

1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) Genetic Coding: Illusion or Reality
3.) The Cosmic Christ
4.) Thoughts to Ponder: We Are On Our Way
5.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.) Go Merrily on Your Way
7.) The Transformation of Light
Isis' Message of the Day -
The ancient pyramidal energy vortex at Giza was given to Third Dimension at a time when darkness reigned
upon the Earth. Darkness had grown to such an extent that the Councils of the Hierarchical Government sent forth emissaries
from Higher Frequencies of existence into third density. Those representatives from the Brotherhood of Light established upon
the precise centre of Earth a gravitational force combined with the cosmic beam of Source Energies, which merged in a synchronicity
of monotheistic understanding of attunement to Creative Force. Today in Earth time the physical form you know at Giza has
been transmuted from its original pristine beauty of synchronistic harmonious attunement to Source. However, the etheric vortex
still remains a constant source of energy for Earth's planetary body and the Life support systems it nurtures. From its inception
into Being, the Giza vortex has maintained a focal point to which all other eleven-energy points upon Earth's grid system
attune or connect. That connection can be likened unto the umbilical cord of the embryo, which carries Life-giving nutrients
from the mother to the forming physical vehicle until it, can support its own Life outside of the womb. The Giza energy vortex
carries the physical records of Human's evolution in time stored beneath the structure, and cut into the stone itself. The
numerical numbering system of the physical stone structure carries the same vibration as the etheric numbers, which equal
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message ====================

(This message came from several spirit beings.)
We have messages from the earth, the plants and the animals. At times there will be changes, but life
goes on. We wish Man would listen to us more. They have closed their (Spiritual) ears, their eyes, and their noses. They have
forgotten how to feel. Truly feel. Feeling with the heart that is connected to everything. It is time to bring back the heart.
To Truly know the wisdom of nature, plants, and animals. Even the water has wisdom, as do the trees and the wind. The listening
takes a change of focus. People get so caught up in their everyday world, that they forget there is a whole world with them,
just outside their door. They see it as something they rush through. Do they take the time each day to enjoy it, or do they
stay in their square box of a house and job? When they go into the country, they are struck by its beauty, yet cannot wait
to change it and make it the same as the city. Work with us. Work with nature. Open Your Eyes, Ears, and Hearts. Truly Listen,
Truly See, Truly Feel. Truly Know. Bless Your Hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience
in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced
along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton.
Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!" * www.cynthialeeshelton.com/ *
Genetic Coding: Illusion or Reality by Adele Linsalata
April 8, 2011
When many times someone visits with me for an appointment it is often times when they
most need answers to what is going on in their life. When this is the case it is not for me to judge what is going on in their
life but for me to just be the vehicle a messenger to give to them what is being given to me. What I am seeing, hearing, knowing,
sensing, feeling, smelling and tasting.
Many times the individual has already gone through their own conversations with their
self, their family and friends. And still they are having a hard time with understanding or placing a perspective on what
is really happening and going on around them.
We find in our lives those moments of time when nothing seems real and at the same time
it all makes sense to our own way of looking at things, if we just stop and take a deep breath to look at the reality of the
truth all things come to light. It’s at those moments of time that one relies on what they have gained and learned through
their lifetime of living.
As I have said many times before it is all about society’s conditionings and what
the view point is from the one who has had their life compelled and conditioned by the environment they have around them or
lived with all of their life. The proverbial onion layers with which we call the “veil of illusions”.
Those layers upon layers of everyone else’s “stuff” that they have a
belief structure in and the family units with which it has been taught gives to us the layering of everyone else’s belief
structures that we cling upon to which has made us who we are. In which I call genetic coding.
In saying this we have all had those moments when sitting around the family kitchen
table or a gathering of family, friends and acquaintances and listening to story upon story of everyone in the family or a
shared experience with someone and what their issues may be or what an certain individuals is going through, whether it be
good , bad or indifferent…I have to laugh as my family has had many in regards to me and how I talk to dead people.
