The Arcturians
MARCH 2, 2014 Greetings to all. We observe Light on Gaia increasing each day, and bringing with it a new world wide awareness
of issues and problems that the majority were heretofore unable or unwilling to see. Appearances would say that the world
is getting worse, but what you are witnessing is the Light now shining into the dark places and bringing to the forefront
all that needs to be addressed in new and higher ways. Many
governments are starting to understand that the old self serving ways of doing business are no longer working. Many "leaders"
choosing to resist any change, and will eventually find themselves in one way or another removed. All, from world leaders
to so called "common folk" who insist upon holding tight to energies that are finished will begin to experience difficulties
because the new energies do not nor cannot support anything held in place only through belief and concepts. Go within dear
ones, and honestly examine what concepts and beliefs you may still be rigidly holding on to. We wish to speak of compassion--a topic often confused with sympathy or the ignorant
enabling of another. Compassion is a facet of love and is the ability to see another's pain and suffering without entering
in to it. This often means (especially with families and friends) offering assistance of some sort when intuitively guided.
However, in compassion one NEVER ENTERS INTO THE ENERGY FIELD OF THE OTHER, that is sympathy. When an individual spiritually evolves, his energy field begins to radiate ever
more light and others are drawn to this energy. Each and every soul is seeking to experience the completeness of their true
nature but are only able interpret this inner yearning within the bounds of their attained state of consciousness. Thus you
have spiritually immature souls forever seeking that which is within, in the without. They seek completeness through wearing
the "right" clothes, being beautiful or strong, or in having material possessions and money. Many confuse the love they seek
with sex, and allow themselves to be used by others. Because society in general is based in duality and separation, it continues
to promote solutions for happiness in hundreds of forms, none of which will satisfy the longings of the Soul for conscious
reconnection to Source. A soul's immaturity has
nothing to do with chronological age. There are many very evolved souls living in young bodies right now and many who have
been on earth for a long time who remain spiritually immature. Spiritually immature individuals are often repelled by anyone
holding great Light because this energy is a threat their firmly held but false belief system. They are usually not even consciously
aware of why they may not like a certain individual. This is the root of much fear in the world for there remain many who
continue to resist anything that may "rock" their comfortable In the early phases of every soul's search for completeness
comes a reaching out to friends, strangers, Gurus etc.--anyone who seems to have the answers. They do not yet realize that
that which they so desperately seek lies within. They feel the higher resonance of another's energy field and gravitate towards
it. It usually starts very simply, through questions like; "How did you get through this? Why are you always so calm? What
do you think about this or that?" This can be a co-worker, friend, or family member. Most of you, being loving persons, are
more than happy to help the person who suddenly unburdens but this is where you must be very aware and alert dear ones, not
allowing yourselves to drop into their energy which then becomes sympathy. It is commonly accepted that identifying with another's pain is a loving action-- "Oh you poor
person. I understand/feel your pain. How could he/she do that to you?" etc etc. When you do this, you become a part of their
energy field and make yourself available to be "drained" of energy. How many times have you experienced feeling totally "wiped
out" after being with certain people? This can only happen when you open yourselves to those seeking more energy, These dear
ones are unaware of what they are doing, but in their unhappiness and desire to be whole they draw on other's energy. We do
not like the term, but this is where the term "energy suckers" comes from. In order to serve and help those seeking help, a Light worked must work in the energy of compassion.
