. Can you imagine the relief when
people can start again with not just a clean sheet, but with the advantage of being funded once more. It will be but one step
towards a brand new society that focuses on sharing and works for the benefit of each other. Dealings will be carried out
above board and the authorities will show their honesty in whatever they do. People will be consulted much more than now and
have more say in matters that concern them. In one way or another the old paradigm will die away as it has ceased to fairly
reflect the needs of the people for eons of time.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and trust that the information
we give answers many of your questions. They are not complete and will be best addressed when we can come to Earth, when we
shall spend much time quickly acquainting you with all that is to follow. We send our unconditional love to all of you.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey Understanding Our Relationship to the Earth
by Caroline Myss March 14, 2011
As we all know by now, the Earth has shifted
once again. Just the slightest change from deep beneath the waters, a crack in the fabric of her lining, and islands quake
while tsunami waves rush across shorelines. We awake believing the world – our world – is stable, only to learn
again and again that this Earth is as much a living, breathing, moving, active instrument of life as we are. It is the grandest
live organism we shall ever encounter, this wondrous Being that sustains us each second of our life. Weeks ago, a cyclone
of unprecedented size hit Australia and an earthquake shortly afterwards moved the ground beneath Christchurch, New Zealand.
Buildings fell like toys, leaving much of the town in pieces. Who knows what the final death toll will be in Japan?
It would appear that the pace as well as the
intensity of long-predicted earth activity and climate change is accelerating. Like many people familiar with prediction-oriented
literature, all sorts of reasons can be put forward as to why the Earth goes through a period of increased seismic activity.
Scientists will come up with "scientific" data, as expected. From my point of view, if they were so knowledgeable in the first
place, the massive abuses to the Earth would have never occurred because they would have used their scientific data to protect
the Earth. They're great at riding the caboose on the train of environmental change. Unfortunately, the few who have had the
courage to attempt to direct the engine have been thwarted by corporate and political interests who insist that all data suggesting
even a hint of climate change activity is a liberal conspiracy.
On the extreme other side, I have heard many
people make the comment that, "Mother Nature is angry," and that's why these events are happening. I'm not all that certain
that Mother Nature functions from the same emotional system of "anger-vengeance/love-reward" that human beings do. I certainly
hope not. Given that Mother Nature was an active, alive force long before we occupied this planet, I suspect that She is far
more of a cosmic system of intelligence, transcendent of emotions such as anger or vengeance. Rather, if anything, I suspect
that the way to understand Mother Nature is best found through the study of the Tao – the study of the laws of balance
that essentially govern the activity of Nature. When Nature is out of balance, the system itself will initiate whatever action
it must take in order to reestablish an environment capable of sustaining all life – not just human life, but all life.
Within the realm of Nature, all life is equal. Life is precious because it is life, not because it is human life or wealthy
life or educated life or young life – but because it is life.
We are now living at a time when all cycles and
systems of life are out of balance, including our system of perception itself. We do not "perceive" life clearly at all and
thus, we as a society make choices that are based on endless illusions. And illusions lead to disasters. There was a time
not so long ago, for example, when human beings walked more humbly on the Earth and under the Sun, the Moon, and the stars.
Before the "Age of Reason,” a person walked into a forest filled with the awareness that the forest was as aware of
him as he was of it. He shared the ground with the forest and all the creatures who lived there. They were not his for the
taking, for the slaughtering, for dominating. In times gone by, people lived in a type of consciousness in which even the
slightest movement of the wind meant something – perhaps heaven was piercing the veil between dimensions, speaking in
a soft breeze, moving a branch or a leaf in order to communicate a message, or a warning, or signal its approval. The stars
that filled the sky at night were not just pretty, shining objects, but proof of a celestial homeland, the blanket of the
Divine covering humanity. Every living creature had purpose and meaning, a place in which it was given a natural dignity because
it was created by a God no one doubted existed.
