The Council of 12

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
3.)  New Guides Message
4.)  Sitting Meditation
5.)  The Council of 12: Anchoring the Higher Frequencies
6.)  Everyone Has a Soul
7.)  Being versus Having Potential

Isis' Message of the Day -
If one is to exist in Truth, one must have awareness of that Truth.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Blessings to all. We love you. We care for you. We see you. We wish you to experience the love we have for you and to remember that this love is always available to you. Imagine us standing before you. See us filled with the light God/Creator has for us. See this stream of light engulf you. Feel the love that is a part of this light. Bask in it. Absorb it. You are worthy of this love. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"   * 

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, allow yourself to feel good, because I feel good about you. And if I feel good about you, you can feel good about yourself. For in truth, the divinity of you always knows that what you choose, you choose out of great courage in order to serve the Light. Even the ones who seem to be serving the dark are serving the Light, because the Light and the dark make contrast, bring into clarity.
Visit our website:  *  

New Guides Message
Received by Elleke Verhoeckx
July 27, 2010
As the wind blows through your hair, with the speed of a storm, we are here now to share our love with you. We are here to share a safe space with you. We are the bridge between one reality, the reality of dreams and hopes and the reality of manifestation dear ones. With that we fulfill our task we have chosen. Through our eyes there is no separation. We only see the oneness of all that is. And that goes wider than humans can think. We cannot explain it in words, so we open our hearts for you as you do with yours.

There are all the answers what logic can't bring us. We are proud of you, how much you are surrendering to your divine essence, how fast you are listening to the calling in your heart. Your heart drums goes louder and louder each day and your personal communication is more clear then it ever was before. And so we are here and now you are listen. You are listening to yourself through our eyes. We have tears in our eyes from joy, from the joke of separation.

We honor you, because you are the ones who have dared it to step into a bubble of biology, into a planet where there is the illusion of separation. We love it when you open the curtains to see there is so much more out there. We are standing there proudly waiting for you to call us. We are here to assist you and we are proud to do so.
Elleke Verhoeckx * *   *   

