The Arcturians: Many Changes are About to Occur
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaelle
July 24, 2011
We of the Arcturian Group come today to tell
you of the many changes taking place on your planet. You see so much chaos, but you do not see the light that is bursting
forth from within the chaos. We see the pockets of shadow now beginning to integrate the light frequencies that
you are sending and holding. Many are awakening and are also adding their new light consciousness to the shadow.
We do not say dark, evil, or use these type of terms because all darkness is simply the absence of light and these words carry
an energy that adds to the shadow. That is why we tell you to send light to people and areas that seem to be dark.
Every spark of light will brighten the shadow until the shadow is no more. You see, this is how evolution takes place.
Everything is in movement toward a consciousness of Light. All is Light, shadow is simply the unawareness of this.
Because of free will, this can be a chosen state of consciousness, however for most it is simply that until now they
have not been spiritually ready for this understanding.
Many changes are about to occur. Many
of your political game players are beginning to awaken to the childishness
of their self serving behaviors. We see them starting to question within themselves, and this is the first step in their
understanding that they were chosen to serve others and not themselves. So many of them have played these games for
so long that they believe this is how it is done. This self serving will end as more and more light enters into your
planet. In your quiet centered moments visualize these elected people awakening. Visualize
your government working together for the good of all and not just a select few. Send them light. Your visualizations
help to bring it about, for you are creators. However it is important that you do not visualize according to your personal
concepts; visualizing that which would serve only you and yours based in a belief system of duality. This
is a trap that many fall into especially those of organized religions who are taught that they know what is best for
everyone according to their limited beliefs. This is how the dark arts started. It was the selfish misuse
of energy and visualization by those that understood energy but worked with it from an unevolved state of consciousness
and interpreted it as a means of self serving.
Visualizing must be done from
a place of Universal Love; that is, Light flowing from a consciousness of One--with its only intention that of manifesting what
is highest and best for all, otherwise you play the same game as those living in the shadow.
There is much coming dear ones, this
next month will bring events and experiences that reflect the game
playing of those who would keep you in bondage; events that represent the death throes of that which is finished but refuses
to die. Keep to your Center always, and in spite of what you may see or hear, know that you can never be separate from
that which you are. You are witnessing the birth pangs of a new world consciousness and the weakening struggles of those
who believe they have the power to prevent it and who in their ignorance, continue to present self serving agendas
of fear to the world. Remember it is always your choice as to whether or not you accept fear ideas. Hold to your
center of truth in spite of any and all appearances, knowing that in your true essence you are Divine now and forever; always
one with Source.
You are doing a fine job of it, we do not mean
to say you are not, but simply wish to reiterate that when you find yourselves in the midst of intense temptation to go back
into old energy, stop, take a breath, and center. Say to yourselves
in that second of centering; "I and the Father are one" using whatever words speak to your truth. This is enough
to center and shift you out of the lower resonance presenting itself. Hold on, do not be afraid, and just
keep walking the walk of truth. As changes take place on your planet, many are going into fear, a fear of the unknown
which in turn rules and prevents them from moving forward, forcing them to stay in what is old and finished regardless of
how uncomfortable. It is your job as light workers to bring comfort and light to those who live from fear, but
only if these dear ones are open to it for every individual has free will and is permitted to live in fear if
that is their choice.
There will be and are now, many who reach out
silently or verbally; those who are ready to understand more of what is going on. This is where you as Lightworkers can step
in either with words or suggestions (seeds planted) to new understandings which in turn activate their evolutionary journey
from fear and into enlightenment. You, the awakened ones are
like the head of the arrow dear ones, experiencing the friction heat of being ahead of the game and no longer playing
by the old "rules." You represent a consciousness the majority has not yet attained and therefore does not understand
and so out of fear, those not yet spiritually awakened lash out at evolved spiritual truth with ridicule and anger -- the
crucifixion of the Christ (Light). It is terrifying for the unevolved to even consider that their foundational
belief structure may be crumbling. Truth represents a threat to all they have known and believed on all levels -- government,
churches, and God. However, very soon you will be opening your arms to the many who are quickly awakening, now
ready for that which you have to share with them.
Your tool boxes are full dear ones; you have
experienced so much. Those of you who have had every possible thing happen in your lives have said to yourselves;
"What more could possibly happen that hasn't already happened to me?" You will see now how you have been blessed
instead of cursed. You have earned the position of Lightworker, able to assist any and all who are drawn to your energy
for help and teaching. Your tool box is full to the top with experience,
and you no longer fear anything. You simply reach into your spiritual
tool box and say; "Yes, I know all about that, dear one." You become grateful for each and every experience of
this and other lifetimes, no matter how horrific or wonderful, for the puzzle is beginning to come together magnificently
and the pieces are starting to form a picture not even imagined.
We love you dear ones. Keep on keeping
on, for it won't be long before you see that your inner work is manifesting in higher and truer manifestations of Light.
Much is indeed happening although you are not yet fully aware of it.
We are in love, the Arcturian Group.