My niece commented one time that her father said to her “we all love Aunt Adele, she is different and we just accept
that”. God Bless that they do, for I am who I am and as long as they love me then nothing else matters. But I do make
a good conversation piece at family gatherings or I should say after I leave…
When looking at all of our historical recorded facts we find that many were stories of
shared experiences, actual partaking and or memories that were handed down over generations that finally someone wrote down
so that the information shall never be forgotten. We can look back into any culture in history and see story after story of
places, people, events that have taken place that then creates the foundation for future generations and interest for all
those who share the same desires, awareness, understandings, livelihood, cultural background, etc…. to this we have
genetic coding.
I find year after year so many individuals who come to me say “ my mother had breast
cancer, and my fear is that I will also have the same thing one day” . I ask them why they believe this is so strong
in their belief structure and I always hear “ well that is what I am told, if my mother has had breast cancer then so
shall I”. I then try to explain about what my belief structure for genetic coding is and how I have always been shown
it works. I will not say that I too believe they will have breast cancer as that is not what I believe. I do believe as we
sit around the family table and living room, group or gathering hearing story upon story of someone situations, experiences,
issues, resentments, fears, etc… that we then start to look within ourselves to try to identify if we match the same
thing. And I find that many individuals will then start applying what they believe is the same construct of their own self.
I have to remind everyone that you are a separate and unique individual from the day you were born and as you are raised in
whatever family unit, you then take on the characteristics of that family unit.
And at the same time when we hear something over and over again we start to apply it to
our own self. Just as with an alcoholic that tells someone with whom they say they love so much how stupid they are the individual
then starts believing what is given to them. Years ago I was given a notice that my children school was doing an awards assembly
and that my child was receiving an award to please join them for the assembly. I took the afternoon off as with any mother
I wanted to be there to see my child’s face light up when they had special attention given to them even if they shared
it with two hundred other students. There I was standing by the wall as the room all of a sudden was quiet and each child’s
name was read with the award they were being given. What an awesome experience to see a child’s name being called and
how they would look around for their parents to see them go up and receive their award, how the parent would then flash their
camera to capture the moment… and as I was standing there what I was feeling in no way matched what I was seeing and
The teacher would stand there and say how the children in the next group being called
up were being given an award for being an average student. With big smiles on their faces here they went one by one to collect
their award on paper which stated they were an average student...and then I was taken back over the years on how many years
I have stood here watching the same exchange, remember groups of young ladies and young men saying to me when I would see
them elsewhere how they were just average and not that special. How when applying for college those same students thought
they could not even try or have anything to offer as they were just average and not college worthy.
After the ceremony as everyone was congratulating the children and taking pictures I asked
to speak to the Principal and a few teachers. I wanted them to know that please do not ever give my child an award that says
they are average. I would rather have my child not get an award as to have one that says they are average because to me every
child is beyond average they are all special and unique individuals that learn at their own pace and experience so many things
differently than the child sitting next to them. For when we place our own concepts on another to the way they should be and
see and think then we are genetically coding them to be what we believe they should be. And as I always teach my children,
clients and students…why allow others to live your life when they cannot even live their own…is the same as why
allow others to make your decisions when the decisions they have made have not been their own….
We should not place labels upon a child as to not encourage them to be all that they can
be. For my child and yours shall never be average as what you believe average to be.
To be normal in any society is to be what others want you to be. And we have already seen,
heard and experienced what others do as we go about our day. We live in a society of rules and laws that many have been so
distorted that they are no longer recognizable as to the original. Just as the genetic coding of historical stories have been
handed down for generations so too have you…..for in you as you walk your path in this life… your genetic coding
is that of your mother, father, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, teachers, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, spouses,
partners and ancestors…..the list goes on and on… for every single individuals you have met, every single individual
you have had an experience with has now genetically coded you with their own belief structure, thoughts and words and you
have absorbed it, taken it in as we say to heart…. to make it your own….as we travel along our spiritual path
we are finding the truths to what is really what we have been seeking all along .. who am I and am I living my spiritual path…well,
look within and see who you are and start peeling away the genetic coding of all those who have been creating you and there
you shall find who you a truly are….there you shall find that unique individual who says “ hey take a look at
me, I am not average , I am not weak, I am not you , I am me”…for now you can never say “ you are just average
in every way and I made you that way “ for I am that which has been created to be all that is around me… reality
or illusion….
To which is it to be….
