The Bible’s ‘Missing Bits’, Church Control
and Adopting As a Single Mum
by Nancy Detweiler
August 29, 2012
The Light Agenda -
Remember: If you can’t tune in at this time you can
listen at ANY time that’s convenient to you, once the show has gone to air. Just click on this same link.
If you felt our churches and religious leaders had been withholding
the truth from us, then you are going to want to tune in when Nancy Detweiler appears on The Light Agenda Tonight.
If you have family and friends who are churchgoers or with
whom you are having difficulty informing them of our true metaphysical existence and what lies ahead with Ascension, this
is an episode that I would highly recommend you share with them. Nancy is a gentle, articulate and erudite soul who could
help bring them into a better understanding of the path you are currently walking.
Nancy has been at the forefront of bridging the gap between
the traditional teachings of the church and the metaphysical meanings of The Bible for over 30 years – having grown
up in a ‘dedicated Christian’ family and having attended two seminaries; graduating from the second as Minister.
She also has first-hand knowledge of how the Ascended Masters and the Galactics are working hand in hand – and always
have done.
If you didn’t already know it, you’ll hear how
the (male) leaders of the Roman Catholic Church removed whole sections of The Bible during the 15th century- sections which
covered the important topics of both reincarnation and astrology. They have since kept this knowledge from us and thus controlled
us, as they forbade their followers – and those of other western religions – to know, or even talk about, the
exact nature of our true selves, our true story and our true history.
Nancy’s vast knowledge, research and reading of
the scriptures and her analysis of both their context and content and her personal experiences have given her an articulated,
intelligent insider’s view few of us will ever have the understanding or the time to reach. It’s what has made
her website - – and her The Way of Love Blog – – popular with churchgoers, other ministers, missionaries
in Africa and India and with those who seek the truth of our Earthly, spiritual and Galactic history.
Nancy Detweiler has been a proud rebel and a trailblazer almost
from the day she was born. At the age of three she began wondering where her ‘real’ mother was – even though
she loved and adored her mother, her father, her two sisters and her younger brother.
You’ll learn about her decision at 14 to eschew the
Baptist Church she grew up in and seek to undertake foreign missions. You’ll hear how she eventually returned to the
church and attended a Baptist seminary for two years before again becoming frustrated with church teachings.
You’ll discover how she buried herself in a career in
social work and government jobs before, having not met a man she loved, fulfilled a lifetime vow and adopted a child –
at the age of 31 and unmarried. That story will delight you.
You’ll hear about her ‘dark night of the soul,’
which lasted for six years; how she struggled to make ends meet as a single mum and how she lived out her life as an eternal
student as she studied and gained several degrees and a Masters in Counselling Education. You’ll also hear how she returned
to the church – this time, studying at a Presbyterian seminary for four years before, after an internship as a Minister,
graduating with her own parish.
And how she again became so frustrated with the church again
that she left – for good! This time to follow a path set for her by both Jesus and St. Germain, who told her that her
mission was to “bridge the gap” between the traditional, controlling Church and the metaphysical truth.
Nancy also went on to write two books, A New Age Christian:
My Spiritual Journey and Where Are You God? A Metaphysical Interpretation of Job. You’ll find out what role a man named
Charles Fillmore and his teachings and research have played in her ‘crusade’ to seek and explain the truth in
The Bible.
And she developed a new form of astrology – the Astrological
Soul Map – which she used to decipher her clients’ soul contracts. They were so accurate, she says, they would
make her cry.
We also find out why it took her until she was 49 to get married
– and how much impact her husband John had on her life – even after he passed.
And you will also hear how she protested for NESARA as an
active member of the NESARA Action team and also moved into political campaigning for Dennis Kucinich’s 2003-2004 Presidential
campaign – a man she says is an angel of peace; even today.
You’ll also find out that she knows her home planet
is Venus and that her Twin Flame is named Uriel- not to be confused with the Archangel Uriel.
I should add that it has taken me several weeks to bring
Nancy on to the show, as she lives alone – and in silence – and she had to warm up her voice (with its mesmerisingly
lilting southern accent) especially to come on the show. So you are in for a rare treat!
Plus: You’ll find out why a song from the movie and
stage show The King and I means so much to Nancy – and her daughter.
Isis' Message of the Day -
You Are What You Think!
Change your thoughts and change your life!
Do you think you have problems in your life? You don't. Do
you think your relationships are not up to what you want them to be? Change them. Do you think you have financial problems?
You don't. Do you think your health is bad? It isn't. Do you think this world is going to hell in a hand-basket? it isn't.
Do you think???????