Practically, this means you can lovingly listen to or observe the problems presented, even offering some suggestions, but
never fully entering into the energy of what is being presented. You recognize the appearance to be illusory, with no law
to support it and based in the third dimensional consciousness. These deeper realizations NEVER prevent one from taking whatever
human footsteps may be necessary--the practical everyday tasks so often called for--whatever is needed or you are guided to
do. However, in doing these things, do not allow yourselves to be enablers--stay centered, always remembering that every individual
has a Higher Self, Guides, and a contract/plan that they themselves chose before entering into this earth experience. As we have said before, love never means being another's
door mat, nor does it mean you are tied forever to those you may not resonate with simply because they are a relative or childhood
friend. It is ok to move on when someone wants you to do their work for them. Love and compassionate action means remembering
the truth about every single individual in your consciousness--those drawn to you and those you read or hear about. Always
allow others the freedom to learn from their own mistakes while giving them the support they may need. There are times when
this may mean simply leaving someone alone. It is ego to believe one has the right or duty to "save" another. Everyone is
a spiritual being having human experiences in order to grow and evolve. This Light not only attracts family, friends, and co-workers but also attracts some on the other side who have
not yet moved into the light of their journey. There are those who do not even realize that they have transitioned to the
other side (drug overdose, accident, coma, etc.) and are confused. These dear ones often find themselves drawn to the Light
of an evolved energy field. If you experience them (often in a half awake/half asleep state) do not be afraid, but tell these
dear ones, that they need move into the Light where they will find help and guidance. You can ask for Light beings, Angels
or relatives of the person to come and guide them to where they need to be. Occasionally one will not want to leave, and you
can just say to them; "Go". Compassion is
love in action, sympathy is the three dimensional concept of it. This is Light work. This is how you plant seeds of truth and help others to evolve. We only say that as your own
energy field attracts others seeking what you have, be aware of the temptation to enter into their state of consciousness,
for you can never lift another up if you are on the same level as the problem. Humanly yes, but not spiritually. This is compassion, this is love, this is the work. We are the Arcturian Group 3/2/14 Mother Earth's Ascension Shift by the Water Spirits Mother Earth's Ascension Shift
by the Water Spirits Channelled through Natalie Glasson- Beautiful Beings upon
the Earth, remarkable shifts are occurring upon the Earth now; so many shifts are taking place it is impossible to share all
with you or for you to notice all in your realities. There is an important shift taking place upon the Earth at this time
which is connected to the divine template and blueprint of the Earth and your own being. As the Era of Love manifests upon the Earth
and love is truly becoming present within everything and everyone the Earth herself is going through massive shifts of awakening
where her energetic template and blueprint is developing being encouraged by many beings of light to advance the consciousness
present on the Earth and the way in which the Earth manifests. With the template and blueprint of the Earth shifting to be
attuned to love, many old energetic patterns, pain and suffering caused to the land and Mother Earth will be healed to create
a template of love for Mother Earth to manifest, which will gradually be attuned to be similar to your own template and blue
print of your being. Everything and everyone will exist in harmonised love with the purpose of creating and experiencing more
love. When Mother Earth and a large majority of humanity allow a large portion of their energy to be fully and eternally attuned
to love then the Earth and its humanity will be lifted up to exist in a new frequency of love. Many people may experience
this major shift as ascension and obtaining enlightenment due to the overwhelming volume of love that will be presence within
and around each person, especially those choosing to support the shift and humanity, such as yourself. This acceleration of
love will allow for those who do not yet believe in the Era of Love and that we exist in a time where we can emanate and experience
love, to experience a deep awakening and realisation of love. It will be a major shift allowing the Era of Love to truly
to be experienced with greater intensity. Some people have named this shift, the Coming of the Christ, which is appropriate
but know that love will accelerate you deeper into love emanating a loving consciousness to all. It is a shift that is waiting
to happen and will take place with divine timing as more and more people accept the power and presence of love upon the Earth
and within their beings. Everything including you is being recoded upon the Earth in order to harmonise with love therefore creating a new reality
born from love for all to experience. It is important to remember you're your thoughts and perceptions create your reality
and so a new reality born from love will first be experienced and emanated from within and through your mind then appearing
in your surroundings and experiences. The shift and alterations being made by the light beings of the Creator's universe to Mother Earth's template of creation
and blueprint, which manifests and sustain the beauty of the Earth, is connected to the divine flow of the Creator. Mother
Earth's template is being upgraded to receive and channel into the Earth and humanity greater and quicker frequencies of the
divine flow of the Creator. This means that many restrictions and limitations once placed upon the Earth and also upon your
beings as protection to ensure that chaos wasn't manifested from misunderstanding of your inner power, are now being released,
erased and deleted. In truth you are being given greater responsibility of your own creations as well as your purpose and
service to the Earth. The Earth is being allowed to accept greater volumes of light from the Creator while a new vibration