Love, Laughter and Light,
Adele Marie
Copyright 2011 Adele Linsalata and Angelic Wise Ones http://www.angelicwiseones.com This material is free for public use to copy, distribute, and display if abided by these terms.
Credit must be given to the author Adele Linsalata and the work must be used in its entirety. The work may not be altered,
added on to or edited in any way. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of
this work. Any of these conditions may be waived if permission from the copyright holder and author are given.
Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author. Contact Adele Linsalata at adele@angelicwiseones.com *
The Cosmic Christ
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
April 2011
I the higher aspect of the Christ speak to you from the intersection of Humanness, Soul,
and Over Soul. I speak to you at the point that you and I intersect and we form a Star of David, a Star Tetrahedron,
the Cosmic Mercaba. I ask you to turn your eyes inward –to the focus point of your 3rd eye. To place your consciousness
there on the screen of all possibilities and see the light that I AM, the Light that you are, and the Light that we can become
When Jesus the man left the earth as his Christed self, and crowned his humanness in glory
and Ascension, his disciples hid behind his event of transformation and transmutation. They focused upon this awe-inspiring
event with fear, and doubt. They felt deserted, abandoned, and helpless. As your humanness has the opportunity to walk into
its Christed garments of Light, will you feel you have abandoned your humanness and the pleasures of earth? Do not allow your
garment of Christed Light to be something that you only wear on Easter or Sundays. Wear it continually with the knowledge
that you can be divine, holy, and human simultaneously. For Jesus the man said that the future generations of children
of light would do greater deeds than he, which was a promise he made to the future children that would walk the earth.
You shift the future by your thought, by your actions, by your awareness', and by your
declarations. You have changed the molecular structure of the mind; do not allow the past to enter your future. As you celebrate
Easter – celebrate the Cosmic Christ, the Over Soul, and the Human Being who lovingly moves toward Christed awareness.
Do not get caught up in the trappings of what happened in Biblical Times, do not allow the crucifixion to dictate your future
move past it into resurrection and ascension.
Don’t camp in the Spiritual Stigmata of your old selves. Yes, there were many injustices.
and pain that you endured but it is not your job to own it. yes you feel the injustices, yes you feel for what fell
as an injustice a minute ago, a week ago, a year ago. But how do those feelings serve you? You cannot move when you are drenched
in pity, in sadness, in anger, or in fear. The mobility comes only when you love, in certainness, in faith, in peace. Whenever
your life is not moving, it is because you have cemented your feet in the past. Your heart is a Christ Heart. I represent
the Trinity of all the incarnations of Christ I am all of it-- as are you. You have worn every religion, every faith, and
every conviction. You have worn every magical, alchemical thought through time and space. You still wear them.
Your past does not serve you but as a reminder of what once failed. Look to the future
with a heart that is Light. I AM the essence of the Cosmic Christ. I am in you as you are in me. For we are cut from
the same grain and mixed in the same bowl and kneaded into a loaf of bread that is to be shared with all. We are the same.
I am not mightier than you. I am not grander than you. I am you. I ask you to lovingly lift the memory of my time on
earth out of the pain and crucifixion.
Your potential is unlimited. It goes beyond words or expectations. I ask you at this time
of Easter to receive my body in communion – but not through a wafer or a glass of wine – but through a vibration.
When the Son rises on the morn of Easter – breathe me into you. Sup upon my love and wisdom of all time –
and I will sup upon your humanness. You are the pride and the joy of this universe. Stand up – to see in truth, the
true reflection of the Cosmic Christ you are!
Thoughts to Ponder: We Are On Our Way
by Jean Warner
April 17, 2011
We are going deeper and deeper into the ozone layer. Can you picture a path ahead
of you with signs along the way displaying The Fifth Dimension with an arrow pointing straight ahead? You don’t
have to walk, run, or drive to follow this road. Mother Earth herself has chosen to take you there. She is well
on her way, and in the distance you might see another sign announcing The Golden Age. It is not an illusion.
It is indeed for real. You look around, and you see countless thousands stepping onto the path, people of all colors,
race, or cultures. You look at them and see loving faces filled with joyful anticipation.