Of course human beings were still human beings
in those days before the Age of Reason introduced a love of logic and a God who (obviously) had scientific reasons up "his"
celestial sleeve for why all things happen as they do in this whole big universe. Civilization was also a dark and dreary
place back then, with disease and the plague, and endless wars … Oh wait, am I describing then or now? Oh, I'm describing
their version of then, not ours. Though they also had war, and they also had epidemics, and they also had starvation, what
they did not have that has driven our civilization to the brink of madness is an epidemic of narcissism blended with an epidemic
of blind doubt about the existence of the cosmic structure that holds together this fragile place called Earth. Back then,
no one doubted the existence of this invisible reality. Today, that doubt is an epidemic and the absence of respect and reverence
for the Earth is reflected in the choices governments and corporations make as well as individuals.
Is Mother Earth angry? Don't be silly. A cosmic
force hardly gets angry. But a cosmic force is seeking balance, just as your individual body seeks balance when it has been
struck with a toxin. What is the difference?
The Earth will continue to have an increase in
earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, droughts, and whatever else is required to reestablish balance in Her environment. She is a
living organism that is, in effect, rebooting Herself. Only the human community has the idea that we somehow live apart from
the Earth, that the Earth does not respond to our breathing, to our thoughts, to our actions. It's incomprehensible, to be
sure, to even hold such a perspective. But the Earth is that sensitive. Recycling, I assure you, is not enough. Consider the
Earth as a family member instead, as a Being that sees you as clearly as you see it. And you are on the "Earth" as much when
you are standing in the midst of New York City or London as you are in the middle of a forest. You are still "on the Earth".
Standing on concrete or in a building does not make it any less "Earth" except if you hold to the perception that what qualifies
for the "Earth" is out of the city in green or desert nature. But that's an illusion. How can you ever be off or away from
the "Earth"? It's precisely that perception – that Nature is in the country but not in the city - that maintains the
illusion of separateness. You may prefer to be in the country but you always on the Earth.
Having said all this, let me turn to the loss
of human life. While earth shifts are essential for the Earth to survive, they are tragic for us. They result in enormous
loss of human life and we must all hold in prayer the souls and the families of the people of Japan. The fear, pain, and grief
of the thousands of people is unimaginable. We learn from this tragedy once again that the life we awaken to each morning
may well be completely different by the end of the day. We kid ourselves by telling ourselves that we are in charge of the
length of our lifetime. We are not. We must treat each day as a gift as well as every person dear to us. We learn from this
event in Japan that we can be with the Japanese community of people through prayer, through email, through FB in an instant.
We are truly learning an enormous cosmic truth: We are one. And we are meant to use that truth: Pray together, heal our fellow
human beings together, and heal our beloved Earth together. Put your soul to work.
Love, Caroline
© 2009 - Caroline Myss is a New York
Times best-selling author whose books include Anatomy of the Spirit, Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can, Sacred
Contacts, and Entering the Castle. Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, will be published by Hay House in October
2009. Listen to Caroline every week on *
Kuthumi: Our Rewire, Astro Travel & Group Consciousness
Received by Rev. Lynette Leckie-Clark
March 1, 2011
I Kuthumi enter your energy field once more with
a feeling of hope and joy for your future. You are aware that old energies – and those ones attached to these –
are being moved on. It is a case of either change or move away. Those who would dictate, cheat or lie, in present or past
actions, are no longer being tolerated. You who hold such Light energy should congratulate yourselves. It is the power of
so much Light emitting from you all which is exposing all levels of dark behavior. Perhaps now you can see what I have been
speaking of and preparing you for, for some time now.
I spoke previously of imagining, playing make
believe. There was a great purpose in this exercise on many levels. First it awakened your inner child, this was important
after so many lifetimes held in a lower vibration. So your energy field was lifted, therefore more readily open to your soul.