If you don't want something in your life . . . don't think
about it. If you do want something in your life think about it. Sounds too simple to be true? It isn't! How many times have
you heard? . . . "You create your own reality." You have free-will choice. And whatever you choose the universe will supply.
You just have to change your choices. Your way of "thinking."
Everything is made up of "energy." Energy is constantly in
motion. If you could take a very strong micro-scope and look at the ring on your finger, or the watch on your arm, you would
see the energy in motion. Atoms, molecules all the small particles that make up the universe. If you could see the world around
you, you would see energy in motion and not one thing is solid. Solidity is an illusion. . . created by "thoughts of separation
from the Source . . . from God . . . from All That Is.
You are Divine!!!! The ground you walk on is Holy ground.
You are not separate from All That Is . . . Separation is an illusion.
Old ways of thinking are old 'programs' instilled deeply within
your psyche, deeply within your subconscious, as well as stored in your 'soul' from past-life experiences. You could think
of it as information stored on a hard drive that needs deleted so new information can be added. For your mind/brain/body/organs
are like a computer, they collect and store information. And unless you are open to new information that changes your way
of thinking the 'old' will just keep coming back into memory and recreating the same old thing.
Being a walk-in I get a lot of 'practice' in this area. For
those who may not be familiar with what a walk-in is, they are Soul/Spirit Transferences. They move-in to an unwanted body
and do what they came to do. And since memories are stored in the body cells and organs of the 'borrowed' body, I have the
majority of the memories of the one who was the original owner of this body. There are times when something will come into
my mind and I say to myself, "Where in the world did that come from? Delete from memory banks . . . it is no longer needed."
It never comes back again.
If you want a peaceful, loving world you have to stop thinking,
buying into and spreading the "thoughts" of doom and gloom . . . stop giving it your energy. You have to start sending the
energy of love into the energy of hate. Just like darkness can't remain where there is light, hate can't remain when love
comes in.
If you want abundance in your life . . . stop seeing lack
If you want to have a loving relationship, stop seeing and
thinking about all the so-called "bad things" within that relationship . . . within that "other person."
Ego has created separatism. Ego created individuality. Ego
creates that which appears or disappears, in your life.
"In the beginning God created . . ."
"And God saw every thing that he made, and behold, it
was very good."
So who created the forces of darkness, the devil and hell?
I will give you three guesses and the first two don't count . . .
Uncreate what you don't want. It doesn't exist except in your
You are the grains of sand kissed by the ocean waves on the
You are the stars, sparkling like diamonds upon the black velvet sky.
You are the wind beneath the wings of the
great eagle as it flies.
You are the rays of the sun as it warms the earth,
And kisses the face of the snow covered
You are the Gifted One.
You are the birds, the trees, the flowers,
the animals,
and the fish in the sea.
You are the cotton candy clouds floating in the blue sky.
You are the lightning, the thunder,
the rain, the snow.
You are your brothers keeper, because you are your brother.
You are ONE with all there is you see.
you are the gifted One.
In this dream called "life."
"As a man thinketh so is he."
With love,
I am what is termed a "soul transference" . . . some call
walk-ins. I arrived here in this host body on June 14, 1971. I am in the service of the Creator. An Emissary of Light. Light
Emissaries are different from Ambassadors in that they are here to assist anyone, anytime, anywhere. There are many light
beings who are here to be of guidance and assistance during this time of vast change. They are here to assist all of the kingdoms,
not just the human population.
create effortlessly, it is helpful to identify any old beliefs or ideas which keep you stuck in the old pattern. The universe
has trouble with mixed messages and will support the message which has the most power attached to it. If you desire to manifest
more money and wonder why, after all your affirmations and visualizations, that money is not flowing to you, then look at
what you believe about money. Most importantly, look at your focus on the lack of it. Whilst you are stuck in poverty-consciousness
you are not in the frequency of the ease and flow of money." ~ P'TAAH Transcript Isness Of Manifestation ~ *
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
Archangel Michael: All Will Occur As Best For All
Today let us congratulate you on your single-minded pursuit
of your goal. Much has been placed in your path in attempts to distract you. While you have known the relative
importance of knowing the current state of your world, you have not allowed your focus to weaken.
You have made every effort to utilize each tool which has
been offered to you. Allow us to point out that not all of these will be a perfect fit for you. Try them on and
keep those which seem to be the best for yourselves. You will find that, at a later time, you may wish to go back and
dust some of them off as they apply to your later states of consciousness and attention. There will always be enough
to keep you from lapsing into inattention. This is something that your conscious minds have often to deal with.
As you notice more and more change happening within, your excitement will make all of that a non-issue.