Sitting Meditation
by Neal Donald Walsch
July 27, 2010
Recently I received an email from a woman named Kimberly who sent me a wonderful poem that she wrote about her connection with God after reading CwG. She then asked me if I had any suggestions on how she should approach her "inner self." Below is the email I sent back to Kimberly. I did not intend for it to be, but it turns out that this is a wonderful little treatise on the practice of meditation. If I had sat down to write an "article about meditation" I do not think I could have produced such clarity. However, when our intention is purely to seek to assist another, I believe we open access to enormous wisdom. Here is the email that resulted...
My dear Kimberly...
First, thank you for sending the poem. It is a wonderful expression of your feelings and your inner truth after reading the CwG material, and it was a very special gift to receive from you.
As to your request for individual guidance on how you might approach your inner self, I believe that you have done so with your poetry. This is one of many ways that our higher Self speaks to us, and I do hope that you will continue to put pen to paper in this way whenever you feel inspired to do so. A collection of such verses may one day serve humanity.
To prepare for such inspirations, I want to make the already predictable suggestion (so predictable, in fact, that you may already be doing this) that you practice quiet, sitting meditation at least twice a day. Please do this for at least 15 minutes each morning and 15 minutes each evening. Try, if it is possible, to set a standard time when you will do this. Then try to keep to that time. Yet if you cannot keep such a schedule, know that any time will do, so long as it is at least twice a day, early and late.
Find a place where you can be absolutely private and alone. It works for me to be naked, because that removes for me any sense of "closed-offedness" from the universe, if that makes any sense to you. So I sit naked, but that is not a requirement, Kimberly. It is just something that helps me to achieve a state of mind. If sitting without any clothing on in any way produces discomfort in you, or creates a state of mind which is not totally open and joyful and at peace, then wrap yourself in something loose and flowing. But try to not dress in something that binds or constricts in any way, making you conscious of something other than your holy self.
When I meditate, I sometimes sit outside, if it is nice and warm, allowing the morning sun to bake down upon me, or the stars to sparkle above me. Inside, I sit by a window and let the dawn sun pour in and the night sky enclose me.
There is no "right way" to do quiet sitting meditation. (Indeed, there is no "right way" to do anything.) One may sit in a comfortable chair, or on the floor, or upright in bed, for that matter. Choose what works for you. I sit on the floor, usually with no back rest but occasionally against a wall or something, because floor sitting keeps me more "present" in the space. If I am too completely comfortable, as in an overstuffed chair or on the bed, I tend to doze off or fade away from the moment. When I am sitting on the floor, or outside on the grass, this rarely occurs. I am totally mentally "present."
Once sitting, I begin by paying attention to my breathing, closing my eyes and simply listening to myself inhaling and exhaling. I am in blackness and I pay attention only to what I am hearing.
When I have "united" - that's the only word I can find that fits here - with the rhythm of my breath, I begin to expand my attention to what my "inner eye" is seeing. Usually at that point this is nothing but darkness. If I am seeing images-that is, "thinking thoughts" of something and seeing that before me-I work to fade those thoughts out, like a "fade to black" on the movie screen. I turn my mind to blankness. Focusing my inner eye, I peer deeply into this darkness. I am looking for nothing in particular. I am simply peering deeply, allowing myself to search for nothing.
Soon, in my experience, what appears to be a small, flickering blue "flame" or burst of blue light pierces the darkness. I find that if I begin thinking about this cognitively-that is, defining it, describing it to myself, trying to give it shape and form or make it "mean" something-it disappears immediately. The only way that I can "make it come back" is to pay it no mind. I have to work hard to turn my mind off and just be with the moment and the experience, without judging it, defining it, or trying to make something happen or figure it out or understand it from my logic center. It is rather like making love. Then, too, for the experience to be mystical and magical, I must turn my mind off and just be with the moment and the experience, without judging it, defining it, or trying to make something happen or figure it out or understand it from my logic center.
Meditation is making love to the universe. It is uniting with God. It is uniting with Self. It is not to be understood, created, or defined. One does not understand God, one simple experiences God. One does not create God, God simply is. One does not define God, God defines one. God IS the definer and the defined. God is the definition itself.
Insert the word Self wherever the word God appears in the above paragraph and the meaning remains the same.
Now, back to the dancing blue flame. Once you take your mind off it, all the while keeping your focus ON it, without expectation or thought of any kind, the flickering light may reappear. The trick is to keep your mind (that is, your THOUGHT PROCESS) off it, all the while keeping your focus (that is, your UNDIVIDED ATTENTION) on it.
Can you imagine this dichotomy? This means paying attention to what you are not paying attention to. It is very much like day dreaming. It is like when you are sitting in broad daylight, in the middle of some place of great activity, and you are paying attention to nothing at all, or to everything all at once. You are expecting nothing and requiring nothing and noticing nothing in particular, but you are so FOCUSED on the "nothing" and the "everything" that someone finally has to snap you out of it (perhaps by literally snapping their fingers), saying, "Hey! Are you DAY DREAMING????"
Usually, one day dreams with one's eyes open. Meditation is "day dreaming with your eyes closed." That's as close as I can come to explaining my experience.
Now the dancing blue flame has reappeared. Simply experience it and do not try to define it, measure it, or explain it to yourself in any way. Just....fall into it. The flame will appear to come toward you. It will become larger in your inner field of vision. This is not the flame moving toward you at all, but YOU moving into, and inside of, the experience of it.
If you are lucky you will experience TOTAL IMMERSION in this light before your mind starts telling you about it and talking to you about it. If you have even one instant of this mindless immersion, you will have experienced bliss. This is the bliss of total knowing, total experiencing of the Self as One, with all of it, with everything, with the Only Thing There Is.
You cannot "try" for this bliss. If you see the blue flame and begin to anticipate this bliss, the flame will disappear instantly, in my experience. Anticipation and/or expectation ends the experience. That is because the experience is happening RIGHT NOW, and anticipation or expectation PLACES IT INTO THE FUTURE, WHERE YOU ARE NOT.
Hence, the flame seems to "go away." It is not the light that has gone away, it is you. You have removed yourself from the moment of Now by placing your thought into what you call the Future. This has the same effect on your inner third eye as closing your outer eyes has on your experience of the physical world around you. You quite literally shut it out.
In my own experience, Kimberly, this encounter with bliss comes but once every thousand moments of meditation. Having known it once is both a blessing and, in a sense, a curse, because I am forever wishing for it again. Still, there are times when I can retreat from the wishing, remove myself from the hope, desert my desires, reject my expectations, and place myself totally in the moment, utterly without anticipation of anything in particular. This is the mental state I seek to achieve. It is not easy, but it is possible. And if I achieve it, I have achieved mindlessness. Nirvana. Bliss.
Now, a moment ago I referred to the experience of making love. I did this for a reason. This can be a wonderful training for those who find it difficult to undertake the journey to mindlessness in quiet meditation.
If you have an intimate partner, you may find that the experience of sexual union is an extraordinary opportunity to experience the beginnings of the journey to bliss, or mindless oneness. In your sexual encounter you must retreat from the wishing, remove yourself from any hope, desert any desires, reject any expectations, and place yourself totally in the moment, utterly without anticipation of anything in particular. It is not easy, but it is possible. If you achieve it, you will have achieved mindless oneness. This is nirvana. This is bliss.
Then, knowing that such a state is possible, your next step on the journey is to achieve this state not through physical union with another, but through metaphysical union with the Self. This same bliss may be experienced in silent meditation.
Having experience this identical state of bliss, you will come to know the REASON that the experience of bliss through physical union with another is identical to the bliss experienced through union with the Self...
There IS no one BUT the Self.
There IS no "other."
Totally loving, non-expecting, non-desiring, non-needing sexual union with another confirms this. Totally loving, non-expecting, non-desiring, non-needing metaphysical union with the Self confirms this also.
In your note to me, Kimberly, you said...."If you have any suggestions on how I should approach my inner self, please feel free to express your ideas." I have just done so. There are other ideas I have as well. Next, we shall talk about Walking Meditation.
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * ( * 
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. | Ashland | OR | 97520 *    