Secondly it re-ignited your faith, trust and hope. These energies have been buried within mankind for too long. This was the
preparation. But most importantly it began an acceptance through your higher vibrations of a ‘re-wiring’. Yes,
your brain is being re-wired through the nervous cells or neurons of your brain. As you open to the Light - the highest octave
of Divine Energy - you feel different do you not? You feel free somehow. You are able to create, to manifest that which you
Astro Travel
As you go within the higher realms you automatically cross into new dimensions of infinite possibilities. You are able to travel to other places, other towns, other countries, even the Universe itself. Through your soul you always just know that you are quite safe. You know this is not your imagination when you return to your physical body and awareness. Your senses showed you reality on another level of existence. It seemed such a long way back and as you linked back into your physical body you noticed it felt quite heavy. You noticed a subtle energy shift. That is when you truly understand just how far you had (astro) traveled. Group Consciousness
All are now linking freely with your higher selves, your soul. Your soul connects freely to the group consciousness of your town, your country, the group consciousness of the planet. You see all thoughts, all spoken words and also intentions float in an energetic form in the ethers of your planet. Therefore similar thoughts, words, intentions and your soul group members are linking together. This is happening more quickly now due to the new energies in your atmosphere. I will give an example to you. At times you have an idea brought through to you from your higher self awareness. You begin to question it, to ponder, to doubt yourself and eventually do nothing. Or you hear it, acknowledge it and still do nothing. Then out of no-where you hear of some one else who had the same idea and is acting on it. You feel the energetic connection – nothing to do with gender. I speak of a higher link up, one of soul links. You see the idea was in the ethers. You chose to do nothing. Another soul chose to act, to bring the idea into the physical energies, to give the same idea physical birth. Many of you are linking up with your soul family
members now. You are feeling through the heart centre. It is indeed a wonderful year for this. This is the great network of
spirit – I call it the Spiritual Web. It extends not only around all of your bodies, but your town, your country, the
planet and on out into the Universe and the Universes beyond. Think of this as a great telepathic phone line. This links all
Light workers together, in an instant. There is no time here or on the Spiritual Web you see. This is the Light workers network.
It is available to all who awaken to the Light energy through their soul.
Link In
As you raise your vibration you begin to work and communicate with higher levels of wisdom and ancient truths. The Light energy and higher learning activates new pathways in your brain through the neurons. You feel calmer and begin to dislike stress and all harsh energies. This is energy transference at work. When you are under stress chemicals are released in your brain which ‘shrink’ your brain cells. This restricts the higher energy flows. You don’t feel good. I will give you another example. Let us say that you are required to complete a task in a certain time frame. Suddenly you realize your time is running out and you are no where near completion of your task. You feel panic rising within you. You begin to make mistakes, and your brain enters a stage of stress. Everything you try begins to go wrong. You are now out of the flow. The energies around you are jaggered and your mental, emotional and physical bodies are suffering and unable to function clearly. Your stress takes you down to a harsher lower level of energy. You have all experienced this example I know. It is time to stop. Time to become still, to
understand it will not work and allow yourself to let go. The energies now are shifting, sifting out the past, and are very
strong. It is time to link back into the Light, to quieten, to still your emotions.
The brain is very capable of expanding, of changing
old beliefs, old patterns of behavior. It does require stimulation and mental focus to achieve this. I tell you this is a
great part of creating your future, a new future, what you call a new Earth.
Truth Realized
The truth is now being realized on Earth. As I said, all un-truths and all forms of deceit will no longer be tolerated. The Light of the Infinite Spirit will expose them to be seen by all. They must be seen so change can begin. You are now entering the Age of Aquarius which
began in October of 2010. This year, 2011, will bring changes for many of you and also changes for the planet. The old is
falling away, giving birth to the new cycles. Some of you wondered last year how the predicted changes could take place. How
some of mankind would change. Now the re-wire is upon you. Now you have a glimpse of what is to be for mankind in the future.
Are you ready? Have you prepared yourself. For
this must happen first before you are ready and able to assist another, to share wisdom on the Light workers Spiritual Web.
Prepare yourself first.
Peace and Light to each of you.
Master Kuthumi
Copyright © 2003-2011 Rev. Lynette Leckie-Clark
- All rights reserved. You are welome to share with a friend but Not for sale in any form.