of freedom is being anchored into the Earth's template. Not only will this inspire many as it emanates from Mother Earth but
it can also be misused and misinterpreted thus if you are not consciously aware of your creations you have greater freedom
and empowerment to create that which you do not wish to experience. What I am sharing is that if you are still residing in
some old energetic habits not born from love it can give the opportunity for these to manifest, but it is more important to
focus upon remaining and existing in love with every cell of your being, every focus and awareness. This is to be of service
to the Era of Love upon the Earth and dawning within your being. As the divine flow vibration is altered and heightened within the divine
template and blueprint of Mother Earth this has a powerful impact upon the waters upon the land of Mother Earth. The
advancement of the divine flow of the Creator within Mother Earth's blueprint will signify and accelerate a deep cleansing
and purification process of all forms of water. The waters of the Earth are powerful energisers of Mother Earth's vibrations
and creations, one can discover the wisdom of Mother Earth and the Creator within the waters of the Earth, they are akin to
a sacred library and source of enlightenment. If the divine flow of the Creator penetrates the waters of the Earth, the vibration
of the water will be altered and the divine will of the Creator present within all water. The structure of the water
will modify to hold a quicker vibration attuned to the Creator acting as an amplifying of the Creator's vibration while connecting
and anchoring the Earth into a deeper space of love. As the waters shift in vibration and purify, attuning to the Creator
it will be as if the water is a mirror to the Creator allowing many people including Mother Earth herself to view, perceive,
recognise, know and attune with the Creator on a deeper level increasing the loving power of Creator upon the Earth. As purification
takes place within the Earth's water it will symbolise purification for all, the divine will and flow of the Creator will
unfold into the waters becoming more present upon the Earth. The divine flow is the sacred continuation and eternity of the Creator, the divine guidance
of the Creator and the active presence of the Creator that creates perfection upon the Earth. It is a powerful process for
Mother Earth's template, blueprint and ability to receive the divine flow of the Creator, to be upgraded and for these high
vibrational frequencies to flow into the waters of the Earth. Your physical body is comprised of water which symbolises that as Mother Earth's template
shifts and the waters carry the divine flow of the Creator, the same will occur within you and the water of your body. Due
to the water present within your body you will be able to receive, process and emanate greater volumes of the divine flow
of the Creator. Your will also experience a deep purification and cleansing within the water of your physical body and therefore
your entire being as the water also energises the presence of the Creator within your being. At this time of transformation it is important to support
the water of the Earth and your own being by imagining, sensing, acknowledging and asking for the divine flow and vibrant
light of the Creator appropriate for this time in ascension to penetrate carried upon waves of love into the water of the
Earth and the water of your own being. Imagine so much light pouring into the water of the Earth from the universe of the
Creator and from Mother Earth's template and blueprint shift, purifying and cleansing the energy of the water so it is attuned
as one with the Creator. Imagine great volumes of light from the Creator and Mother Earth pouring into your being, penetrating
the water of your body and the water all around you, let a powerful cleansing take place as the everything attunes as one
within love to be moved deeper into the presence of the Creator. This is a powerful process that allows all to exist in and
experience the presence of love more fully. In meditation take time to imagine the divine flow of the Creator and presence of the Creator within all
water, allow yourself to feel, sense and acknowledge how beautiful and significant this is for humanity and the Earth. When
you are present with water, pass it by or even drink it, take time to bless the water imagining the presence of the Creator
within the water. You can send sacred sounds, tones, words, music, images, visions or whatever you feel inspired to, into
the water to support this most sacred shift for all. The more humanity raises the vibration of the water of the Earth, the
easier Mother Earth's shift will take place and the more energy of the Creator will be present being able to penetrate the
water of the Earth, directed from the Creator and Mother Earth. Water which has been blessed or is seen as sacred brings one back to their true divine
presence. Imagine if all the water upon the Earth and within your being was blessed and sacred in the same way. Water would
be honoured as the Creator in manifestation, which it is, therefore greater truths of the Creator would be able to unfold
through this simple realisation and perception. With blessings and love, The Water Spirits God is always bringing us closer to Him. Each Word of Mine revolves across the world. I, the Creator of
the World, resonate through you. Angels are My Messengers, and you are too. Through you, My heart is disseminated. You are
the outreach of My heart. You are the route it takes. You are more powerful than you can see. With power comes responsibility.
You are more powerful for what occurs in the world than you are aware of. Be responsible for the upliftment of the world.
As your consciousness rises, you pull up the world. This is the meaning of: “As ye think, so ye sow.” Pull the
world up. God is always bringing us closer to Him. What I AM, you ARE. These are not just words I say. I do not
have a line, beloveds. I love all, and I speak to all, for, in My vantage, there is One I speak to. You and I are One, and
all those other forms you believe are others are One, and I speak to them as well. I am immersed in Oneness. Wherever I go,
Oneness. Actually, I do not go anywhere. I am established in Oneness. I sink deeply into Oneness, which is to say, that I
rise to Oneness even as I am not occupied in the process of rising. I rise by virtue of Being. |