The Council of 12: Anchoring the Higher Frequencies
Channeled by Selacia
July 25, 2010
This message came from The Council of 12 on July 10, the date of the global "Healing of the Waters" meditation channeling. They were speaking to the group attending, but also to light workers everywhere who seek to create a more light-filled world. Right now is a very pivotal time for all, and in the coming months, The Council of 12 will be addressing and facilitating healing remedies at our worldwide channeling events. - Selacia 7/25/10
You are living in a world that is in spiritual crisis. You have known about this crisis for some time, for you are one of those who volunteered to be at the forefront during Earth's great shift. You knew that this lifetime would be unlike any other, and that it would hold both great opportunities and immense challenges.
Your earlier lifetimes prepared you for this pioneering role, and for facing and resolving crises of all shapes and sizes. Because of the spiritual veils, and the normal tendency to forget what you knew and did before, you don't remember having had all of this training!
We tell you here today, though, that you have had lots of experience with facing the unknown. You have had warrior training--not just to go into physical battle like the typical human often does--but to engage successfully as a spiritual warrior.
You as Spiritual Warrior
A spiritual warrior understands what true power is and knows how to use it. A spiritual warrior learns about boundaries, balance, bravery, and how to build bridges of light. He or she becomes skilled in working with such energies.
There are levels of proficiency, developed over time. Most skills are developed over a long succession of lifetimes, during which the spiritual warrior is faced with repeated challenges and obstacles. Sometimes you will have one skill more developed than others. That's okay. It's a natural part of your uniqueness to excel more quickly in some areas.
Keep in mind, though, that in order to be at the forefront like you are this lifetime, you needed to have developed at least some of each of the basic skills in earlier lifetimes. Some of those skills may be rusty this time around, but you did lay a foundation for them.
Go easy on yourself, then, for sometimes feeling like you are playing with only part of your deck of cards! You wouldn't be here now if you could not discover how to assemble your full deck, and make it work for you.
The Record in Your DNA
You, as a Divine Changemaker, have the ability to do this. You are encoded to do it. Your DNA has a record of this encoding, too. You are encoded to adapt to change with a higher consciousness. You are encoded to navigate the unknown with your heart. Deep within your memory, you have a knowing of what it's like to live fully from your heart.
You have a longing to live in a world where people honor life, respect nature, and understand the sacred connection of all things. What you are seeing in the Gulf of Mexico is a devaluing of what you value, a misunderstanding of resources, and a lack of heart. The Gulf oil spill is one of the biggest wake up calls yet from the planet herself, demonstrating the urgent need for humanity to come back into balance.
It is disturbing, of course, to witness such devastation and to see the waters and sea life suffering. You feel it deeply, in part, because you know that life everywhere is connected. The ocean is not really separate from you. The oil-covered pelicans, dolphins, and sea turtles are not separate from you, either.
You know that you are not isolated from the ramifications of what has occurred--even if you live far away from the Gulf. You also know, deep within your being, that there is a very big opportunity here--an opening with the potential to catalyze the greater awakening needed to shift your entire planet into light.
The Gulf of Mexico: Wake up Call of the Highest Order
This Gulf of Mexico tragedy has that potential. It is a wake up call of the highest order--put in motion by Mother Earth herself and by the natural world in all of its forms.
Remember that there would be no need for wake up calls like this one if humanity's destiny was predetermined. There would be no need for the drama of this wake up call if all life was destined to end soon. Your life is not predetermined. Fear-based predictions of this scenario are nonsense.
People have a choice. Humanity at large has a choice. The future of humanity is at a tipping point, and the crossroads will not go unnoticed. It can't be covered up by deceit or by withholding information. It can't be ignored or swept under the carpet. There is no carpet big enough to hide it.
The crossroads is now too large to be hidden from the masses. People from all walks of life are impacted by this latest wake up call. It doesn't matter where a person lives, or what his or her politics or religion are.
What's happening now is catalyzing a reconnection of the dots within peoples' psyche--a remembering of sacred principles, and a questioning of things that were simply accepted as fact before.
A New Sense of Caring
Even before this happened, people in modern times have become more educated about what's going on in the world. This has meant that a sense of caring could develop. It's natural to begin caring about things and people when you become aware of them.
Caring is connected with compassion and the feminine principle. These qualities have been building within humanity during recent decades, despite evidence to the contrary.
Human beings really are becoming more caring and more kind. After all, these attributes are not something totally new for humans to learn. They are wired within your DNA. You simply need to remember them and discover how to apply them in your life.
Light Codes with Unique Mandalas
During our time together today, we will be helping you with this remembering, and with anchoring light codes within your body and in key locations around the world.
These light codes will become a new template for the manifestation of spirit on Earth. They will include a template for the Divine feminine, updated for where humanity is now so that it's more accessible to everyone.
The light codes will also include unique mandalas with the frequency of Divine love, to be transmitted to the waters of the Earth and to each one of you participating. These will be anchored within your heart here today.
These transmissions will be occurring during the processes, during our conversations, and even in the stillness as you reflect together as a group about the new kind of world you want to live in from today. When you join us for these events, you may do so from your living room or physically gathered with the group on site.
Your joined energies, prayers and intentions are very potent. This group energy is a vital healing remedy for your troubled world. Trust this.
As a result of what you and others across the world are doing now, a momentum for more light-filled energies can now take place. The feminine principles of caring and receptivity, long overshadowed on the planet by ego-based power structures, can blossom once again. People will remember how to connect with their hearts and their intuition.
These reconnections--symbolizing a return to a honoring of the Divine feminine--are necessary for your enlightenment.
Remembering Why You Came
Over the coming weeks, as the higher frequency energies anchored today move within you and throughout the planet, a new sense of balance can be experienced.
As you connect with the new energies, you can remember more about why you came to Earth now. This remembrance can come as a feeling within your heart, or simply an expanded knowing that there indeed is a Divine purpose for your life. As you connect with that, you will have access to a new template for how you manifest in your life.
Know that you live at the edge of a historic metamorphosis on Earth that will allow the Divine feminine to return in active expression. It is not easy to bring this about, for those at the helm of old paradigm structures are holding on tight. They do not want change--not because they really know that their power mongering methods are better---but because they don't have your vision.
Hold tight, then, to your light-filled vision. Trust it. And trust in the power of spirit in your life to help you manifest that vision fully.
A Brand New World
You now stand at the edge of a brand new world. Your aware self is very enthusiastic about this place you are in, and even excited about the unknown elements. This wise part of you trusts in the Divine perfection of the creative process, and it trusts in your ability as the Divine Changemaker that you are.
When you have moments of uneasiness or doubt in the days ahead, remember to resource this wise part of you. You can access it with your heart. It is never separated from you. Know that.
Reach out to the others in your light worker community, too. These people are a part of your light worker team. You are not meant to take this journey alone.
Remember, when you have doubts, that your being on Earth now is not a random circumstance. You as a soul were determined to take part in the greatest shift of ages humankind has ever known. You could have been elsewhere during these auspicious moments, yet you chose to be here now.
As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.
Copyright 2010 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12, * All Rights Reserved *  *  *
*  * Selacia & The Council of 12 on Facebook:  and Twitter:   * *
Selacia: A channel for The Council of 12, is internationally known for her work in the inspirational/ transformation field. In her forthcoming 2012 book, readers will receive an understanding of their options during Earth’s pivotal years.  Selacia provides private sessions by phone to clients worldwide, helping them to navigate the 2012 window changes and to move into more clarity, joy, and empowerment. Known throughout the world for her work with The Council of 12, Selacia in 2000 brought the Council of 12's wisdom to the UNSRC's Society for Enlightenment and Transformation at the United Nations. She offers ongoing writings and teachings focused on healing and spiritual transformation. A gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing, she offers regular seminars, DNA workshops, teleclasses and group channelings. Join Selacia’s mailing list at her website to be informed of seminars, worldwide call-in teleclasses, and global Council of 12 channeling events including the annual Wesak. To schedule a private session with Selacia:  Tel: 310.915.2884, E-mail: Web site:    *   