Lynette - Master Kuthumi's Chosen Channel.
Lynette is a recognized clairvoyant, channel,
medium and healer who has devoted her life to the service of spirit. An ordained Minister of the Spiritual Churches of Australia,
she is the chosen channel of the Ascended Master Kuthumi. Communicating with a number of Ascended Masters on a daily basis,
she has developed her teaching, psychic reading, astrology and crystal healing skills to advanced levels.
She lives in Queensland, Australia with her husband
Michael. *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, take stock of where you are and
what you have in your life. Take stock of the material things and the friends; look at what brings you happiness. When someone
comes to you and they say, "Look at how bad the world is; look at how bad the economy is; everything is going to wrack and
ruin"--and it's going to look a bit like that at times--you can whip out your mental or physical list and say, "I know that
I am rich, because I have..." and you list all of the things that you have in your consciousness, all the things that come
to you, all the ways you are being taken care of. You are very, very rich. And you say, "You know, you're really rich, too,"
and you point out all that they are. You make a difference in their life because you know who you are. And if you are that,
they are that also, and they may not know it yet.
Visit our website: *
HEAVEN #3766
The Voice of Love
March 18, 2011
God said:
I speak to you only from the bottom of My heart.
There is no other place for Me to speak from. I have One Voice. That is how it is. I have the Voice of Love. I am not a God
of thunder and lightning. I am a God of Love.
I know you sometimes feel that I do terrible
things, that I cause floods and havoc and death and all that.
Once upon a time there was a Norse God of Thunder.
What a hullabaloo, yet all he was doing, was rearranging his furniture in the attic. That was all the noise and lightning.
A simple God was clearing the way.
A God of Love loves, yet He is not always at
liberty to suit you to a T. You have free will. I, Who have the freest Will in Heaven and on Earth, am not always at liberty
to change the whole ballgame. It is not exactly that I go along with the past, yet I take care to protect the very foundation
of the wobbly Earth you stand on. There are matters in motion that are better left in motion. To you, of course, death of
the body is horrific. I do not see as you do. I understand how you see. I don’t exactly fluff it off, nor can I follow
your vision. If I followed your vision, you do not know what would happen to the world. You don’t know what a jumble
would be made of it. I encourage you to see from My vaster point of view, and then your eyes will widen, and everything will
fall into place because you see better.
I am a God of Love.
I suppose you could say that, once upon a time,
I laid down the law. It is love I laid down. My love is far-seeing. I would not remove a single brick of it.
Even in what you may see as the worst tragedy,
there is another view or more from which to see it. A child loses his toy truck, and he cries his heart out. The truck is
gone. The child cries his heart out. He will survive the loss of his truck. He does, doesn’t he?
Whatever occurs in the changeable world hastens
you along. Whatever happens is a step up. You may not like it. Nevertheless, you have been boosted up. No one likes to flunk
a test. Yet that very event may be a blessing. You have heard the expression: blessing in disguise. Everything you perceive
as loss is a blessing. You do not yet see how.
The whole world was presented to you with love.
Of course, it is all a blessing. And when you cannot see the blessedness, then know it is a blessing in disguise. If everything
is a blessing, and the blessing part is unknown to you, then it must indeed be a blessing in disguise. You don’t know
how or why. You don’t know how a deep loss can be a blessing. How can a broken heart be a blessing? Yet, even down the
human road, you may begin to see.
Whole books have been written on how can there
be tragic events involving good people. Events are not punishment. Let Me say that despite the impact events have on you,
no matter how much they rend your heart, there is something more to be seen. The world speaks of tragedy. I don’t. Even
in what you see as tragedy, tragedy is not. You do not see Me weeping. If there were loss as you see it, then I would be a
God of weeping when I am a wholesome God of Love. It is better for Me to love. I ask you not to suffer. Suffering is an affliction
you put on top of certain events. You don’t have to.
Dear Lady of the Light,
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