You look again and see a golden light around each individual. And suddenly, you
feel unsure. You think, these are very special people. They are Godly people. I don’t belong with
them and you hesitate. Suddenly you notice a crossroad in front of you that curves back toward where you started.
You stop and face the other road. A voice within you says, “These people are not ahead of you; you are all equal.”
You throw your shoulders back and continue forward. There is something calling you, and you know you must follow.
In the meantime, the Earth is spiraling onward, the path widening in front of her and
beckoning you, and you realize that she is following the same path that you are on. You are not going to some unknown
place. Your planet is still beneath your feet, so you have nothing to fear.
You start to wonder about the people you have known, your loved ones, and those whom you
are barely aware of. Are they among the thousands moving with you? And you find yourself judging them, trying to decide
which ones are on the path you are on and which ones should be left behind. Immediately that crossroad winding back
again appears before you. And the little voice within tells you, “They have free choice; they can choose to stay
in the third dimension or move forward. All are the sons and daughters of the One God, and all are loved.”
You squelch your negative thoughts and the crossroad disappears. You think about
things and decide that those who are not on the path, the dark ones, are fearful. They are afraid they will be punished
for the mistakes they have made in their life. They don’t know what to expect if they lose control of those they
have dominated or hurt. They feel their only recourse is to continue their pattern of domination and control.
And then the thought hits you, they do not feel loved. They don’t know how to love because, in their view, they
have never been loved. You feel compassion for them, and decide that they should not be left behind; they should be
filled with love. And you wonder how you can help them change their consciousness so they will realize that they are
the sons and daughters of the Most High, which they truly are.
You decide to talk this over with others on the path to the Fifth Dimension. You
are right, they say. We must do all that we can to get them on the road to a higher consciousness. We must send
them love and light. Only love can save them from the darkness of their own making, for we too, through the ages, have
walked their path. Their ego selves have manipulated them to the point that they themselves are dominated, and, as Jesus
said, they know not what they do.
As you continue on your path, now with compassion and greater understanding, you
wonder how you can help raise the consciousness of those who are in great conflict on the battlefield, and you wonder why
God is allowing this to continue. The little voice inside says, “They have the gift of free will, as do
you. Sometimes it takes a strong jolt to for one to change his thought patterns.” You realize that you were
judging again.
“Send them light and love,” the small voice whispers. “Know that
all is in divine order. Your Father/Mother God wants every living being on Earth to move up. Just ask that God’s
will, not man’s, will prevail. You are not privy to the information that the forces of Heaven acquire as they follow
mankind’s mistaken conclusions. Trust and know that all is well. The goal is not to destroy the forces of
darkness but to bring them into the Light. Consider that every man, woman, and child, may have already chosen to go
into a higher dimension, and let it play out accordingly.
”Know, too, that millions of Earth’s inhabitants have volunteered to give
up their lives in order to aid in bringing about this miracle. Most contracted within their life plan, before incarnating,
to offer their lives. Others, after birth, made the same offer when they became aware of this magnificent goal.
Still others were the way showers, bringing the lambs into the fold. And the forces of Heaven are helping in ways that
you know not of.
“All the dark energies within the land, waters, atmosphere, and within mankind,
are being cleansed in preparation for evolution. Those who have died in major tragedies have done what they agreed to
do and are highly esteemed in the universe. They know that they helped to give the impetus to bring about changes that
will recreate the structures of countries around the globe.
“Most of you have not awakened enough to remember your life contract. But
it is in your subconscious mind and will emerge when the time is right. Just be assured that all is progressing in accordance
with God’s plan and that he loves you and wants to bring you home. Listen to the quiet voice within
and follow its direction. You may not be aware of it, but it is guiding you just the same. You are greatly loved.”
Thoughts to Ponder * www.jeanwarner.com * © Copyright 2009 Jean Warner * Jean's greatest joy is in writing,
singing, intermingling with, and learning from, many inspiring lightworkers. Contact
Jean at * mary.jean.77@hotmail.com* 1177 Agnes Lane * Gilbert AZ 85296 *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you take your power by understanding who you are. You take your power by
saying, “I am the deep breath of peace. I love mySelf—capital “S”—I love mySelf because I am
the extension of all divinity, come forth to experience and to express.