HEAVEN #3532
Everyone Has a Soul
July 27, 2010
God said:
You live on Earth while you are anchored in Heaven. There is no distance between Us. I am everywhere, and you are everywhere with Me. I am in Heaven, and, therefore, you are in Heaven. Heaven is a state of mind, and yet Heaven is more. Heaven is a Reality. Heaven is not fiction. Your perception of Earth life is fiction. Your caterwauling is fiction. Suffering is fiction. Illness is fiction.
I hear your protests. Pain is real, you say. Suffering is real. Illness is real. People die from it, you say.
Inasmuch as no one dies, dying is also fiction. Popular fiction. Fiction that a high price is paid for.
Either you are immortal, or you are not. Your body is mortal. You are immortal. If you were only a body, life would be such a limited thing. Here today and gone tomorrow, as they say. You and I are forever. That is the Reality.
What was Christ saying when he said you do not die? What was he saying when he said, "I am resurrected." You have to know that Christ is with you still. He is not, was not his body. This is as true for you as it is for Christ. Ashes to ashes refers to your body, not to you.
I understand that it is easier for you to believe in the visible rather than the invisible. Sight is a sense like any other. All the five senses belong to the body. Surely I don't collect bodies in Heaven. There is sight beyond seeing. There is knowing. If you could see Me, God, in a body, would I be more to you, or would I be less?
You have enough difficulty with your own physicality. Would you really want to keep your body forever? Would you always want to be on stage at the theater? You do like to go backstage, and take off your make-up and your costumes. After your performance in the theater, you do want to come Home where you can just be and not get caught up in all the performance and worldly matters.
As engaging as life on Earth is, it is not the only life. No question, life on Earth is a stand-out. It gets cheered, and it gets booed. You are not really in the show for all time, however. You do run off stage. Scenes come to an end. Acts come to an end. Plays come to an end.
Life on Earth is often lovely, lively, most beautiful, and it is also often sad, empty, and annoying. It is a given that physical life is short-term. When was it otherwise?
Death seems unreal because it is unreal. Death is not true, nor is life on Earth true. On Earth there are embodiments of Truth. Truth can be found on Earth because the Truth of you does exist always wherever you may be or wherever you may think you are.
Your True Voice cannot be heard by the ears. By the heart, your True Voice is heard. The Truth of you is contained within you. We can say in a manner of speech that the Truth of you runs along beside you, or We can say it runs way ahead of you, that which you call you, that which you are known by in the world, that which is a shell of you, a shell of you moved along by the vitality of your spirit. Call this vitality soul, if you like, for you are indeed a soul from Heaven who intermingles on Earth and then leaps back to Heaven from where your soul has never left. Everyone has a soul, and souls are beautiful even though they cannot be seen but known.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

