The Benefits of Meditation - Channeled


If you are a taker of happiness you get misery, if you are a giver of happiness you get joy and love.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Alabama, US of A.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Benefits of Meditation.”

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “In years gone by, your scientists discovered there to be lots of benefits from regular meditation. Many of these benefits simply arose from calming the whirlpool of thoughts that constantly bother human minds in this age. However, the greatest benefits are obtained by those who come to stillness with the goal of knowing their celestial Father, and finding the path to becoming increasingly more perfect beings.

“Many have been attracted to meditation by the numerous benefits they can obtain. Some even expect to receive riches and material benefits through the practice of stillness. Those who meditate with these selfish motivations deprive themselves of the higher benefits they could obtain. Practicing stillness is simply adoration. It is a transformational process in which a human being surrenders self into the hands of his or her Creator in order to be changed into what the Creator has envisioned for that person.

“Do not practice stillness with the goal of achieving material success. Better yet, forget all expectations when practicing stillness and let the Father assume control, and decide what is best for you. In other words, surrender to His will. At least for a few minutes each day, let the Father’s will be done in your life and you will surely be amazed by the results.

“Human beings enjoy free will. Nobody can be forced to focus his or her mind onto something in particular. However, when by your own will you decide to focus your mind into the Father, He will answer and will provide exactly what you need, since He knows you better than you know yourself. When you tune into the frequency of the Father you are aligning with the primordial force that sustains the universe and with the origin of all life and all wisdom. This action, so apparently simple, will have unbelievable repercussions that will move you closer to your eternal destiny.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4443 God’s Words Are Like Stars, January 23, 2013 

God said: 

My words are like apple blossoms I shower on you. My words are like stars that I shine on you. My words are My love strewn on you. Everything from Me is love. Everything of Mine is love, and you are Mine. You can only be Mine. You can’t be less than I say, and I say I see you before Me, and I see that you are good. No one else made you. I made you. And I made you good. Anything less than good is nothing but delusion. It is something you made up. You fantasized that you were less than what God made. You had an idea that you were not made well. You had an idea that you were an exception, that you were made imperfect. I made you perfectly. I made you perfectly, yet you have perhaps carried the idea that I made you dross. No, never. Whatever errors you have made are made up. They are fiction. You went down a road that does not really exist.

Love exists, and if you have exerted less than love, you can change on a dime right now. Old ways of perceiving are fictional. If your life seeks a remedy, you are the remedy. Once upon a time, you saw something amiss. You saw yourself amiss. Now you can see in a new way. How you see is of the utmost importance to how you feel about yourself. You may be a diamond in the rough. Even so, you are a diamond. You are a diamond of My heart. You are the crystallization of My heart. My heart on Earth is not glass. I did not put sand in your heart. I put a clear diamond, and now I suggest that it is time for you to mine the diamond that you are.

What matters now is now. You are as infinite and eternal as anyone. You are as infinite and eternal as all the Great Ones. Everything they were, you are. The difference is that you have hidden the Truth from yourself. You have downplayed it. You may have said to yourself: “I cannot be great in love. If I cannot be great in love, I will be great in fury.” Then you made a lesser choice. You may have thought you were taking the easy way out, and yet you chose the hardest way of all, and you exerted yourself in order to take yourself seriously and to be sought after in the world, even to be caught up in the world.

Give it up now. Plant the God-given seeds of love, and from the seeds you plant, a new garden will grow. You are a living Being. You are My love. All that is required is that you accept My avowal of you. You are golden in My eyes. Let the light of My love planted in you reflect from your eyes onto yourself and, from you to the whole world. There is no one in Creation Who is not a Light-bringer. Turn on your light so that you may see it burning brightly. There is no dark side. You have deluded yourself. You have estranged yourself, yet you will never make a stranger of Me. I am your True Self, and you are the most loved of all. Every single one is the most loved of all, yet to the Ones Who need My love the most, I pound it in. I knock on the door of your heart, and I say:

“Beloved, open your heart. Let Me in. I am your entrance to the world. Previously, you drew a picture of a wide-open door, and you thought you walked through it, yet you had a dream that you were not love. You had a dream that you were left out. You had a poor dream, and now you awake from that dream, and you find yourself in the Splendor of My Heart. Know now where you are. You are here with Me.”