HEAVEN #3798
Go Merrily on Your Way
April 19, 2011
God said:
You are meant to be a resilient being. You are not meant to be the little pig’s
straw house that the big bad wolf blows down. Nor are you meant to be the brick house that is immovable.
Once I said that you are to be the willow tree that bends and never breaks and comes back
to its original position. No matter what assails you, you come back.
Now I think that when pin pricks from the world seem to assail you and hurt you, you are
not to be fazed at all. There is no reason to be affected by them. If you receive a disappointing email, you have to answer
it, or you don’t. If a bill comes in, a mistake or not, either way, why would it turn your day upside down, or even
a minute of your day? You don’t have to be so sensitive. You really don’t. What you perceive as an assault takes
out too much from you. You let it wound you when it is really not worth the time of day.
Be a computer for a little while. It makes no difference to a computer what it types or
what it doesn’t type. A computer doesn’t take anything personally. Be compassionate toward others. Be compassionate
towards errors, and be not wounded by insignificant things.
Why should a disappointing email, for example, crush you for even a moment? Why should
one of My children go into a tizzy even for one moment? Why, when you have Me, and why, when you have your own Being, should
any paltry thing from the outside dent you? Why should it put a dent in you at all? You will get over it. You always do. So
why let it invade you in the first place? Get over it before you are dismayed.
Sure, it is good to be vulnerable. But to the pin pricks of the daily world, I ask you
to be invulnerable. You do not have to be so much one with your environment and what occurs. There is you who radiates to
the whole Universe. Your environment and what occurs are not to dominate you. Let your aura affect the environment and not
the other way around.
When I say environment, I am meaning whatever is in your surroundings.
If someone is in a bad mood, you don’t have to be. Let someone else’s bad
mood bounce off you. In the same vein, annoying emails are not to affect your aura. Do you understand me?
You seem to enter into these little penny-ante games with whatever enters your environment.
No more penny-ante games. Everything in the world or in your world is not to take you over, not even for an instant. When
you flinch, you waste your time and energy. Time and energy are to be used, not wasted. Time and energy are requested for
other matters.
Yes, be a duck, and let water roll off your back.
Be like a computer who gets work done to the best of its ability and doesn’t have
build up. If the user gives the computer nonsense, the computer takes that in its stride.
As for you, beloveds, take care of that which you have to take care of, and then go merrily
on your way. Put hurt and aggravation and fatigue behind you. What do you need them for? What possible good are they for you?
Now, get these aggravations and annoyances behind you, for you are to be as fresh as a
daisy and the new-day sun.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to
God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to
stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff,
Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington
Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *
The Transformation of Light
April 14, 2011
Dearest Beloved Ones,
A new energy configuration has been completed within the energetic template of the
sacred body of the Earth. This new energy pattern is allowing for the complete manifestation of spiritual light into the physical
planes of the Earth, and will allow the complete infusion of spiritual light from the highest dimensions into all parts of
the sacred Earth, from deep within her core to all embodied life on her surface.
The completion of this passage marks the end of the era of separated consciousness,
and the beginning of a unified and sanctified New Earth. During this new beginning, many of the old structures of separated
consciousness will begin to dissolve more completely. There will be many abrupt and significant endings, including the passage
of souls who have completed their journey on the Earth plane.
Beloved ones, courage and faith are needed in this new time, for the old ways are
no more, and the new ways are still in the process of revealing themselves. What was not possible before will now become possible.
Miracles will be seen and felt, even in the midst of the painful birthing process of the new. New possibilities will present
themselves everywhere for those that have eyes to see them.
At this time of sacred manifestation, it is important to honor those that have sacrificed
and given their lives to make this new time possible. We honor all those who have worked to create the New Earth that is now
being born.
With all love and blessings,
World Blessings * P.O. Box 8741 * Bend, Oregon
97708 * USA * (541) 388-4692 * The website has been constructed with help from the
spiritual realms, from my beloved husband Doran, and from my beloved spiritual teacher, Julie Redstone, who assisted in large
measure with its development. It is evolving as an organic whole evolves, with anticipation that there will be growth and
change as new needs arise for conveying spiritual truths to an awakening world. *
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