Many are finding it difficult already to pull their attention
back to their day-to-days. In the world as it is for the moment, do your best to keep a balance.
You may be feeling a growing excitement and a compression
of time. You are correct in assuming that certain things are immanent. Please understand that what is to occur
and what the majority desire to occur consciously may not be exactly the same, and that Divine Timing is not necessarily on
your “yesterday is not soon enough” schedule. All will occur as best for the All. There will be no
mistakes made. The most precious and most misunderstood gift of the Creator is free will. It will not be over-ridden.
Only the loving return of the creation to Creator is of any import.
Those are a lot of promises, we know. But every promise
given to you will be kept. Most of the things which amuse your minds in the daily chaos which you are passing through
will not be of the slightest interest to you once you begin to see your new selves unfolding. Perhaps it will be useful
as history lessons. (Chuckles here)
It is time now for all of this to begin in earnest, dear friends.
It may not all be entirely comfortable, but it will all be entirely worth it. Look back on the first eight months of
your year and realize that the last four will pass by even more quickly for you. If your balance and focus begin to
waver, call on your guides and angels for help. We are not somewhere else, and we are not too busy.
Our love to you this day. We will speak again.
Received by Ron Head
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy
and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this
copyright notice link: *
Heavenletter #4296
Be a Knight in Shining Armor
August 29, 2012
God said:
There is a world of difference between understanding and judgment.
Understanding doesn't mean admiring. It means understanding. With understanding comes a certain realization that the so-called
other person before you is doing the best he can. Whether doctor, merchant, beggarman, thief, the person before you is doing
the best he can at this moment. He really doesn't know better, even if you think he should. Here's the thing: There is a portion
of your psyche that visits where that person is, and, so, you dislike where that person is. You dislike another's affront
more than you would if you did not contain within you, no matter how residual, what the other person reflects to you.
If you were the person you are disdaining - you do understand
that you are disdaining, don't you? - I would talk to you differently. I would not tell you to have compassion for yourself.
I would tell you that you can be a knight in shining armor. I would tell you to let go of the past. I would tell you that
you must let go of the past. The past is no more than a step, or a series of steps. The past is rocky and not to be held onto.
If you were the person you are judging or putting down, I
would tell you to stop understanding, stop excusing, stop focusing on yourself, take a deep breath, and, right now, become
a blessing to the world, and a blessing to yourself. Enough of unthinkingness. Now have wakingup-ness.
If you were the person you are judging or putting down, I
would not encourage you, "But, God. But God, there was this. There was that. I do have my reasons. I have my good reasons."
I would not encourage you no matter how many excuses you pull out of your pocket. I would tell you to stop making excuses
and begin to serve. I would tell you to be less compassionate with yourself and more wise with the person who offended you.
I know he hurt your heart, yet I would not coddle you either.
Actually, I would tell you, the critic, to be less compassionate
with yourself. I do tell you. I tell you to be less self-righteous. I tell you to be not self-righteous at all.
Two self-righteous people bellowing at each other, even if
not out loud, don't get anywhere until one of the riders of self-righteousness gets off his high horse. Since you are here
reading these words, I am telling you straightforwardly that it must be you who has to get off his high horse.
You are here to make the world better, so make the world better.
Let go of hard-heartedness. Be good to your own heart. Anger, resentment, self-righteousness speak in a deafening voice. Anger,
resentment, self-righteousness are deaf, and that's why anger, resentment, righteousness speak in a deafening voice. That
band of three refuse to hear. They are a sorry crew.
I ask My beautiful children, all My children, to join a band
of angels who are sweet on Earth and give sweetness to the Earth. In your heart, apologize to the other who is guilty of being
much less aware than you.
I have said that you are to be the first to greet another.
In your heart, greet another in your heart. You do have something to apologize for. At the very least, you have a lack of
openness to apologize for. Apologize to yourself for being less than Who You are, and now pick up a sword of kindness and
go forth in the world and slay the dragons of condescension, accusation, and dismissals of another's heart and soul. Dismiss
your closed perception. Climb to a higher rung on the ladder of life. Let go of the rung you presently adhere to. Let go.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings
Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already
proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria
Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * P.O.
Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556 * * *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, look back a decade or so and see how you have
changed in your thinking. You can see how some of the friends have changed in their thinking, and even how with everything
coming to light, many changes have been made. So, yes, 2012 feels like a magical year because you are the magicians; you are
the ones who have already been in process of bringing about that which you want to experience. You are not held down by the
body, by the employer, by anyone outside of you. You are your own creative force, and you bring forth and manifest that which
you truly want to know and to express and experience.
You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as
all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly
Message from Matthew *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light" * ***
And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
* Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.