Being versus Having Potential
by Jennifer Hoffman
We all have potential, which is the limitless field of possibilities that we can create our life from. Our potential is the small voice of our heart which calls us to explore opportunities, to create a reality from a long held dream, to become the powerful, joyful person we know we can be. But unless we are able to step into our potential, it simply exists as a possibility in our life, something that we can have at some point in the future when we are ready to change. To embrace our potential we must be willing to 'be' whatever it is calling us to become.
Many of us are stuck at the point of having potential, we know that there is something better for us and a way to live that is happier than what we have, we just don't know how to connect to it. Our fears, doubts, uncertainty and confusion stop us from taking the leap of faith that will propel us into a different future. Even if we are unhappy, living the life we know is better than stepping into something so uncertain and unknown that when we can't find a solid foundation to step onto, we ignore its call.
But being our potential does not give any guarantees either. After all, it is potential, meaning that its form is shadowy at best. Because potential calls us to become, it means putting our dreams out in the open, exposing our heart's desire to a critical, unforgiving world. What if we fail, what if no one likes us, what if we do not find any appreciation for our new self? What if we do not like what we have chosen? What do we do then? Do we make mistakes when we become our potential?
This is the critical point for potential, when we can separate ourselves from the belief that if someone approves of our potential, then we have made the right decision. Because once we step into our potential, we also challenge others to step into theirs. And they may be critical, but that is because they are receiving their own inner call to become their potential. If we could take one aspect of potential that calls to us and give it all of our effort, become what it is calling us to do, then we would take that first step and be on the path to allowing our confidence and trust lead us on a journey that would unfold into a life of being who we are from the soul level, embracing our power and giving ourselves permission to be the potential our heart knows is possible and true for us. Be the potential you know you have and allow your life to unfold for you in new, different, unknown, uncertain and miraculous ways.
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   *  

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