The Chinese Farmer |
The head worries and the heart feels. They cannot function
at the same time.
When your feelings dominate, worry dissolves. If you worry a lot, your feelings are dead; you are stuck in the head. Worrying makes your mind and heart inert and dull. Worries are like a rock in the head. Worry entangles you. Worry puts you in a cage. When you feel, you do not worry. Feelings are like flowers, they come up, they blossom and they die. Feelings rise, they fall and then disappear. When feelings are expressed, you feel relieved. When you are angry, you express your anger and the next moment you are all right. Or you are upset, you cry and you get over it. Feelings last for some short time and then they drop, but worry eats at you for a longer period of time, and eventually eats you up. Feelings make you spontaneous. Children feel, so they are spontaneous. Adults put brakes on their feelings and they start worrying. Worrying about anything obstructs action while feelings propel action. Worrying about negative feelings is a blessing because it puts the brakes on those feelings, preventing you from acting on them. Usually one never worries about positive feelings. Worries are uncertain. Worrying takes away your energy; you cannot think clearly when you worry. Offering your worries is prayer and prayer moves you in feelings. When you think you are feeling too much then you start worrying about your feelings. Let's not worry about it and feel our food! + - Sri Sri ***
Negative thoughts
Why do you want to avoid negative thoughts? Let them come and they go. Avoiding means you are trying to hold on to them. If they come say,'Oh you have come, hi, bye bye', and they go. ***
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Transmutation of Divine Will.” {Channeled} + Received by Chris. + Ophelius: “Today’s message is about the transmutation of Divine Will. What do I mean by this? Transmutation is the process of changing something from one state into another. In this case, the process is changing Divine Will into human action to do or achieve something that will change the vibrational state of someone, or the circumstances of something, that will transform life by the infusion of love, thus changing it from a lower state of vibration to a higher state. In this process of change, free will allows for the individual expression of that change, which provides a unique experience and higher awareness for the lesson learned and the wisdom gleaned from that experience. + “The concept is quite simple, my friends. When we allow ourselves to become a channel of Divine love, love changes all things, and the outcome always transforms whatever it is applied to, and leaves it in an improved state, or in a greater state of awareness for understanding and the solving of problems which arise out of the misapplication of natural law or the misunderstandings of living in the various stages of imperfection. + “Most of the problems on your world, and with the individual, are the result of a lack of love and understanding. You may take any problem or negative circumstance, and trace its root cause to a lack of love and understanding. If we relate all these things to its origin, we can begin to understand its development and how the lack of love -- its misapplication and misunderstanding -- has evolved into the present day problem. When we open ourselves to be a channel of Divine love, we gain insight into how, using wisdom, to infuse that problem with love, and change its outcome or direct its path to a more favorable and more perfected state. Love changes and love forgives, love heals and love unites. Divine Will, when transmuted by the action of human love, results in the alignment of Divine Will and human will. + “How do you know when you are doing the Will of God? Give love and observe the course of its transformation. If its transformation leaves it in a more perfected state, then you know that transmutation of Divine Will has been accomplished in relation to the understanding and application of the love channeled through the initiate. How do you perfect the process of transmutation? You do so through meditative contemplation and prayer -- where you receive divine instruction and listen for the answers to the problems of living in a state of imperfection. The journey from imperfection to perfection is the supreme adventure, and the catalyst of change -- the fuel to perfection is the transmutation of Divine love into human action, the alignment of Divine Will and human will. + “The more we allow ourselves to accept and feel Divine love, the more powerful we will become at the transmutation of that love to change lives and situations and leave them in a more perfected state. Test this process today my friends, and see the change unfold before your eyes. + “Peace and love, “The Circle of Seven.” + The 11:11 Progress Group. + “The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius. ***
Choose Equanimity {Channeled}
+ Heavenletter #3922 Published on: August 21, 2011 + God said: + It is not always clear to you what listening to your heart is. There is a distinction between doing what you want and listening to your heart. We have talked about this before. You would follow your heart every time if only you were sure it was your heart you were following. As it is, there is often a tug. You want to do something. You feel good about it. And then the world comes in and says it isn't a good thing to do, not the right car to buy, not the right road to go down, not the right choice. Your confidence got shaken. To listen or not to listen to those who advise, that is the question. + But how do you know? + You already know that because you want something doesn't mean it's a right choice. You have experienced this with serious romances, for example. + Sometimes you don't have a choice in the matter. Sometimes it is not up to you. The decision is wrested out of your hands. + Sometimes you want someone or something, and you get it, and then you are sorry. + Let Me say this about decisions that are yours to make, make them and don't look back. No matter how important-seeming a choice may be to you, it is not - I repeat - it is not the end of the world. It is not the end of your world. + Let Us not speak of mistakes. Even a mistake is not necessarily a mistake. + Do not second-guess yourself every moment, as if, out of a hundred candies, there is only one you are to taste. Taste one. Is it a mistake to have tasted the one you chose? Even if you spit it out, what is the mistake? You chose something, and now you choose something else. + In life, beloveds, choose equanimity. So-called right choice, wrong choice, just keep going along. + Based on the standards you set, life in the world is not perfect. The choices you make are not always perfect. No matter how skilled you are, no matter how experienced you are, no matter how dedicated you are, decisions are not always immaculate. + Can you imagine any of the Great Ones saying: "If I had walked down this street instead of that one, the whole outcome would have been different?" The Great Spiritual Ones knew better than to remonstrate with themselves. + Your life is made of choices, and choices have to be made. Be glad you make a choice. There are interminable choices you could make. Consider you do make the right choice. + We come back again and again to the point that results are not always the indicator to go by. You cannot have the result first and the decision after. There is no way for you to know that what seems like an incorrect decision may be better than the choice you did not make. You cannot know. No one knows. + You are not to wring the life out of decisions that are yours to make. + You attribute cause and effect. Everything can point to consequence and yet B does not always follow A. In the world, when B comes after A, it doesn't have to mean it was a consequence. What if everything is happening at the same time? What if there is no before and after? + What if you would let go of the past and all the mental churning of the past, what then, beloveds, what then? + Better to come to the place that the past and all the choices you make are not of huge consequence. There is you, and you are now, and you are to go forward, not backward. You are not to go backward even in thought. It is always the right choice to go forward. That means you may have to shrug your shoulders and keep moving. ***